A LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT See-Page 4 Y L , t itau ~E~aitM RED-WINGED High-68 Low-52 Mostly cloudy, chance of thundershowers Vol. LXXX, No. 17-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, May 28, 1970 Ten Cents State le islation: Repression, appeasem By CARLA RAPOPORT -A provision which would stip- destroy the legal basis for court size of appropriations to the Uni- constitutes a serious curtailment more with Lockwood than with appro Daily News Analysis ulate the University's in-state tui- action by the University. versity. of free speech. Who can be ex- Young. the p Reacting to a new wave of dis- ition level beginning with the Rozycki expresses the belief that He suggested that, constitution- pelled is so damned general it's "After all," explains Sen. Gilbert tacks ruption on the state's campuses, 1971-72 academic year; and the autonomy of the Regents to ally sound or not, these provisions defective." Bursley (R-Ann Arbor), "the Leg- stude the state Senate has recently ap- -A bill which would propose a control the University should be should be seriously considered by Young bemoans the legislative islature does appropriate millions The I proved two measures which would constitutional amendment to end terminated because "there are college administrators. "The uni- moves as "all a part of the grow- of dollars to the University and I kid's seriously limit the University's the autonomy of the University now times when either the people versities must come back for ing repression. We are moving think that the legislators are more break control over its internal affairs. and place it under the Legisla- or the Legislature feel certain money next year," he said. "As a closer and closer to a state of responsive to what the people "Th And the Senate is presently ture's control. things ought to be changed." consequence, boards should look fascist invasion of our''constitu- want." nate," considering a bill which would Sen. Stanley F. Rozycki (D-De- . favorably at the provisions, even tional freedom." "We rejected every proposal for Berke place the University squarely un- trit), who proposed the bill to Baut many senators have indi- if against them-just as adminis- The senator labels the move to punitive action against students," nor. H der the thumb of the Legislature end the University's autonomy, yki'strong opposition to Roz- trators look at student demands." end University autonomy "a long says Sen. Charles 0. Zollar (R- passa Long, blistering debates have caller the two amendments to the ycki's proposal, and it is unlikely "At the least, they must take step backward" from the freedom Benton Harbor), chairman of the in ord accompanied these bills, reveal- appropriations bill "a lot of pop- to obtain the necessary two-thirds these provisions i n t o considera- presently enjoyed by state schools. Appropriations Committee and where ng widely varied feelings among pycock" mtion-and have good reasons for "The big question is to take one of the main authors of the tive m senators concerning the handling Rozycki explains that the Uni- "There'd be even more chaos on not complying," he added. basic measures to get to the root funding bill. "The fact remains Wh of student disorders. versity "can laugh at those kinds the University campus if 148 of A small minority of senators are of social problems instead of tak- that university administrations feel u The three . controversial pro- of provisions because they have my colleagues ran the University," sharply critical of all legislation ing the fascist way out by clamp- have been doing very little to re- lation posals which would limit the Uni- the autonomy under the constitu- says Sen. Emil Lockwood (R-Lans- aimed at controlling the Univer- ing down," Young says. move those intent on the destruc- they t versity's autonomy include: tion." Ing), the majority leader. sity. "We must get rid of the bastards tion of the Establishment. We the m -A provision requiring the ex- The University is presently con- Lockwood says he supported the "Both provisions are unfair to responsible for this repression," he hope this proposal will remove AndI pulsion of any students convicted sidering legal action to neutralize two restrictive provisions in the s t u d e n t s," says Sen. Coleman says. "This next election may be those kinds of students." disord of interfering with, normal uni- the two provisions. Adoption of the appropriations bill in order to Young (D-Detroit). "The loosely the last chance we have." .Sen. Garland Lane (D-Flint), they versity operations; constitutional amendment would stave off a direct attack on the defined language in the provisions But most senators tend to agree another influential member of the even s Four Pages ent? priations committee, defends unitive legislation and at- the actions of dissenting nts. "No sit-ins. No strikes. aw's on the books and no going to stay in school who s the law." e provisions are unfortu- says.Sen. Sander Levin (D- ley), a candidate for gover- towever, he says he voted for ge of the appropriations bill er to get it out of the Senate he was afraid further puni- neasures would be