Qar Nir iigan aijU Seventy.nine years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan McGovern attacks Pentagon et al 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Dailyexpress the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, MAY 16, 1970 NIGHT EDITOR: ROB BIER Murders at Jackson State: Part of an, old, story THE MURDER early yesterday of two black students at Jackson State Col- lege in Mississippi adds one more crime to the list of crimes perpetrated against the black community of America Acting on complaints from passing motorists that objects had been thrown at them, state troopers and local police moved on to campus and confronted a group of about 75 black men who had congregated peacefully in front of a wo- men's dormitory. Suddenly, hearing what they s a y sounded like a shot - students say it was a bottle breaking on the other side of the street ,- the police opened up with every gun they had in a 25-second barrage of death. When the smoke cleared, two were dead and nine injured. Mr. Laird deeid es GOOD FOR Melvin Laird. Your favorite Secretary of Defense revealed Thurs- day that when he first heard of the pos- sibility of expanding the war into Cam- bodia he was against it. His concern was that too many Americans would be killed in such a move. However, he says he was assured that the. Viet Cong and N o r t h Vietnamese troops were already moving out of the border area ; and making their attacks deeper in Cambodia, against Cambodians. You could almost see the gears turning under his bald dome, "It's only s o m e gooks, so I guess it's O.K." We should all be thankful for Melvin Laird's showing of deep concern for (American) life. -ROB BIER Coming only two weeks after the slay- ing of four Kent State University stu- dents by Ohio National Guard, the tragic events at Jackson State have a familiar toll. BUT THE ANTECEDENTS of the Jack- son, slayings go far beyond the vio- lence at Kent; it is a blind mistake to suggest that this new round of deaths is simply the result of the recent increase in activity on the nation's campuses. The shooting of white middle class stu- dents at Kent State was a new phenome- non - only recently in this country have the fires of hatred against white radicals been fanned so vigorously to make this possible. The hatred of blacks by white America is an old story, and it is no news that hundreds of blacks have died at the hands of racist "law enforcement" offi- cers in North and South alike. In Vietnam and Cambodia, U.S. and South Vietnamese troops kill and destroy wantonly in communist-held "free-fire zones, a strategy for which the My Lai massacre is only one result. Yesterday's tragic events at Jackson State are only one more reminder of the free-fire zone that continues to exist in the black com- munities of America as well. They are also a reminder that the reign of police violence is being extended to all U.S. campuses, and that, more than ever, the goals of the student left are and must continue to be one with the struggles of the black community at home and the oppressed peoples of the world. By GEORGE McGOVERN Dispatch News Service (EDITOR'S NOTE: The author is a senator from South Dakota, an d a member of the Democratic party.) FOR ALL OF OUR deep nation- al longing, the end of the war in Vietnam will not be an unmix- ed blessing. For many Americans it can mean economic disaster. For all of us it may be at best the termi- nation of a national tragedy, coupled with the waste of an op- portunity to find new, more hope- ful national directions. The d o m i n a n t expectation about the war's end is probably twofold. The killing and mutila- tion of American youth w ill be stopped, and some $20 to $30 bil- lion annually will be freed to meet accumulated needs at home. At long last we will have the where- withal to improve our schools, to tackle such enormously complex problems as transportation a n d housing and such costly ones as hunger and poverty, to cope with the crime and violence which de- spoilation - and perhaps begin the reclamation - of our environ- ment. But there is another side. AN EARLY CONSEQUENCE of peace will be a reduction of some 800,000. and possibly m o r e, in military manpower, bringing the total down at least to prewar lev- els. They, along (,with thousands of civilians working for defense agencies on assignments related to Vietnam, will have to be ab- sorbed by the rest of the economy. The elimination of jobs is expect- ed to occur on a scale approach- ing 2 million, including shrinkage in the private job market as a re- sult of reductions in Vietnam or- ders. - The least skilled and the most recently hired, probably many among racial minorities, will be the first to go and the last to find new jobs. The gloomiest outlook is suggested by a poverty pro- gram official in Connecticut who says that "if the layoff is n o t properly handled by federal and state agencies - and right now nothing is being done, at any lev- el - then you are going to see blood flowing in the streets." But there will be trauma among highly skilled technicians and scientists as well. The cancella- tion of the $3 billion Manned Or- biting Laboratory last June found top flight technicians leaving Mc- Donnell-Douglas' plant in Hunt- ington