Kent State I s4e £irighau Daiuij Seventy-nine years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan brought the war home 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1970 NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT KRAFTOWITZ Regents should not penalize faculty who supported BAM LAST MONTH the students got it from the Regents in the form of the inter- im disciplinary rules. Now it is the fac- ulty's turn to feel Regents' wrath as they act on a measure to withhold pay from professors and teaching fellows for the time they cancelled classes in sympathy with the Black Action Movement (BAM) strike. The rationale behind this proposed ac- tion is the same one the Legislature uses to determine how much "education" teachers are producing. They believe that education is a process which is confined to the classroom and that when that pro- cess stops, however briefly, no o n e is learning much of importance. It almost makes one wonder whether any of the Regents ever went to college. If they would look back across the years, they might recall that many of their most educational experiences occured far from any classroom. There are the skull ses- sions with friends to tackle a difficult concept encountered in some course. Rap sessions with friends and strangers alike expose a student to concepts and exper- iences he would never find in a class- room. And protests, like the Black Action Movement (BAM) strike, provide one of the most graphic educational experiences of all, 'forcing students to m a k e their classroom learning relevant to real life by choosing their response or, if they do not know enough about the issue, to learn the facts and then decide. 5O WHERE DO teachers fit into this extra-academic experience? If t h e y are, as the Regents apparently believe, mere pedants, dispensing knowledge from a lecturn, there is no justification for any faculty member to go on strike with his students. But the fact that many faculty members did walk out indicates a differ- ent concept of their role than that held by the Regents. They believe that their teachings on equality and the dignity of man will be empty hypocrisy if they con- tinue to give it lip service while their students are out making sacrifices for those ideals. A teacher who walks out with'his students over something like the BAM strike is not a teacher who is dere- lict in his duty. He is, in fact, one who has done his job so well that his students are able to carry their classroom learnings out into the community at large. jT IS DOUBTFUL if the Regents disagree with that reasoning, despite their ca- pacity to do so. What they really question is the necessity and worth of the BAM strike. They fail to see the racism on this campus and in society at large because they are part of it. As a result, they can- not understand what everyone was so ex- cited about. The problems addressed, by the BAM strike were long-standing ones. The pres- ent Regents, and others before t h e m, bear the responsibility for creating a lily- white university which admitted v e r y few blacks and discouraged those it did. And, it took a forceful confrontation to even put a dent in that wall of racism. Now, even after all that has happened, the Regents still refuse to see the role they played in that racism and continue to make nice speeches about equality. But, the move to dock faculty pay for participation in the strike belies their rhetoric. Furthermore, it is a refusal to admit a mistake in much the same way that Nixon and the Pentagon refuse to admit their mistake - by making new ones. THERE IS LITTLE HOPE that the Re- gents will reject the faculty pay cut proposal when they mpnet tomorrow. How- ever, their action should serve as a' clear signal to all that despite any apparent gains made by the BAM strike, the Re- gents are the same old bunch. To them, the strike was another.student diversion with no relation to the Regents, other than to make a large number of outstate citizens and alumni angry with them. As Ed Fabre said at the BAM rally the night the strike ended, "The battle is not over. It's just begun." -ROB BIER (EDITOR'S NOTE: The author is a research as- sociate in the Institute for Social Research.) By ROBERT ROSS N THE LAST 10 days, in living color. something very clear has been com- municated to White America. The War has been brought home. The killings at Kent State University have landed hammer blows at the hearts of all those who thought that somehow, someway, civility and de- cency could survive imperialism. There are two general topics which the world has thrust on our agenda this evening - un- welcome, unbidded, without honor, b u t necessary for us to understand, a n d to which we must respond. The first concerns the inner message of the Kent State murders; the second con- cerns the meaning of the South East As- ian events. When the news came of the murders at Kent, all -over the country ordinary peo- ple and some of their leaders responded with horror, sometimes anger, sometimes despair. Innocents were being slaughtered. As students and concerned citizens launch- ed their demonstrations, some groups in- sisted that the escalation of America's war in Southeast Asia and the murders, were the primary issues - as indeed they were. But way off