PROMISES, PROMISES See Editorial Page ifitr igan A60F 743att4o DRIPPY High--70 Low-52 Cloudy, cooler, possible thundershowers Vol. LXXX, No. 14-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, May 23, 1970 Ten Cents Four Pages 'IIjudicial unit to meet on Monday The committee charged with proposing new disciplinary pro- cedures fok the University will meet for the first time Monday nigh '. Composed of four students, three faculty members, and two Regents, the committee will continue meeting for the next three months to draft a permanent University judicial system to replace the interim disciplinary procedures adopted by the Regents at their April meeting. In formulating a permanent judi- cial system, the committee will be attempting to resolve a long-running controversy over discipline at the University. Under the Regents bylaws, the fac- ulty within each school and college is empowered to handle all types of complaints against students. How- ever, student leaders have, for the last four years, been pressing the ad- ministration to delegate authority over "non-academic" offenses to judiciaries composed entirely of stu- dents., Both the Regents and the Univer- sity executive officers-the seven vice presidents and President Robben Fleming-have expressed unwilling- ness to go along with the proposal. favoring instead a procedure which involves faculty members, and ad- ministrators as well as students. At their April 17 meeting, the Re- gents passed an interim set of rules to cover disruption and acts of vio- lence at the University. Under the interim disciplinary procedure a student violating one of the rules would be tried by a hearing' officer appointed by Fleming. The hearing officer is empowered to im- pose punishment ranging from a warning to expulsion. This procedure will remain in ef- feet until the Regents adopt a per- manent judicial system. The commit- tee will ,attempt to come up with a plan by the fall which is acceptable to students, faculty members and the Regents. The inclusion of two Regents, Rob- ert Nederlander (R-Birmingham) and Lawrence Lindemer (R-Stock- bridge), marks the first time Regents have served on such a committee. State Senate to on proposal to of act end ' autonomy -Associated Press EVELYN DAVIS, a resident of New York City and General Motors stockholders, waves both a flag and make- shift gas mask as she calls on GM to curb its contribution to pollution. Her comments came at yesterday's stockholders meeting in Detroit. 'Campaign GM', defea ted at stockholders meeting py HESTER PULLING Special To The Daily DETROIT-General-Motors share- holders yesterday overwhelmingly de- feated two proposals sponsored by the Campaign to Make GM Respon- sible, as had been expected. At the company's annual share- holders meeting in Cobo Hall, Leon- ard Woodcock, newly-elected presi- dent of the United Auto Workers, endorsed the Campaign GM propo- sals, and pledged to vote the union's 12 shares in favor of them. A crowd of over 2,500-which in- cluded a swimsuit - clad gasmask - wearing, flag-waving woman calling for the resignation of James Roche, chairman of the board of General Motors-assembled in Cobo Hall for a discussion which centered primar- ily around the two proposals. These proposals, which GM man- agement had urged its shareholders to vote down, called for the addition of three "public, consumer-minded members" to the board of directors, and establishment of a shareholders' committee to study company poli- cies. After the vote had been tallied, Philip Moore, executive director of Campaign GM said, "Of course Cam- paign GM knew we stood no chance of winning the votes. But we did win in reaching our goal-we created a hell of a lot of discussion and debate," he added. March in Georgia nearly finished; expect thousands at Atlanta rally Following the meeting, Roche also agreed that "Campaign GM won their victory in the sense of many view- points being aired. They sure kept the convention lively," he added. Though both sides had called for only moderate and informative dis- cussion of the proposals, speeches from the convention floor often be- came angry shouting bouts accom- panied by jeers or applause. "I didn't come all ,the way from New York to let these punks tell me how to vote," one stockholder said. "Defeat them all, defeat them all." Much of the debate concerned cri- ticism that few women and blacks held high GM management positions. "You represent an organization that has a dismal record in regards to black people and women," said a shareholder from UCLA to Roche. Roche responded that "candidacy to our board is based neither upon sex nor color. In addition, neither group has ever been nominated." A speaker from Ann Arbor-after heavily condemning the Regent's de- cision last April to vote the Univer- sity's shares in with the management instead of Campaign GM - asked Roche if GM put any "pressure" on universities or colleges. "We put no pressure on any uni- versity," Roche said. "We did contact some groups trying to get our side across, though." The six-and-a-half hour meeting, which ran overtime, seemed to con- clude on a note of satisfaction on both