Page Four THE !MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, lvlav 20, 1970 Page Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday1 May 20, 1970 For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone 764-0557 Monday through Friday, 12:00-2:00 MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS HERB DAVID GUITAR STUDIO Acoustic, electric instruments, acces- sories, David lessons-repairs, Gibson, Harmony. 209 S. State. 665-8001. 10-7 p.m. X RECORDS! Oldies! 20,000 in Stock. Send 35c for 2,000 listing catalog. Mail Or- ders Filled. RECORD CENTER, 1895 W. 25th-Cleve., Ohio. Record Tapes. 31X1 Evashevski, Nagel resign athletic spots a t Iowa FOR RENT The Ann Arbor Fair Housing Ordi- nance and the University of Mich- igan Regents' bylaws prohibit dis- crimination in housing. Questions should be directed to Off-Campus FOR RENT SUM. RENTAL - Prof's. home. Fully furn. 4 bdrm. 2 bath 2 study, dishw., washer and dryer, yard. June 5-Sept. 1. $225/mo. plus utilities. Call 761- 3394. 38014 FALL RENTALf hrrmf~r ni v~ li nilh b SUMMER SUBLET OWN BDRM. in 1g. spacious house, 1g- kitchen, liv. rm., din. rm., June 21- Aug. $45/mo. 328 John. 662-4049. 10U15 SUMMER RENTAL 2 Bdrm. furn. unit or partial sublet near law and business schools. Call Professional Management Associates,. 769-4227. 11Ute 731 PACKARD. NO. 115 (near State). Bi-level 1 BDRM., A/C, for June-Aug. 665-2229. 8U14 WANTED TO BUY EUROPE - Wanted round trip ticket leaving early July, returning late August or early Sept. Bill, 761-1536 or 764-0552. DK15 I Housing, 764-7400. 2 2 drm. Turn. unit near law anao usi- tness schools. Call Professional Man- agement Associates, 769-4227. 39Ctc 2-BEDROOM APT. on North Campus for sublet June 20-Dec. 31 for married 1 PERSON to share house w/ couple. students only. $125 a month.' 665- $53 and 1/3 utilities. 665-0580. 40C13 4041 eves. 23C7 ________- .._.__ _-BUSINESS MAN-Apt. for rent, down- OFF. SPACE w/bathroom on campus, town. 8-5 763-2141, eves. 439-2639. $125. Call 761-7764. 34C12 41C14 NYC SUBLET, Greenwich Village, good EFFICIENCY on campus. $100/mo. 662- location, June 15-Sept. 8, $375 for 6591 or 761-7764. 33C12 entire summer, 4 rms., great bargain. 662-3761. 36C11'ROOM FOR MAN in nice southeast WANTED--1 3-speed Man's Bike and 1 FOR SALE: Plectrum banjo, Weymann, 3-speed Woman's Bike, Call 761-8932 Phone 761-7839. 30X11 after 5:00. 28K11 12-STRING Gibson w/ hard case. 1 yr. old. Both perf. cond. Guitar cost $345, LOST AND FOUND case $81. Will sell both for best offer! over $225. 761-8477. 33X13 LOT-uzy ra kttn Plas l IOWA CITY (N--The board in control of athletics at the University of Iowa said yes- terday it has accepted the resignation of athletic direc- tor Forest Evashevski and relieved head football coach Ray Nagel of his duties. daily NIGHT EDITOR: BILL DINNER I LOST-Fii_ z, gray kitten. Please call i #:RriAd;9 rpx;--.Arri 9nAll PERSONAL OFFICE SPACE with bathroom. On campus. $125 mo. 662-6591 or 76,1-7764. 32C12 OWN ROOM for woman grad. in big attractively furnished apt. Rent ne- got. 662-0348 mornings or eves. DC13 STUDIO APT. for rent, July-Aug. 769- 0876. 27Ctc KING'S INN APT.. 939 Dewey-Units available for fall occupancy, new bldg., all mod. conveniences, many units with 2 balconies. Call 761-6156 or 665-9866. 