U :.::JAMES WECHSLER....... EIir Siit ga Batk Seventy-nine years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Doily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1970 NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT KRAFTOWITZ Sumnmer child care center: An absolute necessity Nixon's advisors: 1 TWO DAYS before President Nixon re- tuaries on the Cambodian side of the vealed to the country-and to Con- border along the length of South Vietnam. gress-that the U.S. invasion of Cambodia had begun, he told a secret meeting of the RETIRED ADM. SMEDBERG was said leaders of ten veterans and military-linked to be in Florida yesterday and unavailable groups that he would soon order "imme- for comment, but the aide confirmed that diate and positive action" against North the unpublicized meeting had occurred on Vietnamese sanctuaries "on the Cambodian April 28. After the invasion started, Smed- side of the border." berg wrote his 123,000 members that "Pres- He urged the leaders of these units-- ident Nixon told me and a few other of- ranging from the Reserve Officers Asso- ficers of veterans and patriotic groups two ciation to the National Rifle Association days before his talk to the nation that the (NRA) to prepare to mobilize their mem- action he was soon to order was imperative bers in public support of his impending to avoid a situation which would critically move. endanger "American boys" and make "de- A report of this extraordinary Presiden- feat" in Vietnam "almost assured." tial "briefing" was' contained in a letter In addition to the Retired Officers As- subsequently sent to members of the Re- sociation and the NRA, these were the tired Officers Association by Vice Admiral groups represented at the private White William Smedberg, its president. Existence House session with the President. of the document is revealed in the latest The Navy League; the American Security issue of Navy Times, an unofficial publica- Council; the Veterans of Foreign Wars; the tion, but the key passage previewing the Fleet Reserve Association; the Air Force asault on Cambodia was omitted from the Asociation; the National 'Guard Associ- report. The clue, however led to the bigger ation; the Marine Corps League, and the story. American Ordinance Association. In response to a telephone inquiry, an In transmitting his report to his mem- aide to Adm. Smedberg It the Reserve Of- bers, Smedberg said the President warned, ficers Association headquarters in Wash- that varied breeds of opponents would ington read me the full text of the Smed- challenge the action and indicated his berg letter. In it Mr. Nixon was quoted as hope that those assembled would rally saying that "information from captured their forces against the "doves." Smedberg enemy documents" had persuaded him that also said the Presidential "briefing" had our position in South Vietnam would be included extensive information designed to untenable unless he ordered "immediate bolster support for the antiballistic missile and positive action to destroy the forces program. and massive supplies of arms, food, am- munition and equipment stored in under- WHATEVER OBFUSCATION in a y ground shelters in North Vietnamese sane- emerge from the White House propaganda Light wing America TUESDAY WILBER COHEN, head of a University child care study committee, turned down a proposal that would have created a summer child care center at the University School. He claims the Child Care Action Group proposal w a s rejected because renova- tions going on, in the University School would make the site unusable. Or more specifically, "With all the work going on, it would be dangerous to have little chil- dren running around." The idea of a child care center is not a new one to the University administra- tion. Vice President Barbara Newell re- quested space for such a center in March. It seems that they h a d planned their stopgap in advance. "All along the administration implied to us we could plan on having room in the University School and we built our program around that implication," said Marty Lowry, a member of the Child Care Action Group. THE ADMINISTRATION should find the child care center another home if the University School really isn't available. They mislead the group and it is the re- sponsibility of the University to find a site and get a center established. The proposal submitted by the Child Care Action Group does not really ask that much. They, called for a summer child care center. Not indefinitely - just eight weeks during the summer - an ex- periment if nothing else: It would even be inexpensive. The cen- ter would be staffed almost completely by volunteers a n d participating parents with only two paid co-ordinators. Their total salaries plus the initial overhead costs of the center comes to only $2000. This is a very large University. If the proposed site is really unavailable, there must be another one somewhere in the Spiro revisited? SPIRO'S REPLACEMENT, Gov. Marvin Mandel of Maryland, was once consid- ered an improvement: But the supposedly "liberal" Mandel has shown in the last two days that he is really no improve- ment at all. On Monday Mandel vetoed a complete liberalization of Maryland's abortion law on grounds that the language of the measure was "fuzzy." Presumably his le- gal staff Will sometime in the future of- fer slightly altered language, a n d the legislature will duly be forced to go through the