The Michigan Daily Edited and managed by Students at the University of Michigan - Thursday, May 26, 1977 News Phone: 764-0552 i -i bomber stilli wastes monev, time, resources... IMMY CARTER, presidential candidate, vehemently opposed proposed production of the B-1 bomber. On the campaign trail, he denounced the Defense De- partment pet weapons project as a waste of time and money. He said we could better use the funds on do- mestic programs. Jimmy Carter, president, has made no committment to his campaign stand yet. Approaching the deadline for a decision on the bomber and the fifth month of the Carter presidency, no word on the project has yet been handed down from the White House. A decision is long over due.' And, a decision has been promised by the end of the month. , N The $101 billion which would be spent on the bomb- er, if approved, could be better utilized in domestic pro- grams. Energy, housing, public works, transportation-- all are better candidates for those funds. The demise of the bpmber would take a few jobs with it. But the re-allocation of those funds into other public projects would create new jobs. Unquestionably, the bomber would be a, waste of money. The Defense Department tries to justify the produc- tion of the bomber saying our arsenal is outdated. The fact we can kill the world several times over is invalid, in their eyes, because the weapons for that overkill are obsolete. Yet, that same department admits the B-1 would be obsolete even before it could be used. Undeniably, the production of the B-1 is a waste of time. There is no logical explanation or justification for Ilse continuation of production of the B-I. And, al- though Carter admitted more than that much during his campaign, he neglects to act on that now. Aside from economical losses which could be incur- red by the production of the bomber, there is always tihe possibility increased arms production in the form of the bomber could endanger the possibility of strategic arms limitations agreements between the world's super- powers. We contend the level of overkill the United States hias attained if already far more than necessary. And even if Carter should look, he probably could not find a more useless project than this one. He's better decide against it before it's too late. I To The Daily: On Thursday, May tice was served on th that if their currentr ward investments inf rica remains unchange going to have s fight hands--Ten people pick signs and banners, a thirty atte ded the m self to har and app four presentations g speakers, spoke strongl the University's inve The Brigade gave on presentations and orga picket line. This meet on the heels of relat ties at Stanford, U. o sin and elsewhere. TI students' presence att ing was only a begin unity and determinati there lays the basis f ing out more broadly volving a lot moreI the struggle. Altogether, the Bri organized activities in of the African people's on over fifty campuse crucial time in the Afr ples' struggle for liber necessary that we co build support. People southern African coat saying the end is nea lonial rule where Afri panies are free to rob en of their country, pa. the labor of he people The African 'struggl eration is a struggl who want to see fre place tyranany, and eq place discrimination. In particular, for t have felt the lash ofr crimination, the strugg apartheid and white rule is a clarion call.I dred years ofracialo prove the rulers of thi will not end discrimb Africa. Blacks who ha the humiliation of s inequality know well is not serious in re settlement in the in the African people, b its own interests - p We must blow the sm and show what Carte desire for "majority r ly is - a way for the porations to continue 0 the African people by black puppet when th one can no longer ru A crucial part oft paign is African Libera Historically, thousan efters to The Daily march , marched on that day to sup- port the people of South Africa. This -year, we'll be making 19th no- clear the American people are e Regents part of the international move- policy to- meit for the liberation of south- South Af- ern Africa. We'll be militant, d, they're we'll be lond and serious. we'll on their be disciplined and we'll be go- eted with ing right yip to the doorstep of nd about Jimmy Carter- - the man who eeting it- claims to be a fighter for hu- plaud the man rights everywhere except iven (all where he is suppressing them, y against as in southern Africa. Thou- stments). sands of us will be bringing the ie of the determination and understand- anized the ing gained in Selma, Watts, the ing came Vietnam mobilization, the Black ed activi- Panther movement to reaffirm f Wiscon- our desire to FIGHT IMPER- hough the IALISM AND NATIONAL OP- the meet- PRESSION FROM THE UNION ining, the OF SOUTH AFRICA TO THE on shown UNITED STATES OF AMERI- 'or reach- CA! and in- The Revolutionary Student people in Brigade calls on all people in- terested in building support for gade has the African people to join in n support the demonstration on African s struggle Liberation Day. Let's pull it s. At this all together. March on the rican peo- White House May 28! For infor- -ation, it's mation about bus tickets, call ntinue to 995-8957 or 663-5364. The bus of these will be leaving Friday midnight ntries are and coming back early Sunday ar for co- morning. Round trip tickets cost ican com- $28. ON TO WASHINGTON! the rich- VICTORY TO THE PEOPLE .rticularly OF SOUTHERN AFRICA! =" - The Revolutionary e for lib- Student Brigade e for all --- edom re- AFSCME uality re- To The Daily: hose who On behalf of'the 2,3b0 build- racial dis- ing service and maintenance le against employees of the University of minority Michigan, AFSCME Local 1583 Four bun- publicly protests the manage- appresson ment's continuing labor repris- s country als against our members and nation in student strike supporters follow- ave faced ing our recent strike. ystematic In particular, we demand that the U.S. the University management im- ,aching a mediately: terest of ut only in 0 drop the remaining discharg- profits. es of our members and rein- toke away state those victimized workers c's phony at once with full back pay; ule" real- U.S. cor- * drop the continuing suspen- o enslave sion of President Joel Block, and y using a heir white S drop all discharges and dis- le. cipline imposed against student this cam- strike supporters and reinstate ation Day. them with full back pay. ds have During Local 1583's strike, University management contin- ued operating with scab labor and the armed force of police and "security guards. Management "security" per- sonnel and the Ann Arbor po- lice committed countless acts of violence against our picket- ers. Two police officers badly injured one picketer's back. A supervisor pinned a picketer be- tween two trucks. A high man- agement official ran into a pick- eter with an automobile. Four Ann Arbor police officers beat up two picketers in broad day- light on State Street. By its continuing failure to curb this police and manage- ment violence, the University encouraged and implicitly sup- ported further violence against picketers. It is clearly unjust to punish picketers for minor incidents when police and management officials who seriously injured picketers remain free. The Union does not ask that management now start a cos- metic investigation of police and management violations. Rather, the Union demands that manage- ment drop all reprisals against Union members and supporters. Of the 20 workers originally charged by management, the overwhelming majority did rao commit the offenses with which they were unjustly charged. Eventually, under pressure from the Union, the labor move- ment and public opinion, man- agement apparently realized is error and rescinded fifteen ?t is original nineteen dischar,- This cruel intimidation f;i far short of modern stand