I .y the min with MAX! power! For $3.10 we will run a 3-line classified ad for you for 3 days. Fill out the coupon below and enclose your check for $3.10. (checks payable to the Michigan Gaily) page three Z I P 411mltr rtg tn 044461PIg NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Tuesday, May 19, 1 970 An Arbor, Michigan, Page Three Cam bodian upheaval b olsters-Thnieu send to: Classifieds, Michigan 420 Maynard Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 Nome: Address,- please indicate where this ad is lirea_____________to run: ne 2 personal, for rent, lne 2 etc. line 3 THERE ARE 5 WORDS PER LINE SAIGON (P)-President Nguyen Van Thieu probably was as surprised as anyone on the upheaval in Cam- bodia that led to the U.S. and South Vietnam military action there. But all this appears to have bolstered his own political position at home. Speaking hypothetically, an American with long ex- perience in Vietnam put it this way: "If President Thieu had wanted to divert attention from domestic political unrest, he could hardly have dreamed up a better gim- mick than the invasion of Cambodia.," Thieu still faces a battery of pressing domestic problems: protests by An Quang Buddhists, militant students, disabled veterans and war widows. Inflation and decisions by the Supreme Court invalidating his austerity tax, the conviction of Deputy Tran Ngoc Chau for "pro-Communist activities," and the military trial of student leaders. There is evidence, however, that the thrust into Cambodia by Vietnamese troops has shifted attention from the political turmoil in Saigon, given Thieu some breathing room, and perhaps actually solidified his control. Vice President Nguyen Cao Ky and several hawkish generals are known to be among Thieu's most persistent critics. But last week Ky stood 23 miles inside Cam- bodia exuding satisfaction with the incursion while the generals and their armored task forces rolled across southeastern Cambodia. Protests in recent weeks have been against the kill- ing and repression of ethnic Vietnamese in Cambodia, but the Cambodian military campaign and subsequent refugee relief have quelled much of that protest. There are still protests against the Cambodian operation mostly by students, An Quang Buddhists, and a handful of legislators. Several of the legislators who objected to the Cam- bodian operation he said, "did so mostly becaese they're worried about its impact on American public opinion. They realize an adverse reaction in the United States might cause a precipitous withdrawal of American troops from South Vietnam." A police crackdown on the students has gone largely unnoticed during the Cambodian crisis. All grammar schools, high schools and university schools were or- dered closed May 5, tighter curfew regulations were put into effect, and the government served notice it would enforce an emergency decree of 1968 which makes demonstrations of any type illegal. Student protests since then have seemed puny and ineffective. A handful of students staged a sit-in on the steps of the National Assembly building in Saigon on Saturday, and police responded by firing tear gas at random throughout the downtown area. "The An Quang Buddhists are potentially more troublesome," he said, "but they're aware that the gov- ernment can put them down by force. I don't think they want to risk an open confrontation." The disabled veterans, who have seized government land in Saigon, and the war widows, who have occupied a government building in Cholon, are a continuing problem but pose no immediate crisis. The Supreme Court has ruled that Chau's convic- tion and the trial of student leaders by a military court were unconstitutioinal, but the real test for Thieu will come after the court's decision is officially published, "The economic problem is the most serious challenge Thieu faces," said one source. "Inflation affects more people than any purely political problem. "The over-all cost of living has risen more than 55 per cent in the last year, and more than 600 per cent in the last five years. Food prices are more than seven times higher than in 1965. Everytime a housewife goes to market, the food costs a few piasters more." "Despite all the problems-serious problems-that Tieu must solve," one Western observer said at week's end, "it doesn't look like anyone or any combination of circumstances can overthrow him at the moment." complete selection of quality BACKPACKI NG WATER SKIING &Th.,NNIS EQUIPMENT 4A. Rights of newsnaner f I)roadened' Uniioni leaders, .eniale employcs baek( by court -,s WASHINGTON 4 - Tihe Supreme Court broadened the rights of newspapers and la- bor unions yesterday but side- stepped a ruling on political gerrymandering. Nearing term's end, the court agreed ?also to review municipal loitering ordinances and let standk a lower-court