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June 01, 1977 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1977-06-01

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araa 1.ne 1 1977


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Page Three
Drinking bill OK'd
LANSING (UPI)-Legislation raising Michigan's legal drinking
age to 19 won overwhelming approval yesterday in the state
Two bills sponsored by Sen. James DeSana (D-Wyandotte)
that represent Michigan's first major revision of the 1972 Age
of Majority Act were sent to the House by margins of 33-3 and 32-3.
THE 1972 LAW granted full majority rights to 18-year-olds,
4ncluding the privilege of drinking alcoholic beverages.
Senate members were swayed, however, by testimony from
school officials indicating that teenaged drinking has led to serious
disciplinary problems in Michigan's high schools.
There were also indications that teenage involvement in traffic
accidents has been 'on the increase since 1972. Those statistics,
however, were disputed by the liquor industry and by some state
THE LEGISLATION would apply only to persons who become
See STATE, Page 7
Med examiner calls
VA deaths murder

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Lawyers plead
So you say you've just been hit by a car and
you want -to press charges. Maybe your
cousin's in jail for not paying up those old
parking tickets. Or perhaps you're just shop-
ping for a good family lawyer.
Well, thanks to a law passed eariler this
year Michigan residents need look no farther

-for customers

Special To The Daily
DETROIT-A New York City
medical examiner whose spe-
cialty is investigating deaths due
to poisoning, believes that two
Veterans, Administration (VA)
hospital patients who suffered
respiratory failures during the
summer of 1975 were murdered.
Dr. Michael Baden gave his
opinion to the jury yesterday,
as the VA murder trial conclud-
ed its second month of testi-
Baden, New York City's depu-
ty chief medical examiner, has
personally p e r f a r m e d "well
more than 10,000 autopsies and
assisted in 40,000 others." He
testified that the deaths of pa-
tients John Herman and Joseph
Brown were "compatible with
muscle relaxants."
"MY OPINION as to Mr. Her-
man's cause of death," Baden
said, "is that it is due to acute
Pavulon poisoning due to the
unauthorized administration of
the drug Pavulon."
Baden said that the cause of
death for Joseph Brown was the
same -"acute Pavulon poison-
ing" from "unauthorized admin-
istration" of the powerful mus-
John Herman, a 73 year old
double amputee, was admitted
to the VA on July 23, and was
found dead seven days later.
Joseph Brown, an 83 year old
diabetic, was found dead on
August 15, the night of four
other mysterious breathing fail-
ures at the VA.
Regarding a third patient,

Adam Olberg, Baden would only
say that he died "of. a respira-
tory arrest."
"I CANNOT, with the same
degree of medical certainty, give
the reason for the respiratory
arrest," Baden said, because of
"the nature in which he (Olberg)
Olberg, 59, was transferred to
the VA from Saginaw on the
30th of July. Legally blind,
emaciated, and missing his toes
from a bout with gangerine, 01-
berg stopped breathing on Aug-
ust 14 and survived for about
ten days afterwards. Last
month, Olberg's primary physi-
cian testified that the patient
had been "on a downhill course"
See MED, Page 11
raped near
Law JFQuad
A 23-year-old Ann Arbor wo-
man was raped Saturday morn-
ing at approximately 3 a.m. be-
hind the Law Quad. Police said
the woman was on S. Univer-
sity near"E. University when a
man grabbed her by the hair
and proceeded to "slap her
around". The man then forced
her to go behind the Law Qupd.
Police are withholding addi-
tional information pending fur-
ther investigation.

than the Yellow Pages. In recent months rather
dignified advertisements for members of the
legal profession have begun to creep into the
phone directory, b u m'p i n g right up against
pitches for lawn furniture and sewer cleaning
ON JANUARY 17, Michigan became the first
state to allow lawyers to advertise in their
office windows and put more information in.
their Yellow Pages ads.
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The new ruling permits lawyers to place up
to a quarter-page ad in the Yellow Pages. The
ad can include biographical and educational
data, office hours, location, directions and the
initial consulting fee if there is one. Consumer,
groups hope the advertisement of consultation
fees will encourage competition among law r
firms for prospective clients.°
TO MOST local attorneys passage of the law
came as no surprise. But few have taken ad-
vantage of it yet, choosing to wait for the reac-
tion of their parent organization, the AmericanR
Bar Association (ABA).
Ann Arbor attorney John Toomey said her
was "a little squeamish" about the newly-
expanded freedom of advertising.
Toomey said his firm would probably takeb
a vote of its-members about whether or not to
See LAWYERS, Page 7
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From Nero to Byrd?
As the most accomplished country fiddler in the
U. S. Senate, Robert Byrd, finds that his services
are much in demand. But would the Democratic
majority leader play at a Republican fund-raising
dinner? It could happen. First the Republicans and
then the Democrats held big fuid-raising dinners in
Washington in recent weeks. The day before the
Democratic dinner, Byrd mentioned on the Senate
floor that he "may be asked to play a tune or two
on my violin." Then he added, "I do not know why
I wasn't asked to attend last Thursday's function"
(the GOP dinner) to play my violin. It is a nonparti-
san violin. It knows no political party. It plays just
as well for Republican ears as it does for Demo-
cratic hearts." To which Sen. Howard Baker, the
minbrity leader, replied, "I envy the majority
leader his great talent ... and I assure him that on
the next Republican occasion we will solicit his aid
and assistance in regaling our audience with his
renditions." The next day, hours before the Demo-.
cratic dinner, Baker offered .one final comment: "I

hope my Democratic colleagues tonight, as they
watch the performance of the distinguished major-
ity leader, are not reminded that he is fiddling while
the party burns."
... are svelte today, but here goes, an exhibition
of works by area artists called Photographic Group
Seven will start at 9 a.m. at the Union Gallery, the
show runs until June 30 . . . and at 7:30 p.m., the
Ann Arbor Supporters of the United Farm Work-
ers will meet on the fourth floor of the Union,
enjoy . . .
Deep in the darkest jungles .. .
Maurice Hopkins' search for a very special lion
has taken him into the deepest, darkest and dust-
iest recesses of London's antique stores, but as yet
the safari has yielded no sign of the lion that killed
Hopkins' uncle in 1894. Why is he looking for a lion
in an antique store, you ask? Simple, the lion is
stuffed. The family tale began in 1894 along the

shores of Lake Nyasa, which now divides Malawi
and Mozambique. Hopkins' uncle, Dr. Elrington Mc-
Kay, was out hunting one day when he and the
golden beast tangled. McKay, although mortally
wounded, managed to shoot the lion. When he died
a few days later, the dead jungle cat was stuffed,
sent back to England, and lost. The maneater has
become something of a holy grail to McKay's de-
scendants, who have been searching for the lion for
over 30 years. Another uncle of Hopkins' learned of
the lion's whereabouts during World War II, but
lost track of the stuffed animal before the family
could buy it.
On the outside
We've all been wondering when this idyllic cli-
mate would change, 'and the time is now. Today's
high of 69 ought to bring us all abruptly back to
reality, and cloudy skies with morning rain will be
the icing on the cake, so to speak. The low tonight
will be in the upper 40's, so go get all those blankets
you put away for the summer, you're going to need

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