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May 18, 1977 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1977-05-18

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Wednesday, May 18, 1977

Pollsters predict loss
for Israeli Labor Party

TEL AVIV, Israel UP) -
State television forecast stun-
ning setbacks in yesterday's na-
tional elections for the Labor,
party, which has been the main
force in all Israeli governments
since independence in 1948.
It said' the right-wing Liked
opposition was making strong
gains against the Labor party,
stained by corruption scandals
and hurt by a troubled econo-
INITIAL VOTE counts from
farm settlements showed a
trend away from Labor. Elec-
tion officials said Labor candi-
dates won an average of 55
per cent of the vote in those
villages in the last election in
1973, but only 43 per cent this
According to the television
prediction, based on samplings
from 25 of the 3,879 polling
places, Labor would get only 32
seats in the 120-seat parlia-

The broadcast predicted
Likud would go from 39 seats
to 44.
IT STRESSED that its fore.
casts were based on projec-
tions and that no official vote
count was yet available.
There were 22 parties in the
campaign and the television
sampling gave the new Demo-
cratic Movement for Change
(DMC) 16 seats in the Knesset
It said the National Religious
party (NRP) would win 11
IF THE projections are cor-
rect, Likud as well as Labor
would be in a position to form
a ruling coalition with smaller
Hanoch Smith, Israel's most
noted pollster, said final results
may differ slightly from the
television forecast, "but this is

Fun in the sun
What kid can resist the feel of the wind from passing cars
on a 90* summer day? Not too many. Clearly taking advan
tage of the situation this child leaned outside of his car win-
dow on downtown A2 and smiled-for the camera.

Life ends for Waterman

definitely the trend
Brilliattt suishine with tent-
perattres itt the li0 8ls helped
swlt the large voter turnout.
Electiotn dty is a public holi-
day ai there was a carnival
atmosphere as thottatids head-
ed for beaches and picnic
grounds after voting.
EARlIEIR polls indicated the
Labor party, headed by acting
lPrine Minister Shitnon Peres,
and Menahem Begin's Likud
bloc would rttn neck-and-neck.
Complete returns front the
country's 2.2 million voters
were not expected until some
time Wednesday.
Peres voted early near his
suburban Tel Aviv home. He
said he was confident of vic-
tory but added, "the prol~em
is, how big a victory. That I
really can't tell.'
A LABOR victory would
mean continuation of U.S.-spon"
sored efforts to settle the Mid-
dle East conflict by trading
Israeli - held Arab land fa
Arab signauires tintpeace trea
Likud, on the other hand, is
committed to withdraw only in
exchange for a full peace and
the outright Israeli annexation
of the occupied West Bank of
the Jordan River - the trick-
iest chunk of real estate at
If neither party can witi de.
cisively, much would depend
on two smaller factions, the
NRIt and the DMC.
THE NRP'S fiery leader, Zvut-
in Iiammer, favors joitiing
L ikud because he also wants
the West Bank to become part
of Israel. The DMC, headed
by archeologist Yigael Yadit,
would be more likely to joit
Altogether, 22 parties are
running for election, ranging
from feminist movements and
ethnic groups to pro-Moscow
Communists and right-wing ex
tremist Meir Kahane, the
American - born rabbi whO
founded the Jewish Defenso
lieague (JDLI.
See ISRAEL, Page 7

The final chapter in the book of contro-
versy surrounding the demolition of Bar-
bour/Waterman gyms was written yesterday
as Art Dore and his wreckers began de-
molishing the buildings.
To the many onlookers the razing of the
buildings came as a surprise, after so much
controversy, nobody thought it would go so
fast. Dore's trailers, trucks and cranes ap-
peared yesterday morning and the demoli-
tion was underway.
THE REGENTS had vote4 to raze the
gyms in July of this year ahd yesterday's
move brought out such comments from stu-
dents as, "Something's fishy about this,"
and, "I guess they wanted to rid themselves
of the trouble once and for all."
Dore said he had received orders from
George Selim of the Physical Properties De-
partment of the University stating the build-
ings should be torn down by the time the