decision t h a t strongly upholds women's rights to equal pay for equal work. The newspaper decision assured the press and broadcasters they cannot be held for libel fo re-4 porting free-swinging debate on public issues. Until the court stepped in, the - publishers of a weekly newspaper - in Greenbelt, Md., stood to lose Associated Press $17,500 for reporting that alle- A WOUNDED VIET CONG SOLDIER rolls on the floor in pain as gations of blackmail had been lev- he awaits interrogation by Cambodian officers in Kompong Chain, el at a local developer at c ty which was recaptured by government forces Sunday. council meetings. "Even the most careless reader must have perceived t h a t the word was no more than rhetorical hyperbole, a vigorous epithet," said Justice Potter Stewart in an- nouncing reversal of the libeli Judgment in a 7-1 opinion, nso S The decision went on to sayt d a that thedFirst Amendment strictly by The Associated Press and College Press Service limits the scope of libel judgments so that the press may freely re- port issues of community concern NATIONAL AIR LINES settled its 108-day dispute with without financial worry. ground employes yesterday, but pilots of the Miami-based carrier The labor ruling said employers said they doubted that flights could resume before June 1. may be ordered to stop threaten- A National spokesman said in Washington that an 11 per cent ing pro-union workers e v e n raise in each of the next three years was included in the new pack- though an unchallenged election age, which still needs union ratification before operations can re- was held at the plant and thes majority of workers voted against s union representation. unionTrerenta tdion. ASTRONAUT NEIL ARMSTRONG, first man to walk on the The unanimous decision givesI the National Labor Relations moon, is dropping from the astronaut corps to become head of Board greater power to make sure the space agency's aeronautics program in Washington. -..... 'L. ...,, - *:..... A...,.. aA tn, ed-Ir nng whn dr.dnmm A rl r the A nnlll'. 1 1 n dnn n in i ir within 25 of Phnon Viet Cong drive Penh SAIGON () - In one of their closest thrusts to Phnom Penh, North Vietnamese and Viet Cong forces attacked a key highway junction in Cambodia yesterday, blew up a bridge and encircled the town of Tram Khnar. In South Vietnam, government forces observed a 24-hour unilateral cease-fire to mark the birthday of Buddah. But U.S. and South Vietnamese moved ahead with their campaign in Cambodia - and the Viet Cong also was on the attack, The assault at Tram Khnar brought the Viet Cong forces miles ,.ยข , C,: 'u . . , . =x" ',.: . . ,. :; #.. t .,; si'. I to a point 25 miles south of Phnom Penh, the Cambodian capital. The battle site also is about 25 miles north of Takeo, which a task force of 10,000 South Vietna- mese troops and 200 American ad- visers reached Sunday, claiming to have killed 211 Viet Cong on the 20-mile drive from the west- Senate unit clashes with AW14 -91 r, Laird on war ', xx; *:p . r' . - .-. 3162 PACKARD RD., ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN 48104 TELEPHONE 971-4310 SUMMER HOUR$S: Open 10 AM to 6 PM daily and to 9 PM on Monday and Thursday _ _. i: -..r. ~ , . ern Mekong Delta. WASHINPTON (P)-While the The thrust was aimed at seiz- Senate debated whether to en- ing control of the intersection of dorse curbs on President Nixon's Highways 2 and 25 halfway be- control of military operations in tween the capital and the Gulf of C a m b o d i a, a d dministration Siam. North Vietnamese troops spokesman insisted yesterday these captured Takeo May 2 but were operations will not endanger the driven out last week by Cambo- disarmament talks with the Soviet dian forces supported by South Union. Vietnamese fighter-bombers. Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird gave his reassurances to a Tram Khnar is on the m a i n Senate foreign relations subcom- highway leading south from Ph- miteee headed by Sen. J. W. Ful- nom Penh, a route running paral- migh(dArk) whn.vJ.cWd skl- lel to Highway 2 through Takeo bright, (D-Ark) who voiced skep- C n bodian spokesmn reportae ticism about the secretary's con- other towns in the same province clusions. under "harassment." Earlier in the day, in a by-play on the Senate-President dispute The city of Kompong Chain, 78 over policy in Southeast Asia, Ful- road miles northeast of Phnom bright blocked Foreign Relations Penh, was under full control of Comittee action on an ambassa- Cambodian troops yesterday but dorial nominee in an effort to enemy forces still threatened it force release of more information from entirenched positions in the on that policy. outskirts. Officials there reported onThatipocyt to AsocatedPres coresond ''This is one way to bring this to Associated Press correspond- to an issue," Fulbright