ENACT, JC's, Watershed Council Ecology Center, Scouts, Sierra Club HURON RIVER page lhioce x4r Sfm'rigitan Dailil NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 RUSINESS PHONE: 764-0554 Thursday, May 14,1 970 Ann Arbor, Michigan Page Three CLEAN e*'UP" MAY 16 MEET: N. CAMPUS COMMONS 10 A.M.-BUSES PROVIDED For Information Cali 764-4410 the news today by The Aswcaled Press and Coliege Press Service TWENTY-ONE MEMBERS of the National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO) and students supporters were arrested last night after they staged an eight-hour sit-in in the Washing- ton office of Robert Finch, secretary of health, education and welfare. The NWRO members, along with students supporters, had con- fronted Finch earlier and demanded a guaranteed annual income of $5,500 for a family of four. They also called for an immediate end to the war in Vietnam. The proposed administration family assistance plan proposed by the Nixon administration set a $1,600 annual minimum income for a four-member family. After talking with the group for some time, Finch abandoned his. office to them. Finch termed the demonstration totally inappropriate, and counter-productive. He said it would hinder congressional passage of the family assistance bill. THE INDIAN CLAIM COMMISSION yesterday awarded $12.3 million to the Seminole Indians for land taken from them by I U.S. military forces nearly 150 years ago. The commission based the award on what they determined as the land's worth a century-and-a-half ago. The Indians had con- tended the land, which includes most of Florida, was worth $47.9 million. Government appraisers set the value at $5.5 million. Estimating past payments of money and land to the Seminoles - at $5 million, the government will deduct that amount from the award monies. THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES yesterday approved a bill which could raise the tax on domestic airplane tickets from five to eight per cent. The hike would provide for major financing of a 10-year airways development program for the improvement of airports and airways. The measure, which has already been passed by the Senate now, goes to President Nixon. Under the bill, domestic cargo would be cha'ged a new tax of five per cent. The four cents per gallon tax on commercial aviation fuel would rise to seven cents. SEN. PHILIP HART (D-Mich) will introduce a new auto insurance bill which would make auto inspections compulsory and would raise standards for obtaining a federal drivers license. Hart said yesterday the bill stems from a three-year investiga- tion into soaring insurance premiums and repair costs. He said it in- cludes provisions for a compulsory rating of cars according to re- lative vulnerability to crash damage of both vehicle and passengers.: The proposed compulsory rating for damage vulnerability is keyed to a promise by several insurance companies to charge 20 per cent lower collision premiums for cars capable of withstanding a five mile per hour crash without damage. Currently no popular American car can take more than a 2.9 mph crash, according to testimony before a congressional subcommittee. DELAY SEEN Congress slow on dr 'Takeover at HEW Members of the National Welfare Rights Organization sit-in in the Finch, secretary of health, education, and welfare yesterday before testers called for a raise in minimum income for a welfare family of1 proposed in President Nixon's welfare bill. (See The News Today.) NEAR PHNOM PENH: Com mn st troops in U.S. again vows pullout i odia WASHINGTON A, - Secre- tary of State William Rogers yesterday reiterated the NiX- on Administration's assuranc- es t h a t U.S. military forces b Iwill not become involved in °{+Cambodia on any long term basis. Speaking at an unscheduled news conference. Rogers admitted that the administration has been contacted by representatives of tk. several nations who expressed concern that the United States I would become bogged down in an- other Indochina war. He added, however. that much of the doubts have been dispelled by President Nixon's assurances that the United States is pursu- ing a limited operation in Cam- bodia. Reiterating Nixon's prom- ise that U.S. troops will be with- drawn from Cambodia by June 30, -Associated Press Rogers said, "We do not intend to become commited to the military defense of the . . . (Cambodian) Washington office of Robert government (of Premier Lon Nol). they were arrested. The pro- The President announced we are four above $1,600, the amount going to provide some limited as- sistance . . . any larger program _ would require congressional ap- prpval," he added. Rogers said it is too early to tell whether the operation has compli- A cated U.S.