THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, May 4, 193' Page Fourteen Page Faurteen THE MICHIGAN DAIL' Wednesday, May 4, 197 American escapes Mexican prison AIGLE PASS, Tex. (AP) An American held in Mexican jails for more than a year dog- paddled across the Rio Grande while handcuffed ad under fire from Mexican police yesterday. David Driscoll, a 28-year-old diabetic from Albuquerque, N.M., escaped en roite to a hospital from the Mexican pri- son at Piedras Negras. He swam about 151 yards in water 10 feet deep. PIEDRAS NEGRAS, on the banks of the river just across from this Texas city, is the site of the prison from which 13 U.S. citizens were freed last March 12, 1976 during an arm- ed raid. All made their way across the riser to Eagle Pass and turned thsemselves in to U.S. officials. l)riscoll was also questioned by the U.S. Border Patrol and expected to return home POOL Slow boat to Thailand Sun silhouettes a solitary fisherman on the Mekong River at Mukdahan, Thailand, recently. Although relations are cool be- tween Thailand and neighboring Laos and occassional clashes are reported, life remains calm for most inhabitants of villages on the river boundary. the mini ad with MAXI power You'll get fash results from a Daily classified ad and now you can place it by mail. Just fill out the coupon below and enclose your eheck for $3.70. Checks are payable to the Michigan Daily and no ads will be accepted without payments. Your ad will run in the next 3 issues following receipt of your ad. Call 764-0557 if you have any ques- tions. SEND TO: Classifieds, Michigan Daily 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 E ! Name _ - - ,Please indicate Addess_____ __- ________ ! where this ad is toarun: Address** Sa personal "hone No_ for rent line for sole lie" ".____ __ ____-heln wanted line roommates ! "etc. Sline3 _ _ ----*----------------.-1 * There are five words per line. * Each group of characters counts as one word. * Hyphenated words over 5 characters counts as two words (this includes phone numbers) LOOK AHEAD! Order your Summer Daily Now Call 764-0558 It Pays to Advertise The reatWall- It's here! The latest hilarious collection of slings and arrows from Garry Trudeau- The Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist whose net- tling political observations have made him a house- hold name across the country. And, often, a sensitive topic in Washington. Now Trudeau moves still farther afield-following Uncle Duke to China. Where, as America's new en- voy, he meets a catatonically smiling Chairman Mao and the kind of adventures you'd expect 9ith "an es- pecially trick: people." AN ESPECIALLY TRICY PEOPLE' by G. B. Trudeau $1.95 at book and dpartment st res Holt,Rinehart&WinstonW