Page Sax THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, May 13, 1977 f'age Six THE MiCHIGAN DAILY Friday, May 13, 1977 lm _ LThe Fun Starts TONIGHT SHOWS TONIGHT AT 7:00 & 9:00 OPEN 6:45 TOMORROW AND SUNDAY AT 1 -3-5-7-9 "THE SLEEPER OF THE YEAR! Audiences revel in the glow of the romance." --Charles Champlin, ~ L.A. Times ICC may use solar power to heat water (continued from Page 1) Stitt said the project would have a long-term payback per- iod, saving between $2,500 and $3,000 per year. The group is confident BUD will approve the grant applica- tion. College Housing in Austin, Texas has developed a aolar energy project similar to the one planned by the ICC. That cooperative organization applied for and received federal funds from BUD. Stitt also said he would seek cooperation from the Ann Arbor City Council. "We will have to deal with the Building and Safe- ty Department and we have had to do some gymnastics in our relationship with that group in the past, so we're going to seek the support of the Council on this," he explained. At first, the ICC board of di- rectors hedged on the idea of developing a costly solar energy facility, fearing that members were not interested in the pro- ject. But then, Stitt explained, an ad hoc committee called the "Sunshine Kids" picked up the cauae. "The Sunshine Kids circulated petitions at the dinners one night and got a whole bunch of signa- tures. The board of directors passed the proposal unanimous- ly at the next-meeting." ALBERT SCHWARTZ * IMRE J ROSENTHAL PRESENT STARRING- A FILM BT JEAN-CHARLES TACCHELLA MARIE-CHRISTINE BARRAULT " VICTOR LANOUXO* MARIE FRANCE PISIER " GUY MARCHAND Gaueset-FImsPomreeu o Ns'aI Ftim Dist Ltd- 6'A L LA tt .4 i~. HAS HELD OVER 3rd HitWeek a SHOWS TONIGHT AT 7:00 & 9:05 OPEN 6:45 TOMORROW & SUNDAY AT 1-3:05-5:10-7:15-9:20 WHO DO YOU BELIEVE .. . THE DREAMER OR THE DREAM? c-Rdi t A/Im ms Shelley Duvall *JRIR ICO- THURS.-FRI-A I P INE DINING - 11:30,,AM-9:00 PM. Sissy Spacek Janice Rule 1-19 j A l441Aotu7 d 6c<&c4 , /'ItA &E-9a J ryM"'.t/ Twentieth Century-Fox presents ___ u'nk/r icrdl ~ t 'r ir2' rorRobert Al l ftnan music Geal Busby mmunsl Bolehi Winrit]me1md in Panlwjisjoll or Deluxe' He doesn't get mad. tie gets even.- 'THE FARMER" GARY CONWAY ANGEL TOMPKINS MIC HAEL Di)-NI RIPEFIM :.I I (: D EllyPatric R; RESTRICTED ___ PG' PARENTA GIDANCE SUGGCESTEDO'' n~i