POLITICS AND ATHLETES See Page 6 Yl r e Sw i i taui ~~IAiI VERNAL High--82 Low-53 Sort of nice, fair, mild, possible rain this evening Vol. LXXX, No. 10-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, May 19, 1970 Ten Cents Six Pages Flower pushers invade campus By NADINE COHODAS The Indian Paintbrush is the state flower of S Wyoming., It is also Ann Arbor's newest flower shop, and a portable one at that, currently located near the Engin Arch, "I've worked for florists for a few years and knew the prices were outrageous in flower shops here," says third year architecture student Bill Kratz; co-founder of the shop. "I couldn't get any other job so I decided on this." LSA senior Rion Berg, the other co-founder, also was unable to find a job and though he has hacd no previous floral experience, Rion says he "thought the idea was good and I've known Bill since Markley." The Indian Paintbrush is a homemade wagon painted white with shelves, counter' and storage space for the flowers, all topped by a fringed green and white striped awning. Bill and Rion are outfitted in reversible red, pink, yellow and white striped vests with matching barbershop quartet hats. And, of course, the assortment of flowers adds the final touch-daisies, roses, Chrysanthemum plants and hopefully, Bill says, "some smaller garden plants." "This setup has super-low overhead," says Bill. "That's the reason our flowers are so much cheaper." The shop has only been open since Friday and Bill says "Business is twice as good as expected. "We sold out both Friday and Saturday," Rion adds. "Our plans are to stay open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. but we've been running out of flowers. The only problem the shop may face is location. The permit to operate the store is from the city, % Bill explains. But right now the wagon is on Uni- versity property which apparently breaks a Regent's bylaw prohibiting concessions on University pr, p- erty. We may have to move around," Bill admits. REDUCTIONS EXPECTED: Envoy sent, to Hanoi. by Yipies By DEBBIE THAL Three representatives of the Youth International P a r t y (the Yippies) are in Moscow on their way to Hanoi where they plan to establish diplomatic relations be- tween the people of Vietnam and the "real United States." The representatives are Jeanine Plamundon, minister of communi- cations for the White Panther Party, Nancy Rubin, roommate of Jerry Rubin of the Chicago Seven, and Judy Gumbo of Berkeley, Calif. The White Panthers are an Ann Arbor-based branch of the Yippies. "It's a real important thing be- cause we're setting up interna- tional recognition of Woodstock Nation," says Ken Kelley, White Panther minister of information. "It's telling people we're not part of the facist United States govern- ment." The three Yippie representatives attended the international anti- war conference in Stockholm two months ago where they met with people from North Vietnam, North Korea, and the National Libera-. tion Front, and received an invi- tation to come to Hanoi. "We have been invited by the North Vietnamese government," says Mrs. Rubin. "We are a new nation, not the nation of Presi- dent Nixon. We hope to establish our own diplomatic relations and gain recognition." "This is the first time that young people have gone to North Vietnam. Older Mobe (Mobiliza- tion to End the War) types have gone before but these three are the representatives of the Yippies, of Woodstock Nation," adds Kel- ley. Skip Taube, White Panther minister of education, says theI three women are going to Hanoi "to try to learn how to best bring peace to Vietnam and peace to{ America and what steps are ne- cessary to stop the Nixon-Penta- gon clique." "It is not a mission to urge communist support for the Youth1 International Party-it is a mis- sion of solidarity for the goals of the Vietnamese people," Taube says. "They want to bring back first- hand information to communicate to Americans," Taube added. "We believe the Vietnamese are win- ning and that they wouldn't be able to fight a war for 20 years without the support of the people." i sV Faculty _g Isunit of budget By CARLA RAPOPORT Senate Assembly yesterday unanimously urged President Robben Fleming to create a student-faculty-administration commission to investigate and make suggestions on the Uni- versity's budget priorities. The University-wide faculty representative body also voted to hold a special meeting June 1 for discussion arnd E 1 c 1 C l T { C T 1 IT T S { -Associated Press A BLACK STUDENT raises a clenched fist during a protest demonstration Sunday in front of the Jackson State College dormitory where two students were killed by police Thursday night. -Daily-Sara Krulwich, Blacks plan to State legislature may consider U' budget appropriations today LANSING P) - State Senator Charles 0. Zollar, chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, said yesterday that the key ap- propriations for the state's major colleges, universities, and junior colleges may be reported to the Senate floor today. The appropriations report is ex- pected to be substantially lower than the $333.7 million Gov. Wil- liam Milliken recommended. If the appropriati6ns are cut lower than Milliken's recommen- ] dation, according to executive of- officers, the University's tuition| levels may be forced up higher ' than the new levels set by the Regents in April. The tuition levels adopted by the1 Regents last month were recom-1 mended by the executive officersk on the assumption that the Legis- lature would approve an appro- priation to the 1970-71 general fund of $75.7 million-the amount1 recommended by Milliken. According to Vice President for Academic Affairs Allan Smith, an appropriation of less than $75.7 million would force the adminis- tration to either cut back on ex-I penditures from the general fund, liken himself endorsed. Furtherl cutbacks, Copeland said, are quite possible but a matter of degree. Even the $75.7 million which the governor recommended for the University represents a sharp