Saturday, May 28, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three W9 Saturday, May 28, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three Students to build own cameras in 'U' course By LISA FISHER Photography is defied in as many different ways as there are photographers. To some it is only a way to capture experiences and remember friends, to others it is a highly' tecnical art forn In some circles, photography is consid- ered a sophisticated art form. Beginning June 4, University students enrolled in an ex- tension photography course. will have a chance to develop their own definition of photography as they construct view cameras. View cameras use large film and the photographer. focuses on his subject through the back. UNDER the supervision of Professor of Architecture Lester Fader, these students will design and build their own view cameras from wood and other materials. Fader, a spe- cialist in design graphics said, "I've made it. possible for an awful lot of people to become involved with large format cameras at uitc a reduced cost. "They have the fun of making their own instruments," he added. After working with camera construction for five years,1 Fader had developed a number of new techniques inciuding experimentation withi making view cameras for plexi-glass, dellin (a type of black nylon) and various special woods.- sI ye managed to simplify how the camera works.kIt's possible for anyone with reasonable shop skills to make a view camera," Fader explained. Because of its ability to control perspective and depth of field, the view camera, with its four by five inch nega-. tive is an instrument primarily used for architectural, scenic, studio and still-life photography. 'mAFTER completing the course, sttdents will have a camera which resemibles a perfect seven inch square, with y black pleat bellows, rosewood veneer and brass hardware. Fader's perscnol camera received recognition in the December 1976 issue of Modern Photography. ie has also received inquiries about its construction from all over the world. The four weak course will meet four times a week in the Architecture and De-ign Building on North Campus. Students will receive two credits for completing the course. Materials for the camera making class, excluding the lens, are expectsd to cost each student about $25. In com- parison, a commercial view camera would cost nearly $200, without a lens. 'U' specialist By KEITH B. RICHBURG Dionis' three quest. special to the nay Was the patient's respira D)ETROIT - The prosecution began patible with what your winding up its arguments in the Veter- see "aused by a msci an's Administration Hospital murder (2) would muscle-relax trial yesterday by bringing Dr. John reasnable explanation Weg, a pulmonary specialist at Univer- tiont; (3) could there b sity lispital, to the stand. sonable medical explant Two VA hospital nurses, Leonora For all but three pal Pere and Filipina Narciso, are being the breathing failuresv charged with the mysterious breathing with the effects of ar failires of 11 patients in the summer of He said drugs were a r 197i and the subsequent deaths of two natin for the patient'u patients ure., and gave no othe WEG REVIEWED a list of the VA pa- nation. ients swho suffered breathing failures and offered his opinion on each case. TWO OF TE three p Assistant U. S. Attorney Richard De- uncertain about were th lonis presented Weg with three ques- failurec which were f ions on each case in order to link the Herman, a 73-year-old breathing failures to an injection of who died on- July 30, W Pavulon, a powerful muscle-relaxing there could be" explant drug. a muscle relaxant. Fo Angola claims its army crushedextremistrevolt JOIlANNESBURG, South Af- rica (M)-Angola's Marxist Pres- ident Agosthino Neto announced yesterday that his forces had crushed a revolt by army ex- tremists after street fighting that killed many men and wo- men. In a radio address monitored here, Neto gave no details of the fighting but said "drastic meas- ures" would be taken to prevent forther disorders in his central African country. NrO IDENTIFIED the coup loilers as former Interior Min- ister Nito Alves and former po- litical commissar Jose Van Du- nem, jailed since last Saturday, when they were purged from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Angola (MPIA). Western observers say the two are pro-Moscow hardliners op- posed so Neto's plans for attract- ing Western investments and re- ducing dependence on the Soviet bloc. Neto said the rebels had "mis- interpreted" his ideology and that those responsible for the revolt would be punished "with utmost severity." THERE WAS no indication whether Neto's Soviet advisers or the 10,000-15,000 Cuban troops stationed in the former Portu- guese colony played any part in the day's events. The Cubans remained in Angola after help- ing the MPLA defeat two pro- Western groups in the 1975 An- golan civil war. A correspondent for the Yugo- slav news agency Tanjug quoted a Cuban soldier checking 'identi- fication papers as saying "the reaction has been overcome, what else." The Soviet news agency Tass reported the uprising was staged by forces of "imperialism and internal reaction." BEFORE NETO'S speech, loy- alist forces broadcasting on Ra- dio Luanda said the rebels had seized the