wr' -sr .. stA Sirgigan DaU' Seventy-nine years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. - News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, MAY 26, 1970 NIGHT EDITOR: ROB BIER University autonomy THE LONG BATTLE between the state's universities and the State Legislature over autonomy could soon be ended by simply abolishing university autonomy, and there is a proposed amendment to the state's constitution that would do just that. Evidently the Legislature does not like the i d e a of a world-renowned and re- spected university lurking in the great state of Michigan. At least, that is one conclusion that can be drawn from the proposed amendment. While it is somehow unclear just how serious the men in the statehouse are about doing this thing,its mere existence on t h e legislative docket is a sobering thought, for several reasons. If passed, t h e constitutional amend- ment would effectively end the annual struggle between the Legislature and the University over out-of-state students. Each year, the Legislature asks for a re- duction in the number of out-of-state students, each year the University fights it and each year they lose a little. The re- sult is an out-of-state tuition w h i c h climbs ever faster than the in-state fee. But, if the Legislature assumes control, there will be nothing to stop it from rais- ing out-of-state tuitions to truly exor- bidant heights, forcing many out-of- state students to go elsewhere. Such an occurance would be a tragedy for the University. One of the contrib- uting factors to the quality of education, formal and informal, at the University is the diversity of its student body. If the state wishes to have a first-rate univer- sity, it must tolerate a reasonable out-of- state enrollment. The converse is also true. IF PASSED, the constitutional amend- ment would effectively preclude set- tlements such as the ones over the book- store issue and the Black Action Move- ment (BAM) demands. For one thing, the Legislature would be even less responsive to student deiands and pressure than the Regents. The Re- gents come here only o n c e a month, which is bad enough, but the Legislature never comes here. Consequently, t h e y, like the general public, would tend to see a campus conflict only in terms of stu- dent rebellion, understanding the issues imperfectly, if at all. The context of cam- pus strikes and violence in which the amendment was proposed makes the Leg- islature's intention clear - crack down on student unrest. Another consideration is that the means for student protest would become increasingly dangerous to use. The rid-. ers attached to the h i g h er education bill would force expulsion for any stu- dents impeding "normal university busi- ness" or carrying a dangerous, unregis- tered weapon on university property. The first could be construed to prohibit even peaceful picketing, if enough students c 1 a i m they were intimidated by the pickets' mere presence. But more importantly, those measures give a hint of what is to come. Far-reach- ing, increasingly repressive legislature is certainly in the offing, especially if the universities can no longer bring legal ac- tion against the Legislature to challenge encroachments upon their autonomy. THE PROPOSED amendment r a i s e s other questions, as well. Will we see persecution of liberal professors as has occurred at Eastern Michigan? Will we be allowed to have controversial speakers on campus, such as Tom Hayden or Jerry Aubin? Will organizations such as SDS or Gay Liberation be allowed continued use of University facilities? In short, de- spite the limitations on it now, will any notion of a "free marketplace of ideas" be allowed to survive? It is true that the Legislature would still allow the Regents to exercise their control, only stepping in when it deems it necessary. But all these issues are ones on which the Legislature, collectively or individually, has expressed some opinion and would conceivably take action. And these are not the only ones. Some have said that such a move by the state would radicalize the campus, and they are correct. The Legislature is dreaming when it thinks that b expelling the "anarchists," the troubles will go away. They will not, because the expelled students will not. Experience at places like Berkeley has shown that students expelled for political reasons remain in the university community, more bitter than ever and with less to lose. But while some students would become more radical, support of the majority, which makes things like the BAM strike possible, would evaporate. then, not only would resolution of a conflict be more difficult, but the conflict itself would be unlikely to occur in the first place. THE LEGISLATURE is reacting out of fear, the fear of their constituents. They hope to parley that fear into sup- port for the amendment, which the peo- ple of the state must approve, and to win some votes for the fall election in the process. Whether the Legislature has the will and .desire to deprive the University, and all other state universities, of the free- dom to chart their respective educational courses remains to be seen. But no one should think that it cannot come to pass. The mood of the general public is becom- ing increasingly hostile toward the uni- versities and