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May 14, 1977 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1977-05-14

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Saturday, May 14, 1977


Page Seven

AnnArbo 's access to video

IN 'Q2 THE Federal Communications
C(onmiss On r a 1 e d that any cable
televsiion stations opening their doors
after that date would be required to
allow the citizens of their area local
co'nsnnnications ability. One year later
the Cable Vision Company initiated a
cable station in Ann Arbor, and under
the new regulations brought a Public
Access channel to the city.
Sittated across from the Fleetwood
Dliner at 208 W. Liberty, the Access fa-
cilities are in full operation today. Un-
der the leadership of Jeanne Nichols,
Executive Director, the station offers
a wide variety of equipment, training,
and involvement to those interested in
Public Access technical facilities in-
clude five Sony half-inch video porta-
paks, three half-inch studio cameras,
six editing decks ranging from a Pana-
sonic 3130 to a Sony 8650, and accesso-

ries such as headphones, lights, camera
extensions, etc. . . . In addition Access
has a small television studio with a
three camera set-up, and a mix board
capable of takes, keys, and limited
snecial effects.
" WE'RE LOOKING for a broad base
citizen involvement," says Direc-
tor Nichols. "The whole concept of
Public Access is for the people of Ann
Arbor to communicate with one an-
other." The station's personnel is train-
ed to instruct in porta-pak operation
and editing skills. A three hour train-
ing session is mandatory before one
checks out equipment for the first time.
Over the past two years Public Access
programming has varied from shows on
African awareness in the media, and
transcendental meditation, to documen-
taries and senior citizen shows. Several
programs are produced through Uni-
versity classes, as well as one through
a community resources course at a
local high school.

Nichsoats is currently working on a
prstgram that woald stapply mini-grants
to local directors usiag the Access fa-
cility. In this instance, the station would
wssrk as a clearing house for loscal film-
nakers. Iler staff wwtld take proposals
for programs on local issstes, screen
them, and take qtuality programming to
local businesses for financial backing
in the form of prodaaction costs.
Along similar lines, Access is look-
ing to train technicians to crew shows
in the community for those who wish
to produce programs, but not get in-
volved on the technical end. Hopefully
this would lead to technicians trained
to work as professional units.
The cable has 8,500 subscribers so
there is great viewer potential. Public
Access is located at channel nine on
the cable dial.
Access is open from 9-11:30 and 2-
10:00 Monday, Tuesday and Friday,
and 2-10:00 Wednesday and Thursday.
Their phone number is 769-7422.

mUII rnot y ^L..V I on-a
Executive Director
Jeanne Nichols

1r w 11wlr w Irlrl lw w w rll rwl w

Ho me grown reads best
from Mount Paugus and Other Consideration without focus. And anyone who has experienced the Wilbur nails bent over.
by Walter H. Clark, Jr., Abat- T absemi ndet do 'frustration of interminable slavery in His bodyehasucked up rheumatism li
ditions of the University of Ne- The dog is inside the fog, the stacks will probably concur with the He chuckles asparagus out of the group
at Omaha, 1976, 59 pp., $7.95 Out nowhere in particulaf. birds in "Library Pigeons." te is god out of a piece of hard fruit
The fog knows the dog, saying nothing.
d edition (200 copies). Out not exactly. Smells old; like a shed, a barrel, like
Fog is everywheere, the promise of mold.

toir E


Eshale without inhale.
Dog is somewhere.
IS A CAVIAR volume of poetry snuff, snort, worry about.

from one of Ann Arbor's finest writ-
ers, critics, and teachers. It is impres-
sive both for well-crafted style and for
startling candor of expression, which yet
avoids boordom and soppiness. -

It isn't a match of the sort
Matchmakers approve.
My mind is at love to your mind
Like a dog in the fog.
Silence of your mind before birds sing,

dItr 8\

In this book, Clark tackles challenging
themes and complex attitudes with an
economy of construction which approach-
es tacturnity, but stops short of secre-
tiveness and arrogant idiosyncracy: a
delicate balance. His writing is charac-
terized by a chastening precision of lan-
guage, even when he is articulating rath-
er slippery insights. His wry humor and
lively imagination prevent his poems
from becoming simple technical feats.
Although many of the poems here refer
to common observations and literary
commonplaces, they are consistently orig-
inal. In large part their originality de-
rives from a wrenching of preconcep-
tions, as in this love poem from the third
section of the book, By Cold Mountain,
Dog In the Fog
sy mind is at love toyourmind
Like a dog in the fog.
Hopefully, self-protectingly humorous,
Perhaps rather shaggy, dog,
Name of Victor, or Vector,
Trotting around at a dog's trot,
Stooping to peer at a bog's trout,
Sniffing at bushes,
Casting fitful different directions,
The thing a dog knows,
Location; point to point.
Seemingly considerate, fog
Has a beauty of accommodation
To the slow roB of the land,
Itieb swamp,