sides. Campaign GM had ex- ceeded their goal of attaining the votes of two per cent of GM's total shares and General Motors received its "vote of confidence by our share- holders." "We are the conscience of this company-and we will be back nex year," Campaign coordinator Geof- frey Cowan concluded. "You'll hear from us again," he told Roche. By CARLA RAPOPORT Special To The Daily LANSING - The state Senate is considering a proposed amend- ment to the constitution which would, in effect, put the Univer- sity under the control of the state government. The amendment proposal is pres- ently on the Senate floor and a vote is expected within the next few days. According to an analysis of the bill prepared by the state Department of Education, the proposed amendment would give the Legislature the power to determine how this University, as well as other state-supported colleges would allocate funds received from the state. Under the current state constitu- tion; as adopted in 1963, the Univer- sity Regents are empowered to de- termine all expenditures from the University's funds. Approval of the amendment re- quires ratification by the Senate, House of Representatives, and a majority vote of the electorate. On Thursday night, the Senate voted 25-5 to dispense with the cus- omary first and second readings and to have the bill brought up as soon as possible. Sen. Anthony Stamm (R-Kala- mazoo), chairman of the Senate Committee on Education and a sup- porter of the amendment said last night that "if the Legislature is un- happy with a situation at the Uni- versity, such as the large enrollment of out-of-state students, it can get no satisfaction as to who's respon- sible for the situation. "We get sent from the president (of the University) to the Regents to the deans and each passes us on to the next, with no one taking full responsibility," he said. Stamm explained that the proposed amendment is designed to give the Legislature the option of handling internal university m a t t e r s when. deemed necessary by the legislators. DuringSenate debateaonethe bill Thursday night, Sen. Sander Levin (D-Berkley) said that the proposal represents "a g r o s s distortion of values; a buckling under to hysteria; and a failure to understand what is really going on in our society." Arguments against the bill pre- sented in the education department's analysis maintain constitutional au- tonomy is a main factor responsible for the distinguished academic record of the state's universities. The analysis also states that the Legislature has considerable control over public, 4-year institutions through such means as state appro- priations, the approval of members of a college's governing board and the funding of capital construction projects. "Total control of higher education by the legislature would undermine the systems of checks and balances, the foundation of the democratic system," continues the report. -Associated Press Polluted America- Love it or . .." John Riggio, Jr., a member of the International Longshoreman's Asso- ciation (ILA) joins his fellow workers as they leave their jobs in the Duluth-Superior harbor yesterday in a protest against pollution, The workers charge that the Coast Guard, Army Corps of Engineers and various vessels dump waste into the harbor. CALLED 'REPRESSIVE' Bill requiring expulsion condemned by students N By The Associated Press About 150 people protesting "racial repression" neared the end of their 120-mile march through Georgia last night. The marchers are protesting the killings of two b 1 a c k students at Mississippi's Jackson State College and four white students at Ohio's Kent State University, and the deaths of six black people during racial riot- ing in Augusta, Ga. Meanwhile, in Jackson, Miss., near- ly 4,000 people, including eight sen- ators and ten congressmen, attended the funeral of James Earl Green, one of the students slain at Jackson State last week during a 30-second barrage of police gunfire. Police were stationed near the temple and along the motorcade route, and Mississippi Gov. John Bell Williams a contingent of highway patrolmen and 1,300 N a t i o n a l Guardsmen were available if needed. But there were no incidents. "How long, oh Lord, will our white brothers continue to destroy us? It can't go on any longer. It must stop now," said civil rights leader Charles Evers at the funeral service in the black Masonic temple near Jackson State. "No stone will be left unturned," said Sen. Charles Percy (R-IlD prom- ising a full investigation. -Percy, who flew to Jacksonwith a 90-man dele- gation headed by Sen. Edmund Mus- kie (D-Maine), said the guilty "will be prosecuted . . . no matter who they are." After an overnight stop in Griffin. Ga. the marchers were expected to board buses this morning to travel the final 40 miles to Atlanta. They will be joined in Atlanta by thousands of others for a rally at the tomb of the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a march past the state capital and a mass rally at More- house College. A number of civil rights and anti- war groups are to join the rally to- day and speakers include Sen. George McGovern (D-SD). Rep. Julian Bond (D-Ga), Mrs. Martin Luther King Jr., black playwright LeRoi Jones and officials of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. Four state patrol cars, with two patrolmen in each, joined the march just outside Forsyth to direct traffic and handle disorder if any should occur. So far, the march has been peaceful. The procession numbered about 300 when it left Forsyth shortly after noon. but many were high school pupils who marched only a short distance. About 100 pupils left class at the urging of marchers who went through halls of Hubbard High, an all-black school, asking the youngsters to join the group. At the Green funeral, mourners filed past the open casket for three hours before services started under the direction of Dr. Estus Smith, dean of the School of Liberal Studies at Jackson State. A telegram from President Nixon was read at the funeral, which stated "I want you to know Mrs. Nixon and I continue to share your sorrow," the President said. The telegram said the shooting "saddens the entire nation." The delegation from Washington went to the airport after the service, but others drove to the cemetery one mile away in a motorcade. Muskie told one group of students the delegation wanted facts and in- By LINDSAY CHANEY The state Senate's passage of a measure which would require the ex- pulsion of any student convicted of causing a disturbance at a state-sup- ported college has provoked feelings of dismay and firm opposition among many University students. The measure is an amendment to the higher educations appropriations bill which the Senate-passed Thurs- day night by a vote of 22-12. Another amendment would require the expul- sion of any student carrying a fire- arm on campus which is not regis- tered with the college's administra- tion. Commenting on the bill yesterday. Student Government Council Presi- dent Marty Scott criticized the ex- pulsion provision as being "one of the most repressive measures the Legislature could take. The threat of expulsion for any major disturbance will limit dissent considerably," he predicted. "It's the mistaken assumption on the part of many people that sus- pending a student will get him out of the way," continued Scott. "Many colleges and universities, most not- ably in California, have built up col- onies of people who have been expel- led, but remain part of the univer- sity community." Chris Johnson, '73, said he was against the bill "because it t a k e s power away from the University. Students who destroy the education- al atmosphere of the University should be punished," he added, "but not by the Legislature." David Brand, president of the lit- erary college student government, criticized the bill, but predicted that it would "radicalize the campus." Brand added that the Legislature, by passing the bill, would be step- ping "out of its role. The Regents come here once a month, and they're pretty far away from the students. The legislators don't come here at all," he said. "They have no idea of what the situation is on campus." "It looks pretty bad," added Scott Mixer, '72, "and it's going to be a whole lot harder to attack the Legis- lature than to attack (President Rob- ben) Fleming." City fails By HARVARD VALLANCE A program aimed at increasing the number of blacks employed by the city was unable to meet its goals for the first six months it was in effect, city officials report. The plan-entitled the Affirmative, Action Program-was initiated by City Council last September. It set a goal to hire members of minority groups at all levels of city government in a percentage equaling the percentage of non- whites in the state. A progress report on the program's first six months was presented to City Council last Mon- day by Don Borut, assistant city administrator. Borut said that only two of the city's 17 de- )n job goal ploying blacks in 20 positions in the city govern- ment. Expressing disappointment with the de- partment's failure to meet their goals, Mayor Robert Harris said this week he did not expect the city to be able to meet the goal unless City Council agrees to provide funds for hiring a special job recruiter. City Administrator Guy Larcom, Jr., added that he hopes the city will be able to reach the goal set by the Affirmative Action Program within the next six months. At Monday's City Council meeting, Council- man H. C. Curry (D-First Ward), the only black on council, said that he "was not at all satisfied with the progress of the program" and for blacks department for the summer were non-white. In an interview, Ezra Rowry, chairman of the Model City Policy Board, called the Affirma- tive Action Program "a farce," and said that Borut's figures on summer minority employment were "irrelevant and misleading." Rowry said that if "those statistics repre- sent the extent of affirmative action, then they can use the report for toilet paper when the supply runs low" in City Hall. He charged that "Larcum isn't going to do anything about it or require anybody else to" and said that the structure of City Hall would have to be reorganized, placing more aggressive people in charge of the departments to imple- I