Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, May 14, 1977 nlNm SAVIN(, THEY'RE ALL IN FOR RENT SUBLET OWN BOOM frendy feminist co- SUMMER SUBLET. Mid-Jn-Sept. op. Slt-rts Jute. 90-370. 38527 1. Soty Jarge root, ktche, bth- . roo, oepetsoo or couple 00- I-BDRM..$120to. nlutilities 032 81U614 My-Agut. Furnithed mile rom ---..___....__.._ _- -. -- campu. 662-3314. 4051 JULY-AUGUST - Loely furnshled .,,,,._.°.....-- Iwo bedrotoms, near cam pus ho- OFFICE AVAIL ABLE 8Jut lt er pitl oand pool. (563-60. 44U520 htoptal, coutts. 96001q. t. prk g, - . - ........_._.._.._.......___ _ reasonable 60-007 eve. 35514 SINGLE AVAILABLE in Co-op. lo- __ ..._-.-_-_._o edltely or begnning June. Good FURNISHED BOOM. Itmmedot-r- locton. Coll 763-600, 41514 patny. Shre tathroomoI1block "to - _ __-- - ..._..._ __ __ Rotklt. 662-777. ect- SUBLET NEEDED FOB ROOM In ....-.-... ___ Old Wosl slde house. Chep snd GRADUATE STUDENTS-Furotsd Peetul, Phoe 686-729 ater 5:30. stuio, one bedrootmtsprttets Woten oly. 31U19 near- hoptal, ptkngSeptembtet-____ __ . .- - - lst or erle. 668-807 rve, 34014 SUBLET- TWO betroon pt. In -- -__- _ --. - _ oste on . Forest with lotrge hok BOOMS-Lot-ge. crpted, rfr-ig., no0vtod. June-Augst. Col Joce. 66- cooking. $0. Col 663-383. 28C519 54 dU14 STUDIO) SPACE ot- rot t 226 W. HELL)!! We wnt yolL"od we're Lberty. Stotp y or rll 71-3006 or not eeo Untle too. We toe one 95-1679. 27C14 lony boetoot in aofive-peron - houeeastut-BtutsPrk. Jon us this LARGE ROOMS. lot- to t-amps. ol.tmossr. 995-8679 peristetly. $55/ 133 mottth lotludog utliie.6- tol. dU14 923 after S pom. 97 C517 _._.......-....._._ _ . - _.__ .._._......_..___._.____ .-----PEOPLE PLACES. Co-op. Shre ONE BEDROOM on otllmosl in bat- 0avr, Roe Foon!0S10110Roots. Free ment, bttnice. 769-674. 13C514 Lutdry. 62-4414, Itetot-Coop Con- c--- il. U7 FEMALE GRADIS. Shre hose Own --_____ __ bedrootm. 010ne toflor mr $75. 0110 AVAILABLE NOW-Rooon ern- lot- JuI o; $60 summetr,.$10 pus,. low -Stmmet-rot, fllloption. lll. No aoking,;- 971-4730. Pckod- 600-6906 or 63-3641, cue Plat. 1C51 - H__ tELP FEMALEeroomte wnted WANTED-2 moo ond 1 woan. fr 1in beu~tflt.spco-lssprment, coopertivlehotsehold. lese through My-Ag., bileeOlprkng, ol-on- Aug. '78; startng dte Jne 1 to ditooig vacunt foe, each apart- Bopt 1. God or woring person mett, dshwaoshe, thre blonies, Coll 761-8540. 92514 shag t-ug. 133 Wilmot C-4, 62-4303. - ---- 11U517 GREAT LOCATION. Behnd Low 2-INGE ROMS{ -_ithpriat Quod. Otne bedroom pt. Smll, fur- 2a)Si ble ROMSy-(1gwsthinpaot lothetd r oe l, d ot Oawoudeo. $15Grea to stuiethustreaBor mpu/hos- wihI t t wvictuelecot lo. ll opilo. m 111011. porking, lotge backyaprd/gr- 04 Monroe. reCll90009.--405te rrIo dol, utlites p1. 663-3726. 91517 Apt N. . Atre 6:00 p.m. week- -- day, ianytmoeStlurday 0r Snday. WANTED TO RENT 805~14 -- .__. _.Y ._.. ..