cut- back in the appropriation which the University originally requested last October. That request-for $84 million- would have provided an increase of $15.5 million over this year's general fund expenditures. NiXOn rebuffs black reps M ost cam pus activity n n c n n t a Y protest slayings By The Associated Press National Guard were removed from Augusta, Ga., yester- day, and Atty. Gen. John Mitchell visited Jackson State College in Mississippi as several black groups prepared for mass demonstrations against the killing and "repression" of blacks and students. In Augusta, where six blacks were shot to death last week during racial volence, a curfew was also lifted. The Augusta City Council approved establishment of a biracial human rights commission, a demand made by black leaders after the trouble. The Southern Christian Leadership Conference prepared for a 100-mile protest march through Georgia, beginning today. Plans were made for a Sunday meeting of adminis- peaceful; trators and student leaders from black colleges and uni- " ~ " ± versities. in M am i The Rev. Ralph David Aber- inathy, SCLC president, announced the march while in Augusta Sun- deputies using their nightsticks day for the 'funeral of five of the plowed through a small group of victims. Funeral services for the blacks at the entrance, shoved sixth were held yesterday. aside furniture piled at the door Abernathy said the march would and began pushing and carrying end in a rally at Atlanta Saturday. the demonstrators from the build- The SCLC president said the ing. march will begin today at 10 a.m. As the officers, some carrying in Perry, about 110 miles south of struggling students, emerged, they Atlanta. It will use a mule-drawn were met by a hail of stones and wagon with six empty caskets to soda bottles. symbolize the Augusta deaths. Hosea Williams, another SCLC Other deputies who riad remain- official, said about 100 to 150 ed outside immediately began fir- marchers from throughout Geor- ing tear gas into the crowd of gia are expected to take part. He shouting, taunting students out- said others from throughout the, side the administration building, country had expressed interest in scattering them but failing to stop taking part, but they were asked the rocks barrage. to wait until the Saturday rally Opa-Locka General Hospital re- in Atlanta. ported it had treated 15 students Williams said the line of march for head bruises or tear gas burns, goes through the heart of Perry, Others were turned away, the hos- Fort Valley, Macon, Forsyth and pital said. Griffin before reaching Atlanta. The sheriff's office reported 26 Marchers will gather at the tomb arrests. of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in possible action on a proposal to who participate in a class strik Also approved at Assembl establishment of an ad hoc co tions on ways the University ca involvement "within existing p about "p e a c e and domestic4 betterment." A second resolution passed along with the proposal of the budgetary commission urged "greater faculty involvement at budget meetings." The proposed budgetary com- mission is essentially the product of growing faculty sentiment that overall budget priorities should no longer be made exclusively by the Regents, President Fleming, and the seven vice presidents. Considerable interest in budget- making was generated during the recent strike by the Black Action Movement for increased black ad- missions. "This commission will assure wider participation and wiser de- cisions on the budget processes and priorities," said history Prof. Gerhard Weinberg yesterday. Under the proposal, Fleming would appoint a 12-member Com- mission on Resource Allocation, composed of three faculty mem- bers, three students, three execu- tive officers, and three members of the Academic Affairs Council, which consists of the deans of the University's 17 schools and col- leges, and the directors of the various institutes. The proposed commission would study and "make recommenda- tions" on: -The current and future ex- penditure of the University's nn- earmarked funds, totally about $120 million annually; -Methods for "allowing the University community to be better informed on budgetary matters," and -Possible alterations in the process by which the University's budget is determined, and priori- ties are set. This would be done both at the University-wide level where overall priorities are now set by executive officers, and at the school and college level, where each faculty has full authority in allocating its share of the Univer- sity's non-earmarked funds. The new committee established in order to encourage increased faculty and student involvement in political change, will investi- gate such possibilities as the re- arrangement of the University calendar in order to allow time for students and faculty to actively lobby for legislative change, the establishment Of workshops to study means for effective political change, and the creation of a clearing house for the dissemina- tion of information and channel- ing of efforts. The new committee will be com- posed of one member from the Academic Affairs Committee, the Student Relations Committee, an the Committee of University Re- lations, and six members from the general university community. Assembly directed the new com- mittee to report on its findings at its next meeting June 15. U.S. plans campaign ondrugs. WASHINGTON (RP) - The gov- ernment plans a major step-up in its campaign against narcotics smugglers, concentrating on At- lantic and Gulf Coast ports. The drive, aimed primarily at heroin and cocaine, is still under discussion in t h e Treasury De- partment and the Customs Bur- eau, but Asst. Secretary Eugene T. Rossides confirmed yesterday Iit will begin about June 1. Rossides emphasized t h a t the campaign will not be similar to last fall's Operation Intercept, which was designed to cut off the flow of marijuana from Mexico. Although both Treasury and Justice Department o f f i c i a ls claimed t h a t was a