17014 711 ARCH near State and Packard Modern 2-bdrm. apts. for Fall features include: * dishwasher * balcony *air-cond. and much more Phone 761-7848 or 482-8867 26Ct c area home, Call 663-8244 after 5 p.m. or weekends. CX 1346 GEDDES, Near Observatory-Rooms _ + for men only w/ or w 'o. cooking ___.- $40-45/mo. Call 668-6906. 12Utc FOUND-Eyeglasses in blue, hard plas-1 tic case, on Tappan near Bus. Ad. SUMMER MONTHS-3 girls for 1st floor Phone 434-1674. 21A13 apt. at 430 Packard. $180 mo. Parking - -~- ~-- - in rear. NO 8-8433. 6U14 LOST-Adult female calico cat. Long .. -- hair, green eyes. Near Mary-Hoover TWO BEDROOM furnished - Campus St. Please call 761-2423. 22A13 location. Ideal for couple. Call 761- ----- 2095 after 6:00 p.m. or on weekends. LOST - GERMAN SHEPHERD (mostly) 7UIE PUPPY, 3 mo. old, called BAM. Call et, 769-7353 or 662-0582. REWARD. 23A11 2 BDRM. Unfurnished Apt. Sublet, June 12 thru Aug. 761-6829. 9U4 LOST - Brown briefcase in University ROOM FOR RENT, Oakland near Hill, and Fifth Ave. area. Contents ex- $45/mo. Call 663-3153. 24C11 trenely important to owner. 761-6211 or 763-2349. 18A14 THE A THE IBBEY THE LODGE CARRIAGE HOUSE FORUM VISCOUNT still the local favorites! Several select apartments available for summer and fall semesters in each of these modern bu ildings. ___ _1_ ____"__ IMMEDIATE occupancy in spacious du- lx eros arekthn i- C2ha rte rRea Ity plx: 2 bedrooms, large kitchen, liv-. ing room and basement; own wash- Fine Campus Apartments ing machine and dryer. Available thru Aiicriict66 2ainiA A19528, DU14 1335 S. University 665-8825 'Agut GltD <, '' ""'.u' lOCic FEMALE NEEDED to share 2-man bi- 52l WALNUT. modern, spacious, 2 level in house. Large partitioned bed- bdrm., 3-man, dishwasher. 668-6906 room. Close to hospital and South U. 42Ctc 769-7551 eves. 5U11 VERY NICE PLACE, 730 s. State, Apt. SUMMER RENTALS 5. no phone, if not home leave a note. Choice Apts. at low rates. Ann Arbor 18C9 Trust Co. Phone 769-2800. 22C83 fI FOUND-1 dangly pearl earring. May 1,t Washington by Frieze Bldg. Call 662- 3763. 19A12 FOUND-German Shepherd pup. In- quire at Middle Earth, 769-1488. DA11 LOST - Young male cat, white and grayvery affectionate Please call Peter. 769-0673 .17A12 ROOM AND BOARD BLACK FEMALE student, come between 6-9 p.m. 2686 Arrow Wood Trail. 10E11 ROOMMATES WANTED WANTED-Grad. or working girl with or withqut apt. for fall. Can live off campus. 761-8020. 27Y16 FEMALE GRAD seeks tennis partner.I 769-2837. 48F13I I WILL DO light or heavy housekeep- ing. Pay negotiable. 764-7622. DF FREE University-Registration is still open!! New courses have been added! Register--Free U office-2nd floorl Union-763-2130. 47F14 SOVIET UNION. Driving and Camping. 10 weeks, $1350. Includes air and all expenses. A. Lipson, 2 Garden Terr., Cambridge, Mass. 02138 or call (col-, lect) 617-547-1127. 40F36 COOK YOUR WAY TO HIS HEART. Weekly classes in basic techniques for impressive entrees, desserts. 665- 3369. 49F14 Meet the Union Barbers: JACK, JAY, DAVE, HAROLD, and CHET. 8:30- 5:15 p.m. Mon.