Saturday, May 21, 1977
Pone Three
VA victim's mother
changes her story
The mother of one Veterans Administration (VA) Hospital
patient who suffered a breathing failure on August 15, 1975 told
FBI agents just seven days later that she saw a man in the hall-
way next to a medicine chest moments before her son stopped
Christine Loesh then told the FBI that when she found her son
having trouble breathing moments after seeing the stranger,# she
asked her son if somebody had given him a shot. The patient
nodded yes.
"WAS IT A doctor?" Loesch reportedly asked her son. "Was
it a nurse?" The patient, 26-year-old William Loesh, nodded that
it was neither.
"Was it somebody you don't know?" Loesh asked. William
Loesh nodded yes, according to what his mother told agents
back in 1975.
See MOTHER, Page 5
AFSCME to hold runoff
A run-off election has been slated for June 8 to determine
the officers for the top three leadership positions in the American
Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employes (AFSCME,
local 1583).
In Wednesday's union elections, candidates for the, offices
of Bargaining Chairperson, President and Vice-president failed to
gain a majority of the votes cast as required by the union charter,
and therefore must now face each other in a June 8 showdown.
IN THE race for Bargaining Chairman, Art Anderson, the in-
cumbent, received 295 votes while Joel Block, currently the local's
President captured 290.
Richard VanValkenburg and Dwight Newmian will square off
for the union presidency. Newman received a total of 340 votes
and VanValkenburg won 257.
Anderson expressed confidence that he would be successful
in the run-off election. "My record speaks for itself," he said.
"I rely on my record, I don't give promises-I just represent the
people at all times."
He also pledged to work in an effort to dismiss his opponent,
Block, from a suspension which . was handed down to him by
the University as a result of the strike.
ANDERSON said that he is also concerned with reinstating
the four AFSCME workers who were dismissed from their jobs
during the union's recent 26-day strike.
Block was out of town yesterday and unavailable for com-
HOWEVER, in an earlier interview he stated that he was
seeking the job of Bargaining Chairman because the strike pointed
o0t to him "just how important the position is."
"Many of the workers wanted me to run," lie said, mainly
heause they aire dissatisfied with the present bargaining chair-
Dnity Photo busCHIrSaiTrwINAS-HNEIDER
GOOD HUMOR Man Paul McCloskey delights two customers with ice cream and a brt of comic
banter. McCloskey can be found in front of the LSA Bldg. almost every day hawking his wares.
Humor from Goo Humor
Just about everyone is familiar with "Dr.
Diag." and "Shakey Jake." But another color-
ful Ann Arbor character who is just as unique,
is the Good Humor man, alias Paul McCloskey,
who peddles his wares every day from three to
five in front of the LSA building.
"I love my work" McCloskey exults. "Why
don't you watch me go into action?"
There is already a large crowd lined op,
eagerly awaiting ice cream.
"HI KIDS," he says, grinning at two women
who are at least 25. As they make their choices
he lunges into his truck instinctively knowing
where each flavor is located. le charges for-
ward with his ice cream and says, "thirty five
and two cents for Willy Milly or your favorite
This is McCloskey's way of explaining the
sales tax - "Willy Milly" is Governor William
Milliken. One of the girls hands him fifty cents
and he counts back the change saying, "one
dime and three critters," meaning pennies.
"Have a good one," he yells, as they leave.
McCloskey serves his customers quickly aa(
attentively, refering to his ice cream chart whet
he wants to introduce a new variety.
"HOW ABOUT a fruit stix? They appeal to
both adult and juvenile tastes."
"No, I always get this kind. I'm a chocolate
freak," replies Bob Stanchfield as he eagerly un
wraps his Chocolate Fudge Cake.
"The favorite ice cream is Strawberry Short
cake with Toasted Almond and Chocolate Fudgi
Cake tied for second," McCloskey explains.
"We're only fifty years old," he says. The
Good Humor started in 1920 when Harry Burt
of Ohio, owned a small candy store where Is
sold large candy pops called "Giod Humors."