radio station and at- tempted to storm the presiden- tial palace, army headquarters and the city prison before being "totally crushed." "Forces faithful to Comrade President Agostinho Neto again control our station," a loyalist annotncer said. "We are again ni the air. Long live Comrade Agostinho Neto." When the dissidents controlled the station, an announced said the radio was under the control of "MPLA militants" who had "ended the march our country iwas taking to the precipice." Tanjug said shooting and.ex- plosions were heard in the capi- tal from 3 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. local time. Radio Luanda, then in the hands of the rebels, broadcast a call for a mass demonstration in front of the presidential palace. P'SC grants Edison electric rate boost LANSING (UPI)-In a decision likely to please no one, the state Public Service Commission yesterday granted the Detroit Edison Co. a $65.3 million electric rate hike. Edison had asked for a $130.6 million increase, and there were indications the giant utility may file a new rate request within a month. FOR EDISON'S 1.5 million residential customers, however, the PSC decision means the monthly electric bill will go up for the third time in just over a year-this time by an average of 38 cents. Yesterday's meeting was Commissioner William Rails' last hurrah as a P'SC member, and it was a stormy one. Rails, who is leaving the PSC Wednesday to seek the Demo- cratic gubernatorial nomination, vigorously dissented from the decision of the Republican majority as he has in virtually every major rate case since joining the commission in 1972. COMMISSION Chairman Daniel Demlow, whose public relation- ship with Rails has been chilling steadily, delivered perhaps his strongest rebuke ever to his colleague, accusing Rails of using See PSC, Page S testifies at VA trial ions were: (1) tory arrest com- would expect to e-relaxing drug; ing drugs be a (for this condi- e any other rea- ation? tients, Weg said were compatable muscle relaxant. easonable expla- s breathing fail- r mrdical expla- patients Weg was e only breathing fatal. For John double amputee' eg said "I think ations other than r 83-year-old Jo- sepi: Brown, who was found dead on Augist 15, Wig said, "there is nothing that would rule out (muscle relaxant) but there is nothing that would prove it either." Delonis then informed Weg that the bodies of both Brown and Herman had been exhumed, and that an FBI toxi- cologist had found Pavulon in their tissue. "I think this would clarify the imme- diate cause of death," Weg said. Weg added that the Pavulon, discovered in the bodies almost a year after the two patients were buried was "the most reasonable explanation" for the deaths of Brown and Herman. THE ONLY other patient Weg hesi- tated about was 46-year-old Howard Les- lie, who was admitted to the VA hospital after a fall from a ladder. Les- lie 4topped -breathing on August 13. His breathing failure was immediately fo- lowed by a heart attack which compli- cated the diagnosis. Weg said Leslie's bgreathing failure was complicated by the effects of Pav- ulon, and the doctor admitted that he personally did not have another explana- tion. He added however that Leslie's case was "not as clear cut as the oth- ers" Weg commented individually on all but the three patients who had stopped breathing on August 15. THURSDAY, Doctor Anne Till, for- mer VA chief of anesthesiology, told the jury how she revived Bennie Blaine, John McCrery and William Loesch using reversal drugs. Weg said that based on Doctor Hill's success with the reversal drugs, he was sure that each breathing failure had 'been caused by a muscle relaxant. See 'U', Page 5 TODAY Turn back the sheets The Oregon House tossed and turned but finally voted 50 to seven to repeal a law that says inn- keepers must have bedsheets at least nine feet long. The bill to repeal now goes to the senate. The bed- sheet bill was sponsored by Rep. Nancie Fadeley who can't say why the law got -on the- books *in the first place. It's been there since 1909, along with a $50 a day fine. for violations. Dissident Rep. Mike Ragsadale, a six-footer, said that tall people need long gsheets. He said he would have sought "vigorous enforcement of the law" - if he had been aware of it, An honest man Former President Gerald Ford is to deliver the commencement address Saturday when his son Michael graduates from divinity school. Asked to comment on the speech, Ford said, "I'-m an ordi- nary person." We couldn't agree more. Happenings this would be a good weekend to go home, because it seems like that's what everyone else must b doing since there's almost nothing hap- pening, but here they are anyway, today, noth- ing ... Sunday, the Outing Club features hiking, meet at Rackham N. entry, 1:30. pm. ... Mon- day, nothing ... Tuesday, the American Associa- tion of University Women (AAUW) needs used books, records, magazines, etc. for fall book sale, call 769-9254 or 663-5201 ... and the final event in a boring weekend the Rowing Club will meet at the Village Dell at 8 p.m. Tuesday .. . On the outside The weather will be just like it has ben - hot and humid - for the entire extended weekend. Highs will be in the mid-h0's and lows will be in the mid-50's. Skies will be blue and sunny, so sit back and enjoy.