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May 27, 1977 - Image 9

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Michigan Daily, 1977-05-27

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price range here at Tech Hiti than any-
where else.
You should take advantage of that.
Take advantage
of our salespeople.
Our people know what they're
talking about. And they'll take the time
to explain anything you want to know
about stereo.
If you have some questions, or
want to hear demonstrations of the lat-
est products, take advantage of the good
nature of a Tech Hifi salesperson.
Take advantage
of our guarantees.
All Tech Hifi equipment (except
items sold at our Bargain Center) is
backed by our 14-point Consumer Pro-
tection Plan.
So if you're dissatisfied with what
you buy from us, you can take advan-
tage of our 7-Day Moneyback Guaran-
tee. Or if a piece of equipment proves
defective, you can exercise our 60-Day
Defective Exchange Guarantee. (We'll
tell you about all fourteen guarantees
when you come to see us).

for the price.
A Tech Hifi package deal saves
you money. Here are two examples:

Philips . I I
For critic-al music listeners on a
budget, we heartily recommend this
$399 system featuring the well-de-
signed Nikko 3035 stereo receiver,
famous K LH 101 loudspeakers and a
Philips 427 belt-drive semi-automatic
If you have $699 to spend, you
won't find a better-sounding music
system for the money than this one.
It combines the Nikko 7075 stereo
receiver with Ohm D2 optimally-vented
loudspeakers and the Technics SL 23
belt-drive semi-automatic turntable.

Shop and Compare.
Marantz 2220B receiver....................$159.
Sansui 5050 receiver.........................$175.
Pioneer 1250 receiver................ $499.
Technics 5060 receiver...........$119.
Marantz 6100 turntable...............$ 75.
Garrard 770M auto turntable..........,$ 79.
Thorens 145 turntable......................$149.
B*l*C 940 turntable (complete)...... $ 95.
KLH 17 loudspeakers (pr.)........$129.
Marantz Imperial 5G speakers(pr.)... $ 99.
Miracord 760 turntable (complete).. $119.
Also, come in for the lowest prices
on all Pioneer, Sansui, and Kenwood
Tech Hifi
Takes Hifi



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In Michigan: East Lansing, Dearborn, Detroit, East Detroit, Royal Oak, Mt. Clemens, Rochester and Southgate.
Stores also in Ohio, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New England.


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