Beach, California. with no place to go and with little pros- pect for comparable work in their areas of specialty. Vietnam em- ploys thousands like them. BECAUSE DEFENSE FIRMS tend to be concentrated in a few states and localities, the economic impact w iI11 be concentrated as well. Some 37.4 per cent of Cali- fornia's manufacturing workers are employed in defense-related industries. That state can expect about 80,000 returning servicemen to be added to its job market at the same time. Connecticut, the nation's largest per capita defense supplier with highly vulnerable industries involved in production of ammunition, helicopters a n d aircraft parts, will probably lose 50,000 jobs-20,000 in the Bridge- port-Stratford area alone, where defense contracts doubled between 1964 and 1968. Concentration in military work is also visible in other states. More than half of all the military in- dustry employment in the United States is in California, Texas, Washington, Massachusetts, Con- necticut, and New York. There is also concentration by industry. The aerospace industry, electron- ics industry, ordance industry, and shipbuilding industry, are h i g h points of military work. There is also unevenness of military work by occupation. More than half of the research-and-development en- gineers of the nation are working on behalf of the Pentagon, direct- ly or indirectly. Some of the larg- est universities - like the Mass- achusetts Institute of Technology Johns Hopkins University, Stan- ford University, the California In- stitute of 'Technology, and t h e University of Michigan - a r e concentration points of Pentagon work in the universities. Indeed. two of these - MIT and Johns Hopkins - are listed among the 100 largest military industrial contractors by the Department of Defense. The Arms Control and Disarm- ament Agency has documented the ripple effects these cutbacks are likely to have. Its study of a layoff of 6800 Martin Company workers in Denver in 1963 dis- closed that the economic expan- sion of the entire state was slowed and the expansion in Denver vir- tually came to a halt.rThe recov- ery took two full years. WE CAN BE QUITE SURE. then, that there will be a painful adjustment for many Americans. Its breadth and depth depend up- on a variable which continues to elude a consensus among fore- casters - the state of the total economy a n d the dynamism of nonmilitary sectors. In a 1 e v e I economy the drop in military de- mands could easily stimulate a recession. If it were to coincide with a general slowdown, which many economists a r e predicting will occur in 1970, t h e results could be serious indeed. Apart from these less welcome concommitants of peace, we must recognize that the manpower, the technology, and even the money involved in the war effort will not be turned quickly to peaceful pri- orities. The unemployed strateg- ists from the Pentagon will cer- tainly require some redirection be- fore they can make meaningful contributions in other capacities. Unless some serious effort is made to locate appropriate uses, facili- ties which have been built up as needed by the war may be idled when they could be made useful in important domestic tasks. The Congress could doubtless find ways to dispose of $30 billion, but without careful preparation and assessment of alternative uses m u c h of it would doubtless be wasted or use d less effectively than it should. Hence, peace can mean lost opportunities as well as economic difficulty. IN THE FACE OF these pros- pects, defense contractors, at least at the beginning of 1969, ap- peared to be little concerned. Their operating assumption seems to be that an end to the war will bring a successful rush by t h e Pentagon to claim the great bulk of the "peace dividend" to flesh out military wishg lists developed during the Vietnam years. Their prognosis is that new cold war or- ders will come quickly to replace declining hot war demands. The events of 1969 may have given them pause, depending up- on their judgments as the prob- able longevity of Congressional demands for more careful scrut- iny of military spending and for more persuasive justifications for new weapons systems. Certainly they must take into account the fact that after reducing military money requests an average of on- ly 0.4 per cent per year in the previous t e n years, Congress squeezed 7.5 per cent - or $5.0 billion - out of t h e Pentagon budget for fiscal 1970, much of It through the effort of traditional allies of the Armed Services. , But the contractors have other reasons to resist the n e e d for conversion ifs they can. Those whose sole or major customer is the Pentagon would. in terms of their sales capabilities, be most attuned to seeking new govern- ment business in the civilian sec- tor rather than in private mar- kets. They know, particularly af- ter recent closings of privately- run Job Corps camps, that con- tracts in the social a r e a carry greater risk and that budgets are more closely scrutinized. F i r m s specializing in problem solving know that civilian problems tend to be infinitely more complex than such questions as whether it will take four or five bombs to achieve a desired target kill probability. AT THIS POINT the public is faced with a choice. If the reli- ance of military