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May 25, 1977 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1977-05-25

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Wednesday, May 25, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven
Humans may test Laetril

WASHINGTON (AP) - The voices in American medicine, shock at the idea.
ranks of organized medicine Dr. Lewis Thomas, now says
Dave broken for the first time that humah clinical tests must T H 0 M A S, president of
n the long controversy over the be undertaken and he is known the Memorial Sloan - Kettering
alleged anticancer agent Lae- to feel that the matter is ur- Cancer Center in New York,
trile, gent. But yesterday, the Amer- said: "I think proper clinical
One of the most respected ican Cancer Society expressed trials have to be undertaken."
Council approves 50-year lease
for county historical museum

The Ann City Council paved the way for a
historical museum Monday when it approved a
resolution to lease the city-owned Barton Power
House property to the Washtenaw County His-
torical Society. The terms of the lease now await
approval of the Society's general membership.
The council's action is the resutl of a year-long
effort by the society to obtain the property for
storage and display of historical artifacts perti-
nent to Washtenaw County.
"WE NEEDED a museum because we have all
these artifacts stuck away in cellars, basements
and rooms and we wanted to bring them together
in a museum," Hazel Proctor, the society's treas-
urer said.
A committee of society members selected the
site from a list of sites because it would best
serve the society's efforts to preserve and display
historical artifacts of Washtenaw County.
The site consists of a three story building and
three acres.

ACCORDING to President Thomas Lacey the
society has three years to make the building
"watertight" and ten years to turn it into a
museum. Lacey added it would cost $60,000 to
renovate the building.
Once the building is repaired the society will
display a wooden bicycle, army uniforms, early
survey equipment, Ann Allen's fan (one of Ann
Arbor's early settlers), antique furniture and
Indian artifacts, Lacey said,
"All the items that reflect the last 125 years
of living here in Washtenaw County," lie added.
PROCTOR SAID one of the society's long range
goals is to add special buildings of the past to the
"We are in hopes that we can move in a one-
room school house but make it like the one room
schools of the past including wood stoves," Proc-
tor said. They also hope to add an authentic black-
smith shop and a Cooper shop (a barrel making
shop) so the new generation can see what helped
build Washtenaw County.

He is known to feel that the
medical and scientific profes-
sions must act to establish the
facts because several states
have approved the use of Lae-
trile without medical evidence
of its 'effectiveness.
Thomas feels that a special
epidemiological team should
conduct a study of people who
claims to have benefited from
Laetrile treatment and to find
out what kind of cancer they
had, what other treatment they
received and what the results
FURTHER, Thomas says a
special committee should be'
established to review the re-
sults of both studies. The com-
mittee should be comprised of
both professionals and laymen,
he says.
Thomas' comments came as
the National Cancer Institute
(NCI) said it is "seriously con-
sidering" using Laetrile in tests
on humans.
The American Cancer Socie-
ty, however, said that it was
"a little shocked" at the state-
ment by the NCI. The Ameri-
can Medical Association said it
was standing by its position
that Laetrile is not recognized
as either safe or effective.
THE FOOD and Drug Ad-
ministration (FDA) take' sthe
position that Laetrile must first

be shown in animal trials to be
safe and effective before any
human trials can be undertak-
en. The FDA has banned Lae-
trile from interstate commerce
but this ban does not apply to
Laetrile produced and used
withon an individual state.
Moves to legalize Laetrile are
tinder way in a growing num-
ber of states.
Alaska, Florida, Indiana, Ari-
zona and Nevada have legaliz-
ed the substance. Legislatures
in Texas and Washington have
voted to legalize the substance,
and their acts are awaiting gu-
bernatorial approval.
LAETRILE is the chemical
amygdalin, which occurs nat-
urally in the pits of apricots
and peaches and in bitter al-
monds. At a recent FDA hear-
ing in Kansas City, Mo., the
weight of the scientific evi-
dence presented was that Lae-
trile was not effective in can-
cer treatment.
But public pressure is chang-
ing some opinions on testing.
"It seems to us that societal
pressure has something to do
with this," said Dr. Guy New-
ell, acting director of NCI.
"Many people are getting the
drug. Some individuals claim
it is beneficial. It has no ap-
parent toxicity. But all of this
has persuaded us to reopen the
issue of conducting a clinical

City to hike parking rates

asouth231, NOW SHOWING
1-3-5-7-9 OPENE,2:45
Theatre Phone 6.2-6264 All Seats $1.25 til 5:00
I AM the Greatest, You Know It's a Fact.
And I'll Whup Any Sucker Who Says I Can't Act!