difficult and emotional busi- ness of passing so controversial a meas- ure for a second time. Meanwhile, wo- men will go on bearing unwanted chil- dren and dying in illegal operations. Yesterday Mary signed into law legis- lation tequiring teachers and students to hold daily patriotic' exercises in Mary- land schools. Strangely enough, Mandel's comment upon signing the bill was, "You cannot legislate or dictate patriotism. It has to come from within the person him- self." Could Spiro T. do any better? great complex of buildings that is the University of Michigan. THE SUMMER CENTER would be an in- valuable aid to the establishment of a permanent full-time center. Evalua- tion of every facet of the operation can be done empirically rather than theoret- ically. If the University is seriously con- sidering opening a child care center in the future, the summer center is an op- portunity to avoid mistakes costly to both the University and the children them- selves. The center would be controlled by a Board of Directors composed of parents selected by the parents. The people in- volved would be the ones in control of what happens to their children. But, unfortunately, the summer center would be only useful to students and oc- casionally others because it has been de- signed as a drop-in center to only ac- comodate the children for three hours at a time. But it is a start. A CHILD CARE CENTER is an absolute necessity. Parents wlo work or go to school need a place for their children. And most often, it is the mothers who are forced to stay with the children while the father is out. In addition to the equity problem, the financial arguments are ov- erwhelming. Many University staff mem- bers must pay exorbitant fees for their children to be taken care of. Many Uni- versity students have to d r o p out of school or leave their children alone be- cause they cannot afford child care. The University had an obligation to the community to provide for the c a r e of these children. University responsibility to the community extends beyond subsi- dizing the police department. Vice President Newell has repeatedly voiced support for a child care center, but she should be doing more than talk- ing. IF THE UNIVERSITY rejected the pro- posal because t h e University School was unavailable as they say, IF they are not just using the renovations as an ex- cuse to refuse, then they must find an- other site and get that center going. During the regular academic year, there are more than 30,000 students at the University; now there are approxi- mately 10,000 - less than a third. This leaves lots and lots of spaces in classroom buildings as well as empty dormitories. The University has room to rent out entire buildings for conferences and con- ventions. The University has the facili- ties to accomodate all of the incoming freshmen who come up for orientation. And there are still many buildings which remain vacant. THE SUMMER child care center is not a long-term or expensive proposition. There is no reason for the University not to implement the proposal. All it asks for is two rooms and $2000. If there isn't a child care center this summer, it will be because the University administration does not want one. ministry, the meaning and impact of this disclosure can hardly be minimized. Sure- ly no one is likely to impugn the patriotism or veracity of Smedberg; whatever may be privately grumbled about his indiscretion, he was trying in his fashion to organize enthusiasm for what he described as Mr. Nixon's "courageous decision" and to com- bat those "working right now to tie the hands of the President." Now other Americans and especially members of the Senate must have other questions about the clandestine conclave unveiled in the Smedberg communication. For at the moment when Mr. Nixon was outlining his Cambodian battle plan to this select group of military alumni and booster groups, the Administration was sharing no such confidence with Congress-or even. it has been suggested, with its own Secretary of State. The super secrecy has been retroactively defended as dictated by the urgencies of "military security." Yet apparently that consideration did not inhibit the President when he confided the essence of his game plan to these non-governmental dignitaries who would be thereby inspired to whoop things up for him after the rest of the country got the news. IN LARGER TERMS the darkest side of the story is the fact of Mr. Nixon's secret mobilization of military alumni, marching societies and right-wing patrioteers-along with the NRA as his base for counter-at- tack against Senate critics and other dis- senters. In too many other countries in our century such alliances have turned into open anti-democratic movements. Does Mr. Nixon discern some special brand of polit- ical salvation in an unholy combination of these groups and the Lindsay-lynchers in hardhats? For the moment the important issue con- fronting the country, and most immediately the Senate, is an exploration of the origins and further details of a meeting that has escaped general public notice until now. All credibility wanes in the face of this dis- closure; the phrase "constitutional crisis" assumes a peculiarly ominous symbolic meaning when the NRA is enlisted in Mr. Nixon's underground cable. (c) New York Post *1 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Al Come To the Editor: A "PICNIC FOR PEACE" is being held at Selfridge