Its allowances to berry and web,
Most subtle perfumes of it,
Suffuse my lungs
Until I tong for concentration
To fin coordinates;
As if some lecher in a thicket
Pointing, might flush
His be-alt-end-all in a peacock's
Ann Arborites will find familiar scenes
in the second section, rendered with deli-
cate reflexive irony and sensory acuity.
Thanksgivingday at Landgrant College
Indian lady
Bulked out in your gay sari
bull on the wind
The Mayflower was just such a sight.
All at adds with,
Reefed into, a winter coat
Vo foam down the walk
Pointing a squadron of swart-skinned men.
Husband and court, long way from home.
Tonight you will cask foe all,
Corey, a high smelling confection.
The other boarders will not complain.
Already the wind has vacuumed the
From what I see
Billowy sag of Thanksgiving,
Nothing to see;
Junior professors wringing the library
Trailing kids in winter traps;
Sidewalks dozing by noon;
Silent things,
squirrels, swatches of mail drifted in boxes.
And what I hear,
Bale of the high geese going south,
Hale of geese s
Halyard coaching against athr flagpole.

O pigeons! Have you something
Urgent to say to the volumes
Huddled at roost in punctilinous rows?
"Join us," you say, "in undulant freedom.
Bespatter your caves with illegible fewmets;
And rising together in sudden tremendum
Blacken the sky with the leaves of your
Most of the remainder of the second
section' is composed of highly literate
literary commentary:
On A Verse of Herrick
Sly Herrick kist Anthea's shooe;
Ay, vowed he would kiss further too.
Think you her sangfroid quite destroyed?
So sad, his not forseeing Freud
Whose signal ease betrays the wished-
For haven of the fetishist;
Desiring all, he settles on a part,
Pricking a moral tale foe love, far art.
Clark fleshes out the children's Bible
story in "Joseph" ("The unbalanced
panniers of his mind,/ Half prophecy,
half insolence,/ Going the long journey
into servitude."), and pays his.respects
in "For Thomas Merton":
I liked
The way you worked the soul out
In fresh air.
It seemed
A whole lot clearer
Than our slog.
Of course I went
Another way.
You helped,
Though how is hard to say..
I think of what
You said
About desire
Doubling on its track;
And of yourbrief -
Far out
And sudden
In that foreign place.
In New Hampshire, the first section of
the book, Clark interweaves interpreta-
tions of impressions of people and ac-
tivities from his childhood with more
mature observations of the correspond-
ence between culture and nature. "Wil-
bur's Garden' is a portrait of a man
who has grown to look like what he does:

In the title poem, "View from Mount
Paugus," the speaker uses a visual per-
spective to establish a historical analogy,
Thereis no god here out of any book,
No pine speaks to us, granite hasn't a
In its head. High up Carrigan's Outlook
The wind is alone. We are grown up now,
Knowing our reasons, climbing into an age.
Think like the Indiana, dancing with stone
His slow hoisted thought from shoulder
and chest,
The world breeze stirring the leaves of
his longs.
We are the world now, a world we raise
And climb; the White Man's world,
city and road,
Synapse and ganglion made manifest.
Here in this grove halfway we 'disengage,
Turning the same cold eye upon our ways
As Penacook upon palavering Puritan.
Clark's p o e m s utilize support from
spoken language and very individual
diction; reading aloud reinforces their
meaning. View from Mount Paugus is
exceptionally appealing as a physical ob-
ject. Decorative type, antique laid paper,
and a slightly fuzzy denim cover-as well
as the poetry--make the book very pleas-
ant to have around. And even the minor
flaws in the verse are promising: the
occasional awkwardness or inelegancy is
a portent of Calrk's further development
as a writer.
Atarnie eyn is a gra/ua/e student in
Book awards
NEW YORK (AP) - Three
authors were recently honored
for books published in 1976.
The American Revolution
Round Table awarded its prize
for the best book on the Ameri-
can Revolution to Charles
Bracelen Flood for his book
"Rise, and Fight Again," a his-
tory of four American defeats
and how they were overcome.
The Society of Children's Book
Writers gave its Golden Kite
Award to Eve Bunting for her
young people's novel, "One
More Flight."
The winner of the award for
the best book of belles lettres in
English written by a non-native
speaker of English from Africa
nr Asia was T. Obinkaram Ech-
ewa, for "The Land's Lord."

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