'age Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY hursday, May 12, 1977 ,N~m gyN 7HEY'RE ALL IN ____ *UIPFIED]- FOR RENT ROOMS-Large, crpete,. rfri., n cooking. $5. Col 6-300:. 2051l STUDIO SPACE for rent at 226 W. Liberty. Stop ty or cll 761-3090 at 995-1679. 27C514 LARGE ROOMS. cloe to ampu. $15'month inlding utlitie. 605- 923 after 5 pt. 97C517 ORE BEDROOM n Wltootti n bse- ment, lot nie. 76-674. 1C514 FEMALE GRADS. Snre hose. Own bedroom One oe smmooaer $7. One for June 1 on: $0 sumnae. $0 tall. No anmoking. 971-473. Pakard- Platt. 10C516 WASTED--2tmen and 1 woman fo coopertive ihouehold, lese trugh Ag. '78; strttng dts June 1 to Sept. 1. Ord or working person. Call 761-540. - O9C14 GREAT LOCATION. Behind Law Qutod. 1One edroom alt. Stal, tur- nished, lots of oakwtoodi work. Gret fo grd or tw sttdent. £175 me. with utliltresvice elertll option. 804 Monroe. Clt 05-4050 at ring Apt No 1 After :00 p n. week- daysotyttoor Satutrday or Stndy. 80514 AVAILABLE NOWModer efil- tnc oinecellent loato.Coll atetr 7:00pim. pesilstenly, 761-7250 96C13 BURNS PARK HOUtS, ownrom $110 oton.. Ma-M! leose, or sm me osbet.PreeGras, Pones- stonals.0tevenMee- Dyt -61- 6400: kee 0064630:10.,62-740. 01514 MARTHA WASHINGTON A resideoncetforwnoento Room 00000be nwDys, 76-8000,ver- nitnts 761-704. 050C1.8 BOOM $6001001ntly. No lesePFar- ers Mret aotto71-1734 52C513 INTiERNATIONAi COOPERATIVE -- Titer femaleeroom/boidspces, $15 cototh. 761-7435. 57510 UNFURNISHED T W 0 BEDROOM with Immerdiaote oupancy, eatand water inluded tn et Wet Prk loction. 62-777. ectc AVAILABLE PALL -- One bedroom, mirner of Cateriner and N. Tayr. Mot tke suonoer tsubet, rent ne- gottobe. Grdute StdentL' prefer- red. Calt 769-263, revtning, beween 5 and 8. 27513 SUBLE SERVIES We maintain a lit of oelpreent tenanto wihing to sublet their apartments for th nomie. These rnge from roomss to hoioes, to efficren, to one and two bed- room aprtment both nmodern and in houses, Contact t for further inform- tion. CAMPUS MANAGEMENT INC. 337 E. URON 63-4101 ect WANTED TO RENT WANTEDFOR ALL-SingeinIn I- expensive, ohared hose with kithen faclities; for non-moking, vege- ltaion grad student. Call Noval Krfhna doing offie huro at the Mueom of Art, 74-035. dLlS WILL PAY July-Ag. ren for fall leose on single room in hose prefer commonal oitoton, quirk leafy area, Male, 25, non-nmoker. atty Clark, 707 W Indan, Urbana 111.. 61801, 217 344-5362 eesr. 61L512 WILL PAY Jtuly-Aug ent for fal lease on plosant ingle roam in comfortabe hatse. Peeer comnounal situaton, quiet leafy area. Mle, 25, nan-smoker. Rrry Clrk, 707 W. Indiana, Urbana, IL. 6180.1.51,L11 _ .U TSUBLET - TWO bedroom pt. in hoiioe on S. Fret with large bak yard. June-Augut, Call Joyce, 68- 7534. dUid HELLO!! We want you and we're not een Uncle Sam. We hae one lonely bedroom in a fie-peron house near Brn Park, Join us this summer. 05-879peritenly, $55 man. dU554 PEOPLE PLACES. Co-ops, Share, Save,' Mae Fnt Single Rom, Free Laundry'..6093414, Inter-Coop Coont- i. U SUBLET AVAIL ABLE NOW-Roam on cam- pus. low smmer rent, fall option. 