somewhere, a tall, lean black revolutionary, Malcolm X, is sardonically whispering in our ears: The chickens have come home to roost. IN 1968, STUDENTS demonstrated at their college in Orangeburg, South Caro- lina. As their marches got larger and their voices angrier, the state police were called in. When the smoke had cleared, three stu- dents were shot dead; thirty were wound- ed; most of the wounds were in the back as students fled the rush of troops. These students were black; no universities shut down for them. So now, through the clear- ing fog of more gunsmoke we should be able to understand: Black America has been under siege for years. In Augusta, Georgia, Monday night, six people were killed. The war has been brought home for whites; but it has been amongst us for decades. But what is it that creates such vicious- ness against people of color and youth who f i g h t against the war? The President claimed that his invasion of Cambodia was a peace march. If he means the peace of the grave, maybe. But if one examines the logic of U.S. action. in Southeast Asia one sees a clear enough pattern which allows us to know better: his recent action is en- tirely consistent with his own and John- son's policy there. They want a clear mili- tary victory and subsequent subjugation of the whole of Indochina. Mad with irra- tional fear of China, filled with the racist imagery of a vague yellow peril, the men who have ruled this country since 1954 have piled one policy upon another and by now their intentions are utterly transpar- ent. They want Indochina as a first line of defense, a military fortress, a n d of course, whenever they can, an area of eco- nomic exploitation. Recently James Reston suggested that the President would use "any weapons" to avoid defeat. NOW THE ADMINISTRATION argues that its withdrawal plan is continuing, and that shortly there will be only 250,000 troops in Vietnam. Vietnamization is the slogan. Let us examine this brilliant doc- trine. But it is fatuous because various Ad- ministration and military statements have made abundantly clear that there is no in- tention of completely moving out of Viet- nam. And there is not even a mention of withdrawal of support troops, once battle- field divisions are withdrawn. What does this mean? First, they will attempt to withdraw as many as 250,000 troops leaving the airbases and sea bases and the me- chanics and logistical troops, and "ad- visors." WHY IS IT THAT the world's greatest military power cannot win, nor even with- draw gracefully. Why is it that every American President since Truman has in- tervened but failed to grasp victory over the Communist revolution in Southeast Asia. The reason is simple, and indeed, it is known to them. Robert McNamara, made the point when he said that before the American invasion and heavy bombing of 1965 the number of North Vietnamese troops in South Vietnam was negligible; only after our invasion did it raise to any important level. McNamara was right. Be- fore 1965 there was no foreign invasion of South Vietnam; nor Laos for that matter. The interesting thing about all this is that it was all predicted. In 1965 during the orignal teach-ins, the schemes of the Americans to defeat Sihanouk's neutralism were exposed, and it was predicted, among others, by the former head of MSU's cam- pus wing of the Vietnam training program, that they would attempt a CIA takeover in order to firm up their counter-revolution- ary battle lines. The impotence of the electoral process was foretold by the stu- dents, who voted with their feet in the streets. NOW WE ARE MET in the wake of a great crisis; a president who talks peace has created a newwar; an administration committed to order has demonstrated it is the order of tyrants; young people have responded all around the country with a spontaneous strike movement which chal- lenges every American to equal them in their willingness to see the truth and act on it. In the coming months we have little choice but to reconsider the assumptions upon which we are acting. The use of our freedoms seem about to become illegal. We have two tasks, one defensive, the other offensive. The defensive task is to make common cause with young people: to refuse to allow them to becompe the isolated tar- gets of reaction. An important component of this, and one which will magnify our ability to exert force is to respond to the oppression of black militants such as the Black Panther Party in the same way. Our offensive task is equally, if not more difficult. We must make the continuation of the war intolerable to those who think they can conduct the war and govern the nation. There are proposals circulating in Washington and amongst some academics to initiate economic boycotts of the largest corporations; others are discussing nation- wide work-stoppages in protest of war and oppression. Still others will respond to various Congressional initiatives against the war. It is hard and too early to tell which of these ideas will become most widely ac- cepted. But some things are clear. First. we must gather together in the various groups to respond to extraordinary crisis. And second, we must unite and magnify our forces. 