'It I- The Michigan Daily LXXXV I, No. 10-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, May 17, 1977 Ten Cents Sixteen Pages Council hikes water and sewer rates; proposes pornography ordinance By GREGG KRUPA Ann Arbor City Council last night approved a hike in cit water and sewer rates and began preliminary action on a pornog- raphy ordinance. Effective immediately landowners in the area using Ann Ar- bor's water facilities vWill pay 12 percent more for those services. Landowners using sewer facilities will pay 14 percent more. THE RATE hike covers increases in wages, the cost of fuel and electricity, repairs to dams on the Huron River, and plant expansion. The proposal was passed unanimously. Some of the discussion on the rate hiking ordinance centered on whether or not low income citizen's should help pay the price of expansion of facilities to homes they cannot afford. City Administrator Sylvester Murray said the city could raise the funds for plant expansion by a tax on property, rather than a rate hike. Owners of high income property would be forced to bear the brunt of the plant expansion, thus relieving citizens on fixed and low incomes. COUNCIL MEMBER Lou Belcher said he favored a rate hike. "Frankly, the rate hike is one 'way of taxing the University of Michigan, or any tax exempt property owner'. We are attempt- ing to spread the costs to non-taxable property," said Belcher. In, other action, the Council passed at first reading an ordi- nance that would prohibit the dissemination of pornographic ma- terial within the city limits. The ordinance was sponsored by Councilman Roger Bertoia (R.-Third Ward). Bertoia said there was a direct link between the rise in pro- stitution on Fourth Avenue and the selling of pornographic ma- terial there. THE VOTE was 5-4, divided strictly along party lines- Re- publicans for and Democrats against. When an ordinance is passed on first reading it means Coun- cil will open discussion to the public at a hearing probably in the first week in June. The ordinance will then be read a second time and voted upon. B U L L E I N-- According to T.V. 2 Detroit News late last night, the Ann Arbor police arrested a man yesterday who has confessed to committing at least four rapes in Ann Arbor last fall. The police- indicated they were not sure if this man was the Ann Arbor rapist responsible for some eight rapes in the last year. Police were unavailable for comment late last night. More details in tomorrow morning's Daily. WHEN ANN ARBOR'S gorgeous sunshine beckons, many free-spirited souls wander to the Arb. Matthew Graff, left, and John Johnson, right, found a unique way to enjoy the Arb's spring beauty. Both are members of the local American Unicyclists chapter. Students seek fun in Arb sun By RON DeKETT Groves of trees swaying in the wind and hills and valleys blanketed in freshly mowed grass lure bikinied bodies, frisbee flingers and lovers seeking solitude to University-owned Nichols Arboretum-"the Arb"-to revel nature's glory. "The Arboretum is a place of beauty-a place of plant and tree life of all species that are native to this area in North America. It is a place of study. It is a place for people to come in and sit and enjoy," Gil Kaeger, sup- ervisor of the Arb says. IN 1907, Walter and Ester Nichols donated 144 acres of land to the University to be used for study by Ann Arbor schools. For the past 70 years, the Arb has served as host to a variety of activities-including a biology lab- oratory, a landscape architecture classroom, wedding ceremonies and an army map reading course. The Arb is a treasure house for wildlife enthusiasts. Squirrels, 'rabbits, fox, ground hogs, a badger or two and an occasional rac- coon call the Arb their home. A short walk through the Arb's wooded areas will send these furry inhabitants scampering up a tree or in a hole to escape the momentary intrusion. The Arb also nests 83 species of birds. IT TAKES two full time workers and one or ,two part time helpers-depending on the budget -plus Jaeger devoting many hours of planning See STUDENTS, Page 11 Stanford to form protest net By PAUL SHAPIRO A Stanford University student yesterday announced the for- mation of a plan which could spur the beginnings of a na- tional student movement to force various universities to di- vest themselves of stock in companies that have financial ties with apartheid South Af- rica. Ann Henkleson, Stanford stu- dent council president and member of SCRIP (Stanford Committee for a Responsible Investment Policy) said yester- day, "Over the summer we are co - ordinating students across the country in the pur- chasing of one share of stock by each campus" whose schools have investments in companies involved with South Africa. "We are doing this," she continued "with the pur- pose of bringing up a proxy re- solution ourselves to the cor- porations' board members ask- ing them to withdraw their in- vestments in South Africa. It is time this situation is brought into the public eye," she add- ed. THE PLAN to organize a stu- dent protest network is the re- sult of SCRIP's futile attempt to convince Stanford's trustees to vote for a proposal at last week's Ford Motor Company stockholders meeting in Detroit which would have forced that corporation to discontinue all dealings with South Africa. SCRIP organized a sit-in last week at which nearly 3000 stu- dents demanded that either the trustees vote 'yes' on the pro- posal, or the university sell the $40 million worth of stock it owns in companies associated with South Africa. The protest came to an abrupt end when police arrested 294 demonstra- tors, Meanwhile, protests were rag- ing at several other schools, in- cluding Rutgers, Princeton, Minnesota, and most notably the University of Wisconsin. UW students voted last month by more than a 2-1 margin to demand that the university sell off $14 million worth of South African related holdings. Pro- testers there briefly took over UW-Madison Chancellor Ed- win Young's office and picket- ed a regents meeting. Proponents or the anti-invest- ment movement point out in re- butting these points that al- though there has been industrial growth in the last 20 years, See STANFORD, Page 14 Detroit hopefuls debate By KEITH B. RICHBURG Two candidates for mayor of Detroit met in face to face debate Sunday and ended up agree- ing with each other and blasting the present ad- ministration of Mayor - Coleman Young. Detroit City Councilman Ernest Browne and Wayne State Law Professor John Mogk took turns saddling Mayor Young with all of the city's ills, from the youth gang problem to the housing crisis, and labelled Young as incompe- must search for good talent." Browne was quick to agree with Mogk, and added that not only would he not let unqualified people work in government if elected, but "t won't let any of them work in my campaign." tent and his political appointees as unqualified, "WE HAVE a tremendous void in leadership in this city," Mogk told the audience at the Cen- tral United Methodist Church which hosted the debate. It's no secret that w haven't put the best peo- ple in office in Detroit," Mogk said. "The mayor See DETROIT, Page 12