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May 20, 1970 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1970-05-20

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Georgia march
g 0

By The Associated Press
Rejecting a request from Gov. Lester Maddox
that a protest march be canceled, a slow-moving
caravan of predominantly black demonstrators led
by a mule-drawn wagon began a 120-mile walk to
Atlanta yesterday.
And by last night a chanting, singing crowd of
about 500 blacks arrived in Fort Valley, completing
the first leg of the journey.
About 250 persons had started marching with
Hoesa Williams, an official of the Southern Christ-
ian Leadership Conference, in the lead.
Before the march began, Williams told the
group that Maddox had sent a telegram to request
that it be called off.
Maddox told a news conference in Atlanta that
he had asked SCLC leaders to cancel the march,
saying, "Previous non-violent marches and dem-
onstrations by your group and similar groups . . .
have spurred the hate and prejudice among some
of your followers which later led to the violent
death of six people in Augusta . .."
Williams said the telegram is "typical of the
repression that we are fighting."
He added that an important part of the protest
march is the "insensitivity of the Nixon-Agnew-
Lester Maddox team to the needs of the poor. They
have taken away our most precious right - the
right to dissent."
Another purpose of the march is to protest vio-

lence that killed six persons in Augusta, Ga., four
at Kent State University in Ohio and two at Jack-
son, Miss. in recent weeks.
Maddox denied a request from SCLC for a po-
lice escort but said state troopers would be on hand
to observe and deal with any disorder that might
As the group wound its way northward on U.S.
341, a state patrol car was in front and another
in back to direct traffic around the marchers.
Meanwhile, black students blocked state inves-
tigators from picking up pieces of evidence at the
Jackson State College girl's dormitory where two
black youths were shot and killed by police last
week. The students apparently mistook the in-
vestigators for workmen.
Later in the day, a group calling itself the Con-
cerned Citizens of Jackson State College filed suit
in U.S. District Court for a temporary restraining
order to bar state officials from removing evi-
"We don't want to let them tear down these
scars," said one of the 200 blacks massed in front
of Alexander Hall. After a meeting with the cal-
lege president, Dr. John Peoples, the students left
the building and went to a nearby athletic field.
The- confrontation came as Sen. Edward W.
Brooke (R-Mass.) and the only black in the Sen-
ate, was preparing to fly to Jackson to confer with
black leader Charles Evers and tour the campus.
See 500, Page 3



-Associated Press
500 DEMONSTRATORS approach the city limits of Perry, Ga. on the first leg of their 120-
mile march to Atlanta.

See Editorial Page



3i aty

Partly cloudy and cooler,
no chance of rain.

Vol. LXXX, No. 1 1 -s Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, May 20, 1970 Ten Cents

Four Pages

Debate on
war bil
Both sides seek
over language
cratic leader Mike Mansfield
voiced hope yesterday for
s o m e accommodation that
wo Ild uphold the right of
both President Nixon and the
Senate in controlling future
actions in Cambodia.
And Republican leaders re-
sumed efforts to find language
that would enable them to make
acceptable to the White House
the Cooper-Church amendment
barring funds for retaining U.S.
forces in Cambodia after the pres-
ent operation ends.
However, Sen. Mansfield madeI
clear yesterday that any language
would have to be as strong as the
pending amendment. He further
indicated that the accommodation
he is talking about would involve
acceptance by the Nixon admin-
istration of the interpretations of
the Cooper-Church amendment by
its sponsors-that is does not, in
fact, restrict any of the Presi-
dent's constitutional powers.

130 students





-Associated Press
No peace, no food . ..
To protest the use of U.S. troops in Cambodia Thomas Mahany, left, and Brian McDonnell, sit on
the steps of the Capitol yesterday during their fast for peace. A third participant, Mark Lanahan,
fasted in Lafayette Park yesterday. All three have vowed to fast until they die o'r until American
troops are called back from Cambodia.