industry on ex- panded. defense orders is well placed, then the war is unlikely to free vast sums f o r domestio problems after all. We will sim- ply shift from one kind of de- fense spending to another. If their reliance is misplaced t h e n the damage done by an end to the Vietnam war will be compounded by slackened overall defense out- lays. It is against this background that 35 of us in the Senate and some 50 members of the House have offered the Economic Con- version Act. In the conviction that no government agency can or should accumulate enough know- ledge about each of the thousands of military contractors to formu- late specific conversion plans, we provide that the contractors them- selves should develop alternative occupations for their facilities and manpower. The bill would re- quire conversion planning as a condition of contract fulfillment In addition. it would establish a National Economic Conversion Commission made up of agency heads and of public members, to define further Federal contribu- tions to the conversion effort and to make specific recommendations to the President and the Congress. It should work extensively with arms manufacturers and defense personnel to help determine, un- der its estimates of future publie spending patterns, the non-mili- tary areas to which specific re- sources m i g h t be most readily transferrable. OUR PROPOSAL AIMS to ease the transition from war to peace. I readily confess to another mo- tive. I think we should go as far as we can toward freeing the vast constituency of the Pentagon from its economic dependence upon a r m s spending, because in the process we can diminish pork bar- rell pressures and elevate rational assessments of need in the debate over defense spending. The importance of the Act ex- tends, therefore, to both practical operation and national priorities. It can minimize the harm and maximize the advantages of mili- tary cutbacks. At the same time it can help make possible the cuts that should be made, and it can serve as convincing evidence that wise business planners are those who exert their enterprise toward making our own society a better place to live. Ii A4 A 44 cinema What d you say... By DONALD KUBIT -MARTIN HIRSCHMAN Editor Letters to the Editor Antiwar legislation: Assaulti1ng, frustrations LEGISLATION, NOW being debated in the Senate, to limit the President's power to involve the United States in war has two objectives. One is to reassert the right of Congress to act as a check on the Executive department, especially in, the area of making war. The other is more nebulous, but boils down to letting the President know his performance is on trial each day of each year - not just every fourth November. The issue of keeping a fair balance between the President's power to act ef- fectively and Congress's power to influ- ence or control his actions is important. Like most presidents of this century, Nixon approaches his perogatives in re- grad to military deployment as a loose constructionist of the constitution. In the best tradition of Roosevelt, Wilson, Roose- velt, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson, all of whom moved U.S. troops into action or across national frontiers, with only the faintest indication of Con- gressional approval, Nixon secretly order-' ed troops in Cambodia. THERE WAS A time, just after the in- vention of the atom bomb and the intercontinental ballistic missile, w h e n Congress realized that with these devices in the hands of hostile powers it was en- tirely possible for the United States to be attacked and even destroyed before WhRat kids THINGS WERE back to normal yester- day at Oakdale Elementary School after a crisis over recess. It was a crisis to the fourth, fifth and sixth graders, anyway, who staged a sit- in Tuesday when their recess period was suspended for what one teacher described as "rude, noisy and discourteous behav- for" on the playground Monday. "No recess, no school,'" chanted the kids. School officials reinstated recess yes- Congress could vote, much less debate, a declaration of war. For this reason, Con- gress accorded the Chief Executive great freedom to'°act quickly and secretly with regard to military deployment. There are many people now, however, who r e g a r d the wide-ranging military power of the President as unnecessary and unwise. One reason is that the situa- tions in which this power has been used in recent years do not compare in any way with the urgency of a nuclear attack. Another reason is that, due to massive nuclear stockpiles and second-strike cap- abilities by both the Soviet Union and the United States, a n u c 1 e a r attack on. America, which would lead to world-wide devastation, is a very remote possibility. Therefore, in an effort to curb the Chief Executive's autonomy in the use of U.S. military forces, several pieces of legisla- tion have been introduced into Congress, the most notable being amendments to a $20 million military sales bill. One amendment introduced into the Senate by Senators Frank Church (D- Idaho) and John Cooper (R-Ky.), would end appropriations for all ground troops in Cambodia after July 1 of this year. The other amendment sponsored by Senators G e o r g e McGovern (D-S.D.) and Mark Hatfield (R-Ore.) would