Page Nine
Friday, May 13, 1977
Frida,.My1,17 H IHIA ALaeNn
Nixon looks back on
(Continued from Page 1)
der attack.
Israel subsequently relented
and the stage was set for nego-
tiated interim settlements with
Egypt and Syria.
The timing of the broadcast
of Nixon's interview led Presi-
dent Carter to move up his news
conference by five hours to
avoid a conflict.
Carter told reporters yester-
day he had seen aly "a small
part" of the first interview and
did not intend to watch the sec-
ond. "It didn't change my opin-
ion of President Nixon," he said.
"I personally think he did vio-
late the law and did commit im-
peachable doffenses."' t
Carter added: "Most of the
people do agree with what I
have just said. I think he was
guilty of impeachable offenses.
I don't believe he thinks he was
I think he's mistaken."
The interview with Nixon was
shown over a makeshift network
of 155 stations. Frost is paying
Nixon $600,000 for the inter-
views, plus a percentage of the
Without having to deal with
the tensions of Watergate, which
forced him to resign in 1974,
Nixon sketched with consider-
able detail his impressions of
llenry Kissinger, his principal
I treign policy adviser, Chair-
man Mao Tse-tung of China and
S,)viet leaders Nikita Khrush-
chev and Leonid Brezhnev.
Nixon said Kissinger "couldn't
stand the bureaucratic infight-
ing" and that Kissinger feuded
with William Rogers, who he
finally succeeded as secretary of
state in 1973.
Nixon said Kissinger had sug-
ested. "m a y b e a half - dozen
times" that perhaps he-Kissin-
ger-ought to quit.
Kissinger advised Nixon it
might be politically dangerous
to send more than limited mili-
tary support to Israel during the
1973 war but Nixon gave the or-
der: "Send e v e r y t h i n g that
Mao Tse-tung, despite compli
an edu
to commemorate the he
occupation and oppress
the turn of this century
mate zionist entity in P
cations of at least a partial
stroke and having to converse
almost entirely in monosyllables,
"was in charge of himself and
he was in charge of China' un-
til his death in 1976.
A tough and ruthless leader,
Mao lived simply and was aided
by "rAther pretty Chinese girls"
who lifted him up and helped
him walk.
Khrushchev, the late Soviet
leader who steered his country
awoy from the harsh regime of
Josef Stalin, was both boorish
and brilliant, with "a terrible in-
feriority complex."
By contrast, Brezhnev, his
successor and current head of
the Kremlin hierarchy, is not so
quick but is "far better man-
nered" and "a much safer man
to have sitting there with his
finger on the nuclear bomb."
Somewhat of a "fashion-plate,"
Nixon said Brezhnev likes beau-
tiful cars and beautiful women.
Nixon's analytical description
of the October 1973 war in the
Middle East began with what he
called a "heated discussion"
-with Brezhnev at their summit
meeting earlier, in June of that
According to Nixon, the So-
viet leader insisted that Nixon
force the Israelis to withdraw
from all the former Arab ter-
ritory captured in the Six-Day
War of 1967.
Nixon said he refused because
he thought Israel's interests
would be served by negotiating
some adjustments in the bor-
ders with its Arab neighbors.
"I still believe that," he said.
When Brezhnev predicted that
Egypt and Syria would soon at-
tack if Israel did not withdraw,
Nixon said he told the Soviet
leader: "We will not let Israel
go down the tube-or words to
that effect."
Then, the former president re-
lated, when the Arabs attacked,
the United States supported Is-
rael with "everything that flies"
and by filibustering against a
cease-fire-at Israel's request-
until Egypt and Syria were
pushed back.
With Israel "on top," Egypt
and then the Soviets proposed a
joint American-Soviet force be
sent to the region to keep the
peace but were turned down by
On the U.S. incursion into
Cambodia in 1970, Nixon said
Kissinger initially had some res-
ervations but once the decision
was made fully supported it.
However, arter the demonstra-
tions in May at Kent State and
other U.S. universities, Nixon
said K gis ar came to him and
said: ''Y)s know, I'm not sure
that we shold have gone into
this Cambodia thing, and per-
haps now ao come the time that
we shold shorten the time and
get out a litile sooner."
Actually, Nixon said, Kissin-
ger "wasn't seriously consider-
ing it" aud he told his adviser:
"Henry, we've done it. Re-
member Lot's wife. Never look
Nixon told Frost: "I don't
know whether Henry had read
the Old Testament or not, but I
had, and he got the point.
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Friday, May 13
Gene Wilder Night MLB 3
(Bud Yorkin, 1970) 7 & 10:30
Gene wilder's funniest role is i inis spoo o swashbuckiers.
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Oene wilder as an individalist inwo rejects te regimentation o
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They're allhere! Daffy Duck, Bugs Bunny. Porky Pig, Popeye,
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cational-cultural program
roic struggle of the Palestinian people against zionist
sion since the advent of zionism to Palestine around
and especially since the establishment of the illegiti-
alestine 29 years ago this Sunday, May 15.
of the Arab Information Center, Washington, D.C.
of Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.
titled "THE PALESTINIAN STRUGGLE: an artist's view," a moving slide
show of paintings by prominent Palestinian artists, compiled by Kamal
Boulata, an exiled Palestinian artist.
FRIDAY, 13, 7:30-11 P.M.
Kuenzel Room, Michigan Union
cosponsored by U of M Chapters of: REFRESHMENTS SERVED
Oronization of Arab Students
Iranian Students Association ADMISSIONS: FREE