-Sat. 42F14 FREE LANCE PHOTOGRAPHER avail- able for Weddings, Conferences, Por- traiture, Books, etc. except passport pics! Call RICHARD LEE, 761-9452 before noon. 46Ftc THE COMMITTEE of Responsibility, a group interested in raising funds to provide medical aid for war-injured Vietnamese children will hold a meet- ing Wednesday, May 20th at the home'of Mrs. Ann Andrew, 6 Marshall Court (off S. Division) at 8:00 p.m. All interested persons are welcome! Please telephone 663-7812 or 761-1931 for further information. 44F11 that an investigation was being tion of the department of inter- conducted of alleged irregulari- collegate athletics and the foot- ties in expense accounts of some ball program," said Sam Fahr, coaching staff members. t board chairman, in a statement1 "Notwithstanding four months released Tuesday afternoon. of concerted efforts by the board Fahr said the board has con- and the president of the univer- sulted with Iowa Atty. Gen. Fich- sity, it has proved impossible to ard Turner about the alleged ex- provide satisfactory administ-ra- pense account irregularities. Flood's charges start reserve cas attee NEW YORK (/P)-Curt Flood, Goldberg, former Supreme Court obviously more nervous as a court Justice now a candidate for the witness than as a St. Louis Car- Democratic nomination for gov- dinal outfielder, testified yester- ernor of New York State. day that he had brought his anti- The one-time $90,000-a-year trus suit against baseball because outfielder had to be handed a "I didn't think I should be traded baseball bubble gum card, to re- and treated like a piece of prop- call his batting averages in spe- erty." cific years. That is the critical point of Flood; in challenging baseball's Flood's case challenging baseball's reserve system, is attempting to reserve system which began trial prove that the sport is a monopoly in Federal Court here before Judge operating in restraint of trade. Irving Ben Cooper, a battery of At issue is what is popularly attorneys and several members of known as the reserve clause- the baseball establishment. actually a set of rules that binds Flood appeared tense as he the player to the team that signs hunched forward on the witness him until he is traded, sold or re- stand and was led through his leased with or without his knowl- testilnony by attorney Arthur edge and-or approval. :Major LeagueStandings The actions follow months of feuding within the athletic depart- ment, and disclosure last week Campus-1 Block-Fall 418 East Washington-Mod. 1 bdrm. for 2 or 3 students, 668-6906 OWN BEDROOM in 3-man, 3 bdrrm. summer sublet: avail. immed. thru Aug. Kitchen, shower, parking, laun- dry. Price: $50 and quite negotiable, call 761-9184 persistently. 25C11 DELUXE Two Bedroom-Parking, quiet, close to campus, 927 S. Forest Ave. 8 or 12 md. $290-350. After 5 p.m., 662-6156. 16014 APTS. LIMITED' Fall Rentals 611 Church 663-0511 761-5440 Featuring Forest Terrace, 1001 S. Forest, Mgr, in Apt. No. 211. Park Terrace. 848 Tappan, Mgr. in Apt. No. 10. Many other 1, 2 and 3 bdrm. apts. available on campus. 38082 SUMMIT ASSOC IATES ADVISES RESERVE YOUR FALL APARTMENT NOW. AVOID THAT "APARTMENT FURNISHED APARTMENTS CAMPUS MANAGEMENT NOW SHOWING FOR FALL CAMPUS-HOSPITAL LOCATIONS 335 E. Huron 662-7787 15Ctc PETS AND SUPPLIES FREE-Long-haired, snowball kittens fat, litter-trained. 663-7745. 49T3 FREE KITTENS! Call 769-1238. 47T15 FREE, 5 friendly kittens. 426-2224. 48T12 FREE KITTENS, litter-trained. Call 665-2800 evenings. 46T12 TICKETS 2 ONE WAY TICKETS Det.