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May 25, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-05-25

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The Michigan Daily

Vol. LXXXVII, No. 16-S
Ann Arbor
At a seven-and-a-half hour marathon session Monday
night, Ann Arbor City Council approved a parking
system rate increase, finalized the 1977-78 budget, took
further steps to alleviate the city's sewer water treat-
ment problem, and held a public hearing on the pro-
posed building of a complex that would house elderly
citizens and low income families near Nixon Road
and the suggested extention on Huron Parkway.
The parking system rate increase approved by
council will generate a maximum total of $264,200 over
the next year. The revenue will finance carport re-
pairs and balance next year's parking system budget.
The city is expecting to make $127,120 worth of re-
pairs to the carports on Maynard, Forest and at Wil-
liam and Fourth Avenue.

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesdoy May 25, 1977 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
to hike parkingrates
PARKING at the city's metered lots and carports The city budget, dubbed "lean and mean" by sev-
will be raised five to 15 cents per hour, to a uniform eral Council members, was passed without much of
city rate of 25 cents. The monthly permit fees will be the inter-party wrangling of past years. The total
raised $5 to $10, to a uniform rate of $25 dollars. general fund budget for 1977-78 projects $21,463,390
In addition, City Council established a progressive in revenues and expenditures.
rate system for the carports on Maynard, at Wash- The only amendment made to the budget Monday
ington and Fourth Ave., and at William and Fourth night scrapped a $10,000 noise study program for the
Av. The first hour will cost 20 cents, the second, 25 Ann Arbor airport. Council members 'voting in favor
cents and each additional hour will cost 35 cents. of scrapping the orogram pointed to the current fis-
Council member Lou Belcher, who sponsored the cal problems of the airport.
system rate increases said that the low charge for
the first hour was intended to create a "rapid turn- REPUBLICANS attempted to amend the budget by
over" in parking areas downtown, thus increasing dropping the position of assistant to the Mayor from
the parking available for in-and-out shoppers. the budget. The Republicans suggested that the same
THE RATE HIKE will take affect on July 1, but qualifications for the position of the Mayor's assist-
it may take longer in some areas to install new park- ant could be combined with one of the assistants to
ing meters. See CITY, Page 7

MOSCOW (')- Soviet Nikolai Podgorny, one of the three
most powerful men in the country, was dropped without expla-
nation yesterday from tho ruling council of the Soviet Communist
A brief communique over Moscow radio and television did not
say if the 74-year-old Podgorny wosld retain the presidency, a
largely , ceremonial post, but observers pointed out the position
would be virtually impossible to hold without membership in the
party's Politburo.
THERE WAS also no sign whether Podgorny had retired vol-
untarily. In other cases, Central Committee cotnmuniques often
say a leading figure has left in connection with retirement, ill
health or "at his own request."
Yesterday's communique simply said the Communist party's
(Central Committee had "freed Comrade Podgorny from the du-
ties of a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of
the Communist party of the So-_--
.' 1viet Union."
Theoretically, the presidency
-. is bestowed and taken away by
the Supreme Soviet, the coune
try's parliament, but its stand i
ing executive committee can
act without approval from the
full house. The Supreme Soviet
jy next meets on June 16. #
PODGORNY is the first of Ea i n
-' ,the three who overthrew Nikita
t FM Khrushchev in 1964 to fall by
the political wayside. Still in y U WARNEl
power are Communist party
leader Leonid Brezhnev, 70, Contract ne'otiations between
viewed as the country's most the University and officials
powerful politician, and Pre- representing the Washtenaw
mier Alexei Kosygin, 73. onty Ibuilding and Trades
Pidgorny had recently ap- Council began yesterday and
peared in robust potitical and both parties indicated they
physical health. hope to agree on a new contract
tie toured black -ountrie in before the pr-sent one expires
southern Africa in March in a on luty 31.
major diplomatic foray by the Yesterday's 45-mitnite ses5ion
Kremlin into that area. Ilis was hb4iclly a preliminary
namne was on Soviet pages as meftin' Memers of the nego-
dlte as yesterday morning's titimg teais were introduced
6 Pravda,the party newspaper, to iacth ithr, agreed on ground
which carried the text of a dip tot for th talk ad hed
lomatic telegram he sent. Ihis iled ftiare negoti tion dates.
ast public app.arance wtt "IINGS WtIR amiable,"
Friday, whn he saw off visit- cimimented union negotiator
ing Finnish President Urho Chibarlcs lFar isvorth on the ses-
< Kekkonen at Moscow airport. sion, "after all, we were just
introding Bach other."
"I 'ITIIOIJGHT his progress Accirdin to Felix Barthele-
through Africa was quite trium- my of Univcrsity Staff and Un-
phal and he has been very ac- ion Rel-tion -, the union did not
tive lately," said a Western dip- present any proposals at yes-
lomat here who was as sur- terday's meeting.
prised as most by Pddgorny's "We will receive proposals
' demise as a member of the Po- on economic as well as non-
t litburo. economic matters when we
Daily Photo by ALAN BILINSKY "It would be difficult to see meet again June 2," he said.
Tahre d' ou any outstanding political dif- Bargaining proposals must be
ferences between him and the presented by the union first.
In the process of hot-tarring the roof of the Nickels Arcade one of the workers was overcome by rest of the Politburo." Farnsworth said yesterday
yesterday's 88* weather combined with the fumes of the tar, The Ann Arbor fire department was No new member was named that the union would seek very
called in to help and the worker was taken to University Hospital where he was reported to be tgorny place.bo to take Pod- little, but that wages contract Ian-
fine."'ae . guagee bu tat w sswould
See SOVIETS, Page 5 become an important issue.

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