the recent actions of con- struction w o r k e r s in New York only revealed a portion 'of that antipathy. If the Legislature does decide to pass the amendment, there willbe very little we can do, since that action will come in the next day or two. Then, the battle will be in the public arena and like it or not, that is where we will have to fight-not with demonstrations, because that would play into their hands, but through the political system. THE PROSPECT is for a university which is as stagnant as the rest of society. Social consciousness, if it is even allowed to develop, will be overwhelming- ly difficult to transform into action. The c o n c e p t of a sheltered sanctuary has largely been abandoned by the universi- ties themselves. But the idea that a uni- versity should be a place where students and faculty are free to question and cri- ticize the world a r o u n d them is still vital. In fact, it is the reason for which a university exists and the only valid yardstick for measuring a school's effec- tivetess. -ROB BIER Tea By FRED W. FRIENDLY (EDITOR'S NOTE: The author, a fomer president of CBS News, is a jounalism professor at Columbia University.) IT HAS BECOME almost a cliche for distinguished jurists to warn that in these times, the Bill of Rights to the Constitution could not be passed by the Congress or ratified by the states. What alarms me in the current climate of attack on t h e news media is the possibility that the Boston Tea Party, the most pre- cipitous demonstration in history, would not be broadcast today. On the night of December 16th, 1773, 153 men boarded three of His Majesty's ships at anchor in the Boston harmor. In the most notorious "board-in" in history, they dumped 342 chests of fine tea into the water, chanting what may have been the first protest song, "Rally Mohawks, bring out your axes, and tell King George we'll pay no more taxes." Some historians say it was only 50 pro- testers, so you can see that crowd reporting was an inexact science even in those days. THE ILLEGAL MARCH on Griffin's Wharf was certainly newsworthy to the staffs of the Boston Gazette and the Newport Mercury, whose extensive cover- age in turn incited other tea par- ties. But if the Tea Party were to occur tomorrow, it might not be televised for the Vice President of the United States says that tele- vision coverage of such embitter- ed protest creates "a narrow and distorted picture of America." After all, it was one of those in- flammatory demonstrations by wild-eyed radicals in beads and long hair. including some effete snobs from Harvard and Prince- ton. The Tory press at the time described them as "truly immor- al men . . . religious hypocrites. treacherous and seditious . . . of morose and sour tempers," and certainly the men who conspired in Old South Meeting House not far from here did with yippie yells and protest songs illegally board three ships and destroy private property. Had I been a news director at the time. and if we could have put in a microwave link to Grif- fin's Wharf a n d- gotten enough light on the ships, I would have broadcast it Ii v e and in color. Some of the "Indians" would have cursed us: some of the affiliated stations might have objected to our pre-empting prime t i m e shows, and some viewers would probably have called to say, "Why don't you ever broadcast s o m e good news?" MY IMAGINED television cov- erage of the Boston Tea Party brought more than just self-serv- ing outrage. There were investi- Party: gations. threats of jail sentene and a ban against public asse: bly without the governor's p( mission. In my Walter Mit dreams, the Gazette. Sam Adar Paul Revere and Fred Frienc were ordered to hand over c out-takes, notebooks, political ce toons, and the names of the 2( odd conspirators who had hatct the plot in Faneuil H a 11, C North and the Green Dragon Ir We said, "No, we'd rather go jail." Then, suddenly,I awakened 1970, where yesterday's nuts a today's patriots. There in the N( York Times was a feature sto about plans to commemorate t 200th anniversary of the ever that the Tea Party had set in motion. John Wayne, a major company, and 800 other Ames can institutions who probal don't like today's long-haired ra icals are purchasing $800 repli of the Liberty Bell, and the sar London tea merchants, Davids and Newman, who lost their ca go to the Boston protesters a preparing packets of Ceylon t to exploit the bi-centennial Ami ican market. BUT MY DREAM was not wild and far-fetched after all. was only misplaced in history.:i in that same newspaper we stories of present-day subpoer of television out-takes, noteboc and reporters' files. A barrage fishing expedition subpoenas we to broadcasters, newspapers, a: magazines, while the silent nm jority stood by. applauding w: one hand and commemorati the Boston Tea Party with t other. The war over our Constituti did not end in 1789 - it is conti uing with full fervor today. T first ten ,amendments are bet mangled by those who seem hate protest marches and o u rageous demonstrators who qu( tion what they, or even I, m consider the public good. 