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May 26, 1977 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1977-05-26

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Thursday, May 26, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Poge Seven
Lasers eeyd for civilian use

By SHARON BONANNI Lasers for civilian energy use
is not so far-fetched according
Some day in the not so dis- to KMS Fusion, Inc. of Ann Ar-
taut future your Datsun may bor. The small firm, pioneers
run on a man-made, low pol- in laser fusion development,
tutant fuel, concocted by the remain the only private com-
same laser fusion process that pany currently receiving fed-
treats cancer victims at the eral funds for their research.
community hospital. "SOME REPORTS on laser
Block argues for halt of
special search waarrant
Judge S. J. Elden of the Fifteenth District Court heard argu-
ments yesterday on the validity of a "special search warrant and
order" which was handed down to Joel Block, president of AFSCME,
Local 1583 on May 13.
The warrant demands that Block submit to making a voice
print which would be matched against the voice on a taped phone
call, allegedly received at police headquarters during the recent
AFSCME strike. The unidentified caller made a bomb threat on
the University's Administration Building.
ELDEN HAS postponed his decision until June 1.
Block and his attorney Donald Koster made a motion to quash
(stop) the order while Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Neil Juliar
attempted to uphold it.
Koster argued that the order should be stopped because there
is not probable cause in the case to permit it. He also contended
that the voice print would be inadmissable as evidence because
almost trhee months have elapsed since the alleged threat was
made. Koster said that no previous case has used spectrograph
(voice print analysis) evidence made more than one month after
the original sample.
THE DEFENSE continued to object that the court would not
be able to enforce the warrant even if Elden rules it acceptable
because the suspect could use a different voice at the second
Juliar portested that the spectrograph readings were admiss-
able as evidence, and cited testimony of two Michigan experts on
the sbject, an MSU professor and a Michigan State Police official
Otto ;,,id they believed voice print can clearly indicate whether
so v oices are the same.
Bisek was optimistic about the judge's decision in the matter.
A think it came out in the hearing that there's just no need for
them to obtain this court order."
'V, position," he continued, "is that they don't have a tape
of vs v ce now, but if I give it to them (Ann Arbor police) there's
n arantee of what they'll do with it."
Can astrology solve
all your problems?

research are wildly inaccur- t
ate," says Donald Woodbridge, I
KMS Director of Classification n
and Information. "Lasers are
often confused with nuclear
bombs and with the same emo- i
tional association as weapons, a
But our work is not explicitly t
orientated to weapons re- ft
search." w
The KMS program uses t
high - intensity laser radiation,K
compressing tiny deuterium e
and tridium elements to high m
temperatures to promote nuc- t
lear fusion and fission," UMM
Professor of Nuclear Engineer- i
ing, Richard Osborne said. "If t
it works, it's an enormous in- 1
crease in our energy reserve of t
alternate fuels."
Actually the KMS Fusion las- f
er technique uses an unlimited t'
energy source, the heavy hy- e
drogen molecules extracted
from ordinary water, which are
converted into usable fuels.-
IN ADDITION to a substitute p
for dwindling natural gas, KMS w
claims clean - burning, hydro- $
gen - based fuel for cars and f
other vehicles could be derived t
from the laser fusion process, o
Developing lasers for medi- t
cal use requires purchasing e
a larger, faster-firing laser r
from Canada, says Woodbridge.
The fusion process poses little
environmental threat. "No pro-
cess is entirely safe," says
Woodbridge, "but the hazards
proposed are very satisfactory
compared to other methods.
There's no danger of radiation
scattered over the countryside,
or exhaust escaping into the
Before KMS can sufficiently
develop these potential uses of
laser energy, they need more
than the present $7.3 million
provided by the goverment's
Energy Research Defense As-
sociation (ERDA). KMS pro-
vides fuel pellets and laser tar-
gets for ERDA's defense pro-
gram. After a cut in 1974, they
received a miniscule $350,000
contract to provide laser data
for ERDA's government labora-
TONIGHT AT 7:00 & 9:00
the Sterom
h Coo APOrom .nP cMle
TON IGH T AT 7:00 & 9:00
TONIGHT AT 7:00 & 9:00
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ories, but their fundamental funds, including work by gov-
aser contributions boosted the ernment labs, be used strictly
ext year's grant to $7 million. for civilian application.
Despite this victory for civil-
THE CURRENT laser debate iap energy funding, Pursell said
n the government centers on in a recent, interview, "that's
battle for limited funds be- half the battle. The bill goes to
oeen the supporters of laser appropriations next, which is
or civilian - usage and those probably as military - oriented
ho support military applica- as the other (committee).
ion of the beams. Although "There's battle with those
MS sees much civilian laser that feel public funds ought to
nergy potential, the govern- be used for military use. I ex-
sent expects a greater pay-off a problem in leadership
n military applications," says with Schlesinger, and others
Vaodbridge. Civisn research who are pro-military."
equires much effort, he says, If KMS receives the addition-
I' comparison to the current al energy research scientists
ow risk, low-cut governmental estimate it will be the mid-
actic concentrating on wea- 1980's before public laser-facil-
aons simulation. "Youfireda iies are a reality.
aser approximatelyionce a day "But we need sufficient ef-
ar military applications and of- fort put into it,' Woodbridge
en 1,000 times far civilian en- says, "efforts on the order of
rgy resetarch," he said, the Apollo space program."
One of the KMS supporters Only four fillies have won the
who sees laser fusion's civilian Preakness Stakes, the second
sotential is U, S. ReptCarl D. leg of racing's Triple Crown.
Pursell (R-2nd District), Last The last to do it was Nellie
week his amendment to add The ackdit 9N4.
9.2 million to current KMS Morse back in 1924,
unding passed unanimously in
he House Science and Technol- The University's C h a r 1 e
ogy Committee. In addition to Baird Carillon, now 40 years old,
lhe total $116 million earmark- is the third heaviest carillon in
d for KMS, Pursell's bill di- the world by total weight (100
eets 60 per cent of laser fusion tons).