- - -_..... . WILL PAY July-Aug. ren for lll BURNS PARE ROUSE, own room, leoor on plast singe room in $110 mon., May-My lese, or um- ocomfortble hose. Prfer communl mr sble. Preet- Grd, Proea- situton, quiet leofy re. Mle 25 Meyr-Doy 1-91- non-smoker. Harry Clrk, 707 W. 6400: Ees. 63-838, 62-874. 03C514 Indan, Uranal, IL 6101. 15L1 MARTHA WASHINGTONWA TD OBU Aresaidene for women - Roomo A TEO U available now. 00y0. 76-850; eve- NT -ne07eohMtln ingo 761-7904. 05C518 WED-O190 UNFURNISHED TWO0 BEDROOM Cokot, MKeozie, TN 321. with Inmmedate ocupotnc. hot and 13K21 water Included 10 rent West Pk _- -- looaton. 62-7787 ct MISCELLANEOUS SUBL'T'SERICE PENTAX, ES, 01ack; zoom lens; SUBETSERIC polrioing filter; 0esk and chIr; Wemiti it forpeet lmp;5 ptinto mtted snd mounted. roomnt o tesmsme oo.oFOR SALE to eficencs, to one snd two bed- --- ---- - -_________ room aparments boh moden and MOVING ALE In houseos. Saturday, May 14 and undy. May Conact ns orfrthnetre Informs- 1, 10 a.m.-6 pm Couch and two tion. machin chirs (hap). Chet, baby items, clothing, sewing ma- CAMPUS MANAGEMENT, INC. hine, ito more. 1811 Pauline, No. 4 337 E. HURON (eor W. Stdium). 995-4554, dB4 663-410 - - -Cc MUSTANG II OIA. 4-sped, a, - ___- . a m/t-n stero, rrar dotroster, ra- USED CARS dials. 971-375, 1-56-6249. 9518 69 VW SQUAREBACK. $200. 66-6416. PC 145 CB, 23 chnnel, esellent Best11-. 32521 condition. Col Mike at 769-724 Beta-f 251 otr 12 ocok noon. d 1975 VEGA Hatt-hbat-k, 34 milesgal- 32- AAH D--clr- -nI ion, ecelet rondtion. Rot poo- 30YMH tlnLn hn ,0 tlo06-7 ed low miloge, 4-speed. $900 or 90010 in etofr 4-12atr33,3N2 69 MERCEDES BENZ, stndard, k. CHAMPION jicer ($10; slide pro- gree/bl. Iterir, xcelentcon- ettr ($0); electric typwrtr greiobIk.notrior salt rad ($1100)- iory, ade hes tto ($50- linI n n.Pwrseering sd 16-Votro.hestbe .92) brakes, AM/FM rdo, air, $3,850, 0;Vitrances ale(35). mstse to ppret-loo Call oftr 4 an tque rooing thairo ($50-I0); p.m., 47-574, 36N19 grow lights, bilackbord, campstove; _________________________ Singer sewng machine ($10) Ph. 163 FORD Flc-o, good toditon, 663-146. 02B517 little rust. 761-377. 2N514 -_________ BUSINESS SERVICES ENLIH LANGUAGE 1n01rucion, 10 lessono$4-.Cll 66-6511. 3351 -PROFESIONAL PAINTING by M-- GuI r-pitr. Fun yr. eprienc. - , -F re es01mate. Rosonble rts. -Tam, 6-544, _ IJ7*; - ~T YP I NG AND PRINTING. IBM. SlertIc, 20 y- ,expeience,.11691.- Fid W aM-Y ur 0ichign, Yp n L. ;85 , Looking Foric .i -- TRAN'SPORTATION GOeG '.ed rdet/D If sies .'itsbughany day at 1 sdas' - the 176h, Share gas, expense., Cal Ia-Ll, 62-328. - 0037 t l R r HELP WANTED THFERAPIST-For adolecent by to restdental treatoettenter. M.S.W. required. Looking 10r enrgei, cre- atve Individual with epriene in therapeutc work wih emtionly ttot-tid thildren. Responsible 10r individuali and gt-up therapy, family coutnselng, sod mnagment of tratmet team. Cmpetiive slry; good bneits Sen0 reume to St Jhns ome. 23H514 EARN EXTRA MONEYtis ummr. Regiter sow for the psythology polo tsubjet pool. $2.50-pio/he. Col 764- 1590 9-12, 1-4 weekdays. 