'I newsmen are expected tobjoin t battle against dissent, becomi a posse of vigilantes to search t country, particularly the ghetto as ancillaries of the FBI. Not qua a stool pigeon, t h e reporter 1970 willsoon be obliged to wa his sources. "Anything you will probably be used agair you." To defend the journalist is r for a moment to say t h a t journalism is flawless. To prot( a news source is not to say th every newsmaker is always fr of blame, whether he be a ric maker or a policy-maker, an at bassador or a protester, a memt of the Chicago Seven, the Wh' Citizens' Council, the Black Pa thers, or the Joint Chiefs of Sta Rather, what is at stake is pi Would it tection of the journalist's ability to report his story. and bring his special knowledge to the public. WE STILL LIVE IN a t i m e when some Americans don't want to be told the facts. a time when what Americans dont know could kill us all. Politicians -. - Democat and Republican. American a n d foreign --- are by their very na- ture inclined "to fool some of the people some of the time" The role of the news media is to pre'nt that - to report all political pro- nouncements from all sides, and then to say. in effect, "Yes. but It is all, part of a delicate process of collection, interpret a- tion and diffusion of controversial information, a process that can be stunted at birth, or contaminated in maturity. The question today is whether the continuing encroachments of the last six months on the work- ings of that process are just coin- cidence, or a premeditated condi- tioning to alter t h e ecology in which journalism worthy of the name can exist. We have all witnessed in recent months how the well has gradual- ly been poisoned. The Vice Presi- dent dropped his toxic pesticides with the now- famous Des Moines speech and polluted the atmos- phere a little more in Birming- ham and Omaha. It was all in the name of the silent majority, but he forgot that his hero, James Madison, once said, "Justice must prevail, even o v e r a majority." Each of these incursions h a s brought a retraction -- the at- torney general saying that some of his department's own proce- dures were violated in the sub- poena incidents, and the V i c e President promising that his at- tacks were over. The trouble with such clarification and softening of the blow after the event is that the atmosphere has already been tainted. It is much like saying that a town's water supply is con- taminated and then expecting that mere termination of s u c h false charges will restore the town's reputation. The damae has been done, the purpose ach- ieved. THE MOMENTARY LULL also does not mean that anyone - the broadcaster. the papers, the mag- azines, or any institution in this country - is safe from a new at- tack. I do not for one moment believe that this poisonous air has been cleared, any more than one sunny day means we have cleared the air above our cities. The encroachments on the me- dia will continue until the Presi- dent himself ends what now amounts to an open season against the media and on t h e public's right to know. What every report- er who has ever covered the White be telev Hloe know~ is~ that such a con- dition of hostility in a fnre so- c.ety can exist only because the chief executive is willing to per- i it. AND WHAT ABOUT the rest of i; those who would preserve the status quo and those who would revolutionize it. the journalist and the lawyer. the protester and the politician, the quiet and the vocal American? We all must under- stand that there is no comfort in remaining silent. Subverting cov- eraCe of demonstrations, even mil- itant ones - whether by attack- ing t he reporter or subpoening his film - will not stop the event from happening, any more than it did the Boston Tea Party, or the burninm of the Gaspee in Nar- ragansett Bay. or the bus boycott in Montgomery, Alabama. It meams only that we will not pro- ised? lit from it. And, in the end of the day. no one of us, whatever our cause. will remain untouched, I am not suggesting that we a:-e o( the eve of fascism in America, or even that the spirit of Mc- Carthyism reigns. although it still haunts us. What I do believe is that the environment which per- mits freedom of expression is con- siderably more polluted th a n it was a year ago. When this new ecology weak- ens only those we despise or those we compete against, it is all too easy to feel immune and safe from it. But. this pollution is no more selec'ive than that k r e y cloud dropping low over our cities. If we wait too long to be shocked out of our complacency, we may find that when we finally decide to speak up, we will be too weak and withered to stand up. Dispatch News Service - 900cinema A g~dood one. 0 0 ... a bad one I By DONALD KUBIT Plagiarism is a serious offense, but the sin is greater when the piracy turns the theft into shambles. Bloody Mama tries to be another Bonnie and Clyde, and although Director Roger Corman uses many of the same techniques, his film lacks the creativity and impact of its successful predecessor. Bloody Mama is so rotten that it now heads my list of the ten worse movies of the year. Shelley Winters must have forgotten to read the script before she accepted her role as the infamous Ma Barker, for had she known the result would be so terrible, she would have passed up the part. Miss Winters is a gifted actress and well-repected in her field and it is only this reputation that saves her from the harshest of criticism. Pat Hingle is perhaps the luckiest