-London July 5 approx. $120, Cy, 769-4046. 2Q11 BIKES AND SCOOTERS 1968 YAMAHA 180 cc., good condition. $275 or best offer. 769-5713 5-8 p.m 39215 A STEAL-1969 Suzuki X-6 Hustler 250 cc speedbomb. $397 or offer. 769- 4488. 38214 HONDA CB 160, 1965 Good condition. 662-0560. 2 DELUXE Two Bedroom unit close to campus. $150/mo. 927 S. Forest Ave. After 5, 662-6156. 47U14 418 E. WASHINGTON Modern 1 Bdrm., large, air-cond., avail. May and June only. 668-6906. lUtc 3 BEDROOM Apartment-Summer se- mester, air-cond., dishwasher, mod- ern, huge living room. 525 Walnut, No. 6 or 769-6582, CHEAP! 2U12 HUGE SINGLE ROOM in furnished 3- man apt. near Markley Hall and en- trance to arb. Back yard faces groovyi graveyard. $50/mo. 1444 Washington Hgts., Apt. 1. Ask for Harvard at the Daily, 764-0552. U12 ?;;;shevski, who lifted the Iowa 1a. ys to national football ,?ICiii,ence il the 1950s, said he iha reqIuested activation of his 'esignation becausc "I can no longer subject my family to em- barrassment and obscene phone calls which he said had become common during recent months. Fair said the board "is very lnindful of the contributions made by Mr. Evashevski to the athletic plrograms hre. The state of Iowa will not soon forget the many successes an(d achie vements for which he is responsible in his 18 years at the Universtiy of Iowa. Fahr said that until a perma- Ient athletic director is named, Francis "Buzz" Graham, business manager of athletics, will serve as actilng director. Evashevski told the board that he lad asked to resign in the summer of 1969, but had agreed to wait until the end of 1970. He now asked to resign by June 30, 1970. "For 18 years I have conducted programs which have been in ac- cordance with Big Ten and NCAA rules. Never have I been a party to or tolerated any practice which was contrary to university policy or procedure." Evashevski came to Iowa in 1952 and developed into one of the university's winningest foot- ball coaches. His, 1957 and 1959 teams were Rose Bowl champions and he was named coach of the year nine times. He had an over-all coaching record of 67 wins, 35 losses, and six ties. and posted a 52-27-4 rec- ord in 12 years as head coach of Iowa before becoming athletic di- r'eocor in 1960. Evashevski, 52, is a native of Detroit and played quarterback at the Univelrsity of Michigan. His only other head coaching job was at the University of Utah where he headed the football staff for eight years and compiled a 42- 39-1 record. Nagel's Utah team Won the W e s t e r n Athletic Conference championship in 1964 and went on to win the Liberty Bowl. Forty-three years old Monday, Nagel is a former quarterback from UCLA. r{L rilq k .'l rS '9 TWO MEN NEEDED TO FILL 4-man, URGENTLY NEEDS, peace Democrats 2-bdrm. apt. for July-Aug. at $50/mo. living in Livingston county. 437-6484 Also need 3 men for fall at $80/mo. eves. 40F13 Call 663-8440 for details. 28Y14 _-_-- '-6-4--.UNION LANES now open 'til 1 a.m. FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted, July- Fri.-Sat., 12 mid. Sun/-Thurs. 43F141 Aug. $55-mo.. negot. 326 Thompson, EUROPE No. 2. 663-5993. 