71 Page three ZZ4P £iti4 t!3an ti1 NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Thursday, May 21, 1970 Ann Arbor, Michigan Page Three a gret plaCe to study V Summer school isn't what it used to be. V We've compressed over 330 courses in fully accredited graduate and undergraduate programs into easy-to-take day or evening sessions.Over a short two month period. Because the staff at Roosevelt has planned-your courses won't interrupt what you have planned (work or mellow moments). The sun feels great on your back while reading at the beach. An interesting way to get something accomplished-we think. A little class now could give you a lot later. Firstsummerterm begins June 22. Second summer term begins August 3. Evening classes begin June 22. For farther Information phone or write: ROOSEVELT UNIVERSITY . .fice of E .uationalinformation 430 . Michigan Av., Chicago,%Illinois 6060S City Sat p ., J HEAR: EE RICE * yust returned from Cuba with the Venceremos IBrigate 4 Socialist Workers Party candidate for Mich. Representative (running against John Conyers ) 0 activist in 3rd world struggles & women's liberation T HE CUBAN REVOLUTION TODAY * THE ROLE OF WOMEN IN CUBA * THE ROLE OF THE AFRO-CUBAN 3 \l TO NIGH T MAY 21-8 P.M. ROOM 3B UNION SPONSORED BY THE YOUNG SOCIALIST ALLIANCE SOCIOLOGY GRAD STUDENTS ASSOC. the news today by The Associated Press and College Press Service PRESIDENT NIXON proposed to Congress yesterday legis- lation to strengthen the authority of the Coast Guard in protect- ing against oil spills. Nixon also requested ratificiation of three international agree- ments to combat oil pollution in international waters and said he would seek a $35 million appropriation to establish an already author- ized revolving fund to clean up oil spills. The President's proposal would allow the Coast Guard to "control vessel traffic in the inland waters and the territorial seas of the United States." It would also empower the Coast Guard to regulate handling and storage of dangerous cargoes on the waterfront, to set safety require- ments for waterfront equipment and facilities, and to establish safety zones or other "controlled access areas" in and near U.S. ports., FIRST CLASS MAIL will no longer be moved by air in all routes of 150 miles or less, airlines spokesmen announced yesterday. According to the president of Air Transport Association, Stuart G. Tipton, the action taken by the Post Office Department is "an example of false economy," which will "result in a deterioration of the quality of frst class mail service at the time when the U.S. postal service is in need of improvement." The Post Office denied this charge saying "We expect no serious, significant effect." The regular 10-cent air mail service, which assures a letter of prior- ity movement by air, will not be affected. * * * ARTHUR J. GOLDBERG, the former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, called yesterday for the immediate admission of Red China and the divided countries of Germany, Vietnam and Korea to membership in the United Nations. Addressing a special national convocation opening the observance of the United Nation's 25th anniversary, the former delegate called for universality of membership to strengthen the U.N. and urged all countries to turn to the U.N. with "a will to make it work" rather than to rely on unilateral actions.{ He referred to the U.S. involvement in Vietnam and Cambodia as a "tragedy" and a "mistake," adding, "Our government should ask itself not how the U.N. can help it do what it wants to do in Vietnam -but how to conform its Vietnam policy to its U.N. commitments. COMMUNIST CHINA'S FIRST SPACE SATELLITE has stop- ped sending signals, Germany's BochunmInstitute reported yester- day. Director Heinz Kaminski said failure to pick up any signals from the satellite since Saturday indicated its transmission power had either broken down or been used up. Kaminski said the institute received signals regularly from the satellite after its launching April 14, but that the solar batteries used to transmit may have had a life of only about three weeks. LENORE ROMNEY says her husband's decision to help fight inflation by returning 25 per cent of his $60,000 salary as secretary of Housing and Urban Development already has resulted in some' penny pinching. "We're being extra conservative these days," Mrs. Romney told newsmen in Detroit, Tuesday. "We don't take vacations, we don't have a maid, and George helps me with the dishes," she added. Mrs. Romney, who seeks the Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate in Michigan, had no comment on whether she would follow her husband's lead in returning part of her salary if she is elected. "I'm not in this campaign for the salary," she said. "I just want to make my voice heard." New front thrust intO Cambodia S. Vie tniiese hit asit known brder outpost E SAIGON A -- Thousands of South Vietnamese infantry- men plunged into Cambodia on a new front yesterday in a drive to smash the last of the known North Vietnamese and Viet Cong sanctuaries near the border.' Their