accomplice in this farce, since his role requires being blindfolded, he does not have to watch the idiocy that occurs around him. Too bad we all couldn't be in his position -we'd be a lot better off. The story is about Ma Barker and her precious boys. That is, she thinks they're precious. However, if you consider an impulsive murderer, a homosexual masochist, a dope addict and a cry baby a well-balanced family, then your home may have the same problems as this movie. The family travels around the country robbing banks and jewelry stores, all the while believing they are entitled to the "better life." Un- fortunately, they never realize their calling is in the foothills of Ar- kansas rather than some imaginary castle. They are, of course, gunned down in the end and it may be the first time you were ever glad that someone was killed. You realize it's in- evitable, you just wish it would happen sooner. If you've read a favorable review of this film somewhere, it was probably written by a critic who panned Bonnie and Clyde and is trying to make up for his mistake by praising this film. The only thing in Bloody Mama worth prasing is the final run of the credits signalling its end. It's a shame they don't come sooner, like five minutes after the movie starts. A supplementary note is in order in regards to the short that pre- ceeds this film. It is about a radio station in South Africa and to say that it is offensive to blacks is an understatement. It seems that the State theater could care less what it show before it feature just as long as the audience is occupied. It is an outrage to try and show racial progress in action by filming a radio station at work and while the blacks are entertaining the sound room is filled with white technicians. It doesn't take a very vivid imagination to figure out whose sitting in the big office upstairs. The State theater should be reprimanded for not taking into consideration the degrading aspects of what they pre- sent. If that's their idea of progress, they're going to have a lot to learn- the hard way. Suppose They Gave A War and Nobody Came is one of the few decent films now in town. Although the Wayside theater has a reputa- tion for catering to the Walt Disney crowd, they occasionally run a film worth seeing. Overlook the fact that the film deals with caricatures, rather than characters, and that its title has nothing to do with war in terms of the Vietnam type, and it is a funny movie. The situation is the problems of a military base versus the com- munity it resides in. The head of the base (Don Ameche) wants to retire as a brigadier general and to speed his promotion, he brings in an expert on community relations (Brian Keith) to settle the differ- ences between the town and the Army. Try as they may, they quickly learn that oil and water don't mix and the finale is a scream of im- possibilities. The film is stutfed with witty one-liners and what surprised me most was the honesty this movie displays. It doesn't play up the army as something to be worshipped and even mentions the embarrassment some soldiers feel while wearing their uniform. Besides this it doesn't try to convince you of anything. It is comedy for comedy sake and a good commentary on this can be seen in one of the questions asked in the film. "What did you accomplish?" The answer: "Not a goddamn thing." I had heard very little about this movie before I saw it and have a sneaking suspicion that it may catch on as a favorite. Its comforting to see a film that isn't trying to drive home a point or tell you how to live your life, and when it's funny besides my guess is that it's worth seeing. Anyway when was the last time you saw a movie and sided with the military. 'I A4 I I Letters to the Editor Workers He also ticommi To the Editor: da put DAVE CHUDWIN'S FEATURE shuntin "Workers are too tired for poli- the war tics," (Daily, May 21) explaining nomeno the improbability of a worker- passing student alliance against the war, mnove a comes at a very strange time. The reasoni day after the huge anti-protest no long march by men who were getting an eco time off with pay to express their derestin pro-Nixon convictions, 20,000 - of polit according to Huntley-Brinkley - when h demonstrated against the war in a ers' sup march organized by 12 New York face of City labor unions, and they gnoeib hen national convention of the rs and American Federation of State, ready b County and Municipal Employes develop meeting this month passed a reso- ances bi lution calling for immediate with- stration drawal from Vietnam. number In Chicago, the following un- ions have already supported the THE Chicago Strike Council, a c i t y- demonst wide student coordinating group moriall now building for a huge May 30th supportE antiwar demonstration. ation o DAVE CHUDWIN EXPLAINS dents o that workers don't have time for the Det the luxury of ideological protest. ier oft Sen. Gr By EDWARD ZIMMERMAN N RECENT MONTHS, Michigan's Re- publican senator, has become one of President Nixon's staunchest supporters both on and off the Senate floor. Back in the summer of 1969 when cru- cial votes were needed to defeat the Safe- guard ABM system. Griffin voted for de- ployment of one of the administration's biggest mistakes. points out the role of an- unist and other propagan- out