added. ile many legislators say they uncomfortable passing legis- aimed at the universities, believe they must respond to iood of their constituencies. if backlash against student lers continues to heighten, may feel compelled to take tronger measures. INVESTIGATION ASKED: Women charge 'U' Hays to of leave position as with discrimination dean literary college t -Associated Press A call from Cleaver By LINDSAY CHANEY The U.S. Dep ar tm ent of Labor was asked yesterday to investigate the University for alleged discrimination in the admission, training and em- ployment of women. The request came in a complaint filed by the Ann Arbor Focus on Equal Employment for Women (FOCUS), which charges the Uni- versity with violation of an Execu- tive Order issued by former Presi- dent Lyndon Johnson. The order forbids discrimination by federal contractors on the basis of sex. Last year, the University held $62 million worth of federal gov- ernment contracts. The comp 1 a i n t by FOCUS charges. the University with dis- crimination against women in sev- eral ways, beginning with the ad- mission of freshman. The complaint q u o t e s Gayle Wilson, executive associate direc- tor of admissions, as saying that the University adjusts admissions requirements to prevent an "over- balance" of women in the fresh- man class. Wilson, however, last night de- nied that he ever made such a statement. "I can't recall ever saying such a thing," said Wilson. "The requirements for admission are the same for everyone," he added. Patterns of employment of wo- men in teaching positions at the University are also described in the complaint. According to a study sponsored by the National Science Foundation, the complaint says, over 11 per cent of the Ph.D.'s in the United States were women, a figure which is not re- flected by the University faculty. The complaint cites figures from the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs which show that only 4.3 per cent of the full professors, 10.8 per cent of asso- ciate professors, and 7.2 per cent of assistant professors were women in the fall of 1969. The complaint by FOCUS also asks the Labor Department to investigate r e p o r t s that many highly-educated women are em- ployed by the University in clerical positions but are expected to do administrative a n d supervisory work without higher pay. The complaint by FOCUS says that although men tend to do less well academically in high school See WOMEN, Page 3 To assume new 'U'jo after year's absence By MARTIN HIRSCHMAN After only two years in the post, William L. Hays will leave his post as dean of the literary college this summer, informed sources confirmed yesterday. Hays will leave the University on a year's sabbatical, and will move into a new post in the office of Vice President for Academic Affairs Allan F. Smith when he returns, the sources said. The precise duties of his new job have not yet been defined. No firm decision has been made on the question of Hays' successor, but sources speculated that the Regents will appoint an interim dean until a search committee can come up with a list of nominees. The Regents are expected to announce Hays' departure A member of the Black Student Union at the University of California speaks to Black Panther exile Eldridge Cleaver in a telephone call from Algiers. DEN TON HEARING: Grad panel postpones BAM disruption case By ANITA WETTERSTROEM A Board of Inquiry in the graduate school yesterday postponed a preliminary hearing on charges against Peter Denton, Grad, for his alleged participation in the disruption of a computer science class last March during the class strike supporting the demands of the Black Action Movement (BAM). The hearing was postponed indefinitely when the Board of Inquiry ruled that it was "illegally constituted," because the two student members of the board had not been nomi- nated by Graduate Assembly (GA). The charges against Denton had been filed by mathe- matics Prof. Bernard Galler, who accused him and Marc Van -Daily-Greg MacDonald ABOUT 230 SPECTATORS look on yesterday as protesters of the military present a guerrilla theatre on the Diag. The group simulated a rape, which they termed the Army's method of "interrogation." Women's Liberation, GLF hold "uerrlla theatre', blast ROTC at their June meeting. Hays will spend the coming aca- demic-year with the psychology department at the University of California at Santa Barbara. His research field is applications of mathematics to psychology. Sources at Santa Barbara said Hays will be resting up and doing research during his stay there. He will not teach any courses. This was consistent with the dean's departure suggested by lo- cal sources-that Hays is worn out from the grueling and often un- satisfying work that the deanship of the University's largest unit entails. There was no indication that Hays' departure was ordered by higher level, University adminis- trators. Sources said, however, that his request for sabbatical leave has been discussed by the Regents and the executive officers -President Robben Fleming and the vice presidents. There was not thought to be any single issue over which Hays felt compelled