Continued from Page 3)
Titunik insists that her advice
to people is accurate whether it
concerns questions tsf job choice,
po tital success, or divorce.
She explains that University
rtudeitts come in for vocational
cinetseting after they have been
t the placement office for ad-
"I LOOK at my client's chart
ad come up with the same an-
swer," she said. Titunik once
advised a young woman to en-
ter military service on the basis
o1 her chart. The placement
office had given the woman the
same advice.
"Politicians have their pet

astrologers around the coun-
try," she confides. "They ask
them, 'what is the campaign
period going to be like in 1978?"'
This way, she contends they
will be aware of stress periods
and will know what to expect.
"All of our recent politicians
had Pluto in the tenth house.
They had a certain type of char-
acter that's presidential tim-
ber," she says.
Concerning the "misrepresen-
tation" of astrology in the paper,
"If people explore it, they'll
see there's more to it . ' *
there are more than twelve dif-
ferent types of people," she
says, referring to the 12 astro-
logical signs.

Thursday, May 26
(Victor Fleming, 1939) 6:30 & 10:00-Aud. A
The "ROOTS" of the White Southern aristoracy, this big,
beautiful, technicolor epic stars Vivian Leigh as Scarlet O'Hara,
scheming her way through husbands, the Civil War and Re-
construction, and Clark Gable as rakish, romantic Rhett Butler.
A movie that has become a national institution, GONE WITH
THE WIND can only be seen properly on the big screen in
mm, and that's how you'll see it tonight. With Leslie Howard,
Olivia de Havilland.

Marvella Bayh
I have had breast cancer and a mastectomy to
dare it. But it didn't change my life-or my
femininity. Of course, right after surgery, I was
discouraged. But then I received a visit from an
American Cancer Society volunteer. She gave
me a ball and a rope. And she showed me how
touse them to strengthen my arm.She gave me
information about breast forms and how to fit
my clothes. Then she told me that she,atoo,had
had a mastectomy. TIhat's when she gave me
faith. I knew then, if other women could do it,
so could I. And I did.
If you know a cancer patient who needs help,
call your Unit of the American Cancer Stciety.
We can give people information and counseling
on all kinds of cancer. We can also give them
hope. I know. Because I had cancer and lived.
American Cancer Society.
Callus for help.
sa 5a ct iCr:'sue't eee A stoSu5sota t s a 5

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