Air Rorce Base this Saturday, May 30. The American Servicemen's Union, the sponsoring group, has invited everyone who wants the United States pulled out of the imperialist war in Indochina: The picnic is an important opportunity for the en- tire anti-war movement to sup- port and show solidarity with the GIs. The importance of this action cannot be overemphasized. Our brothers in the service are in a 'Picnic dangerous position. Only the Black Panthers face harsher re- pression and intimidation from the military government. The GIs are forced to fight in a war they oppose, to break labor strikes and. defend huge exploitive corpora- tions, and to put down their' brothers and sisters on the cam- puses and in the streets. It is the servicemen who are coerced into suppressing movements of libera- tion both foreign and domestic; for this reason, the government must first completely squash re- bellious elements within the ser- for Peace' at Selridge vicemen's ranks. Yet, despite the repression, many GIs are saying NO-no to orders they disagree with. For example 15 out of 60 marines refused to take on the responsibility for riot control- like at Kent. However, GIs alone cannot com- bat the intimidation of the mili- tary. They desire our support and we want to join with them. On Saturday, there is a rally in De- troit which only will join the people at the base later. Instead of being primarily s concerned with mass demonstrations, we strongly urge that the most important thing to do is actively support our GIs. We plan to spend most of the day at Selfridge-join us. The ASU fears the gates may intentionally be closed early-like at noon. So come early. Bring your lunches, blankets, guitars, black armbands and buttons. Take the eastbound Ford (I-94) to the Utica exit and follow the signs to Selfridge. If you have extra car space or need a ride, call 761-4334 or 769-2570. -Ann Arbor SDS May 27 Ballot box To the Editor: MORE AND MORE Americans are asking, why are our young men killing and being killed in Southeast Asia? Some say it-is to defend freedom. but freedom does not exist in that land. Others say it like it is: "We are in Vietnam because it is in our national in- terests to be there." But just what are our national interests? In the language of the Socialist Labor Party, national in- terests are capitalist class inter- ests, ruling class interests. Inter- ests that must continue to expand until they collide with the ruling class interests of other nations and end up in wars in which the working class on both sides must suffer and die. Vietnam is a case where the national interests of American, Russian and Chinese ruling class collide for the domination of the rich natural resources, markets, and exploitation of cheap labor. Vietnam rulers are but puppets of one or the other major power rul- ing class interests. The working class has no stake in it. The interests of the working class throughout the world cry out for peace, but there can be no peace without Socialism, Anti- war protests and demonstrations will not do. In fact nothing short of abolition of capitalism will do. For this job the working class of America is in a most favorable position to take the first step, by adopting the program of the So- cialist Labor Party. First by proclaiming at the bal- lot box that this country with its marvelous instruments of produc- tion, belong to all the people; and second by organizing into Social- ist Industrial Unions the frame- work of the Socialist Industrial Republic of Labor. Not until then will there be a permanent peace on this earth. -Frank Troha From the right To the Editor: WHAT ON EARTH is the ten- sile strength of the elastic used in the Regulations Concerning Stu- dent Organizations? The Black Students Union, the Black Students Psychology Assoc- iation, the Black Law Students, and the Black Action Movement obviously are not "based on race, ... or color." Their very titles in- dicate their multi-color nature and' desire for white, yellow, and dark brown members. SDS obviously has "objectives consistent with the broad educa- tional goals of the University"- we alumni just didn't realize that the "broad educational aims of the University are to blow the place up and laugh at the wreckage and dead faculty and students killed in the destruction of the campus. And now-an SGC recognized group of homosexuals aiming -to lessen their guilt feelings and of- fer instruction and/or demonstra- tions of their ideas to "the aca- demic community concerned with studies of sociological and psy- chological behavior." That in- cludes everybody on campus doesn't it? I am aware that any communi- cation from me to you is a "right" to the "left" but what's wrong with a change of pace? Why not an article which is not commu- nistic, anarchistic, nor politically reddish pink? -F. C. Brown Ann Arbor What's that? To the Editor: THE GOVERNOR'S PROPOS- AL that polluters be made to pay for the "privilege" is an amazing one. It means that a company can put its computer to work to de- cide whether it is cheaper to pollute or to pay and if it is cheap- er to pollute, why, go ahead and pollute. It demonstrates the na- ivette of the Governor and the cynicism of capitalism. Only under the Socialist In- dustrial government, advocated by the Socialist Labor Party, can we clean up our earth. Let us get about it before we all die in the by-products of our "progress." -W. Clifford Bentley, Michigan