target was the Communist command's B3 front, which con- trols all North Vietnamese d Viet Cong operations in the tral Highlands provinces of South Vietnam. The assault troops, acco,,,pand by U.S. advisers, met no resistance by midafternoon. At last repOrt they were consolidating night de- fensive positions about 10 mles inside Cambodia. It was the 13th front opened by the allies since the Cambodian offensive was announced officially at the end of April. The new oper- ation centered in an area 110125 miles northeast of Saigon. In southern Cambodia, a 10,000- man South Vietnamese task force, thrusting north from the Mekong Delta in tanks, armored vehices and 20 navy vessels, stormed A North Vietnamese base camp and smashed a fleet of 100 sampans, military spokesmen said. Ninety- six North Vietnamese and Viet; Cong soldiers were reported killed while South Vietnamese losses were 8 killed and 25 wounded. The new operation raised to be tween 25,000 and 30,000 the num- ber of South Vietnamese troops now fighting in Cambodia along a 600-tulle stretch of border frth- the Central Highlands to t. e southern Mekong Delta, More than 10,000 Americans also are operating across the frontier The allied commands repotd that 8,338 North Vietnamese ad Viet Cong have been slain in Cam- bodia so far and more than 130, enemy weapons, 1,500 Ion of munitions and nearly 3,000 tons of rice cap.ured. The Americans have lost 162 men killed and 664 wounded. South Vietnamese casualties were reported at 580 killed and 2,007 wounded.t An Associated Press coriespnn dent reported from Southern Cambodia that officers hoped the operation would cut off the fl w of supplies to North Vietname e and Viet Cong units in the moun- tains region of South Vietnam. Farther north, armored troops of the U.S. 25th Infantry Divis- ion clashed twice yesterday with North Vietnamese in the Fh hook area near the Cambodiah town of Mimot. Field reports said a company of Americans suffered light casual- ties, when it was attacked by small arms and rocket-propelled gre- nades. -Associated Press SEN. JACOB JAVITS, (R-NY) passes over a bullhorn to his colleague Sen. Charles Goodell, (R-NY) after addressing someh 1,200 lawyers who gathered on the Capitol steps. The briefcase then fanned out to lobby for a an end to the war in Indochina. Lawyers lobby to end As war 111South eaRst s1 WOMEN'SI L I ERATION TUESDAY GROUP 1 i WASHINGTON (A - A brief- case brigade of 1,200 lawyers spread out over Capitol Hill to- day to lobby for an end to the war in Indochina. Practically all were from New York, with some from Philadelphia, Washington and a few from other cities. The lawyers, most of them young, gathered first on the steps of the Capitol for welcome speech- es from New York's Republican sehators, Jacob K. Javits and Charles E. Goodell. Javits told the crowd their ac- tion was "probablyrunique in the annuals of our country." "I pay tribute to you for what you're doing," Goodell said t Both said they hoped' President Nixon will take action toend the twar,. Goodell added, "But we've gone through seven years and I think Congress has to act." Francis Plimpton, former U.N. ambassador and president of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York, told the group it must emphasize that Congress not only has the right but the duty to act to end the war, The lawyers carried briefcases, and only a scattering w o r e the peace buttons that war protesters usually wear. Led by Plimpton and Ramsey Clark, former U.S. Attorney Gen- eral, the attorneys broke up into teams for visits to each House and Senate member. Some admkinis- trative offices were also included on the schedules which each pro- tester carried. Meanwhile, some 1500 local law- yers set up a noon session in a church to plan a separate pro- gram. Congressional offices have been filled for 2 weeks with students lobbying for an end to the war. A TRADITION ENDS Speaker By The Associated Press Speaker of the House John W. McCormack announced yes- terday he will not seek reelec- tion to Congress in November. The 78-year-old Massachusetts Democrat told newsmen he had made his decision to retire prior to the 1968 election, adding, "Mrs. McCormack and I have been looking forwardto a period of rest and relaxation." "On May 29 I will have been speaker the second longest in the history of our country," Mc- Cormack boasted yesterday, adding, "the exception being my late dear friend, Sam Rayburn." The speaker rose to power in the classic tradition of the lowly toiler in the wards who, through hard work and loyalty to the party organization, made it to the top. Once a fiery, energetic floor leader who helped shape the momentous legislation of the New Deal, he became in the last few years the symbol of what many feel is wrong with Con- gress-that it is too old, too deaf to new ideas, too concerned with old loyalties to meet new chal- lenges. Despite mounting demands by younger members for a larger CIcCormack to retire Set your sights on this: The computer industry Is only fifteen years old and already there Is 15 billion dollars worth of computer equip- ment in use. By 1975, that will double. creating more than 500,000 new computer-related jobs. Honeywell can prepare you for this bright future. You'll be able to apply computer technology to your chosen field. Or you can make a promising career as a computer specirallst. - We have the only program that's exclusively for college graduates. And because we make cotiputer equipment, we're partiularly well- qualifIed to teach you what computers are all about. Classes for the next session are forming right now. This could be your big chance. Pou~nce on it. Send the coupon. 