260511 $25.500 A YEAR GUARANTEED-Foe ambitouaproon able to run r- taurant in Ann Aebor. Cl colledt 603/659-2005. 48514 WANTED-Sting qurtt to pay for md-Juneouootdoerwoeding andr- orpton inasee. Cl eveings, 48- 3344. 938514 INTERESTED in pendng ear in Washngsn, D.C.? Full tim (-6 babystter wntefotre one year old. Salry, room asd board in lovely Washogton home. Begin mid July, Call 761-370 868514 COOK WANTED - For the lrget health od restaurant In the mid- west, Wsarrve both meat and vg- tarian foods, Conat Miso uddes- ton or Joe Bossett, 419-31-0334. Ba- setts Health P000dsd Reatorent, 301 W. Cr01ra, Toledo, Ohio 4366, 208517 Programmrs ACCOUNT REPRESENTATIVE COMSHRE, Inc., upplier of pecaliord computer snovcs, hascaeer positions vilabe in tehncl s1upport of our Mrkooing Diviso, If yo u would enjoy being a trouble- shooter, a problem solver, sd the sain technicl commui- cationn-link wih our cutom- er, you already meet half the requirements for the jb. In addition, were looking for two years o1 FORTRAN or COBOL prgramming eprience (or equivalent oure work) and g8000 d communication skiln. Busines eperence In a finn- cial, manufacturing or statti- cl environment a definite pus; Appicant mut aimo be wllng to reoate In six motho time to one of our 15 branch office locations throughout the U. Please send reume or col: ars Lewis COMSHARE, INC 3001 . State HO, Ann Aror, Michign 4810 Teephone 990-4809 Equal Opportunity Employer 5/F BIKES,SCOOTERS RALEIGH 24§ Gran Sport, 1 year .(225), Ph. 663-1546. 94517 MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS USED MARTIN 12 string gitr. Call Don, 761-9431, -X524 AMtPEG nAS-Perect ahape. Apollo Music Center, 323 S. -Main, c52 HEW SHIPMENT of upright.pions strtng at $175. Cyne in while elec- tion, s tood. Apolo Muic, Center, '70-1400. eX526- EARTH -.. PRODUCER amp 4-13" spakosr,, 248 rmae witdistortion, Apollo Music Centr, 769-1400, X526 PERSONAL DENISE, Please 00etme at the lbary to- -coys 4. I io Important. RICHARD d0514 99Q1PIE-As lowsas 313. IMPRESS (1Sill the Cheaprstl) ' 24 E. Willam,? -00o U; , - c BUMPER STICKERS, Cutom pit- F sO while-U-wait MBL PRESS1021TI i _Vrospeot,.-An Arbor, t111rdo WEDDING INVITATIONS - Mod o tradition. Cal 761-092 anytme, Ftc PERSONAL JAZZ at the Univtesity -,Cluh with the Root's Trio tand Friends Noel Cuun- nflsigho m, piano; Ted Hat-ey, boos; Slonbey Slaughter, drums; ond l ea- tosring Vincent York of the Mercer Ellisngton Basid as also s. Friday and Soturday evenings 9:30 p.m.- 1:28 n.m. in the club cocktail lounge in the Michigan Union huiling. Ask tosts-yo for a Itre trial member- ship. 762-2236. e~te SAILING ABOARD 35 ft. octeon crusing kesth on weekends, reason- ohio, Call 769-2720. 