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May 19, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-05-19

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The Michigan Daily

Vot LXXXVII, No. 12-S

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, May 19, 1977

Ten Cnts

Twelve Pages

Council ponders porno ordinance

Ann Arbor City Council has
begun consideration of an anti-
pornography ordinance. The or-
dinance, sponsored by Council-
man Roger Bertoia (R.-Third
Ward), was approved after a
first reading last Monday night.
As it now stands, the ordi-
nance would make promoting
pornography and displaying in-
decent matter within the city
limits, misdemeanors punish-
ate voted yesterday to create a
Department of Energy, a new
Cabinet agency sought by Presi-
dent Carter to implement the
nation's energy policies.
The legislation now goes to
the House, where a similar bill
is awaiting floor action.
THE PROPOSED department,
to be headed by White House
energy adviser James Schlesin-
ger, would have broad powers
over energy pricing and develop-
If enacted, the energy reor-
ganization would create the first
new Cabin'et agency since Con-
gress established the Depart-
ment of Transportation in 1966.
It also would be one of the
largest federal reorganizations
ever. The energy department
would start life with 20,000 em-
ployes and a $10.6 billion budget.
THE VOTE marked the first
major administration e n e r g y
proposal to win approval in

able by a fine not to exceed
$500 or 90 days in the County
ed ordinance, Bertoia directly
linked the increased prostitu-
tion trade on Fourth\Avenue
and the presence of two adult
book outlets there.
"My reports are that men
are solicited by the prostitutes
after they come out of . the
bookstore," said Bertoia. "I'm

sure these gentlemen are not
coming out of the Capitol Mar-
ket or the CETA (Comprehen-
sive Employment Training
Agency) offices there on
Fourth Avenue.
"They come out of the book-
store in the mood, and its the
old supply/demand thing."
BERTOIA SAID another fac-
et of the porno market he con-
sidered before offering the or-
dinance was the problem of

either chamber. President Car- some energy programs now in
ter said he needed the energy the Interior Department and a
department to carry out the number of other agencies.
energy program he wants en- The Senate went along with a
acted. modification in the administra-
The p r o p o s e d department tion legislation recommended
would absorb functions of energy by the Governmental Affairs
programs currently scattered Committee relating to energy
throughout the government. pricing.
Both Democartic Leader Rob-
ert Byrd and Republican Leader IT WOULD transfer the FPO's
Howard Baker called for the regulation of wellhead natural
bill's passage, although Byrd gas prices and the FEA's regu-
said the new agency might turn lation of oil prices to a three-
into an "unwieldly bureauc- member E n e r g y Regulatory
racy." See ENERGY, Page 6
SEN ABRAHAM Ribicoff (D-
Conn.), the floor manager for
the bill, called the legislation
"the cornerstone of a national
energy policy."
Under the measure, three ex-
isting agencies would be abol-
ished outright-the Federal En-
ergy Administration, the Fed-
eral Power Commission and the
Energy Research and Develop-
ment Administration. The new
department would also pick up

display. lHe is concerned with
the effects of the easy visibility
of adult magazines on Ann Ar-
bor's youth. Bertbtia would like
to see the covers of the maga-
zines hidden by some sort of
shield, with only the name of
the magazines visible to pass-
Bertoia said Council was
overly concerned with First
Amendment arguments, in the
debate Monday night.
"The First Amendment is a
purely judicial consideration.
The Ann Arbor City Council
should be voting on whether
they think these bookstores re-
flect contemporary community
"I'VE GOT 11 months left
in office. I'm not going to con-
sider the politics of the situa--
lion. I'm going to force people
to vote on the issue."
Although City Council passed
the ordinance after the first
reading on a straight 6-5 party
vote, Republicans' for and
Democrats against, it remains
unclear how the final vote will
result, because the wording of
the ordinance is still subject
to change.
Before any ordinance be-
comes part of the city code, it
must pass through three steps.

First, it must be approved by
City Council after a first read-
ing. Second, it is put in front
of the citizens at a public hear-
ing. Finally after all amend-
ments to the ordinance are
made, it is given a second read-
ing and voted on for the last
THE PUBLIC hearing for the
proposed anti-pornography ,or-
dinance is set for June 13, at
7:30 p.m. in the council cham-
bers at City Hall.
Ken Latta (D.-First Ward),
who voted against the proposed
ordinance Monday night, said
he may consider voting for the
ordinance if certain changes
are made.
The entrepeneurs of Ann Arbor's
notorious Fourth Avenue have
mixed feelings about recent por-
no crackdowns. See Keith Rich.
burg's story, Page 3.
"It really is not specific
enough," said Latta "Before I
decide definitely, I would like
to see specific examples of
what will be covered."
See CITY, Page 6

Regents to hear opponents
of S. African investments
The University Regents meet this afternoon to discuss, among
other things, University investments. The Regents have been pre-
sented with a packet containing the semi-annual investment re-
view of the University's stock portfolio, prepared by the Chief
Financial Officer James Brinkerhoff.
Several members of the Ann Arbor community have signed
up to speak to the Regents during the public discussion at 4:00
about the University's corporate ties to South Africa. Concern
has been raised about the University supporting the racist poli-
cies of the South African government through its investments.
THE REGENTS will also hear a presentation by Vice Presi-
dent for Academic Affairs Frank Rhodes regarding tuition levels
at other institutions of higher education in comparison with this
University's tuition levels. Rgents will not be presented with a
final request for a tuition hike until legislators in Lansing pass a
final budget figure for the University.
Regents have previously been presented with figures indicat-
ing an 8.7 per cent average rise in tuition and are working
with this figure until the State finalizes its appropriations to the
In addition the Regents will hear a request from President
Fleming tomorrow to have the Affirmative Action Office and the
Commission for Women and Minorities combined into one Office
of Affirmative Action with one Director and one Associate Direc-
tor. By doing so Fleming has indicated he hopes to put each
individual group's interests into one office rather than having
different groups with basically the same interests doing the same
At Friday's session Regents sill vote on a variety of issues,.
among which will be an increase in the daily service charge at
the University Hospital.

This crane takes a bite into Barbour-Waterman gymnasium. Demolition of the building began

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