17 97 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three Friday, May L t, ''2 Locals oppose townhouse development 'By GREGG KRUPA City Council meeting, more than 50 of the area's resi- Green-provide shopping facilities for the Village Green dents came to a public hearing on the proposed rezon- development, Traver Lakes and Traver Knoll and Ann Arbor City Council is in the process of consider- ing. Many voiced vigorous opposition to the project, North Campus. ing the rezoning of a 38.3 acre parcel of land on Nixon, mostly on the grounds that the additional population Jan Roth complained about the high concentration Road, north of Plymouth Road. The land is currently woul doverburden the area's road, shopping and recre- of rental facilities in the area. zoned as "township," which allows for the building of ational facilities. "WE NEED more Oroperty owners to provide stabil- single-family dwellings. Residents complained of the amount of traffic on ity to the land area," Rath said. "That's why I don't If rezoned to "C-3" as proposed, the area could be the Nixon Road. glen Brightener suggested that the city's want to see City Council rezone the land." site of Parkway Meadows, a 350-unit townhouse develop- traffic study of Nixon Road, which portrayed it as a The residents have some basis for their claims. A sent. Two hundred ten units would house elderly citi- low-volume thoroughfare, may draw specious conclu- demographic map of the city prepared by the Ann zens and 140 units would be for families. sions." Arbor city planning department shows the area to be RENTAL SUBSIDIES could be available for tenants "THE STUDY was done over spring break when one of the lowest on the index of neighborhood services. throsgh Section 8 of the Housing and Community De- many families were out of town," said Brightener. "It But, a high source in city government who refused vetoupment Act of 1974 if' the Michigan State Housing was also done at, a time of the day when traffic flow to be identified said he thought the area's residents Development Authority (MSHDA) approves of the plan. is usually at a minimum." were motivated by considerations other than the lack However, the review by the MSDA is not the only Many of the residents expressed concern'that the de- of facilities. hurdle city planners must face if they hope to erect velopment would overburden the area's shopping cen- "I THINK their arguments cover up a fear of low the development on the proposed site. At last Monday's ters. Two centers - Plymouth Mall and Plymouth- See LOCALS, Page 12 'U' considerS new - - - - g maternity policy By MARY EILEEN DAI.EY The University's personnel de- partment has been presented with a set of proposed guidelines which would govern employe maternity leave. Presently, the University has no steadfast policy regarding such leaves of absence. Requests for maternity leave are handled on an individual basis. There is no set time before expected de- livery when a woman is excused from work, and no determined time when she must return. A woman may take a disability leave when she is deemed "un- able to work." DEFINING WHEN a pregnant woman is no longer able to work has caused confusion for em- ploves wishing to take a leave and has caused the personnel department to suspect that some women may be taking more time off than is actually needed. "Wp'think there's abuse," said RTssell Reister. "There's wo- men going out (on disability leave) 6-8 weeks before delivery and 6-8 weeks after." This suspected abuse prompt- ed the personnel department to seek specific maternity guide- lines. TO DETERMINE precisely how much time off a woman needs before and after the birth of her child, the University's Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology was consulted. According to the department, a "healthy pregnant woman who has no complications may be expected to continue to work throughout pregnancy."Depart- ment'iembers added that three weeks is a sufficient recovery time following delivery. Using this information, Reis- ter and Charles Allmand of the academic affairs office have suggested a set of guidelines to cover normal pregnancies and deliveries. THEY PROPOSE that women not be granted sick time before delivery, although vacation time or an excused absence could be taken. They further suggested that sick time be granted three weeks after delivery, and any time off exceeding three weeks would be without pay. Copies of the guidelines have been sent to University deans, directors and department heads for feedback. Need bucks quick? Try' 'U' loans By LISA FISHER Suppose you needed $100 in a hurry. low would you get the money? Rob a batk? Ilid up your roommate? F o r t i n a t e 1 y, such extreme me-isures aren't neces- sary. The University can pro- vide the extra money isi pinch through its emergenc,. loan program. STUDENTS requesting emer- gency loans must be enrolled in the current term and must not have any outstanding debts to the University. Students need only fill out a See TRY, Page 12 Deal falls through Real estate agents were about to make a sale on Bille Woodbeck's home in Livonia Sunday when a small problem developed. The prospect was about to sign on the dotted line when a thunder- storm toppled a hickory tree onto the roof of the house. The prospective buyers ran for their car saying they had reconsidered.- New IM hours if that late racquetball game you played last week was called because of darkness when they shut the lights off, rejoice! The Central Campus . Recreation Building is extending its hours on Tues- days and Thursdays. The new schedule is: 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday and Friday; 8 to 8 on Tuesday and Thursday; and 8' to 5 Satur- day. The change takes place May 31. Happenings. ... the Washtenaw County Muscular Dystrophy Association is looking for volunteer camp attendants for a camp to be held at Decatur, Michigan from June 17 to 25 --call 769-8432 for more info ... the International Center, 603 E. Madison, tackles the TODAY great outdoors this afternoon with a canoe trip, leaving from the center at 4 p.m. ... GEQis spon- soring a happy hour for all GSA's from 4 to 6 p.m. at 514 E. William .. and the Spring BFA art show opens at the Art School's Schlusser Gallery at 8 p.m. Baby Driver The driver got up to go to school in Ionia yes- terday. He got his dog, sat down in the car, eased it out of the driveway and went for a short spin through the countryside. Nothing unusual about that, except that the driver was only three years old and he really did travel through the country- side -/-a wheat field, a grove of oak trees and -several ditches. Concerned neighbors called the police after the car tipped over, but 3-year-old Michael Ward and his dog were both uninjured. "He wasn't going so fast, but he sure knew how to drive," said Sheriff William Bensinger. "He'd get down on the floor and operate the pedals, then .get back up in the seat once he got the vehicle moving and steer it." Mario Andretti, look out. On the outside Imagine how bored the people in Honolulu must by - they get this weather every day. Look for sunny skies, a high of 84, and an overnight low in the low 60's, followed by more of the same tomorrow. Almost makes you nostalgic for snow.