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May 19, 1977 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1977-05-19

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Page Six
Energy Dept. proposed


Thursday, May 19, 1977

Ladies of the evening shy away
from Fourth Avenue businesses

(Continued from Page 1)
Board within the new depart-
The board's pricing decisions
would be subject to presidential
veto and the energy secretary
could make proposals to the
board and require it to act with-
in a specified period.
Under the administration bill,
these powers would be vested in
the energy secretary. The House
version, approved 23 to 0 yester-
day by the louse Post Office
and Civil Service Committee,
follows the recommendations of
the administration on energy
the Senate rejected 59 to 34 a
proposal by Sen. Edward Ken-
nedy (1-Mass.) that would give
the energy secretary authority
to pay the fees of public interest
lawyers involved in hearings or
litigation before the department.
"We shouldn't be locking the
public out," Kennedy declared.
It also turned back, 57-29, an
amendment by Sen. Richard
Schweiker (R-Pa.) that would
have given Congress veto power
over rules and regulations made
by the energy department.
MEANWHILE, President Car-
ter's proposal for energy taxes,

a part of the President's pro-
posed new energy policy,was
described as the least painful
way to handle the energy prob-
lem by Ralph Nader's tax group.
'At the same time, the U.S.
Chamber of Commerce called
the program a prescription for
more shortages and higher infla-
A,uning the worst circum-
stances and without taking into
account (carter's proposed tax
rebates, the chamber told the
Ilouse Ways and Means Com-
mittee that Carter's proposals
would raise a typical family's
taxes by $10,000 within the next
10 years.
Robert Brandon, representing
Nader's Citizen's Tax Reform
Research Group, said the gen-
eral thrust of Carter's proposals
-conservation and development
of new energy sources-are wel-
come. But the tax program,
which Ways and Means is con-
sidering, has some good points
and some bad, Brandon said.
Charles Babbage invented a
steam-powered computer in
England in 1823, that in theory
could have done all the things
that a basic modern computer
does. But nobody knew how to
build it.

(Continuedfrom Page3)
for business," he says. "Get
the whores off the street and
people aren't afraid to come
down here."
AN EMPLOYEE of a Fourth
Avenue restaurant caught up
in the mesh of downtown pro-
stitution said "it's bad for busi-
ness to see the hookers out on
the street," but 'he personally
has "mixed feelings."
"tt's okay if people want to
be hookers, but people don't
want it thrown in their face,"
he said. He said the madames
of the nightare really "nice
people who just fuck for a liv-
This employe pointed to a
different reason why the adult
bookstore and the escort ser-
vice are glad to see the pro-
stitutes gone. He said the
prostitutes who gathered in
front of the Capitol market had
a rivalry with the prostitutes
New England refers to the
northeastern American states
of Maine, New Hampshire, Ver-
mont, Rhode Island, Con-
necticut and Massachusetts. It
has a total area of 66,608
square miles.

who were associated with the NO ONE on Fourth Avenue
two businesses. "They would expressed any confidence the
shout back and forth at each ladies of the night are gone for
other," he says, conjuring im- good. "These things have a
ages of the West Quad/South habit of recurring," comment-
Quad rivalry. ed one businessperson.
City Council considering
possible porno ordinance


(Continued from Page 1)
BESIDES THE First Amend-
ment arguments, several Dem-
ocrats said that the ordinance
would further clog court doc-
kets, and add anotherunneces-
sary task to an already over-
burdened, understaffed Ann Ar-
bor Police Department.
One Democratic member of
Council, who predicted no anti-
pornography ordinance would
be passed, said, "The Repub-
licans don't want to burden the
courts and the police with this,
but I think their constituency is
putting pressure on them."
Council member Jamie Ken-
worthy (D.-Fourth Ward), who
said he would definitely vote
against the ordinance said, "I
don't want to get into regulat-
ing what people buy in a book-
store. That's going too far into
the private rights of the citi-
C O U N C I L M A N Ron-
ald Trowbridge (R.-Fourth
Ward) is one of the key swing
votes on the issue. He voted
for the ordinance Monday
night, although he said he had
serious reservations about it."
I urge the public to read the
ordinance, and to come and
talk about it at the public hear-
ing before it is passed," Trow-
bridge said.
Trowbridge is characterized
by several of his fellow Coun-
cil members as being a civil
libertarian, capable of voting
independently of the Republican
caucus. ,
Monday night, Trowbridge
made the tongue - in - cheek-
comment that, "Some people
would say I teach pornography
for a living." Trowbridge is an
English teacher at Eastern
Michigan University.
Bertoia said that the ordi-
nance was nothing new.
"I'VE BEEN considering the-
ordinance for a while. I was

waiting for some courts to take
preliminary action on the
Ypsilanti ordinance," said Ber-
Ypsilanti's anti-pornography
ordinance, after which the pro-
posed Ann Arbor ordinancepis
styled, has survived- prelimi-
nary adjudication and is cur-
rently being appealed to the
State Court of Appeals,
Observers say the Ypsilanti
ordinance, has had little affect
on the pornography industry
"THEATRES AND bookstores
are not closed down, here be-
cause they'd rather face pro-
secution than close their busi-
nesses," explained Ypsilanti
assistant city attorney, Walter
Hamilton. Hamilton said it was
the hope of the anti-pornog-
raphy segment of the Ypsilanti
community that as the thea-
tres are taken to court in a
piecemeal fashion, they will
grow tired of paying the court
costs and close their business-
A worker, at the Erotic Art
Museum in Ypsilanti explained
the apparent stand-off between
the police and owners of alleg-
ed pornography outlets.
"The ordinance is still under
appeal, so there really would
not be any reason for the cops
to come in and seize films."
The Fourth Avenue Adult
News bookstore in Ann Arbor
is that which draws the most
public concern. The manager,
Randy Juergensen was not ap-
prehensive about the future of
his business.
"I am not immediately con-
cerned," aid Juergensen. "Por-
no is a legally definable.term
that has not been legally de-
fined. As far as our display
window is concerned, we really
don't have anything out there
except Playboys and Pent-
houses, the normal sort of thing
you see in every drugstore."

Gene Littler
It's possible to go into an annual checkup feeling terrific.
And come out knowing something's wrong. It happened to
me. The doctor found what I couldn't even feel . .. a little
lump under my arm. If I had put off the appointment for
one reason or another, I probably wouldn't be here today.
Because that little lump I couldn't feel was a melanoma, a
highly aggressive form of cancer that spreads very quickly.
It's curable--but only if found in time.
So when I tell you, "Get a checkup," you know it's from
my heart. It can save your life. I know. It saved mine.
Have aregular checkup.
It can save your life.
American Cancer Society.
,~esac ysazu~a SdSAd~oveaSW, Ist

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