end all money for the war in Southeast Asia by the end of this year and all funds for troop with- drawals by July 1, 1971. HOWEVER, EVEN if these bills were passed, there is no way to enforce them, short of impeachment. Therefore, the President would still be free to pursue his military policies as he wished. But, if such is the case, what is the purpose of these amendments? Their fundamental p u r p o s e is to acknowledge that Congress is responsive to the wishes of the people in this coun- try. If passed, these amendments would indicate that Congress can see and inter- pret the message of half a million people when they march in the streets of our capital. To pass these amendments is to indi- Promises, promises To the Editor: THE PRESIDENT proposes to establish a Commission or Com- mittee on private schools. Will he use private or public funds and resources to do this? The President orders major re- visions in draft deferments f o r whites. Blacks or none of these or is this an attempt to relieve his administration of this undesired public image and rather pass the buck to local controlled h a n d picked draft boards? Wasn't it a young girl in Ohio who held up a sign to the Presi- dent's train asking that he bring us together? The President brings us together, with Burger, with Thurmond's Haynsworth, Mrs. Mitchell, Carswell, the ABM, cut- ting HEW's appropriations, ex- panding the war in southeast As- ia, removing troops from Vietnam and deploying them instead in close proximity thereto, denounc- ing repression in Czechoslovakia while supporting it in South Af- rica, Brazil, etc. Is it soa ine of these, all of these, or tricky trick- ing again? The President has the best side- kick of all times, saying "the U, of M is lowering the standards if it admits more blacks," the Feds should control the media (like in Russia, etc.), poor people (espec- ially blacks) haven't g o t sense enough to deal with their own problems and if I become Vice President I propose that we look to the progressionals, "Is that fat Jap asleep again," No, my daugh-, ter didn't march in the Morator- ium, I wouldn't let her; Yes, she was upset but she'll get over it, parents don't know how to put their feet down anymore. Is he smart,, talking for tricky again, drunk, feels his supremacist stat- us threatened, or is it all of these? The President gives his major speeches in the East Room, Key Biscayne, Florida, San Clemente, foreign soils, military installations and sends Ag-who. Is he afraid of the people he governs? Secur- ity risk? Where will he campaign for "defeat" in 1972? Joe Lewis once told a fighter "you can run but you can't hide because the ring is only so big." Do you think that the f o u r deaths on Kent State (Ohio) campus is the result of the Vice President's campus speeches and that this is the manner in which they (silent majority) will bring us together? Political education is so necessary that it Is about time that someone began to build this country's case against this admin- istration and publicly for no mat- ter what McCracken says about the economy, Laird about the war, Shultz about labor or the DAR about morality (they don't know what it means). Nixon and Agnew are the two. I sure hope no one trips over one of those ABMs. I mean IBM. I mean Just don't commit suicide and take the rest of us with you. -Ezra L. Rowry Ann Arbor May 9 Letters to the Editor should be mailed to the Editorial Di- rector or delivered to Mary Rafferty in the Student Pub- lications business office in the Michigan Daily building. Let- ters should be typed, double- spaced and normally should not exceed 250 words. The Editorial Directors reserve the right to edit all letters submitted.I If you were waiting for an elevator and when it arrived a naked woman stepped out, how would you react? If you were riding down a country road and saw a woman stranded in her birthday suit, would you drive by or offer assistance? How people react in these situations is the basic premise of What Do You Say to a Naked Lady?, now show- ing at the Fifth Forum. Conceived and directed by Allen Funt, the movie uses the format of the popular television program Candid Camera - catching people at the peak of their honesty, totally unaware that they are being filmed. Often such' circumstances can prove to be nothing short o{ hilarious, but in this film the boredom created by the material stifles the audience to little more than an occasional guffaw. Funt, who in his time has used possibly every trick imaginable to record human reactions, knew that there were certain topics of dis- cussion that could never pass the television censors and therefore tried another medium for his brand of humor. His chief concern is nudity and how humans respond to the naked body. The results are disastrous, exactly as one would suspect, some get embarrassed, some are offended, and some could care less. It seems that with the recent mass exposure, the nude has lost its potential as a humorous subject. The reactions cannot be categorized by age groups. Although there is a greater willingness to accept nudity by the younger members of the human race, there are plenty of grandmothers who agree with this attitude and see the exposure of skin as a way of modern life. One would like to say that