State Secretary, Socialist Labor Party -A *i "Thank heavens! ... It's only construction workers beating up students! I thought it was investors beating up brokers!" California water: Expensive and political -M. A. -DEBRA THAL A severe case of myopia, or Americans aren't foreigners POLITICIANS many times seem to be afflicted with severe myopia, unable to see an issue when it is smack in front of their eyes. And now it seems some of them are hard of hearing as well, most notably White House Press Secretary Ronald Ziegler who revealed his affliction early yesterday in a response to Indonesia President Suharto's remarks at a White House banquet Tuesday night. Suharto said that the threat of a wid- er war in Indochina has prompted non- Communist Asian nations to b a n d to- gether for mutual security. And then he added, "All efforts should be taken to directed "to the presence of N. Vietna- mese forces in Canibodia and the prob- lems they pose for the Cambodian gov- ernment. "We don't consider his remarks related to U.S. operations in (Communist) sanc- tuary areas in Cambodia," Ziegler con- cluded. ONE WONDERS WHY U.S. troops are not considered "foreign" when the North Vietnamese, who are, in t r u t h, much closer geographically and cultur- ally to the Cambodians, are the only ones deserving of that name. The most obvious answer. of course, is By GENE MARINE (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is reprinted with the permission of Ramparts Magazine). WATER IS neither as clean nor as free as it seems. And when combined with financial power, it becomes a highly volatile substance which does odd things- lke flow through the hands of the people into the pockets of a few. In California, water is power. Water is wealth. These are just the most obvious lessons to be learned from the celebrated California Water Plan, which is also a carefully drawn blue- print for ecological disaster. The Central ValleytProject's principal features were built by the early 1950's and no one was in danger of dying of thirst or' going out of business. A rational state power structure might have decided that a point of balance had been reached; that they were getting moderately rich in an effortless sort of way and it was time to sit back and consolidate gains. But ration- ality has never been the strong suit of power structures. And what was good for he gives tenants a month's free rent for moving in; and as soon as it's built and full, he sells it to a little old lady from Iowa. Until this particular con was stopped recently, some couples boasted that they hadn't paid a month's rent in Los Angeles for three years. What you don't do is tell prospective immigrants that Los Angeles sits partly on a thinly covered desert basis. in the shadow of achingly eroded hills that could-and often do-slide down at any minute, bringing their precarious burden of houses with them. You advertise the new suburbs and don't talk about the fact that if there were any reason to live in those locations there probably wouldn't be new suburbs there at this late date. Above all, you don't tell them that Los Angeles outran its meager natural water supply more than a half century ago; that the water since stolen from Northern California's Owens Valley and conned from the Conned from the Colorado, after all these years, Arizona, finally won the lawsuit that said that Cali- fornia was taking more than its share, is Pnnrl-. 4-n n I,,, ,4' i lf ho f nnniP ,n square miles of watershed, an annual aver- age runoff of 4.5 million acre-feet (enough. for instance, to irrigate all the cotton in the state.) But they would never give it to the hustlers down south. Northern Cali- fornians were wise to the con. So the Southern California hustlers chafed, while the Big Guys--most of them northerners-waited with their arid, un- productive land while reaping millions from the land they had in production. But time was on their side. By 1948 it was clear to the Big Guys that their plan to get the state to take over the Central Valley Project and then drop the 160-acre irrigation limitation had been blocked. And so, in hotel bars and the spacious rooms of private clubs, the lords of the Valley talkedrwith their coun- terparts in Southern California. They de- cided that together they could pull it off- with taxpayers' money, of course. You take some of the water, we'll take some. You have a majority of the voters down there and they can be conned into supporting some circles anyway, and Edmonston and the people behind him wanted to be sure that their projects were in it. The Feather River part was- a fast shuffle. The important part of the plan. as far as its sponsors were concerned, was in the sneaky end of the title: Sacramento- San Joaquin Delta Diversion Projects. Water would be taken out of the Delta and sent south to irrigate the Big Guy's valu- able lands, thus cutting the costs on the ones already being irrigated and bringing new lands into production. The current "official" estimate for the "final" cost of the California Water Plan is $2.75 billion. Whoever makes current "of- ficial" cost estimates knows perfectly well that this is hogwash-$4 billion is still closer to the truth. But if that admission were made, too many Californians might get mad. So the costs of the California Water Pro- ject continue to escalate. Thanks to an ingenious free enterprise system, the peo- rnip of Carnia have the rare opportunity 41 I