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May 24, 1977 - Image 13

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1977-05-24

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Tuesday, May 24, 1977


Page Thirteen

Locals back Bursley bill
(Continued from Page 3) over 400 babies in 1975 -- three '
information," he said. times as many as in 1960.-
The bill is presently being in- BURSLEY'S BILL has re-
vestigated by the state Senate w
Education Committee under ceived wide spread support
the direction of Chairperson including the approval of Gov-
Jack Faxon (D-Detroit). Public ernor Milliken and the directors
hearings will most likely be oftthe Departmentsc fs Pdbc
held within the next two to catn So entalHe lth i
three weeks, before the com- However Bursleyadmitsthat
mittee will decide whether to Hever, rsea dits that
reconmmend'it to the senate. he has come across strong op-
position from the Michigan
Bursley supports the bill with Catholic Conference and Happi-
statistics from the Michigan ness of Women, (HOW), an
Department of Public Health anti - women's liberation group.
which show that women aged Members of HOW appeared in
15-19 recorded over 10,000 birth Lansing during public hearing
in 1975 - most illegitimate. on the bill and protested vehe-
Girls below the age of 15 had mently.

Two new
(Conunued from Page 1)
ing on that night, Aug. 15, 1975.
All of the breathing failures are
called unnatural and inconsistent
with each patient's medical his-
tory. '
tending t h a t two Philippine
nurses, Leonora Perez and Fili-
pina Narciso caused the rash of
breathing failures that summer
by injecting a fast-acting mus-
cle-relaxant called Pavulon into
the patients' intravenous medi-3
cation tubes.
Christine Loesch yesterday de-
scribed the man in the green
scrub suit as about 5 feet 11

VA suspects emerge

inches tall, 175 pounds with a
"thick build" and round face
with baby skin-"olive skin."
Defense attorney E d w a r d
Stein brought out a green sur-
gical scrub suit, and asked Mrs.
Loesch if it was the kind the
unidentified man was wearing.
"IT WAS really wrinkled,"
Loesc h said. "This looks
The defense also won a major
victory when Judge Philip Pratt
ruled to allow them to interview
the psychiatrists of former VA
nursing supervisor Betty Jakim.
JAKIM, WHO committed sui-
cide on Feb. 3 in Florida, "con-
fessed" to the VA murders, ac-
cording to a report published
Monday in the Detroit Free
Jakim had been treated at the
Neuro - Psychiatric Institute at
the University of Michigan. The
Free Press reports that she con-
fessed to her psychiatrists "I
did it. I really did it," before
she committed suicide.
Defense A t t o r n e y Thomas
O'Brien, in his 'opening state-
ment to the jury on March 29,
quoted Betty Jakim as saying
"you'll be surprised in the very
end to find out who did it.

. . . I believe in the innocence
of these two Filipino nurses .. .
I'm horribly fearful of the FBI
and guilty."
JAKIM WAS once considered
a suspect by the FBI during the
course of their investigation. It
wasn't until March of this year
that the government learned of
the reported "confessions." US.
Attorney Philip Van Dam did
order the reopening of the Ja-
kim investigation, but defense
attorneys still asked for a dis-
missal of the charges against
Narciso and Perez because of
the prosecution's failure to share
information about Jakiim's con-
t adge Pratt denied listmotion
to dismuiss the case,, but said
that he will allow the attorneys :
to question Jakim's psychiat-
rists. The judge said that the
defense of the two nurses super-
ceded the confidentiality of
patient / physician relationships
since Jakim is deceased.
Mixed Drinks
*Half Price
6- --RC 2 -9.55

New UW S. Africa investments illegal
(Continued from Page1) the board, said that he could not fusing to invest public monies in
The University of Michigan comment on whether the univer- the outlaw state of South Af-
currently owns some $43 million sity would divest itself of cur- rica." Bullard went on to say
worth of stock tied to South rent South African tied holdings, that, "if the University does not
Africa. but.the matter will be dealt with act on this matter, we may need
When questioned on this mat- at the next board meeting, June state legislation governing the
ter, University President Rob. 9 and 10. morality of their investments."
ben Fleming stated "we have Michigan State Rep. Perry Bullard stated that he would
not asked the opinion of the Bullard was in strong support of consider introducing such legis-
Attorney General over the years. the UW-Madison policy, "for re- lation.
The Board has its own counsel
snd we may be consulting
em" Storm i screen

isued his statement in a letter
to the UW-Madison Board of
Regents, who had requested an
official interpretation of the
laws governing university in-
vestments. The Regents request
was prompted by the campus
newspaper's disclosure that the
university o w n s $14 million
worth of stock in companies do-
ing business with apartheid
South Africa.
The La Follette opinion said
the language of the law applied
only to new investments, but
"compliance with the spirit of
the law would strongly suggest
that the Board of Regents divest
itself of investments which vio-
late these provisions even though
the investment may have been
made without knowledge of dis-
criminatory practices on the
part of the particular corpora-
Joseph Holt, trust officer to

(Pontinued from Page 7)
ple, whether they're doing
something esoteric or for rron-
ey." Regardless of her personal
tastes, she says that an an ar-
tist she stands without any real
influences. She creates her own
theories, and makes her own
de Hirsch feels that although
the art of film has been around
for only a century, it has, in
that time, progressed remark-
ably. She -points out how one

of her earliest films was criti-
cized when she made it for
containing hand-held camera
wrk, a technique which is to-
day universally accepted.
de Hirsch continues to pur-
sue her unique vision, in her
poetry and films. When view-
ing one of her old films recent-
ly, she said that she noticed
some flaws. However, optimis-
tically she claims "the great-
est jewel on earth wouldn't ze
as great unless it had some
minor flaws."

t s
I !t*j 5


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