the middle-age group is the stuffiest-as Punt sug- gests-but it is unfair to banish them to a state of foginess, because there are simply too many exceptions to the rule. Besides nudity, Punt makes a play for a number of other "touchy" subjects including mixed racial relationships, pornography, personal sexual habits, and explaining the facts of life. In each of these cases, the display of ignorance is equal to the degree of permissiveness. In the end the film tries to capture thebeauty of childhood in- nocence, by showing two tots playing in a field with one of them nude, but even this is a sorry exhibit of adding an ounce of compassion to a pound of doldrum. Throughout the movie there is an audience discussion that is suppose to give some account of how a normal audience would react to the film. Some of the comments are interesting, but on the whole they are as dull as the rest of the film. The key problem is that Punt, while taking a poke at everything, has failed to grasp anything. It is one thing to say humans have de- finite hang-ups, but it is another to discover how these discriminations develop and more important to question why they persist. Had Funt been able to limit his material and the length of his movie to half an hour, putting in only the best comments and the funniest responses, this film could be considered tolerable. But as it is, What Do You Say to a Naked Lady? is as entertaining as a ten year old copy of Playboy magazine, and in that time a naked 'body can get pretty worn and yellowed. Now that he has done what television would never allow him- and failed in the process-he should go back to talking mailboxes and dancing policemen. The sketches make a stronger impression and the end product is about twenty times funnier. I 4U d Pollution control industry: More profit 4 By MARTIN GELLEN Ramparts Magazine (EDITOR'S NOTE: This article is reprinted with the permission of Ramparts Magazine.) T HE POLLUTION CONTROL Industry is really an extension of both the tech- nological capabilities and the marketing patterns of the capital goods sector of the economy. Most of the companies involved in pollution control are not only polluters themselves but are the same firms which supply the chemicals, machines, plant fuels and parts for even bigger polluters, such as General Motors, U.S. Steel, Boeing, Standard Oil, Philco-Ford, American Can Co. and Consolidated Edison. For many of these firms, pollution control is merely one aspect of a program of "environmental diversification," which is generally accom- panied by heavy investment and aggressive acquisition programs .... IT IS THE CHEMICAL industry, how- ment, including measuring instruments, specialty treatment chemicals, and a spe- cial biological filter medium called SURF- PAC. The company designs, engineers, builds and services waste water treatment plants and is currently supervising munici- pal sewage plants in Cleveland and work- ing on waste disposal problems for lumber companies in Pensacola, Florida, and West Nyack, New York. All of these projects are funded by the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration (FWPCA). Thus, the chemical industry - which ranks second in production of polluted waste water and generates close to 50 per cent of the biological oxygen demand in in- dustrial water before treatment-has, at the same time, established a dominant position in the water pollution control business. A SECOND CONSEQUENCE of placing the "control" of pollution in the hands of which will clean up the solids but leave the phosphates, nitrogen compounds and a host of other poisonous substances which sec- ondary treatment can't possibly catch. Of course, it is precisely the profit in- centives as the criterion of what shall and shall not be produced that makes it im- possible to stop the proliferation and pro- fusion of poisons in even the most obvious places. Thus, the chemical industry has polluted the housewife's food package not only through the unintended absorption of pesticide residues, but also through in- numerable colorings, additives-like the cyclamates--and preservatives designed to increase food purchases and consumption. in order to buoy up sagging sales curves. The package itself, which is a sales boost- ing device par excellence, can be both the most polluting and dangerous feature of all. As a piece de resistance the chemical industry produces the non-biodegradable nlas -which cmein all se pected to rise by seven per cent this year alone. ANOTHER CONSEQUENCE of business control of cleaning up the environment is cost to the public. Most municipal water treatment plants in large urban areas are currently constructed to handle an excess capacity frequently 100 per cent greater than the volume of waste actually pro- duced by their resident populations. Much of this surplus capacity is used by bit business (especially the chemical industry) to dispose of its wastes. Although industries are charged for this use, it is the con- sumers and taxpayers, through federal grants and state bonds, who bear the cost of construction and maintenance of the treatment facilities. Thus the public pays the polluters to construct the treatmeat facilities necessitated by the polluters in the first place. 'Mic llttin nn arn (iVP-n dAs I