660-0900(1or 663-3641. cut HELP! FEMALE roommate wanted in beautiful sapciou apartment, My-Atg.,. blee, parking, ai-on- ditiening, vacuum for each apart- ment, dihwshe, theer balconies, shag rug. 1333 Wimt, C-4,662-4303. IIUS7 JUNE-AUGUST with posibe fall optiosn. Airy singe roo In beauti- ful 6-peron oe. coe to campuso. Very reasoabe rent, Masinisa cooperatee bai-Iargeiy vegearian. Foe lts mre Info, call Elaine at 6S-6286 or 74-0552 and leave me- sage. dUiS SINGLES ROOMS in roolhoue. Near campole and Medical Center. Cali Ellen evenligO,761-1623. 88U513 2 SINGLE ROOMS (1 with private bath) avalabe May-Augsot in pa- cious quiet house near camu/ho- p1000, parking, large backyard/gar- dec.,iutiltis paid. 663-3726. 9U517 ONE-BEDROOM in modern 3-bed- room apmrtmet Aailaloe now thuso August with Pll option. Pis-mn- oe walk to cntral copt. Call Daid, 60-734. ReH egiotable. 0U52 PEMALE-OWN ROOM in apt. near casmpus. PFurnishd, laundry, air-can- diior, ree car-park. Lw rent. May-Auut Fall ation 05-387 Ma~rlon. 83U514 2 SINLIES anailable, 1 spiogsum- noe, Itooummer Priendly hose, cheap. 94-020. 64U513 ONE MALE NEEDED in two man aatmtent. Own rootm. AC. Parking. $55 per/tao. 995-653 or 1-44-4339. 77U512 FEMALE ROOMMATE needed May- Augc Own rome to spciuso2-bed- rooma ap. Call after 5, 06-764, 53U12 SUBLET NOW-AUGUST. Lie In card, air-cnditaned hue with two grad students and two law astudents Y orawn bedoom. Bt tifertre,93-097 6U512 ROOMMATES JUST - GRADUATED architecture tudent and BO writer-tennis play- er looking froce or two roommae fousmmer subet of fairly large house at 1106 Packard, For the mere aim of $5/monthyou canhaeou paradie We'e gys and are look- igfoame, butIf yu'ft a wamn od either know kaate otstnour fare, you'e elcome. Call Andy ar Bab at 60-42. dY53 WANTED-FEMALE grad for large, well kept, frnishd, two edroom apartmnt. ummer,alL 761-4372. 82Y13 BIKES, SCOOTERS RALEIGB 2403" Gra Spr, I yrt ($2251, Ph. 63-1846, 04517 MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS AMPEG BASS-Pcrfect sape Aola Mosec Center, 323 S. Min. eX2$ NEW SHIPMENT of upright pianda tarting at $175. Come in while sele- tion i gaod. Apollo Music Center, 70-1400, cX2 EARTH PRODUCER amp 4-12" spetkers, 240 eos wth ditortion Apollo Music Cener, 7-140. X526 BUSINESS SERVICES PROPESSIONAL PAINTING by Mc- Guire painters, our yr. eprinc. Pree etioates. Reasonable rate. Toots,76-2544,13517 -BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Small campus- laundrmat, reason- ably priced, $15,000 required. Welt Assoiates, 76-1615. 71J512 TENNIS LESSONS ,- Eperiened teacher. frmer college player, p- rate $7hour, group $4. 76-3465, Chris, 51J13 T YP1IN G AND PRINTING. IBM Seernc. 20 r, eperience 116 E Milchigan, YpslantL. 45-809.,-Jte CARPEITEE?, Par-time st td e nt with four years carpentry epriensce is looking for work, John, 994-0901,- 74200 MISCELLANEOUS OUTREACH - SENIOR CITIZENS HOMEAIDS PEO7JECT hs roam fr mre sttdent during spring and sotmer-inteted? Call G pyGip- so, 79-324. 