(continued from Page1)
the City Administrator.
Council members had plan-
ned that the assistant to the
Mayor would be especially
proficient at procuring funds
from the state and federal gov-
ernments for city projects.
In commenting on the pro-
posed Republican amendment,
Leslie Morris (D-Second Ward)
said, "The city needs a full
time grantsmen to get funds
for the city. I'm appalled that
this would be the first position
would have eliminated the $22,-
000 position failed.
Jamie Kenworthy (D-Fourth
Ward) said that his main com-
plaint about the budget was the
city's inability to fund the pur-
chasing of new equipment for
city operations. Many of the
departments had asked much
larger appropriations for equip-
ment replacement than they re-
"I am worried about the lack
of money in the budget to buy
good equipment;" said Ken-
worthy. "At some point we are
going to have to face this is-
sue. How are we going to in-
crease revenues coming into
our programs to pay for better
AFTER the budget was ap-.
proved, Leslie Morris propos-
ed the city provide $700 for a
summer recreation program in
the Northwood S housing com-
plex on North Campus. The
area has a high concentration
of school children and has been
cited for its lack of recreation-
al facilities. The proposal,
Passed unanimously.
The Council also tookfourth-
er action in the city's continu-
ing attempt to reduce the
amount of pollution being
Pumped into the Huron River
from the Waste Water Treat-
ment Plant. The city has been
cited by a Circuit Court judge
and the state Department of
Natural Resources for dumping
too much pollution into the

river. -
Monday night Council also
approved a resolution from City
Administrator Sylvester Mur-
ray that provides for the re-
duction , of sludge, the solid
waste products generated by
the treatment facility, within
the treatment plant.
THE CITY will begin a 90
day trial program to test the
effectiveness of three methods
of sludge reduction: polymer
chemical treatment of the
sludge, pumping stored sludge
to a holding lagoon, and haul-
ing the sludge by truck to a
dumping facility in Wayne
Theytrucking program, if ap-
proved after 90 days, will cost
the city $40,000 annually. The
polymer treatment program
will cost $200,000 annually.
Murray, however pointed out
that the two figures are maxi-
mum estimates, and that the
final program may be a com-
bination of both methods, at a
cost lower than the combined

IN A PUBLIC hearing at the
beginning of the meeting, Coun-
cil listened to citizens views on
the proposed rezoning of land
bounded by Plymouth Road,
Nixon Road, and the proposed
extention of Huron Parkway.
The rezoning would allow a
housing complex for elderly
-and low income citizens.
Area citizens objected to the
plan because of the high vol-
ume of traffic on Nixon Road
and because of the high concen-
tration of shoppers at local
Councilman Ronald Trow-
bridge (R-Fourth Ward) sug-
gested that a fear of a drop in
property values in the area may
have also motivated the areas
citizens to speak out against
the planned complex, which will
be called Parkway Meadows.
City Administrator Murray
countered that many apartment
complexes in the area have
been built without the local
residents suffering a drop in
property value.

(1971) 7:00 ONLY-AAUD. A
Jean-Claude Brialy stars as a wealths French man who is about
to be married, but still has time to flirt with an old writer friend
and two teenagers.
(1972) 9:00 ONLY-AUD. A
The "moral" problem of this tale is a happily married man,
tempted by a sensuous woman who has but one wish--that he
give her a child.
Both films in French, Enqlish subtitles
The Eric Rohmer Festival is just part of a series of French films
to be shown every Wednesday night in Aud. A this summer.

...THE MAN oCOUMBIA/EMI eaturc ,.
1 niversutye SECOND HIT WEEK
1-3-5-7-9 OPEN 12:45
Tere Phone 668 6416 All Seats $1.25 til 5:00
"Cousin Cousine is an
invigorating film that makes
one happy not only to have seen
it but simply to be alive."
-Jerry Oster N Y. Daily News
0 east iberty, NOW SHOWING
1 -3-5-7-9 OPEN 12:45
All Se2ts $1 .25 tl S:00
Poramount Pctures Presents
Islonds in the
n Color A Parmnt Picture

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