29Y14 c _ _i , 3 5 2 Ili 2 n i. I 1s _ x. i. .5 r _ 4 Z BEAUTIFUL, air-cond. furnis dio apart. w/dishwasher, ov U of M campus, on 17th Tower Plaza. Available Juni Aug. Before 5:30 call 769-5 5:30 call 761-8304. SUMME) SUBLET EXCELLENT LOCATIO 1, 2, 3 BDRM FURN. AP AIR CONDITIONING FALL OPTIONS SUBLET RENTS NEC CALL 761-8055 Visit 737 Packard USED CARS CHEVY Convertible, new top, $500. 761-7764. TRIUMPH SPITFIRE, '64. $ 0564 days; 761-5470 eves. VW BUS, 1966. New engine tee. 4 new Pirelli tires. Pe e haus761-5758. 618 Lawrence '67 MUSTANG - 8 cyl., sti miles. GREAT SHAPE. 663-4 NEED 2 FEMALE roommates for sum- iner half. rood. bi-level apt., $ or negotiable. 761-5889. 26Y12 WORKING WOMAN desires female student roommate to share apart- ment. $65/mo. 769-5584. 25Y16 June 26/Aug. 6 ROUND TRIP2TO LONDON $229 (a few seats left) WE PROVIDE ALL STUDENT TRAVEL SVRVICES. CALL OR STOP IN AT: World Wide Charter 211 S. State St. Dial "ON-A-TRIP" (662-8747) 4 COMMUNE NEEDS Sixth. 310 N. State. 45F19 761-3684. 34Y131 - - --------- Creative Photography FOR SALE WEDDINGS and portraits. Professional quality at' student rates. Call John GOING OUT OF COUNTRY SALE - Evans at 769-0053 for appointment to Great prices on: typewriter, Dremel see portfolio. F60 jigsaw, 214" drills, lamp, Savage 24 rifle (22'20 G.A.), Daisy co2 BB pistol( PAINTING - Student desires painting books, albums, 2 Timex watches, jobs, inside and outside. Four years many others. Call 769-5713 5-8 p.m. experience. Call 662-4736. FD 18B13 CHAIR tosrent.eLarge collapsable arms INVEST IN 10 SCENIC WOODED and legs. Very warm, comfortable. Acres at beautiful Whitefish-Bachta- Movable chin. Hello Rabbit. OD. wana Bays Park. Access to Lake Su- 38F14 ---i- V -- Clri nron. T_~75 n rk _- -"- AMERICAN LEAGUE NATIONAL LEAGUE l 2 1 1 J P t 1 1 I East W L Pct Baltimore 25 10 .71 New York 20 17 .54 Boston 16 17 .48 Detroit 15 17 .46 Washington 15 20 .42 Cleveland 11 20 .35 West Minnesota 24 10 .70 California 25 12 .67 Oakland 18 19 .48 Chicago 15 21 .41 Kansas City 13 23 .36 Milwaukee 12 23 .34 Yesterday's Results Baltimore 5, New York 1 Washington 3, Cleveland 1 Boston 5, Detroit 4 California 3, Chicago 0 Milwaukee 6, Oakland 3 I. 4 41 95 9 9 8 6 6 6 6 1 40 GB 6 8 8% 10 12 6 10 12 12% Chicago New York St. Louis Pittsburgh Philadelphia Montreal Cincinnati Los Angeles Atlanta Houston San Francisco San Diego W L 18 16 19 17 17 17 17 21 14 22 13 22 West 28 11 21 15 +19 16 19 20 18 20 17 23 Pet. .530 .528 .500 .447 .381 .372 .718 .583 .543 .487 .474 .425 GB 1 3 5 5% 5 7 8 9 11I pro.Near Ski area, -1, I ocs $1500. 3 yr. terms. P. Wallace, 1-356- 3023. 17B14 29U, 3 -..- -- MUST SELL nearly new Kalart-Victor Victor 16mm sound movie projector. Used less than 12 hours. Cost new $650. will sell for $400. 662-8481. 14B11 new tires. 11N12 FOR SALE - FURNITURE. Call 665- 8202 15B9 $200. 764- - - - - - - -- 12N13 HELP WANTED wguaran- BUS. OPPORTUNITY. Set your own rformance hrs. hi earn's 1st yr.; operate part or y shocks. full time; start w/ absolete min. in- 8N141 vestment: men or women; age no barrier; husb. and wife can work to- ck, 35,000 get her; leisurely, dignified work; early 955, 9N14 retirement income possible. Inquire . - at 761-6468 after 2 p.m. 14H13 LADY GODIVA wore a see-thru from Wild Flower-the unique boutique. 516 E. William-above the bike shop. 11F4 ASTROLOGER (mature) seeks consult- ancy with clinical psych. or psychia- trist in either research or clinical mapping. Replies confid. Box 27 or 769-5318. 