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May 13, 1977 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1977-05-13

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Friday, May 13, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven
Disco double bill succeedsz

IT BEGAN with the singing
group, Wild Cherry's dra-
matic arrival, complete with
exploding smoke, . flashing
lights, and confetti and balloons
plummeting from the ceiling.
Even before the group struck
one note, there was a sense that
some kind of extravaganza was
about to take place.
Wild Cherry seems to have
grasped the path to American
soul music perhaps a little too
well. Their songs were upbeat
and rhythmatic, a sound prob-
ably resulting from listening to
too many James Brown re-
cords. Although they are much
less imitative than groups like
the Bee Gees, or K. C. and the
Sunshine Bard, Wild Cherry
seemed to paralleled to the
likes of the Isley Brothers and
Earth, Wind, and Fire.
In a post-concert interview,
the lead singer, Robert Parissi,
commented, "Everything is imi-
tative. We work with as many
things as we can."
The group can undoubtedly
keen its audience jumping in
their seats, because the audi-
ence was bobbing and danc-
ing. They got the beat, and per-
hans that was good enough.
Arena audience seemed to be
heavy with anticipation to hear
Wild Cherry's hit single, "Play

That Funky Music, White Boy,
the catchy tune that brought
their name to the top of the
pop charts.
"That song really worked out
well," said Parissi. "We've been
having trouble getting recogniz-
ed since that song, though.
When you have a hit that big,
it's hard to come up with a sub-
sequent song that satisfies the
Sunday's concert seemed to
work well enough for the group,
though. They gave their audi-
ence just what it seemed to
want. "We don't want to lose
our old audience, Parissi said.
"We feel we owe them some-
thing. But we're developing and
working with new ideas."
And that may just be the
problem. Their brand of blue-
eyed soul is too accommodat-
ing and is, consequently, unor-
W I L D CHERRY emerges
from that familiar soul ma-
chine, featuring familiar drum
and bass instrumentality to go
along with it. It is clear that
they have roontr for develop-
There was an abrupt change
when the Average White Band
appeared on stage. Although
coming from the same soul
mist, AWB has cultivated their
musical style into a sophisti-
cated meshing of jazz, blues,

low and intoxicating even with-
out the lingering odor of mari-
juana in the air.
Sunday night's concert was an
experience in vanilla soul that
passed pretty well. If nothing
else, one learned from this con-
cert that soul can came from
many corners. It may begin as
blatant imitation, but is has
the potential of emerging into
something truly original.

driving fans wild with a demonic disco bass.
and soul. The effect is almost tinctly moving
another style entirely. style.
THEIR first album, Put it Their performan
Where You Want It" was almost was refined and so
a direct copy of James Brown. didn't feel like1
But with each successive al- because you thong
bttm, they displayed creative trying to be blac
progression, until their latest songs such as "A
original album Soul Searching Own" and "If I E
which is their best effort to Heaven" had a s
date. Other influences such as own in concert. Le.
those of jazz and blues are dis- mish Stuart's voi

into AWB's
ice at Crisler
ulful and you
belting them
ht they were
ck. Recorded
Love of Your
ver Lose This
ound all their
ad singer, Ha-
ce was mel-

(ORKY LAING is sincere.
Not just the usual bullshit
celebrity nice-guy bit. The man
really means what he says, and
it is a refreshing change from
the hypesters who dominate the
rock scene today.
For those of you with long
memories, yep, you're right,
this is the same Corky Laing of
Mountain and West, Bruce, and
Laing fame. The drummer,
right? Well, not solely the
drummer anymore.
LAING has a new solo album
out, Making is on the Street
(Elektra 7E-1097). He not only
drums, but sings, composes
and plays rhythm guitar. It is
a good first effort; hell, it's a
good any effort. In a recent
promo interview with the Daily,
he was open and frank about
his career, past, present, and
WE TALKED about his past
with Mountain, and the relative
obscurity that he had had as a
composer. Laing wrote eight of
the nine tracks on his album,
the ninth being the oldie, "I
Know". This cut is the only
weak point in the album, and I
asked him why it had been
added. He told me that being
one of his favorites, he wanted

pops off with solo LP

to add a heavy percussion line
to it.
Laing said that there was one
constant in the world, that when
everything else is done, "there'll
still be the thing between a man
and a woman. You know, mis-
understandings . . . the prob-
lems of being apart." Laing
also said' that the lyrics are
very personal. Both feelings can
be seen in the way he sings the
words to the single release, "See
Me Through";
"Honey, would you see me
after all I've done to you.
If another man comes along,
-what would you go and do?"
LAIJNG SAID that when
you're on the road, the main
topic of conversation when you
call home is the evening news.
It's the only thing both ends
have in common.
This was in response to the
Free Press reviewers' derog-
atory comments concerning a
line from "Don't You Worry".
In this song, there are refer-
ences to many different news
The reviewer took exception
to this verse, specifically' the
way it ends:
"Don't you worry about the
crime in the street,
the ozone in the air or the