6M52 HELP WANTED THERAPIST-Fr adnlecnt bopa in residential tratment centr. M.S.W. requieed. Laoking foe energetic, re- ative Individual with eperece in therapeutic work with emotioally disturbed children. Responaibe foe individoal and gtoup therapy, family couonselinog, and management of treatment tem. Competitive salary; goad benefits. Send reume ta St. John's Name. 23514 EARN EXTRA MONEY this--summer, Rgister now for the psyhoogy paid subet pool. $2.50-pushr. Call 764- 150 9-12, 1-4 weekdays. 26H51 _-AVON REPRESENTATIVES NEVER LOOKED? SO GOOD Yu will too, selling wrd-famots producots. Feibe hut, 1hgb earn- logs. Call Adry Stein, 662-4401 anytime. c512 PLUENT apeakee/readet of Japanese! Etnglith to tasate cilde's books Part-timoe, $3.5/hr. 76-454. 15H514 $25,000 A YEAR GUARANTEED-Pacr amobitious prsnble to in res- taurant in Ain Aboc.Colltolct 003/65-2005. 481H514. FLUENT spakee/reder of Chinese Ecnglih to tanslate childeen's books Part-timeo, $3.50hr. 76-454, 141514 ...._....WATED-String qarte is play for mid-Just outdoor wedding nd re- orpton in are Call eenings, 42- 3344. 931514 STUDENT TO DO yard work and other josain eange fr oom. 663-5700. 63H512 WORK STUDY Type/tratnscroe tapes at Interiw. Psyhology project. 20 1r/wk, $4/hr. 665-0809. 851513 SUMMER JOB? OPFICIATE asketbol, Softball, Volleyball (IM's) Cntat: Sandy Sanders, 763-1313. 41H513 INTERESTED in spendin year in Washington, DC.? ull tioe 9-61 babysitter wanted-for one year old, Say, room and oard in lovely Wasington home. egi mid July. Call 71-370, 861514 THE MICHIGAN DAtLY WANTS SALESPEOPLE to sell diplay ad- vrtsing on a commissins basi-for sping. and summer terms, Call Hd, 764-0509, d511 COOS WANTED - For the largest health food restaurant in the mid- wesL. We serse bth met and vege- tartsn foods. Cntoct Mike Hudde- ton or Joe Basett, 419-531-334 Bas- sett's Health Foods and Retaurat, 3301 W. Central, Toledo, Ohio 4606. 20H517 RE Progammers ACCOUNT RPRESENTATIVE COMSHARE, Inc. supplier at speciaized computeservices, has career poitons aalabe in tehnical; support of our Marketing Dision. If you would enjoy being a trouble- shooter, a ptoblem slvr, and the main tchncal communi- cotions link with our cutom- tr, you already meet half the requirements foe the jb. In addition, we're looking for two years of FORTRAN at COOL programming eperiene (or equisalent course work and g o a d communication skils, Business txperence in a finan- aial, manuocturing or statisti- cal envirnmnt a definite plus; Applicants must also be willing to relcate so ala months time 10o teof out 15 branch office locton throughout th U.S. Please snd resumc or all: Sara Lewi COMSHARE, INC. 3001 .State Rd. Ann Arbor, -Michigan 4104 Teleplobe 994-4809 Equal Opportunity Employer 00F USED CARS 1063 FORD Falcon, goad codition, little rsot,761-3757. 29N514 WANTED TO BUY WANTED-One oopy eaeb Michigan- ensian t948 and 1961, Write H. 5 Coskroft, McKenzie, TN 38201. 