32F11 YOU are our business-OUR only busi- ness. Wild Flower-the unique bou- tique. 516 E. William-above the bike shop. 10F41 HIGH? . . . Just 20afeet above the ground (171, feet above the yo-yo rack in the bike shop). Wild Flowtr- the unique boutique. 516 E. William. 9F4 HUNTINGSY BUSINESS SERVICES, FEATURING ___- _ -- ______ Efficiencies; 1, 2, 3 bedroom WILL DO IRONING in my home. Call{ apartments after 6 p.m., 761-5386. 9J15 Air conditioning ~- --- ____ ___ _- __ Garbage disposals PROFESSIONAL TYPING. Quick and Dishwashers inexpensive. Marcy, 769-4018 eves., Laundry facilities wkends. ' 10J16 Parking WILL DO BABYSITTING. Evenings and CALLO761-8055R STOP BY OUR weekends, excellent references. Call RENTAL OFFICE AT 737 PACKARD Cathy at 769-3215 after 6 p.m. J14 9-5:30 daily _-- ____-. - ....~~ ~~ 42Ctc THESES, PAPERS (incl. technical) typ- AVAIL. FOR SMMER as-F -LLed. Experienced, professional; IBM AVAIL. FOR SUMMEl't & FALL Selectric. Quick service. 663-6291. 42Jtc I WILL DO light or heavy housekeep- 1700 Geddes ing. Pay negotiable. 764-7622. DJ Beautifully decorated, large 2 bedroom, EXPERIENCED PAINTING-Interior and bi-level apartments. Stop in daily noon to 5:30 (Mon.-Fri.), 10 a.m. to 2 3Exterior, yardwork, oddjobs, free es- p.m. Sat. or phone 761-1717 or 665- 98o hu j 71- 8825, , 1Ctc 9861. 8J 12 TYPING term papers, theses, etc. Rea- sonable, neat. Office electric ma- chine. Call Rich Shulik, 761-0770, 761- CAMPUS 071. 5J9 NOW ON CAMPUS '68 FIAT Sport Spyder. Excel. 763-0134. cond. 2N11 RELIABLE VW, '66, red, sunroof, radio, 1 owner (UM faculty member), excel- lent condition. $950. 761-7712. 6N14 1966 BUICK Special. New clutch, trans- mission, tune-up, muffler. U-joints, manual. $770/offer. 665-8322 evenings. 25N14 BOOKKEEPER rienced, full ing, working ing. payroll, payable, and 662-3123. and Gal Friday-Expe- time, duties: some typ- with figures, bookkeep- account receivable and other interesting duties. 12H14 WINDOW WASHER Wanted on Satur- days. Call 662-7054, 1810 Stadium Place. 13H11 WA#rAVS i Minnesota 5, Kansas City 4, 10 inn. Todays Games Oakland at Milwaukee, night Minnesota at Kansas City, night California at Chicago Boston at Cleveland, night Washington at New York, night Daily Official Bulletin (Continued from Page 2) made for students in schools having opening dates other than May 6 and July 1, 1970. Placement Service General Division 3200 S.A.B. Interviews at Gen. Div., call 763-1363 for appts. Fidelity Group, May 21, all day, any degree area, extra-curricular college yrs. pref., sales mgt. positions, any sales exposure helpful, training extensive, courses toward CLU. Current Openings in S.E. Mich. Areas, others nationwide: Yesterday's Results Cincinnati 3, Chicago 1 New York 7, Montreal 4 Philadelphia 2, Pittsburgh 0, 10 inn. St. Louis 12, Houston 3 Atlanta at San Francisco, inc. Los Angeles at San Diego, inc. Today's Games New York at Montreal, night Philadelphia at Pittsburgh, night St. Louis at Houston, night Los Angeles at San Diego, night Atlanta at San Francisco Chrysler Motors Corp., Mi., admin. trainee in district sales mgmt., 6 mo. trng. degree, any area, new graduate. Div. of Vocational Rehabil., M i c h. Dept. of Educ., Ann Arbor, voc. rehab. counselor for disabled, disadvantaged, vocationally