Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, May 21, 1977 Page Two THE MICHiGAN DAILY Saturday, May 21, 1977 U.S., Soviet arms talks end' GENEVA, Switzerland (M - The United States and the So- viet Union yesterday ended three days of high-level nego- tiations aimed at working out a compromise formula on nu- clear weapons limitation. Secretary of State Cyrus Vance, the chief U. S. negotia- tor, called the talks "very use- ful," but therp was no imme- diate word on whether agree- ment had been reached. VANCE SAID a joint com- munique would be issued Satur- day before he and Soviet For- eign Minister Andrei Gromyko, the Kremlin's top negotiator, headed home. "The talks have been very useful as far as we are con- cerned and I believe that view is shared by the Soviet Union as well," Vance said at the end >f the final session. He said he would have noth- ing to add until he holds a news conference Saturday morning. EARLIER yesterday, the two men appeared in good spirits as they began their last meeting. "We are silent like fish," Gro- myko joked to reporters at the Soviet mission, where the talks were held. Vance and U. S. negotiators brought with them responses to "a number of ideas" on a new treatypresented by Gromyko. It was thought the response came from consultations be- tween Vance and President Carter. Asked at that time is a final agreement had been reached, Vance said: "Not yet." WHEN A reporter asked Gro- myko whether any progress had been made, the Soviet en- voy parried, "That's a very far - reaching question." The two sides were trying to resolve their differences over the number and kinds of strate- gic weapons that would be cov- ered by a new arms limitation treaty replacing the current five-year accord, which expires in October. TheSoviets last March re- jected two American proposals. U. S. officials said privately that the negotiations here were centered on a compromise of those plans with a modified So- viet proposal. THE SPECIFIC So- viet "ideas", proposed by Gro- myko after consultation with the Kremlin, were kept secret. But U. S. spokesman Hodding Carter told reporters: "I can say generally we are continuing to work inten- sively and the meetings thus far have been worthwhile." Carter said a communique would be issued Saturday cov- ering the arms ne otiations and talks between Vance and Gromyko on the Middle East. Right-winger Begin iWis Israell election TEL AVIV, Israel (A - Menahem Begin, the perennial out- sider who has become kingpin of Israeli politics, began assemb.- ling a special delegation from his right-wing Likud bloc yesterday to explain Likud's hard-line positions to U. S. politicians and the American public. Final elections results announced yesterday showed that Begin will have little trouble forming a coalition government headed by Likud. VIRTUALLY assured of being Israel's new prime minister, the Likud leader met with outgoing Acting Prime Minister Shimon Peres for a briefing on affairs of state. The state radio said the Likud mission to the United States would probably be headed by Prof. Moses Arens, an aeronautical engineer who has held senior scientific posts in the Defense Min- istry. Some Likud sources said Begin would also name Shmuel Katzn, a comrade from his guerrilla days, to the delegation. Katzn was a member of Begin's Irgun Zvai Leumi underground organiz- ation, which fought for Israeli independence in the 1940s, MANY OBSERVERS say Likud's tough attitude toward deal- ing with Israel's Arab neighbors has dimmed hopes of an early Middle East settlement. But Egyptian Anwar Sadat seemed to disagree with that assessment Friday, reportedly saying it does not matter who is prime minister of Israel because "the United States has the cards." I By the time we're old enough to have children, we've been thoroughly sold on the idea. By our parents, our grandparents, our friends and neighbors, the media, everyone. It's hard to remember we ever had a choice in the first place. But there is a choice. Having a child is a tremendous responsibility and art important decision. Probably the most important decision we'll ever make. And once it's made, it can never be undone. Just remember ... you do have a choice. So think about it, and do what's right for you. For more information write: ---- -------- ----------- National Organization for Non-Parents 806 Reisterstown Road Baltimore, Maryland 21208 Id like to know more about N 0.1.A Please send me your tree "Am I Parent-Materiat' package. nane address rlty/state/zip -- -- -- -- --a- Crown Prince Fabd of Saudi Arabia, another key Arab fig- nre, left his country yesterday for talks with President Carter m Washington on the prospects for an Arab-Israeli peace. After meeting with Peres, Be gin told reporters they had di'- cussed economic and securit matters. Be said it would tk _ two or three weeks" for hint to form a government, and tha he then expects to be irniv! to the United States for a mert ot with Carter. The WI)' iHouse has said Carter wants to meet wiith irael's nets ,rit - iYlinifiter. THE STATE radio, nns iarcs the final results of Ttesdti nationil election, including it late-arriving army vote. The four - party Likud h,,t won 43 seats in the 120-mes- her Knesset, or parliament, ani increase of four seats over its showing in the 1973 national election. Peres' Labor party won 32 seats, a loss of 19 from its standing after the 1973 vote. The Laborites held power for 29 years, and during much of that time Begin was the prin- cipal opposition spokesman. Begin and the Likud were ex- pected to form a 62-seat major- ity coalition with the NRP's 12 seats, five from the ultrare- ligious Agudat Yisrael parties and the two seats held by form- er Lt. Gen. Ariel Sharon's Shlomzion faction. THE MICHIGAN DAILY volume LXXXvIt, No. 54-S Saturday, May 21, 1977 is edited and managed by studte at the University of Michigan. Nen- phone 764-0562. Second class ,pste paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday morning during the Univer- sity year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor. Michigan 48t09. Subscription rates: $12 Sept. thru April (2 semes- ters); $13 by mail outside Ani Arbor. Summer session published Tues- - day through Saturday morning. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7.50 by mail outside Ann Arbor. Open Tonight till 1 a.m. Pinball, Billiards and Bowling at the VN ION