-Soviet relations, but maintained that it has not had jjjjJ-JUdia an adverse effect on the Strategic Arms Limitations Talks in Vienna. Discussing other issues of cur- 9A f I- /r AA 'rent concern. Rnorers Aid hA WASHINGTON (A - Pros- pects : for congressional action on draft reform this year ap- pear to have dimmed. The Senate Armed Services Committee still has set no date for hearings on reform propos- als. And Senate aides said yes- terday the committee now must deal with a variety of proposals against American involvement in Cambodia, as well as major defense appropriatio'i bills, be- fore it can get to the Selective Service System. Draft overhaul advocates, in- cluding Senate Majority Lead- er Mike Mansfield (D-Mont.) say the Cambodia amendments are no excuse for putting off a congressional decision on t h e draft. "We ought not look at it in that way," Mansfield says. "I think we ought to go ahead with draft reform. We ought to do something besides talk about creation of a volunteer army," he adds. In the House of Representa- tives, Rep. L. Mendel Rivers (D-S.C.), chairman of t h e House Armed Services Commit- tee, reported he will make no decision on whether to consider a draft reform bill until the de- fense appropriation bills clear Congress this summer. Rivers has promised a review of the draft by his committee this year, but has made it clear that this does not necessarily mean producing a bill to change it. Selective Service Director Curtis Tarr agrees that congres- sional concern with the Cam- bodia campaign has diminished _., 4 , t 3 agrees with Secretary of the In- terior Walter flickel that the Nix- SAIGON (A---South Vietnamese Trabek, in the Parrot's Beak, Cambodian military command- on Administration needs to do troops, driving toward Phnom heavy fire from communist troops ers said the Viet Cong may be more to communicate with young Penh, the capital of Cambodia, stopped the allied advance. A U.S. those which fled the ferry crossing people. ran into heavy resistance from helicopter which was supporting at Neak Luong, 37 miles southeast He added that the United communist forces yesterday. the armored column was shot of Phnom Penh, after Neak Luong The South Vietnamese soldiers down. was retaken by South Vietnamese States is pleased that Israel has were attempting to clear Highway Meanwhile, U.S. roops at Fire; marines. withdrawn its troops from Leb- One of Viet Cong and North Viet- Support Base Brown, three miles In other developments in' Cara- anon after a n a i d Tuesday on namese troops. The highway runs inside Cambodia, virtually wiped bodia, the army announced that guerrilla positions. He called on from the Vietnamese border to out a company of North Vietnam-. 10 Americans, including Maj. Gen. both sides to avoid further esca- Phnom Penh, 50 miles away. ese troops who appeared to have John A. B. Dillard, commander of lhtiond As a Vietnamese armored col- stumbled accidentally into the, the U.S. Army Engineer Command umn neared the town of Kompong American camp. in Vietnam, were killed yesterday The Secretary also said he ex- An officer present in the en- when the helicopter in which they pects talks w i t h Communist counter with the North Vietnam- were flying was shot down by ene- China in Warsaw scheduled for ese said that the communist troops my ground fire. One person aboardi May 20 to be held. There has been "apparently thought the base was survived but was seriously injured. Sdeserted and just walked into It Military spokesman said the heli- no indication Peking would can- rto rin We caught them by surprise," he copter went up in flames after it cel the meeting as a result of the ilt e 1m j added. crashed. oeain The American troops, assigned ;ICmoinoeain to the 199th Light Infantry Bri- prospects for early congession- gade reported killing,50Northafd e Although Rivers declined to at Base Brown, which is situated comment on the possibility, 95 miles north of Saigon. U.S., Rep. Leslie Arepds of Illinois, casualties were put at fourro e iS ou th east senior Republican on the Armed wounded. Services Committee says there In the fighting near Kompong may be some truth to Tarr's as- Trabek, thirteen South Vietnam- WASHINGTON & - The Senate plunged into debate yesterday sessmentk ese troops and six civilians were on the U.S. role in Southeast Asia, amid a warning from one of its Congress for authority to abol- wounded in the opening round committees the nation may find itself fighting on and on in a seem- .ogesfratoiyt bl Later, the South Vietnamese for-. ish college draft deferments and ces tried to press a cordon around ingly endless war. fill draft quotas on a nation- the communist forces and came Addressing itself to the current military operations in Cambodia, wide rather than local basis. under a withering attack from a report from the Senate Foreign Relations Committee said the The student deferments pro- automatic weapons, rocket-pro- United States faces "the grave risk of repeating the errors of Viet- posal is the only one congres- pelled grenades and mortars. Six nam in Cambodia, and of finding our armed forces fighting on yet sional leaders are talking about, more South Vietn4mese