7515 W t Nine Mle d So jueid M cgan 4807 (31 3 c'-i00 I t would like additional information on your I would like to arrange an interview on at (date) (time) Honeywell will call you to confirm this date and time. ( Nme:_________ - __ College: I Address Phone: __HomeAddre Phone: The Other Computer Company: role in running the House. Mc- Cormack stayed with the elosed- door, close-crony, don't rock- the-boat approach he inherited from his predecessor, Sam Ray- burn, in 1962. Still hale and hearty despite his age, McCormack resented criticism that he was too old and refused to concede to ac- cusations that he was out of tune with the times. More than by such criticism, he was shaken last year by dis- closures that his trusted chief aide, Martin Sweig, was under investigation for using the speaker's office to influence government decisions. Sweig, along with Nathan Voloshen, a close friend of Mc- Cormack's, was indicted on in- fluence-peddling charges and the forthcoming trial is known to bear heavily on McCormack's mind. An austere man who has given much of his salary to charity, McCormack prides himself on his reputation for honesty. He has insisted he knew nothing of Sweig's and Voloshen's ac- { tivities. McCormack suffered another personnel blow when his wife became seriously ill recently. They will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversay next month. Their devotion to each other is a Washington legend. McCormack came to the na- tion's top legislative office by the rough road of Soutth Boston Irish Democratic politics. The son of a bricklayer and stonemason whodied when McCormack was 13, the future speaker finished the eighth grade and then went to work as a $3-a-week messenger, sup- plementing his earnings with a paper route. A consistent bread-and-butter liberal, McCormack supported innumerable social measure during the Roosevelt New Deal and the subsequent years. At the same time, he has backed incumbent presidents consis- tently on foreign policy-up to and including the present furor over President Nixon's Cam- bodian decision. His party loyalty, however, has never been questioned. He and the Kennedys held allegi- ance to different political clans within the Massachusetts Demo- cratic party and brushes result- ed. The most searing was Ed- ward M. Kenedy's victory in a Democratic senatorial primary over Edward McCormack, the childless speaker's nephew, But McCormack, who 1ad act- ed as a kindly party elder to the young John F. Kennedy, never wavered in his support of Ken- nedy as President. For more than a year after Kennedy's assassination McCor- mack was next in line to Lyndon B. Johnson for the presidency, as the succession law stood then. Nixon meets officifals of 1 black colleges WASHINGTON (P) - President promises at this time but to wait Nixon met for two hours with 15 and see what he does," Ziegler presidents of black colleges yes- said. terday but both sides came away Ziegler declined to explain what saying no commitments had been was meant by the reference to fu- made. ture presidential action except to Dr. Herman Branson, president say that the black leaders were, of Central S t a t e University at asked to look for results "such as Wilberforce, Ohio, told newsmen programs dealing with the prob- after the meeting the group had lems before them." no Immediate characterization of Ziegler said the discussions cov- the discussions but was more In- ered the problems of black col- terested in any action the Presi- leges, black students and com- deit might take. Imunities "as they relate to his ad- A White House spokesman said ministration." the educators made a number of The topic of olice action on i uggestisnd proposals but that campuses, particularly relating to o mstudent deaths on the campuses "The purpose of these meetings of Jackson State College in Mis- is for the President to hear the sissippi and Kent State University leaders and discuss with t h e m in Ohio was discussed, the press their problems and how they re- ertysa. late to the community as a secretary said. wa&hole," presidential press secre- Ziegler said .the Jackson State tary Ronald L. Ziegler said. incident was also discussed in "The President told them they some detail by Dr. John A. Peo- did not necessarily need word or ples, president of Jackson State. Friends of the Anin Arbor Public Library BOOK FAIR SATURDAY, MAY 23 t Honewell _____ I .r . Help Support The McGovern-Hatfield Amendment ANTIQUES FAIR and SALE Ann Arbor .e - ~Wf'"b' .i- I I i