" cge Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday,. May 26, 1977 3~e Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, May 26~ 1977 Conference concentrates on minority rape victims Cuoia- i t" 2 im " , males. Yet despite rape's transcendence of race, age, and socio-econcmic levels. Iar- gen pointed out that serious work to help minority victims is lacking. "It is clear (tthet w:ite vic- tint usually fares hetter than the tinorit victim,'" she adds. L a r g e n c i t e d socie tal "myths'. sttch as the ster- eotyping of Spanish and black women as "loose" as well as skepticism towards sexual as saults upon the elderly as hin- drances in providing adequate services to the minorities. "Iittle research has been done on the prohlens of minor- ities," she said. "Yet withott such knonledge, servtices will remain iuadeqtiate. 'There aren't anV instant ansts-ers. Conferences like these should provide a start." This conference is the first in a series of three sponsored by the National Rape Center. The next two conferences will deal sith services to rape victims, conmtnitv edutcation, and the criminal justice systen. Dopin (:wnueu froa 3) "IT IS today's society. If you look at what has happened to today's family - we have so many troubled kids," Chelsea High School principal Dwight Smith complained. "Parents used to assist kids in settings goals, but now parents would rather give kids five bucks and tell them to get lost," Changing societal attitudes means changing curriculum de- maods, Connie Craft, acting dean of Community High School, said. in the era of Viet- onm and the Watergate scan- dals students were more con- cerned with the condition of the nation and the world than they were with curricular de- mandis. But since the turmoil of the sixties and early seventies has died down, students have begun to direct their energy towards careers. "Right now there is no over- whelming pain from that world out there to distract them," Craft added. PERENNIAL scapegoat tele- vision also is blamed ,for the decline in writing skills. Kori- gan said TV is "a major fac- tor" in declining skills because "you don't have to use your SskillIs- ___criticized imagination anymore." He add- pitch for the language depart- ed that parents use the TV ment. as a babysitter because it is HANSEN suggested that if easier to keep a child's atten- there is a weakness in the En- tion on moving images than glish grammar of students it inert words. makes more sense to spend two Dexter High School princital semesters studying English John Hansen takes exception to grammar than French. the "TV is bad" argument. "I would rather see a kid "TV exposes students to study something that is of a world-wide culture, expands more immediate need," he said the imagination and arouses But Caro Community liith curiosity.' Hansen said. "The School principal Elton Gingtrictt argument could go either disagreed. f'ingrich said his way." . high school graduates hae THE SJOGREN letter implies maintained a good reading and that one way to improve En- writing level but their foreign glish grammar skills is to en- language skills are disappoint courage students to enroll in a ing. foreign language course while "The deplorable thing is the in high school. language (program) because "Teachers of foreign lan- students won't take it," Giig guages agree that one of the rich said. "Anyone that tilkes principal advantages derived a foreign language is goin=g to from study in that field is the be helped. in the English In- improvement of student's corn- guage." mand of English," the letter Regardless of the differet states. opinions one fact remains Some high school principals students entering college are disagree with the letter's logic unable to adequately express in using a foreign language to themselves But the trend is improve English skills. They reversing. Student concern is feel the University's push for growing and that concern will foreign languages is nothing result in improved skills -- ai more than a public relations time. Was VA patient's body lim or stiff? MENTAL HEALTH RESEARCH INSTITUTE SEMINAR SERIES JUAN M. SAAVEDRA LABORATORY OF CLINICAL SCIENCE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MENTAL HEALTH "New Techniques for the Evaluation of Biogenic Amine Metabolism in Specific Areas of the Brain" THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1977 SEMINAR: 3:45 p m. Room 1057 TEA: 3:15 pm., MHRI Lounpse HAVE A CHECKUP ITCAN SAVE YOUR LIFE. (Continued from Page 1) cross examination of Kubre on that crucial notation. "You know you can't have equal and sym- metrical reflexes if you've had Pavulon," Stein said. "I don't know that he had Pavalon," the doctor replied. "I was told," Stein then asked the doctor, "Didn't Mr. (-Richard) Delonis (the U.S. attorney) suggest to you that you may have found rigidity at a later point in time, } because rigidity would be in- consistent with Pavulon?" KUBRE insisted that he could not remember if Fletcher was rigid or limp during his breath- ing failure, leaving the key question still unanswered. The government wants to prove that Fletcher was limp because two Philippine nurses, Leonora Perez and Filipina Nar- ciso, injected his intravenous bag with Pavulon. Medical ex- perts have previously testiifed that Pavulon causes the body to become limp and flacid. Fletcher was admitted to the VA hospital on August 4, 1975 for "disorientation"-he was un- able to communicate, and he thought that he was 57 years old. The patient was also suffering from Alcheimer's D i s e a s e, which means that his brain was shrinking. "THERE'S NO cure and we SALE DOWN JACKETS, VESTS, PILLOWS & COMFORTERS At Rockbottom Prices Ripstop Jackets $34.95 Ripstop Vests $19.95 SAVINGS on ,eny mre style do not know what causes the disease," Kubre said. Despite Fletcher's condition, Kubre still found the breathing failure "unexpected." "I don't think I have an ex- planation for it," he said. Also testifying yesterday was Dr. Dale Wingeleth, a toxicolo- gist formerly with the Poison Laboratory of Denver, Colorado. Wingeleth received liver and blood specimens of deceased VA patients Joseph Brown, and found no traces of Pavulon. ..AN FBI toxicologist later ex- umed Brown's body and did find Pavulon, using a unique extrac- tion technique. Wingeleth said there was "hardly any similarity" be- tween his own test for Pavulus and the FBI test. He said he would "not be surprised" if the FBI could find Pavulon in Brown while he could not. "His (the FBI toxicologist sensitivity should be 200 or 210 times better than mine," Win. geleth said. When Wingeleth said that he could have done the more in- volved test had he been asked, defense attorney Stein replied, "Are you saying that the VA hospital, with all that was going on, asked you to do a cheap test?" Wingeleth said the more in- volved test would have "cost the taxoavers" about $200.000. During one of my checkups, the doctors found a spot on my lungs. I thought it might becancer. So did they. Luckily, it wasn't. Most peopleare lucky. Most people never have cancer. But those who find they do have cancer are far better off if their cancer is discovered early. Because we know how to cure many cancers when wediscver them early That's why I want you to have a checkup. And keep having checkups. The rest of your life. It'll be a lot longer if you do,. Ame an CancerSoiety- qWAc cU~oilsear mm as a.:ass