soldiers another front in a war which seems without end." ifsany, althoughere re puro- were wopnded and two were killed The report contains the committee's endorsement of a measure forms as Congresszfornsucthe As the enemy fire intensified, which would bar funds for re-t- draft system,uniform national South Vietnamese ground forces taiing US. ground forces in rather than local draft policies, pulled back and called in ar Cambodia, and place strict limitsa' and draft exemptions for men trikes on the communistosi- on American aid and air opera- who object to the Vietnam war LionC d tions in that country. on moral grounds. Meanwhile Cambodian troops Supporters of t h e measure, t . Jj1. The chairman of the Senate were moving south out of Phnom which was proposed by Sens. John I0 l ers Thed carmae Com te Sene Penh along Highway 3, a route Sherman Cooper (R-Ky.) and John Stennis (D-mmist.eSes that ends at the Gulf of Siam, Frank Church (D-Idaho), as an Jonstennis D-nsns on V h easongfr d et s wereJTEL AVIV W)-An Israeli ar- prmsdhaig nNxnsIVe ogfradeeet eeamendment to a military sales mrdfrertre oIre deferment request as soon as reported pushing to within 20 bill, said that the June 30 termi- h n +an P ,, ,,, n miles of the capital in that area. nation date set by President Nixon yesterday after clearing out Arab . ; ; r '' l; ; Y M 1, ',. WHAT CAN YOU LEARN FROM SWEDEN? A lot of fresh approaches to city planning, ecology, mass media, welfare, literature and arts. DALARO SUMMER INSTITUTE, JULY 16-AUGUST 14, a college-credit program at a seaside resort near Stockholm, provides a unique overview through courses, study circles, films, concerts, numerous study trips, etc. Instruction in English, Swedish classes available. Open to Ameri- cans & Swedes-students, teachers & professionals. $495 (group meets in Copenhagen). Write ISI, 958 Cragmont, Berkeley, Cal. 94708, before May 15. 1~ 1 ADMITT ANCE CAN ONLY BE GUARANTEED WHILE TICKET SUPPLY LASTS Order tickets direct from. KICKAPOO CREEK INC. i ts commuL ee compees ac ion on pressing business, including the defense procurement a n d military construction authori- zation bills. But that was before the Cam- bodia campaign and the result- ing rash of proposals to prohib- it or limit use of U.S. combat troops in Cambodia, and to set time limits for getting U.S. troops out of Vietnam. I-: on the Cambodian operation was I The Michigan Daily, edited and man- acceptable. aged by students at the University of But they expressed concern that Michigan. News phone: 764-0552. Secon the deadline would not be met. EClass postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich- tedaln ol o emt Egan, 420 Maynard St.. Ann Arbor, Church opened the debate by Michigan 48104. Published daily' Trues- toiling the Senate that the amend- day through Sunday morning Univer-wenthich ha ttamend 3 sity year. Subscription rates: $10 by ment, which h a s a total of 30 carrier, $10 by mail. sponsors, "presents Congress with Summer Session published Tuesday an historic opportunity to draw through Saturday morning. Subscrip- the limits on American interven- tion rates: $5. by carrier, $5 by mal. tion in Indochina.', July 5 to August 30 DETROIT-LONDON X239 round trip STUDENTS INTERNATIONAL 1231 S. University 769-6891; Gay Li*berationI Regular Meeting guerrillabases in the foothlls of Wt. Hermon in Lebanon, the Is- raeli military command reported. The military announced com- pletion of the withdrawal more than four hours before a U-~N. Security Council meeting was held in New York to determine whether Israel had complied with a resolu- tion. The council adopted Tuesday calling for an immediate pullout of Israeli troops in Lebanon. At the meeting of the Security Council, the 15 member nation heard a message from Israeli Pre- mier Golda Meir to U.N. Secretary- General U Thant which stated that "all our forces that were in- volved in this action have return- ed to their bases." The raid was.the largest ever mounted by Israel into Lebanese territory. It followed repeated warnings to Lebanon by Israeli leaders to halt the persistent bor- der raids by Arab guerrillas based in Lebanon. IMeanwhile, the air war along the Suez Canal erupted with both Egyptian and Israeli warplanes taking part in strikes along the waterway. However, an Egyptian spokes- man said that all planes belonging to the United Arab Republic re- turned safely. l rty- * - a E - I THE OAK STREET BEACH- a great place to study Y Summer school isn't what it used to be. V We've compressed over 330 courses in fully accredited graduate and undergraduate programs into easy-to-take day or evening sessions. Over a short two month period. Because the staff at Roosevelt has planned-your courses won't interrupt what you have planned (work or mellow moments). The sun feels great on your back while reading at the beach. An interesting way to get something accomplished-we think. A little class now could give you a lot later. j &M ~ m1