handicapped in Ypsi-Wash. county areas; prefer male black ap- plics., MA psych, soc., G&C, etc.; pre- fer exper. in similar agencies. Mich., Civ. Service, public welfare trainees, state wide, exam announce- ment. Other announcements for librar- ians, fisheries biologist, med. social wk. consultant, activities therapy supervis- or. West Coast Ofe. of U of M Alumni Ofc., San Francisco, secretary/public rel. position, prefer young person with positive interest in U of M, fairly good clerical skills, good contact skills. KILLER ARMY TRUCK-DODGE 314 TON PICK-UP. $1350 CASH TO SEND LITTLE OLD LADY OWNER & 2 CRITTERS FAR AWAY FOR SUMMER, PLEASE. 769-4623 PER- SISTENTLY. 3N12 1968 MGB Roadster, excel. cond., radio, wire wheels, tanneau. Best offer. Car in AA. 493-2560. 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Mon.-Fri. 50N15 TRANSPORTATION NEW FURNISHED APARTMENTS' FOR SUMMER AND FALL DAH LMAN N APARTMENTS 545 CHURCH ST. 761-7600 38Ctc STUDIO ROOM FOR MAN with priv. entrance and lavatory. Call 663-8244 after 5 p.m. and weekends. CV EFFICIENCY APT. on canipus, no utilities. $100. 761-7764. 35012 DOUBLE SIZE TOWNHOUSE, walk downtown from lovely two bdrm. for family. Many extra rms.. . photo- graphic dkrm., family rm. w fireplace, 1g. study. All appliances and dish- washer. $275 pays-central ac, heat. water. 761-4008, 725 W. Huron. Avail. now. 37Ctc Campus MultiService TYPING PRINTING 'THESIS SERVICE Fast, Dependable. Low-Priced 214 Nickels Arcade 662-4222 Summer hours: 10-4 Mlon.-Fri. 3J tc UNIVERSITY TYPING SERVICE; 'Thesis Service Papers Dissertations General Office and Secretarial Work Pick-Up and Delivery Available Prompt Service CALL 971-2446 Jtc DRIVE our stick shift car to SAN FRANCISCO. 761-4254. 15G13 RIDE WANTED. Michigan Union to Howard Johnson's 6:30 am. Mon.-Fri. Call Debbie, 761-6554. 16G13 INDIA Overland. $204, regular trips. 39 Lansdowne Gardens, London S.W. 8, U.K. 50 MISCELLANEOUS GIRL WANTED to travel in Europe with-mo. of Sept. 665-6870. 29M9 ADOLESCENT G I R L - Desperately needs liscenable foster parents. Short or long term. Monthly allowance, consultation service available if de- sired. 665-6671. 9H16 CAMP COUNSELORS, male. Boy's camp. Berkshiie Mts., Western Mass., needs qualified personnel over 20 years in any of the following areas: SAILING, SCUBA, SMALL-CRAFTS, SWIM- MING, WATER SKIING,. NATURE AND PIONEERING, CAMP NEWS- PAPER AND YEARBOOK, AND BASKETBALL. Write: Camp Lenox, 37 Wood Valley Lane, Port Wash., N.Y. 11050, or call 516-627-6417. 1OH11 WANTED TO RENT WANTED-2-man unfurnished or fur- nished apt. starting anytime inAug- Au-ust for 1-2 yrs.. on or off campus. 662-9738 after 6. LF WANTED TO RENT-Professor, wife, 2 children, would like furnished house or large apt. for 1 year begin- ning Aug. or Sept. Write J. Becker, 19 Hobart Lane, Amherst, Mass. 01002. .- . .t - I - e* 7 -- e p a little something for that nothing-on look by Tru Balance®.. .this beige stretch nylon bra gives you that natural, bra-free feeling and appearance so you look like the real you under sheers and slinky things./ The Country Soul of Sieve Edmunds Mike Smith and Sieve Newhouse On PEDAL STEEL GUITAR SUNDAY 5 P.M. Communal Dinner NEXT WEEK: ANDY COVEN YM .' , ., One size fits all . I e ... ° . K;S VIA -.vas' .: . - 5%.,, 0"1 W~a. QA r,, A i Im