WHILE experimenting with new flavors, hi
discovered the combination of a vanilla ice
cream bar coated with chocolate. To solve thi
problem of chocolate melting into the eater
fingers, he inserted his "Gtod Ilunar" stick
into the bar and patented and copyrighted hi
new product. Later, to increase sales, he so
his goods in white sales tirtcks, aid eveiitiallt
See teAT, Pine 5
Flied chicken
What happens if you stuff a chicken in a mailbox?
You get a mighty angry chicken and-if it flies
far enough-maybe $500. Two-hundred feathered
contestants will fly in from Boston, New York, Holb
land, Australia and even Bolivia to Rio Grande,
Ohio to compete today in the Bob Evans' Farm In-
ternational Chicken Flying meet. Evans and his
colleagues have, built special chicken launching
pads, resembling mailboxes. There's also a "chick-
en flight training hangar." The winner is the chick-
en that flies the greatest distance. The current re-
cord flight is held by an English game hen which
flew 163 feet, 21inches in 1973. The sponsors are con-
vinced the the record will be broken this year. "If
I wanted to win this I'd find a chicken at an aban-
doned sfarm, because they're hungry and afraid of
people," said, Lee Durieux who is promoting the
event. Durieux said ,there would be entries from at
least 10 countries, and that the Soviet Union may
be getting into the act, which he describes as "de-
tente with feathers." He says a Russian agricul-
tural official observed the competition last year to
see how gond the competition would be. "I suspect
they will enter a bird if they're sure they could win,"
Durieux said, "I wouldn't be surprised if in a couple
of years, they will bring a superchicken."
begin today at 9 a.m. with the Friends of the
Ann Arbor Public Library spring book sale. The
sale will be at the main library on Fifth and Wil
liam, and will run until 4 p.m. The sale will continue
on Monday from 9 a.m. until 9 p.m. . . also at
9 a. m. today, the Church Women United will hold
their annual White Elephant sale at the Calvary
United Methodist Church. The sale runs until 3
p.m., with all proceeds earmarked for world hung-
er needs . . . from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m., several
groups will be picketing the Kroger's on Broadway
to protest that store's selling of Delmonte products
-a corporation that has financial ties to South
Africa'and Namibia .. . also at 11, the Denali Arts
group will present Indian Crafts at 103 E. Liberty.
The same display will also be shown on Sunday at
2 . . . the Roots Trio and Friends will appear to-
night at the University Club's Courtyard Cafe, free
of charge . . . Sunday at 1:30 the Outing Club will
meet at the north entrance of Rackham to go hik-
ing . . _.the Students' International Mediation So-
ciety will meet at 1207- Packard at 3 . . . stuff your-
self at 6, at the Hillel Deli-1429 Hill . . . and finally,
there will be a free concert at the First Presbyter-
ian church at 8 . . .
Neither rain nor snow...
A couple of Grand Rapids policemen got plenty
of exercise on the job yesterday morning-including
an unexpected pre-dawn swim. Shortly before 3
a. m. the officers surprised two men who were
carting off copper wire they had stolen from Stand-
ard Iron and Metal Works. The men took off on
foot and the officers gave chase. The suspects dash-
ed across the street and jumped into the Grand
ires i hope-, ii making thei- getaway Ti1 tun
iii blue werc right behind them, thitugh, paddling
throiughi chilly ivater tOne of the suspects was
caught as ie clung to a bridge stiupsirt. The other
was apprehended on a tiny island. The sifficers were
rescued by a fire department boat, and taken back
to the station to dry out. Thit's the way to live tp
to the police officers' motto- neither tain not snow
nor sleet nor river .?
The Daily has released a figure of $64 million on
the University's investments in corporations or their
affiliates which have, operations in South Africa and
Rhodesia. This figure is a median between the $43
million the University has invested in stocks and
bonds of corporations directly involved in those two
countries and the total of $84 million the Univer-
sity has invested in corporations with direct in-
volvement and their subsidiaries in this country
which may not have direct involvement such as
Ford Motor Credit Company.
On the outside
Well, as Sonny Elliot would say, "It will be hot
and sticky, a combination of hr sticky-a hicky
weekend in Ann Arbor." And , ty would'sure
be right. Highs for today and tomorrow will be in
the middle to high 80's, and it will be extremely
humid. Lows will be in the mid-of's, and there is
a 20 per cent chance of rain.