Art Fair arrives in town in mid-July.
Dore indicated he did know of the con-
troversy surrounding the builidngs and
added, "They probably just wanted to take
it down before somebody stopped them."
Weidenbach said last night the Regents
never set any date for the buildings to come
down but merely indicated the job should
be done by the end of the summer. Weiden-
bach continued, "The contractor elected to
tmove in today, there's no significance to
it at all."
Several groups of government bodies had
come out against the razing of the gyms
and wheels were set in motion on the local,
state, and national levels to try to have the
buildings declared national landmarks and
immune to destruction.
Barbour/Waterman gyms were built in
1694 at a cost of less money than what it is
now cOsting the University to tear them

BARBOUR GYM was originally used for
the offices of the Dean of Women and the
Dept. of Physical Education for Women.
Women's groups on campus had stated to
the Regents their desire to see the build-
ings left standing and used for some good
reason as a result of the history the build-
ings represens/d.
lore indicated yesterday it would take
more than a month to raze the buildings
before he filled in the empty hole with sand.
Dore was also impressed with the construc-
tion and brick of Barbour/Waterman, "This
is the best brick I've ever seen," Dore
said, "and I've been out here doing this for
20 years." Dore will sell the brick after he
has torn it down.
The University Regents have said they
would like to use the land the gyms were
were on for a future Chemistry building.
The fact that the University has no money
for such a project did not detour them from
this decision.


Fifth Ave., ahoy!
When the U.S. Navy Department moves into
its new office location in the Ann Arbor Federal
Building, it'ss almost be like the sea. The Navy
"crew" will view the world from six authentic
porthole-style windows located on the first floor
of the new building on East Liberty. But any sea-
sick maties had best beware - these portholes
don't open. An architectural representative reveal-
ed the original building concept called for totally
tir conditioned rooms without open windows. Though
the final structural design necessitated sliding glass
on the fourth level, the portholes will remain with
closed hatches.
,.. today is the last day of a three-day syfmposi-
um on land, "The Face of America: This Land in
the year 2000," in Rackham Auditorium ... and it's
also the first day of the seventh annual Conference
on Anomolous Absorption of Intense High-Frequency
Waves, a topic which will understandably take three
days to get to the bottom of. Registration is at the
Extension Service, beginning at 7 am. ,.. Morton
Reiser of the Yale School of Medicine will speak on
"Changing Theoretical Approaches to Psychosomat-
ic Medicine," at 9:30 a.m. in the CPH Auditorium.
... the Recreational Sports Department will host a

jogging clinic at 7 p.m. in the central campus rec
building. A user pass or valid fall ID is required
... and introductory meetings of the Students Inter-
national Meditation Society will be held at noon and
8 p.m. at 1207 Packard.
A small fire in Hill Auditorium was quickly
extinguished yesterday afternoon by city firefighters.
Kay Shelemay, University Musical Society employe,
allerted fire officials when she smelled smoke com-
ing from a second floor organ practice room on the
northeast corner of the auditorium. Apparently, the
blaze began in a box containing wooden organ parts.
University Safety Director Fredrick Davis had no
immediate estimate of the fire's total damage, but
he did say that a broken window and damage caused
by smoke and water would total about $1,000. An
investigation into the fire's cause is currently under-
Door thieves
Even among thieves there are trade secrets.
Burglars who took $112,500 from a Skokie, Ill. bank
Monday also took the 250-pound steel door to pre-
vent authorities from discovering how they did it.
Police believe the thieves used metal tabs to neu-
tralize the alarm system's controls, which detect
body heat. "They were extremely familiar with

alarms, safes and baiks," comuiented Eru taKra
mer, president of the bank. Or maybe they just
needed a replacement door for the upstairs bed-
Who says science isn't making proigress? Nine
members of a. "think tank" in Cambridge, Mass.
have discovered that lead balloons can he made
to fly. The problem with lead balloons, aside from
the obvious, is that the metal has to be made thin
enough to make the balloon without being so fragile
that it tears. The secret, for all you Popular Me-
chanics turn-that-unused-lead-into-a-useful-balloon en-
thusiasts, is to use lead foil over a wooden super-
structure. The lead balloon cliche is not the first
to fall victim to the aroused wit of Arthur D. Little,
Inc.'s scientists, however. In 1921, the founder him-
self pounded a sow's ear into filament to make a
silk purse.
On the outside
The heat wave will continue to burn your heart,
though possibly not your skin, because it'll turn
cloudy today. Look for warm, muggy weather and
scattered afternoon thundershowers, with a high
of 86. Tonight the mercury will dip to 65, but by
tonmorrow we should be back to more of summer
in the city - sunny, with a high of 84.

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