to leave the dean- ship. However, he has received strong faculty opposition to cer- tain reforms he has attempted to initiate since he took office. In January 1969, during a stu- dent drive for an end to language a n d distribution requirements,, Hays came under sharp criticism for public statements he made ad- See DEAN HAYS, Page 3 First session held by UC University. Council (UC), a tri- partite body created by the Re- gents to draft University-wide regulations, met for the first time yesterday. Although the student-faculty- administration body did not begin the task of formulating rules at the meeting, UC did appoint a three-member subcommittee to compile all existing sets of rules used by various segments of the University community. A rule proposed by UC would be submitted for ratification to Student Government Council and Senate Assembly, the faculty rep- resentative body. If both bodies approve the rule, it would then be submitted o the Regents for adoption. The Regents have already adopt- ed a set of interim rules which pertain primarily to cases of dis- ruption by students. In adopting the interim rules, the Regents said they allow them to be re- placed by UC-drafted rules if the UC rules were as "acceptable" as the interim rules. By DEBRA THAL the ROTC center. The skit sati- "Kill, kill, kill," the soldiers rized the military and its training shouted. programs. The group then moved u The chant came during one of{ several skits presented yesterday by the Gay Liberation Front (GLF) and Women's Liberation in a protest of the University's ROTC program and other military insti- tutions. The troupe of 10 opened their protest with a short "guerrilla theatre" in front of North Hall, .f. on to other campus areas, each time gathering a new crowd of onlookers. "Military patriotism is a false passion, death-oriented and hu- manely impotent," said Larry Glover, a member of GLF. "In- stead of relating to stereotype enemies created out of self-hate, racism and fear, gay people expe- Der Hout, '71, of entering his people and forcing him to+- dismiss the class 10 minutes early. At yesterday's hearing, Denton challenged the legitimacy of the student-faculty Board of Inquiry~ because its two student members had not been endorsed by GA,! which is required by the graduate! school's procedures for enforcing its rules of conduct. In support of Denton's motion. Joel Newman, executive vice pres- ident-of GA, urged that the inquiry board dismiss itself and await the nomination of student board mem- bers by GA in September. Graduate school associate Dean George Hay said yesterday that the next step to be taken in the Denton case would be determined class with about 20 otherI UNEMPLOYMENT FEARED Summer job program planned rience their brothers and sisters as beautiful in their peopleness." Women's Liberation and the GLF started planning yesterday's "guerrilla theatres" after the North Hall takeover earlier this month. "We wanted to have more con- tact between the two-groups," ex- plained GLF member Mike Jones. For one of their skits, the troupe acted out an "interrogation" in which a female village was cap- tured, and a simulated rape by all the soldiers was enacted. In the rape scene, the soldier who helped the villager escape was called a "commie, pinko fag- got" by the rest of the troupe, and then killed. A brief talk on "your gun as a friend-it makes you a man and brings you joy and success "-was delivered next. A short mock drill followedwhere the soldier learned the importance of the word kill." "About face and present arms," the narrator ordered the "sol- diers." But rather than standing at attention and presenting their weapons for inspection, the "sol- diers' faced each other and fell into one another's arms. The com- manding officer then "shot" all of his men. By HARVARD VALLANCE In response to predictions from urban specialists of an exceptionally high unem- ployment rate among black youths this summer, the local Model Cities program, and city, state and federal agencies have embarked upon a program to help curb the projected job shortage. As part of the program, City Council voted Monday to appropriate $20,000 of the remaining $35,000 in the city's emer- city and federal government agencies will be able to employ about 125 of the jobless. The remainder, he says, would have to be employed by private businesses in the city. Sumpter adds that he is optimistic that private employers can generate nearly 150 jobs for those not employed by government agencies. City Administrator Guy Larcom Jr. says that the unusual use of the city's emer- gency fund was necessitated by the ab- normally tight city budget this year and ter, will be provided through the city's recreation department, which works in conjunction with the Model Cities pffice in much of its hiring. The recreation department has already listed over 70 full and part-time summer jobs granted to black youths. Joseph Dimento, a Model Cities staff member involved in the summer employ- ment problem, says that the city expects to receive funds for the local neighbor- hood Youth Core program to help finance f s ;: . : uf. x ..,,. .. ,.r...s. ,......: r