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June 01, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-06-01

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The Michigan Daily


Vol. LXXXVII, No. 20-S

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, June 1, 1977

1 0 Cents 16 Pages plus Supplement

Rhodesian raiders hit Mozambique

SALISBURY, Rhodesia (P) - troops had met "practically no NLA) into southeastern Rhode-
Rhodesian commandos on a resistance," apparently be- sia.
search - and - destroy mission cause most guerrillas fled or Military sources said the op-
have seized a town 60 miles in- were already in Rhodesia. eration was launched to destroy
side neighboring Mozambique a network of camps from
and intend to hold it until they GEN. PETER WALLS, the which guerrillas were prepar-
have routed all black' guer- commander of the combined ing a "major offensive" into
rillas from the area, military forces, said the raid had effec- southeastern Rhodesia.
commanders said yesterday. tively "disrupted" operations by "Troops will be withdrawn
At a briefing for reporters, Robert Mugabe's Zimbabwe from Mozambique as soon as
the commanders said their National Liberation Army (ZA they complete their task of
Rape suspect Finklea tried
on separate robbery charge

eliminating . . . terrorists from
the area in question and de-
stroying or removing arms,
ammunition or equipment
dumps or caches," a Rhodesian
military spokesperson said.
commandos - including both
black and white troops - slic-
ed into Mozambique late Sat-
urday and by Monday morning
had destroyed four guerrilla
One of these was a headquar-
ters complex described as the W
"controlling center" for all
guerrilla incursions into south-
eastern Rhodesia. It was said
to be near Mapai, 60 miles
southeast of the convergence of
the Mozambican, Rhodesian and
South African borders and on.
.the main highway between Rho-
desia and Maputo, capital ..of
The Marxisf government of
Mozambique claimed the raid-

ers, numbering about 700 and
backed by jets and helicopters,
struck three of its army bases.
The Soviet new agency Tass
said Mozambique had launched
a "wide counteroffensive."
spokesman said the raid was in
"hot pursuit of Rhodesian ter-
rorists and no one else" and
limited to the southeastern bor-
Mugabe's ZANLA is merged
in a fragile alliance with other
guerrillas led by Joshua Nko-
mo who are based in Zambia
and Botswana. The two armies,
seeking to topple Ian Smith's
white minority regime, are be-
lieved to have about 2,5110 guer-
rillas inside Rhodesia and 6,000
The raid was the biggest air-
ground operation mounted by
Rhodesia in four and a half
years of fighting with the black
nationalist guerrillas.

Robert Finklea, long-time suspect in the series
of attacks upon Ann Arbor women last fall, be-
gan trial yesterday on a separate charge of un-
armed robbery.
Finklea is accused to attacking University
sophomore Evelyn Buckley and robbing her of
two small bags of groceries last October 13.
PROSECUTING attorney William Delhey con-
firmed two weeks ago that Finklea is still con-
sidered a suspect in last fall's rash of attacks,
but police have not formally charged him with
the crimes. None of the victims have identified ~
Finklea as their assailant.
Buckley testified yesterday that she was walk-
ing on South University toward Oxford when she
heard footsteps behind her which began to
quicken. At first, she said, she thought the
sounds came from a jogger. She testified that a
man suddenly grabbed her from behind, holding
her so tightly with his forearm that she began
to choke.
"I panicked," she said. "I didn't know what
to do." She said she resisted the attack, trying to
pull away from the man and scream until her
assailant threatened her. "He said to shut up
or he'd kill me. He told me to be quiet or he'd

kill me. He kept repeating that."
BUCKLEY SAID when she dropped the bags
of groceries she was cafrying, the attacker pick-
ed them up with his free arm. He then dragged
her across the street, at which time she said they
were noticed by two students, Charles Joseph
dra Rnb rt'Sheehv who were returnine from

a1Un U f 1, 31C y, W1 ' 1U 11F [VI
their fraternity house.
testified. "He was strangling her. We could hear
her gasping and choking. "l
When Sheehy and Joseph approached, and the
attacker fled with the bags of groceries. Sheehy FDAacoe pkpolicy
said he noticed a pack of cigarettes and a pack-
age of cigarette papers which the man dropped. WASHINGTON ('-A special panel of experts said yesterday
Sheehy said he carefully picked up the items that the lid of secrecy under which the Food and Drug Adminis-
by the edges and later turned them over to the trra thertes should be lifted and the public given a look at the
police. Prosecution Attorney Robert Cooper way the agency decides the fate of new drugs.
claims the fingerprints found on the pack of w t acdecides t fe of ne rugs.
cigarettes match those of Robert Finklea. Dr. David Rai, a member of the review panel on new drug
Neither Buckley nor Sheehy could positively regulations, told a news conference, "The FDA really is a large
identify Finklea as the man they saw that night, black box that no one can penetrate. No one knows what happens
although Sheehy said Finklea looked "very inside."
much" like the assailant. In opening statements, THE PANEL said the system of new drug regulation by FDA
however, the prosecution said Charles Joseph "is fundamentally sound" and the agency is neither pro- nor anti-
had a "long clear look" at the attacker, and industry, but it said the system needs substantial improvements.
would be able to identify him as Finklea. The panel's final report, summarizing 16 lengthy interim re-
There was not time yesterday for Joseph's ports and two years of probes, recommended that Congress adopt
testimony. See EXPERT, Page 12

Poster child reigns
over dystrophy days
Withstanding Michigan's weather and the adult hooplA with
the dignity of a princess, Traci Lynch, 6, took time off her busy
schedule yesterday to promote the upcoming Muscular Ilystro-
phy slow-pitch invitational softball tournament.
Traci, daughter of Thomas and Mary Ann Lynch, is this
year's Washtenaw County Poster Child and was picked Michi-
gan's runner-up poster child for Muscular Dystrophy.
ACCORDING TO TRACI'S MOTHER, she has taken the sud-
den fame of a poster child in stride.
"It doesn't seem to bother her. She enjoys all the attention
she has been getting," her mother said.
While waiting for various VIPs - including Eastern Michi-
gan University (EMU) President James Brinkley and EMU bas-
ketball coach Ray Scott - Traci checked out the fire engine,
rang the silver bell a few times and gazed at her reflection in
the bright red finish.
Traci's duties will include reigning over the softball game and
art exhibit on June 18 and 19 at EMU, provided she gets a leave
of absence from a scheduled hospital visit.
THE SOFTBALL game is sponsored by firefighters from Ypsi-
lanti City, Ypsilanti Township, Ann Arbor and nine surrounding
area fire departments. All proceeds from the $1.00 gate donation
will go towards the fight against Muscular Dystrophy.
In addition to the softball game, the firefighters are sponsor-
ing an art exhibit at the same time and place. All art on display
will be for sale.
Ruth Mayhew, coordinator for the art exhibit, urges all artists
to come to the game and display their art work. The only re-
quirement to enter works of art is a 20 per cent donation of alt
profits made while at the exhibit.

FIREFI HTER WILLIAM RIDER presents Traci Lynch with a necklace making her an honorary
member of the Ypsilanti fire departsAent. Traci, 6, the Washtenaw County Poster Child for Mus-
cular Dystrophy, sits on the lap of her mother, Mary Ann' Lynch.

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