-Associated Press
01110 STATE UNIVERSITY students march around the driveway
of the Battelle Memorial Institute in Columbus yesterday protest-
ing what they call war research. It was the first day of classes
at the school following its closing May 6 because of student
War potests quiet

SGC recommends inc
student seats for bud;

Student Government Council
yesterday released a recommenda-
tion to increase the number of stu-
dent and faculty members to be
seated on the proposed student-
f a c u 1 t y-administration budget
The SGC proposal would also
make the student 'and faculty
members the only voting members
on the commission.
In a letter addressed to the
Senate Advisory Committee on
University 'Affairs (SACUA), the
Academic Affairs Council and the
University's executive officers,
SGC commended the University
for its move. to involve a greater,
segment of the community in de-
termining the University's re-
source allocation and budget
However, SGC opposed the pro-
posed composition of the commis-'
sion, saying that to have mean-
ingful input, the number of stu-
dents and faculty must be increas-
ed to at least five representatives
of each group. The original pro-
posal provides for only three stu-
dents and three faculty members.
The proposed budgetary com-
mission essentially is the out-
growth of the increasing senti-
ment that overall budget prior-
ities should no longer be deter-
mined exclusively by the Regents,
President Robben Fleming and the
seven vice-presidents.
The commission, however, would
only make recommendations. Finalf
budget decisions would still be
made by the Regents and the ex-

visory members all appointed by
the President. The voting mem-
bership would include the five
faculty and five student partici-
The advisory membership would
include three executive officers
and three members selected from,
The Academic Affairs Council. All
appointments would be for two
years, and the commission would
select its own chairman and vice-
"If this commission is to act as
more than a disseminator of in-
formation concerning the budgetI

Administration supporters have I v ) VA U11 I i. p pJl (l(lac U)
insisted that the amendment ii..
would restrict the President's pow-y e Associated Press
ers. Proponents of the measure B h soae rs
reased contend that while it would re- Antiwar activity on college and university campuses
quire congressional approval of continued at a low-key yesterday as students focused their
future actions such as the Cam- immediate attention on upcoming final exams, commence-
or uO bodian attack it does not inter-ime d planor otcpcon thougltemsmme.
e President by the Constitution. However, at Ohio State University several hundred stu-
and the processes of decision-mak- President Nixon, meanwhile, I dents marched around the driveway of Battelle Memorial
ing, the SGC letter stated, "then made clear to Republican con- Institute in Columbus yesterday protesting what they call
students and faculty must be in gressional leaders at the Whitew
the position to strongly control I House that he remains opposed war research. Yesterday was the first day of classes at the
the directions of this commission I to any restrictions. school following its closing May 6 because of campus dis-
and its ultimate recommenda- Sen. Gordon Allot of Colorado, turbances..
tions." chairman, of the Republican Pol- On the quieter campuses students at Kent State Univer-
In regard to the proposal to icy Committee, told reporters s nthe te rkeampuoes atude tKnnthe univer-
seat three executive officers on there are some 20 to 25 "of us sity yesterday worked toward returning the university
the commission, SGC suggested who want to discuss this pretty to normalcy as legislators urged high-level investigations of
that "this is much like asking thoroughly." the May 4 confrontation between student demonstrators and
Vice-President Agnew, Defense An Associated Press poll indi- Ohio National Guard troops.
Secretary Laird and Secretary of cates 47 of the 100 senators sup- Ronald S. Beer, assistant to University President Robert
Defense Rogers to prepare a criti- port the amendment, and five Wnai.teer fst uentsUtoityeidentoeto
que of the war in Southeast Asia others are leaning in favor, with White, said the return of students to their dormitories to
for the public." 34 against and 14 undecided. pick up personal belongings was "going quite smoothly."