4 .4 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR I Colleges have commercial intellectualism, A BReal struggle i s not in the Supreme Court ATeSud Another Surrounded Command Pose To the Editor: AS WE IN TIE University re- dedicate ourselves to the purifica- tion of American life and action in light of the shocking events of/ the last week, let us not forget that there is an area of corruption surrounding us which goes virtual- ly without analysis and criticism by educated men and women. We have begun to attack the pollution of the environment, the pollution which militarism spreads across the face of the ideals of humane democracy, the pollution of racism in the social order, and of in- humanity to the poor and disad- vantaged in a luxury society. But we are a long way from mounting an effective attack on the pollu- tion of our minds brought about by the intense commercialization of values in this society. In the end we may re-beautify this land, remove ourselves from Asia and restrain the military, we may effectively integrate our races and help our poor. Will we be as successful in helping to eradicate the blight of "the big sell?" Our public communications systems-the media, as they are euphemistically called-are con- taminated with the deceits which professional advertising and mark- eting have foisted upon us; we cannot escape them. Even when we would oppose them, we seem naturally to adopt the tactic of the opponent. MOST SADDENING it is that the style of intellectual life at this and the large majority of other American colleges and universities is equally tainted. We have by and large in this country a commercial intellectualism. How often do we judge the quality of an idea by its enthusiastic endorsement rather than its inherent logic or mean- ing? We find ourselves constantly committed to projects and enter- prises for convenience sake, or be- cause they promise future success and reward (for some) without al- ways asking whether there is any worth to them consistent with the ideals of the university commu- nity. On the latter point, we have generally ceased to take up the question of such ideals as a cor- rective to the scheme or cliche of the moment. To an important extent we are in national and international crisis because we have been willing purchasers of often stupid thinking that has been attractively pack- aged and distributed to us. We have been conditioned for years to purchase such thinking at the expense of real thought, which is generally painful to achieve and most likely unpopular. I think the best re-dedication we can make now, when at last we have seen through the many current hypo- cricies, is to vow that we shall not be governed in our own lives by cliche, and that we shall not ac- cept cliches from others. --Prof. Louis L. Orlin near eastern language and literature department May 12 Letters to the Editor shouldI be mailed to the Editorial Di- rector or delivered to Mary Rafferty in the Student Pub- lications business office in the Michigan Daily building. Let- ters should be typed, double- spaced and normally should not exceed 250 words. The Editorial Directors reserve the right to edit all letters submitted. THE SENATE unanimously confirmed the nomination of J u d g e Harry A. Blackmun to the Supreme Court with al- most no debate and almost no fanfare. It was certainly an undramatic denoue- ment to a story about politics and ethics and disguised motives that began a year ago with the resignation of Abe Fortas and culminated in an usual display of muscle by Senate liberals in defeating the nominations of Clement Haynsworth and G. Harrold Carswell. So Nixon finally succeeded in getting another strict constructionist on the high court. He did not get the political mile- N co mment IN HIS statement on school desegrega- tion President N i x o en said, "I have consistently expressed my opposition to any -compulsory busing of pupils beyond normal geographical school zones for the purpose of achieving racial balance." Interestingly, a U.S. Civil Rights Com- mission publication says, ". . . Opposition to all b u s i n g as undesirable is clearly racist in nature. This is indicated by the high proportion of w h i t e students in rural areas, suburbs, and Catholic big-city school systems who have used buses for years to get to school-and still use them -without arousing any such complaints. Yet white opposition to publicly support- ed busing schemes aimed at integrating schools has effectively stymied this route to improved educational q u a 1 i t y for Negro children." age out of appointing someone from the South, but he got a conservative just the same. And there was hardly a whimper from anyone in the Senate, for the lib- erals were anxious to provethat the only relevant considerations in rejecting a Court nomination are only meager cre- dentials and financial impropriety. It seems pretty hard to get upset over the appointment of a n o t h e r Warren Burger to the Supreme Court. The condi- tion of our national health as evidenced by the events surrounding Nixon's new offensive in Cambodia m a k e s the Su- preme Court look somehow irrelevant.nt We find in the murder of four Kent State students by National Guardsmen a tragic reminder of the lessons learned from the trial of the Chicago 7 and the continuing extermination tactics being used against the Black Panthers. And that is