by our government in 1g aside any questioning of by workers. But the phe- n he explains so well is ; workers are beginning to gainst the war. The key is that stopping the war is er a luxury, it's becoming nomic necessity. Dave un- mates the workers' grasp tical and economic reality e predicts continued work- pport for the war in the declining real wages and unemployment. The ailli- etween striking GE work- antiwar students has al- been overshadowed by the ment of functioning alli- uilding the May 30 demon- s to bring out workers in s never seen before in an- ctions. STATEWIDE ANTIWAR tration in Detroit on Me- Day. May 30th, is already ed by the Michigan Feder- tf Teachers, and the resi- f both the Michigan and roit AFL-CIO. Doug Fraz- t h e UAW is expected to iffin: speak. Some people are calling for us to stop demonstrating a n d work to elect a "New Congress." We already have a new congress; it's been transformed by the pop- ular uproar over t h e escalation into Cambodia. Senator Hatfield of the McGovern-Hatfield amend- ment was no peace candidate. He's responding to m a s s public pressure, pressure we must inten- sify. For those who place more faith in the American people than in the Congress as an instrument for ending the war, there is work for you to do. -Andy Buskin, Grad May 22 Letters to the Editor shouldI be mailed to the Editorial Di- rector or delivered to Mary Rafferty in the Student Pub- lications business office in the Michigan Daily building. Let- ters should be typed, double- spaced and normally should not exceed 250 words. The Editorial Directors reserve the right to edit all letters submitted. Schizophrenia marches on. PRESIDENT NIXON was no doubt rather saddened when his incursion into Cambodia s p a r k e d one of the largest waves of national discontent in the his- tory of the U.S. However, he will be com- forted to know that a national poll shows that his action has public approval-50 per cent in favor to 43 per cent against. This heartening information is con- tained in the results of a Harris Poll con- ducted from May 8 to 10. This poll also shows where the President's support lies -mostly in the South and West, among residents of small towns and rural areas, and from older persons. Opposition to Nixon's Cambodian policies is said to be greatest among people under 30 years of ago, among women, Easterners, and those who r e s i d e in the suburbs and urban centers. member that one of the President's prin- ciple reasons for going into Cambodia was to shorten the war. Another item from the poll shows that by a margin of 58 to 25 per cent, people do not believe that the Cambodian opera- tion will persuade the North Vietnamese to enter into serious negotiations in Paris -which was a reason the administration also cited for going into Cambodia. A RATHER schizophrenic attitude among the American public is reveal- ed by the poll's finding that although 52 per cent of the population thinks the mil- itary operation will be successful in de- stroying North Vietnamese bases in Cam- bodia, 66 per cent are worried that Cam- bodia will "turn into another Vietnam." How Cambodia can "turn into another Vietnam" if all the enemy has been de- Nixon , right or wrong A When former Justice Abe Fortas' finan- cial dealings became controversial and the question of judicial ethics came up, Grif- fin led the campaign to "upgrade the Supreme Court" and was at the forefront of the campaign to that forced Fortas to step down. ALTHOUGH HE VOTED again4t the nomination of Clement Haynesworth to the Supreme Court, he assembled most of the support for the ill-fated nomination of J. Harrold Carswell to that same court. Once, while speaking to the President, he remarked that the Carswell nomination was in "bad shape." Nixon asked what they should do and Griffin replied that they "have got to take the offensive." JI o ..a PW ria,,c a acn (,T1iffin na IA a r~i the Carswell nomination was that he thought the man was well qualified and he denied any pressure from the White House. This would seem .believable if Griffin, the man who led the campaign to upgrade the Supreme Court, had not supported Carswell who is at the very most mediocre. Nixon desperately needed a vote for the anti-ballistic missile system (ABM), he got Griffin's. Now Griffin has taken on the anti-war element in the Senate. Any senator who "wants out" of Cambodia is deliberately giving "aid and comfort to the enemy." It appears that Griffin has taken on the responsibility of defending the Nixon re- gime's mistakes, of which there ire many. Ti-') P "..no- h h n , h n m :s a ' :ci' - :!)et over judicial ethics by attacking Abe For- tas, and Haynesworth flagrantly violated what Griffin had termed to be cthical. Haynesworth's financial surroundings and decisions that he had made concerning company's whose stock he owned were al- most identical to what Griffin termed For- tas' transgressions. In terms of staying in line with Nixon, Griffin has overtaken his immediate supe- rior, Senator Hugh Scott, the minority leader. Although Scott has voted with the administration on most issues, he has ep- posed the administration on important issues and more importantly, he has force- fully lobbyied for the administration's positions as has Griffin, a point that will not escape Nixon's attention.