Police at Michigan State University arrested 130 people
early yesterday morning for remaining in the student union
past closing hours. The raid followed sporadic incidents of
window breaking in East Lansing and on the campus, but the
connection between the two groups remains unclear.
As many as 500 students had been meeting in the union all day
Monday planning a teach-in on racism which was held yesterday.
Some of them remained in the building past its 11 p.m. closing hour to
continue planning the teach-in.
They were arrested when campus police, East Lansing police
and Ingham County Sheriff's Deputies arrived at 1:35 a.m. yesterday.
"It is an understatement to say that they have no legitimate
cause which could in any way justify their actions," MSU President
Clifton Wharton said in a statement released at 4 a.m. yesterday.
He added that "provocation seems the only aim" of the incidents.
One student who was arrested said the police entered the build-
ing without warning and told the students to vacate it. However, he
claimed that all the exits were blocked. Subsequently, the 130, in-
cluding two medical students who had been sitting outside on the steps,
were put into MSU buses and taken to Ingham County jail. There
they were all charged with loitering and trespassing. Bail was set at
$150 on each count. By last night all were released on bond.
The window breaking, which occurred between 10 p.m. and mid-
night Monday, was apparently done by a different group of students
from those arrested. Another student who had been arrested said
the teach-in planning group of about 500 voted at 9 p.m' whether
to continue meeting or to go to the university's administration build-
ing for a demonstration. The vote was to stay, but those favoring the
demonstration went anyway.
Damage was done to an off-campus IBM building, the admin-
istration building and two other campus structures, all of which had
windows broken. No estimate on the damage was available as of
last night.
Wharton also said yesterday, "This continued and determined
effort by some individuals to foment violence and disorder on the
campus is reprehensible. The university cannot tolerate suchl wanton
violence and disregard of the law."
He added that student-caused damage on campus since May 1
"has amounted to $1.50 a student," and said it would come out of the
students' "collective pockets." "Every dollar so spent is a dollar that
is not available for student aid or services," Wharton said.
A statement issued yesterday afternoon by the teach-in group
said, "The activities we were planning were to be constructive alter-
natives to violence. These attempts were met with an outrageous and
needless response." This statement also denied Wharton's assertion
that the students had been given "repeated warnings."
One of the arrested students said that the union's manager
See POLICE, Page 3
212tons of mnarijuana
seized aboard ship
By The Associated Press They spotted the ship soon after
The ship's registered name was midnight transfering its cargo to
Roughneck. But federal narcotics two barges near Santa Catalina
agents in Long Beach, Calif., Island, 26 miles off Long Beach,
watching her slide through the said Harold Diaz, U.S. customs as-
moon-gilded waves called her sistant special agent.
"The Flying Dutchman." He said 25 officers surrounded
It was an unlikely candidate for the dock, apprehended eight per-
either name: 58 feet long, dowdy sons and uncovered 112 tons of
and rusting, powered by battered marijuana on one barge and about
diesels. But for months, agents three tons on the other.
said, it had smuggled tons of In a related story yesterday,
marijuana into California. Barry Fitzgerald's girl friend in
The alleged "pot runner" was Manchester, England gave him a
finally snared this week and kiss that kept him high for days,
agents said her cargo-about 41/2 a Manchester court was told.
tons of marijuana with an illegal When their lips met, said the

. .. v v v v -a ___ . ___V


1 4 years of

"I go where the action is,"
explains Speedy Gerry Poquet-
ts, one of Ann Arbor's busiest
Good Humor men.
On the University run for
eight years and a Good Humor
seller for 14, Speedy Gerry says
"When the action slows down, I
speed up. When you take 38,000
students out of Ann Arbor, that
makes a difference," he ex-
From his perennial spot in
front of the LSA Bldg., he adds,
"If it slows down here, I speed
over to Forsythe Junior High
and Wine's elementary and get

-is a real honey. It's been going
like gangbusters."
Speedy Gerry is likewise re-
luctant to estimate what a
"good" day at the wagon is. "I
can't take a guess at how many
I sell," he says, "but I could
say a few thousand-off hand."
After 14 years in the busi-
ness, Speedy Gerry has devel-
oped a general theory about his
job. "I just try to keep the kids
in good shape here so they don't
eat too many porkchops and
mashed potatoes," he says.
"Why I've got seven bad girls
reducing on Good Humors right
now." Speedy Gerry claims.
After spending eight years

Officials at A&T State Univer-
sity at Greensboro, N.C., an-
nounced yesterday that final ex-
ams would be held five days ear-
lier than scheduled so students
could participate in "expressions
of national concerns." The student
government had asked for the
The University of Notre Dame
in South Bend, Ind., announced
that for the first time the presi-
dent of the senior class will be
allowed to make a statement dur-
ing c omm en c em e nt exercises,
scheduled for June 7.
Lafayette College in Easton, Pa.,
has announced students will be
allowed to make their own ar-
rangements with teachers for com-
pleting courses.
Meanwhile, resolutions were in-
troduced in the U.S. Senate and
House of Representatives calling
for creation of a presidential com-
mission to investigate the Kentj

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