said in an- ents that the Kol'npong Chain sit- nucn sseso fhaig uation is still dangerous. V i e t nouncing suspension of hearings Cong broke into the city Saturday Clintock to be ambassador to but withdrew the next day. Lenezuela. workers are not i eingintimidatedi is rm rog wli U 110 ommanu ne J po iU . moon iani ngm' s- No significant action was re- The 61-year-old career diplomat when they choose whether to be sion, will become deputy associate administrator for aeronautics at ported from the U.S. phases of the The the c ieer lat unionized, the space agency's headquarters in the capital. Cambodian operation, but U.S. fall when, testifying as arState Gerrymandering - the draw- * commanders expressed doubt that Department official, he refused to l ing o legisltive ditrict lDepartment} tofficialomphee refuseobsto ing of legislative district lines to THE TEAMSTERS UNION and the Labor Department an- they could complete their jobs by give certain information on over- benefit therdominant political the June 30 deadline set by Presi- seas commitments. He said he act- party -- never has been ruled on nounced yesterday approval by truck drivers of a; new national dent' Nixon for withdrawal ofedo by the Supreme Court. The ques- trucking contract that will boost pay $1.10 per hour over 39 American forces.ed o instructions from Secretary tion was turned aside again as months for some 425,000 men. nSta Wlm Rogetrs. jutcsuaimul prv Since U.S. forces first entered in two other Cambodia-related the justices unanimously approv- Cambodia on May 1, only 30 per developments Monday: ed new congressional districts in ROBERT H. FINCH, secretary of welfare, was taken to a Cambod on Mayr1,ion er dedCpm n M ay: New York state. hospital yesterday shortly before he was to meet with his de- cent of the operations areas of -Red China canceled talks Set down for argument n e x t partment's employes and answer critics. places like the Fishook had been scheduled for tomorrowin War- term was Cincinnati's loitering Finch had a and in his left and covered, the commanders told sawe with the American ambas- termbn nsdwakasmbis Fnc a weaknessan numbnessinhslf arm adha.nd,!nwm . sador to Poland. Peking blamed law, a ban on sidewalk assemblies an official said. newsmen. the U.S. military thrust into Cam- by three .or more persons who an- nby pssersy mor occsntsof- Undersecretary John G. Veneman made the announcement of The commanders c o n t e n de di bodia and condemned it sharply. ea by buidings. Finch's hospitalization to a crowd of almost 700 gathered in the that the 30 per cent of the areas But it left the way open to fairly Five convicted men said offi- HEW auditorium. Veneman said Finch is being evaluated for a "neu- the U.S. troops have now covered early resumption of the tals cials have unconstitutional au- rological involvement of his left arm, are the easiest parts. Many of the diplomatic contact between Wash- thority to prosecute simply _be- remaining areas have triple can- ington and Peking. cause they don't like them. The U.S. BUDGET DIRECTOR Robert P. Mayo said yesterday there opy jungle, hills, and heavy bunk- -The United States endorsed a Ohio Supreme Court upheld the} would be a "slight deficit" in the federal budgets for the next call for an Indochina peace con- ordinance in January. two years. ers. ference issued by representatives In the women's rights case, a The budget director said the Nixon administration hoped to cut A similar estimate of 30 per of 11 Asian and Pacific nations Milville, N.J. glass manufacturer, some expenditures for the 1970 fiscal year but that it might be more cent was given in an interview meeting at Jakarta, Indonesia. ecis on thupseta peas co utdifficult the following year due to the "uncontrollable" such as the Sunday by Lt. Gen. Michael S. pay men and women packers the recent federal pay raise and release of federal assistance funds to Davison commander of the 10,000 The Michigan Daily, edited and man- same salary. local government for highways, water pollution and other projects. U.S. troops in Cambodia. aaed by students at the University of U.S.trops n Caboda, ichigan. News phone: 764-0552, Second - - - -_-- -------- Class potage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich- ,gan, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104. Published daily Tues- day through Sunday morning Univer- ity year. Subscription rates: $10 by I mkscarrier, $10 by mail. Summer Session published Tuesay N T Vthrnugh Saturday mrn3ing. Subacrip- August 3 return August 26 $10 per nionth rnr C eC -r..: i i:.... ...# ..a r 1 L .|t... r.r= SPECIAL Sunny-Patterned Beach Towels $6 Deep-pile cotton terry beachtowels of generous 36"x7O" siz*, volue-priced in time for beach and poolside tonning. Shown, Sunflower and Checkers, from o collection of bright