subway fare,
Don't you worry about the
TV news,
it'll all work out between
the Arabs and the Jews."
Apparently, the reviewer found
it too hokey, and took it out of
context in his review.
To him I say, "Suck canal
The singing on the album is
rough, not in the technical
sense, but because Laing's voice
is gruff, husky. He told me that
it was partially deliberate, but
it was mostly his natural voice.
It makes for an interesting con-
trast, after listening to silver-
throated, and top-40 stagnated,
singers. It adds some to the al-
bum because of its' novelty,
while maintaining quality.
THE, ALBUM is more of a
rocker than anything else, but,
it is subdued during some cuts.
The musicianship (with guest
appearances by Eric Clapton,
Dicky Betts, and Jo English
of Wings) is superb, and flow-
ing. It sounds spontaneous, a
good trait, because the album
doesn't sound too planned out,
or cemented. Each instrument
(including the Muscle Shoals
Horn Section) meshes easily
with the others.
Corky is planning a national

tour, probably within the next
two months. Detroit and Ann
Arbor are on the schedule, so
try to catch him. He is a star
who is shining again, this time
with a many-faceted brilliance.
And as he says:
"I'm growin' old with rock {
and roll
'cause it's the only life I
When I can use that rhythm
and blues
to make me feel alrighta
from my head to my shoes.
Havin A Wild Weekend?
IT'S FRIDAY THE 13TH, and you know what the means.
But -that's no reason why you should spend the day quaking
in bed. Why not go to a movie? The Seven Mamurai is playing at
Arch. Aud. (7:30 & 10), and the cartoon feature Hoppity Goes To
Town (Aud. A, 7:30 & 9:30), and a Gene Wilder double feature at
MLB 3, with complete shows at 7 & 9:45.
At the commercial cinemas, the newly opened Harlan County,
USA, a hard hitting documentary and Woody Allen's Annie Hall
come highly recommended.
Saturday night the film co-ops offer The Lords of Flatbush,
starring H. "Fonzie" Winkler and ! S. "Rocky" Stallone (Arch,
And., 7:30 -& 9:30), Fellini's autobiographical Amarcord (Aud. A,
7:30 & 9:30) and Shampoo and Straw Dogs in MLB 3 & 4 at 7:30 &
9:30. Sunday's free silent film is Fritz Lang's incredibly spacey
Metropolis, at 8, Arch. Aud.
NIGHTCLUBBIN': Stoney Creek plays Mr. Flood's, Bob White
at the Ark, Mojo Boogie- Band boogies down at The Roadhouse,
Rock's Gang rocks Second Chance, Moriah shakes at The Under-
ground, Starfire Disco at the Blue Frogge.
CATCH 'EM LIVE: Gary Burton, jazz vibrophonist and Eber-
hard Weber, Power Center, tonight at 8. In Detroit, all weekend,
in Greektown's Attic Theatre, Lori Jacobs, Capitol recording artist
appears. Jazzman Herbie Mann plays the Music Hall Sunday.
ARTSCOPE: Ann Arbor's Art Worlds sponsor a show featur-
ing photographer William Pelletier in Gallery B.
MISCELLANY: Sunday should be a big day for comic book
freaks, if they attend the collector's collection held in Sans Souci
Hall in Farmington (for info call: 557-8819). Or stay in toin for
Sunday's classical organ recital at the Christian Science Church,
1833 Washtenaw. U-M organ instructor Don W. Williams will per-
form at 7:30.
TOP TUBE TIPS: Best of Ernie 'Kovacs-don't miss this-
Saturday at 8 on 56, and at 12:30, Tuesday Weld and Tony Perkins
in Pretty Poison. On Sunday, tune to Lou Gordon (Ch. 50, 10 p.m.)
for a psychoanalyst's attempt to explain the workinsa of Richard
Nixon's mind.

Photo Expo '77 opens at Plaza
THE newly - opened Detroit tic clinics, where faulty equip- photographer Tony Spina). Lec-
Plaza Hotel in the Renais- ment can be checked and re- tures are subject to change.
sance Center plays host to a paired, trade displays-and dem- The exposition also boasts an
traveling photographic exposi- onstrations by major photogra- 800 piece photo gallery featur-
tion in the Ontario Exhibition phic companies, and a series of ing the winners of aDetroit
Hall this weekend. lectures and film screenings. Free Press contest, and work
The exhibition, wwhich began Among the films to be by professional photographers
yesterday, will be open to the screened are John Muir's High like Paul Strand and papparazi
public Friday, from 5 to 9, Sat- Sierra by Dewitt Jones, an Ron Gallela.
urday, from noon 'til 9 and Academy Award - nominated Those attending are encour-
Sunday, from noon to 6. short subject and Bogart, a aged to bring their cameras, as
General admission is $3.50, compilation of film clips star- the Barbizon School will pro-
$2.50 with discount vouchers ring the inimitable Bogie, vide fashion models to photo-
that are available in local cam- Lecture topics include: Photo- graph in connection with a pho-
era stores. macrography, $ Portrait Light- to contest they are sponsoring.
Ticketholders are entitled to ing, Color Enlargements at Additionally, Time/Life photog-
participate in a wide range of Home, and Photojournalism (to raphy books will be awarded as
activities that include diagnos- be given by Detroit Free Press door prizes.

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