this: any discussion of the word "justice" has become meaningless. "Jus- tice" no longer describes anything that is synonomous with reason or fairness or compassion but r a t h e r is merely the designation of a repressive political of- fensive associated with the ministry of John Mitchell. WHAT CAN anyone possibly do on the Supreme Court when public officials send in the National Guard to s q u a s h demonstrations? When resistance to this police occupation is punished by death? When we may find the government will- ing to s a c r i f i c e a few trigger-happy Guardsmen and let the real criminals go unindicted? Or, when the Army washes its hands of the My Lai massacre with the conviction of a few soldiers and the real war criminals in the White House, in the Pentagon, and in Texas are never charged with the real murder of innocent people? The nerversion of meaning of the word Lunching with Melvin Laird I By DEBRA THAL HAD LUNCH with Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird Monday. To be more specific, I attended a luncheon meeting of the Econ- omics Club of Detroit at which he spoke. It was an incredible after- noon. As I approached Cobo Hall, the site of the luncheon, I noticed that I was surrounded by a large num- ber of conservatively dressed men in expensively tailored, dark busi- ness suits and military men in dress uniforms-most had either stars or stripes on their shoulders. I was wondering where this un- usual contingent could be headed until I heard the first strains of the drumeand bugle corps in the main banquet hall. We entered the luncheon together - the high ranking military and civilians of the city of Detroit and me. Glancing around the room as we passed the security guards, I noted that there were hundreds of the "elite" being seated at the white clothed tables. Each table had little American flags. The few women present-some from the miltary but mostly wives of the businessmen-were attired in uni- que creations from "a small shoppe I know in New York." It was very intimidating. SUDDENLY, A HUSH fell over the hall as Detroit's highest rank- ing corporate executives and a few sundry government, religious, eco- nomic, and military leaders - otherwise known as the Board of 'Directors - made their entrance and were seated at the mammoth head table. One arose and an- nounced the color guard-repre- sentatives of all the services-and the entrance of The "Honorable Secretary of Defense of the United States of America, Melvin R. Laird." able to carefully examine what ap- peared to be the Secret Service contingent. Before the luncheon started, they were searching under tables and behind doors in the re- ception room-presumably looking for bombs or an evildoer. WHILE WAITING for Laird to, begin, I glanced through the in- evitable leaflet on the table. It in- formed me that the luncheon was being given in cooperation with the Detroit Armed Forces Week Committee. Maybe that explains all of the military men. And then I saw the list of the Board of Directors. It reads like a list of the city's wealthiest men. It also reads like list of the city's biggest polluters, and just gener- ally high ranking members of the military industrial complex. Al- most all of the hundred odd direc- tors are chairmen of the board of something. The list includes the heads of Ford, GM, Chrysler, and Amer- ican Motors, ex-Detroit Mayor Cavanagh, the notorious Ted Doan from Dow Chemical, our own Rob- ben Fleming, William Grace from Forces Week. T h e n a standing ovation for the Congressional Medal of Honor winners who were present. And then Laird. He didn't say much but he said it so badly that even the business- men were turned off. Laird got a standing ovation when he was in- troduced but not after he finished speaking. He gave this big rap on how all of the servicemen being released should get "preferential" job treatment. Laird then went on to t a 1k about how, even though spending has to be cut and the Defense De- partment cannot have everything it wants for the nation's defense, war research is of the greatest importance and has to continue full speed ahead. War research should be com- pletely discontinued, not expand- ed. I was really glad when Laird completed his monolog. Not only was he boring, but he just can- not speak. He stumbles over words and could not even read the pre- pared text which w a s released earlier. to these young people, we must always indicate the importance of United States leadership in the world." , "The d e b a t e and dialog shouldn't be over why Vietnam but why Vietnamization," Laird continued. "The debate should go forward whether Vietnamization is indeed adequate." THEN, AS I WAS leaving the hall, I was accosted by none other than Michigan senatorial hopeful Lenore Romney - also known as the wife of our illustrious ex-gov- ernor and current secretary of the department of Housing and Urban Development. She came up and extended her hand and introduced herself, asking "How are you to- day?" When I gave her a rather nega- tive answer, she brushed me off and went on to shake the hands of everyone else in sight. Most of them were delighted to meet her and grinned. As I finally made it out the door, I noticed something t h a t had been sorely lacking - some 4 -A.C. Sum uzer Editorial Staff I