13K521 FOR SALE MOVING SALE Satureday, May 14 and Sunday, Hay 15, ia a.m.-6 p.m. Couch and two matching ehairsn (ceap).,-Cheat, baby items, clothing, sewing ma - ehine, lots more, 1811 Pauline, No, 4 (near W. Stadium). 995-4554. d5514 RTRE STEREO, Tower speakers. Three-aided walnut base ond lap, bath: $390. 404-0009. 07B512 .WORLDLY GOODS SALE - Broken Okecrard stereo, broken Panasonie turntable, headphones, coin ond stamp rollectios, Craig tape retcord- e, 750x microsrope. 2-mnan canvas tent, records. Ciocap. Karein, 662-0744 18B512 MUSTANG II GRIA, 4-apctd, a/c,' am/fm otetso, rtrtdefrostr,ea- diats. 971-2675, 1-568-6249. 99B518 PACE 145 Un, 23 channelexcetllet condition. Call Mike ot 760-7024 otter 12 oock noon, dB FOR SALE STEREOad rtceiver built in has- socks. Walnut base with block vinyl top. $10. 484-0090, 065112 IDEAL, FOR STUDENTS Desn wagoa, 1071, $709. Swivel dekchair, $5; kitchenette set, $8; aingte bed, traeasprilao, $10; bike, 95; training whecls, 01; doule bed, team, mattes, apr1ngs, $25; twels. 0.50. 429-7273. 198512 BRAND NEW, never used hairdryer for saaie. One Gillette, $14; one Remington. $15. Coal Lola, cdo Mith. Daily, 764-0552, leove message. d8512 (Continued on Page 9) ANSER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE HA6W SCAR F RU S K u H TAMIL UNTO A UE A NA ST 8 SI Of I LER I H IN A Al N E All N AVPE iN4 Y (RAM- A 6 NT RAI"L Y F (j S -r ANS V T RL R YORE IN Q oAR Vt GLN CROSSWORD PUZZLE Q 1977 LOS ANGELES TIMES ACROSS 1Lb., or qt. 5 Force 9 Notice of Bagdisd i4 Wheel pin 15 Impression 16 Fart 17 Piece of flat- 19 Ready when needed 20 Youmans song 21 Scalloppini, ingredient 23 Qaite 24 Bright 25 Gerund 26 Great number 27 Captain of David's army 29 A tiny bit 31 On loan 32 Football play 33 Bancombe 37 Large- site 39 Cough drop 40 Shellfish 41 Weary 42 African beast 43 Currency 45 Breathe. Abbr 46 Prank 49 Work for profit 50 Famous: Abbr. 51 -tree 32 Food; Slang 53 Type of fish- 56 Asian land 58 New London, for one 60 Familiar friend $1 Hoop skirt, for short 62 Somewhat like 63 Type of old bucket 64 Doxology 6$ Votes DOWN 1 Main part 2 Test 3 "Dig me later, 4 Aquanauts place 5 Unlike qualities; abbr. 6 Way to say yes 7 Jumpy 8 Lift 9 False god 10 Hiurriod 11 Rose perfume 12 Sudden .misgiving 13 Hint at 18 Ottoman official in N. Africa 22 Secures 25 Inquisitive 26 Priort Prefix 27 Good guys 28 Exclamation of pain 29 Needlework item 30 Soft mud 32 Apple, in Italy 34 Dessert 35 Car parts: Abbe 36 Enlist again; Slang 38 Nest of Phea- sants 39 Lonely 41 Word with roast or pirate 44 Boat 45 Tree 46 American finch 47 Musical works 48 Pillow filling 50 --d-sac 52 Author of "Three Weeks" 53 Nobelist in literature, 1929 54 Global area 55 Decades 57 Suffix in chemistry 59 Energy 2 3 4 E 7,8 1 0 1112 13 14 116 17 - - 18 -19 20 - - - - 21 - 22 - 23 24 25 26 27 28 23 30 31 - 32 - - 31 314 35 36 37 38 3 40 4842 43 441 _ _ 5 4647 48 X9: _ 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 , 57 58 S9 N ; 60 S( 6 .62, 63 64565