Doge Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, May 27, 1977 Moluccans release first hostage ASSEN, The Netherlands (2') - Asian terrorists holding a village school and a train freed their first hostage yester- day, a sick child at the school, but dis- played a hostage with a rope around his neck a' the train. A band of six terrorists, who held about 105 children and six teachers at the school in nearby Bovensmilde, re- leased a 7- or 8-year-old girl who com- plained of feeling ill. Officials said she was suffering from "internal troubles.' MADELENE WITJES, wrapped in a blanket and taken away by ambulance, was the first hostage freed by the ter- i orists since the early hours after their twin attacks Monday morning, when the Asian militants seized the school and hijacked an intercity train about 10 miles away. At the train, where the hijackers have 'S hostages, they pushed a bound and nlindfolded man out onto the tracks. He was dressed in white - the color of death in the Orient - and had a noose around his neck. He stood there for 20 minutes and then was yanked back aboard the train. A spokeswoman for the Dutch Minis- try said the terrorists, who had also displayed three blindfolded captives Wednesday night, were clearly trying to show authorities they were serious about their threats to kill hostages unless their demands were met. in a campaign to force the Dutch to help them win independence from Indo- nesia for their island homeland, once a Dutch colony. The extremists have also demanded a jumbo jet to fly them, their freed countrymen and at least some hostages io an undisclosed location. Dutch Premier Joop den Uyl reat- THE TERRORISTS have demanded firmed that the government would not that the Dutch government free 21 South negotiate a deal with the gunmen until Moluccans jailed for political violence the children were released. Just kick on a pair of Scholl "hang on' Scholl Sandals exercise Exercise Sandals-the sandals that your legs while you walk. were made for comfort and look as So be a real fox, and take advan- great as the feel. Comfortable 'cause tage of this special offer from the they're made of cool, sculpted people who make special sandals. beechwood and soft foam-padded Sandals that look great, feel great and leather straps. Great looking 'cause exercise your legs all at the same time. they go with all the casual things you Scholl Exercise Sandals-o wear. And because they have a they're fantastic. special toe grip that makes your toes Better than barefoot Specialul.) refund direct from Scholl Exercise Sandals. Get a $1.00 rebate on the purchase of Scholl Exercise Sandals by sending the front label from thc sandal box to: Dept. 5680, Scholl, Inc, 213 West'Schiller, Chicago, Illinois 60610. A I I I SCity State ip .. IOffer good only anril March 31. 1978. Void where prohibited by law Please allow sin weeksI L...--------------------------197i7nSchollInc. interview takes third NEW YORK 6R1} - David Frost's fourth television inter- view with former President Richard Nixon placed third in overnight ratings from New York, Chicago -and Los Angeles in one set of ratings. Another rater said it was No. 1 in Los Angeles and No. 2 in New York. A. C. Nielsen reported the Wednesday night interview had a 22 per cent share of the New York and Los Angeles audi- ences and 20 per cent in Chi- cago. _ Arbitron, which issues over- night figures for New York and Los Angeles only, said Nix- on-Frost was the top draw in the West Coast city with a 24 per cent share, while it was rated second with a 17 per cent share in New York, half of what ABC was drawing. THE MICHIGAN DAILY Volume LXXXVII, No. 18-8 Friday, May 27, 1977 is edited and managed by students 0t the tUniverstty at Michiga. News phone 754.050. Second class psstsge paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Published daity Tuesdsy through Sunday morning daring the Univer- sity yes at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor. Michigs4 "109. Subscription eaten: $12 Sept. theu April (2 semes- ters): $13 by mail autside Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tues- day through Saturday morning. Subscription rates; $6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7.50 by mail outside Ann Arbor. YOU CAN STILL TRAVEL & STUDY IN EUROPE cOLLEGE CREDITS OFFERED FOR NDIVIOUAL STUDY AND TRAVEL THIS SUMMER GE ARED TOWARD INDIVIDUAL NEEDS TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS A V A I L A B L E F O R FOREIGN STUDY PROGRAMS THIS FALL TUITION AND ROUND TRIP AIR TRANSPORTATION EAST COAST $350 00 MID WEST $365.00 WEST COAST $455.00 CALL TOLL FREE: 800-223-1722 NEW YORK 212-lS-7624 We've Got Em! For only $1200 STATE DISCOIVET 307 S. State 994-1262