59F524 THE DISTINCTION of being South Uas only drugstore belongs to the Village Apothecary, 1112 S. Univ. Ave. eFte RUS. ifyou shave all youir ns- tt-cImItsoi1g1to k001 myself. Love, Furry Faoe Lover dF5l4 PIANIST WANTED to co-ejnoy flute soaotas (Hondel, Boot, etc.) with amateur flist. Alao ather inatrui- mentoalsts interested in forming chambroamusic group. Call Ron, 565- 5854, or write Miohigan Daily Box 14, 12F511 PERSONAL VISIT ANN ARBORS only gem lab Ibet-ore you spend your money need.. Ilessly. Fine quality diamonds and low prices on oil engagement and wedding rings, Austin Diamond, 1209 0. Univeroity, 663-7151. ecbf ENERGETIC STAFFERS needed for LSA studenta' counseling office, ntn- dent ron peer rounseling service, 1010 Angeil.762-1552.. 2F&-. (Continued on Page 9)_ ANISWE TO PREVS PUZZLE MAS!C 8BGUN RAMS A L LA ROUSE A If NA'OS AUTOS MODS ONTIIE T 57108)5 INUSE EON EFFETE PIGLAT IN UIRE 8INGo ODE U N DS SACKS FLEW A NE TOBUY TOAST L Y SA NODER G HO ST S SUN EGRET SU SST OP HU M IDO R A L II UR A N NO0VE A S NO GLEN lR N ESSAY SERI CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 1 American Lea- gue teams for short 5 And the like, Latin atyle 9 Brief light 14 "1 begin toasmell 15 Traditional knowledge 16 Zodiac sign 17 Architectural feature 18 Part of 19 Acrss 19 Make-of 20 Best seller about a European capital 23 McGuffey's beat seller 24 Ancient Scot 25 Part of a Perry Maaon title 28 Mason's aide and'otbers 32 Tilted 36 Notion: Fr. 38 Bridge position 39 John Le Carre best seller 42 Liqueur glass 43 Indefinite pronoun 44 Certain gps. 45 Produces 47 Unit of card games 49 Vex Wo 9 O NEE ME 51 Part of a password 56 M~ary Stewart beat soles" Phrase 60 Greek letter 61 Suffix with idions; l or system 62 French composer 63 City onthe ; Rhine 64 19th century ; editor 65 Face shape s 66 Delusion's ; companion t67 Mongolian tribesman 68 Baroslons baby DOWN e 1 Perigee- r 2 Subject-of G. Stein definition 3 Florida seaport 4 Suffix with home or road R 5 NY town where Mark Twain lived 6 Ten digits 7 Meccan 8 Surcease 9 Flash 10 Infinite 11 Scrooge, for abortR 12 One of a poetic t trio 13 Prefix with content or adroit 21 Straight: Prefix 22 - cockhorse 26 Vestige 27 Sidled 29 Rules 30 Wise-owl 31 Certain boats- Abbr. 32 Grand Cosnbin and othera 33 Part ofChicago 34 Hebrides isle 35 Advertiser of a sort 37 Otherwise 40 Politeodenial 41 Western capitsl 46 Slangy denial 48 Part of the street scene 50 Burdens 52 Place for a soiree 53 Century plant 54 Musical center in Europe 55 Place for ies enfants" 56 Word used with more or less 57 "For- jolly good fellow.." 58 Deseret state 59 Lollobrigida 60 Cook's abbr. 1 23 4 5 6 7 8 910 14I 15 16 417 - 18 19 20 21 22 23 241 25 : 26 27 28 29 130 31 32 33 134 35 36 37 38 39 44 - 41l~ 42 w 43 44 ,. 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 5 571 . , 51 59 - 60 61 62 63 6.yl ~ 4. .-., 66 6o-y~~ 7 7->.