success, it caused considerable friction be- tween the U.S. and Mexican gov- ernments. Some of those involved said it was a poorly concealed ef- fort to persuade the Mexicans to crack down on growers of the 11- legal plant, which they did. The new campaign, Rossides said, will be a "permanent up- grading of t h e enforcement" whereas Intercept lasted less than a month. In addition to the per- manent upgrading there may be occasional periods of rigorous "blitz" inspections lasting a few hours. Rossides said the new program will mean an "increase in enforce- ment intensity throughout the na- tion, with emphasis on the North- eastern and Southeastern quad- rants." It will extend at least as far w e s t as New Orleans and al- though Rossides said he could no giv~ the definite boundaries of the greatest effort, it apparently will affect parts of the Canadian border as well. It will supplement a new and stiffer inspection program set up in January to concentrate on stopping heroin smuggled through New York. Government officials say about 80 per cent of the heroin t h at dock pay of faculty members e. y's monthly meeting was the mmittee to make recommenda , n promote student and faculty political institutions" to bring WASHINGTON (W) - President or request a greater tuition in- 5 vJuuU. n L I1U Nixon has refused a request to crease. I, meet with nine black members of Any cuts in the appropriation By The Associated Press I Congress to discuss problems con- bill could reflect not only an eco- College students continued to' cerning black America, Rep. Wil- nomizing act but also legislative focus their antiwar protests on the liam Clay (D-Mo) announced concern and reaction to recent political front yesterday, leaving, yesterday. campus disorders at many state most campuses quiet after twoI Clay and the eight other black schools. weeks of sometimes violent dem- representatives had requested the "There's not going to be one onstrations. Several schools closed, meeting Feb. 18 in a letter signed more damn building on any cam- in memory of two black youths by Rep. Charles Diggs (D-Mich). pus until those kids are ready to slain by police Friday at Jackson Clay scored Nixon's action in a go to school," said Rep. William State College. House speech yesterday, saying C o p e 1 a n d (D-Wyandotte) who Typical of the actions taken by Nixon "had sharply ignored his chairs the House appropriations many young people, about 100 responsibility to our people" who committee. North ' Carolina State University "constitute by their very numbers "What they did at Eastern students left Raleigh by car for and conditions one of the largest (Eastern Michigan University) is Washington where they planned to underdeveloped n a t i o ns in the just a damn shame - breaking meet with conlgyessmen. world." holes in the plywood, then throw- Sheriff's deputies forcibly evict- "We make it known at this time ing their bombs in," said Copeland. ed some 100 black students from our outright disgust with the Pres- Copeland said he thought the the Florida Memorial College ad- ident's policies and his refusal to legislature "easily" would make ministration building in Miami, gve us an audience." Clay said. the $24 million reduction that Mil- touching off a 90-minute rock- .,lGll L (.. 1Ci 11 l .1 1 t } r r t throwing battle finally broken up by tear gas. The eviction came 10 hours after the students occupied the building, administrative center for the predominantly black campus of some 800 students. Winston Rudolph, a spokesmen for the group that took over the building yesterday morning, said it was done to dramatize their de- mands for changes in the admin- istration and to express their sym- pathy for the students at Jackson State College. College President R. W. Puryear asked the deputies to move the students out, and an officer then warned them to leave or face ar- rest. When the warning was ignored, i II finds its way to street-corner I pushers in the United States be- ging as opium from poppies grown in Turkey. It is converted into crude mor- phine and smuggled into France for processing into heroin. MODEL CITIES PROGRAM Inner-city kids on roller skates By HARVARD VALLANCE "Next to money," says Nancy Berla of the Model Cities Office, "the primary concern of inner- city kids is roller-skating." Roller skating? "Man, roller skating's made the big time down here," says a high school junior who is one of the more than 200 skaters who roll around the Slauson Junior High School gym every Friday and Saturday night. "Yeah, roller skating's O.K.," adds a third grader named Steve, declining further com- ment. With staff from the federally funded Mndl Citie nrogram Cities staff member who says "roller skating is really loved within the black community." The floor of Slauson's gym- nasium has been taking a beat- ing s i n c e February when the Model Cities planning unit started the program in con- junction with the city recrea- tion department and the Ann Arbor public school system. The school system provides the gym and the janitors, the recreation department pays for the 400 skates and their up- keep, the Model Cities program pays the wages of various sup- ervisors and four "floor guards," and the Model Cities neighbor- In Newton. Mass., 169 persons were arrested for disorderly con- duct after 300 antiwar demonstra-I tors tried to block the departure of draftees for preinduction phys- ical exams. The first groups pro- cessed through District Court were released on personal recognizance and ordered to appear for trial May 29. About 150 demonstrators were expelled by police from Seattle University after they attempted to disrupt classes in defiance of strict disciplinary rules announced on the Jesuit campus earlier Monday. Most of the protestors were from Seattle Community College. At the University of Pennsyl- vania, about 500 out of 3,700 de- gree candidates walked out of commencement exercises after a student speaker called the cere- mony "a meaningless formality." 'See BLACKS, Page 2 l via 'e e ¢", E . :