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June 02, 1977 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1977-06-02

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Poge Two


Thursday, June 2, 1977

State committee OK's Bullard bill

LANSING (UPI) - A bill
eliminating all state sanctions
against the private possession
of marijuana has won the
blessing of the house Civil
Rights Committe- and been
forwarded to the full House for
The measure, approved on a
6-3 committee vote, &ould
effectively repeal state laws
against the use of marijuana in
hames and the possession or
non - profit distrib'ttion of 100
gramns or less in private.
IT WOULD decriminalize pub-
lic use of the drug and public

possession or non-profit distri-
bution of 100 grams - or about
three ounces.
Those activities would be
placed in the civil offense cate-
gory, and would be punishable
by a maximum fine of $50.
Efforts will be made on the
House floor to substantially
modify and toughen the mea-
Rep. William Bryant, fR-
Grosse Pointe farms) said be
favors the bills concept but
thinks it goes too far. He said
he favors retaining criminal
sanctions other than jail
against the use or possession of
small amounts of pot.

the power to order probation
and drug education for young
people "in self - damaging drug
abuse situations."
Bryant's proposal would
make use of marijuana and
possession and non-profit distri-
bution of 100 grams or less a
misdemeanor, carrying a max-
imum fine of $100.
If criminal penalties for
small scale marijuana use are

eliminated, the bill's supporters
say, the police and courts
would be able to concentrate
their efforts on use and traffick-
ing of hard drugs.
Civil Rights Committee
Chairman Perry Bullard, (D-
Ann Arbor), who also is the
bill's key sponsor, said eight
states have substantially reduc-
ed penalties for marijuana use
and possession.

The concept of the commit-
tee : passed bill has been en-
dorsed by the state's Office of
Substance Abuse Services, but
representatives of that agency
say the 100 - gram may be too
The bill's opponents claim
any relaxation in the marijuana
laws would encourage the use
of a drug whose safety is still

"I DON'T think we should be
telling them there is nothing
wrong with using marijuana,"
Bryant said. "I don't think the
public support is there."
If the states retains minimal
criminal penalties for pot pos-
session, judges would still have


Parents sue to stop child's graduafion
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. asked for unspecified compen- The suit said the only grade
- The parents of a 19-year- satory damages. Elizabeth repeated was kinder-
d woman are suing Broward "This is something we never garten. She went to a public
tunty schools to block her wanted to do," Alice Garrett school for kindergarten, then
aduation from Northeast High said. attended private school for a
hool next Monday, claiming "This is something we hate year before entering a public
e has not learned enough. to do, but we have no alterna- first-grade class. After third
George and Alice Garrett of tive." grade, she was again moved to
irt Lauderdale said the SCHOOL SUPT. James Maur- a private school, returning to
hools should pay for more er refused to respond to the public schools in the ninth
struction until their daugh- charges. He said he would not grade.
r, Elizabeth, catches up. comment until he was served The suit charges that Eliza-
IN THE SUIT filed Tuesday with the lawsuit, and might not beth has always been mistreat-
Circuit Court, the Garretts say anything then. ed in the school system, but
especially since 1973 when she
Ius e was placed in a Northeast
High School program for men-
tally handicapped students, bas-
ed on a 1968 evaluation. The
1 test indicated her IQ was 66,
'Vj 11of / fl the suit said.
yo V < Ow/ THE SUIT charged that
placement in the program vio-
lated a state law requiring re-
evaluation of exceptional stu-
dents every three years. The
suit said that when Elizabeth
was tested again in March 1975
she had an IQ of 77, too high
for the handicapped program.
She was then moved to an-
other Northeast program, with
emphasis in basic math, En-
glish and vocational training.
But last October, the suitsaid,
Elizabeth was put in regular
high school courses for the first
Alice Garrett said Elizabeth
has not been able to function in
the regular program. She said
tests last June showed Eliza-
beth worked at fourth-grade
level in English and second- to
third-grade in math.
If you think family planning means The Garretts haveebeen ask-
y y p ging the schools since January
taking measures to prevent 1976 to pay for a private insti-
unwanted pregnancies...you're tution but have been turned
only partially right. Certainly, down.
family planning does offer ways to THE MICHIGAN DAILY
have children only when you want volume LXXXvit, No. 21-
Thursday, June 2, 1f77
them, can afford them the best ..s. is eiteT and manged by students
and can love them the most. -at the University of Michigan. News
-: phone 764-0562. Second class postage
paid at Ann Aebar, Michigan 4819.
But did you know that family planning Published daily Tuesday through
also means: Sunday morning during the Univer-
sity year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann
. mak in sure you're healthy beforeArbor. Michigan 48109. Subscription
- m n rrates: $12 Sept. thru April (2 semens-
during, and after pregnancy ters); $13 by mail outside Ann
.and heling solve frtility Summer session published Tues-
* ctpnse ng r y day through Saturday morning.
problems for couples who want to have Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann
Arbor; $7.50 by mail outside Ann
children but can't Arbor.
ocoinseling and assisting men on their ~ - - -
role in family planning
e counseling young people about their
problems and how having a baby can
affect their health and their lives.
So be sure you know ALL about family
planning ... it means more than you may.
hav e thougt rR+
All. these services are
available from the family planningi4
clinic in your community, your local
health department, or your own physician.
F_)~.A Oii Ai i 0 IAEi * i

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