Page Six
Wednesday, Mov 13, 19701
Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, May 1 3, 1970
AMSTERDAM om) -- Denver
was picked as site of the 1976
Winter Olympic Games yesterday
shortly after the International
Olympic Committee, in a surprise
move, gave the Summer Games to
Montreal over the bids of favored
Moscow and Los Angeles.
Thus both the Games for 1976
go to North America. Denver was
chosen over Canada's Vancouver,
B.C.; Sion, Switzerland, and Tam-
pere, Finland.
Montreal won out on the second
ballot in a vote by International
Olympic Committee members.
It's the first time any of the
Games, Winter or Summer, has
gone to a Canadian city. This is
in keeping with the International
Olympic Committee policy of
spreading the Games around to
new areas.
The result came as a shock,
especially to the Russians whose
official news agency, Tass, put
Funeral services for Bob Gil-
Ion will be held tomorrow at
10 a.m. in St. Thomas Church,
located on the corner of North
State and E a s t Kingsley.
Friends are welcome. The fami
ily has asked that no flowers
or masscards be sent and a
Robert F. Gillon memorial fund
has been started. Those wish-
ing to make contributions can
do so throughrthe LaCrosse
coach, Dr. Robert Kaman, 1311
Creat. Ct., Ann Arbor, 662-3313.
out a premature bulletin some two
hours before the final decision
that Moscow had been awarded+
the Games.
The announcement was with-
drawn shortly afterward without
Moscow had been favored be-
cause of its renowned athletic
facilities plus the fact that the
Games never have been held in an
Iron Curtain country.
In Moscow, the Soviet Union
attacked the choice of Montreal
for the 1976 Summer Olympics as
"contrary to logic and common
The official Soviet News Agency
Tass declared that the failure of
Moscow to get the Olympics was
a "Blow to the Olympic movement
and its ideals."
Moscow, Tass said, "had clear-
cut and unquestionable arguments
in its favor both from the point
of view of sport, economy and
The agency added: The impres-
sion is that during the vote some'
members of the OIC proceeded
not from principles of expanding'
and consolidating the Olympic
movement but from their personal
political likes and dislikes.
Los Angeles was eliminated on
the first ballot which showed 28
for Moscow, 24 for Montreal and
17 for Los Angeles. A majority of
got 41 votes and Moscow 28, One
vote was void.
In the voting for the Winter
Olympics, Denver won on the final
ballot with 39 votes to 30 for Sion,
Switzerland. Vancouver and Tem-
pere were eliminated in earlier
Vancouver which had been the
favorite city to take the Winter
Games, lost out because Montreal
had won the nomination for the
Summer Games.
William M. T. McNichols, Mayor
of Denver, said Denver will stage
the games "in the real meaning
of the Olympic movement."
He concluded by thanking "all
who placed their faith in Denver."
Echoing the sentiments of the
Dutch minister for cultural af-
fairs, Mrs. Marga Klompe, urging
a streamlining of the Olympic
program, Drapeau said:
"I want to take over an expres-
sion by the Dutch minister of cul-
tural affairs that the Ganes
should not become an astronomic
-Associated Press
ROYALTY SURIOUNDS Montreal 31ayor Jean Drapeau as he
uses a model to explain the Canadian city's qualifications for the
Olympics to Queen Anne-Marie and King Constantine of Greece.
Hit pitch was perfect as Montreal received the bid.
-Associated Press
Ernie Banks swings into 500th round trip jog
Big Ten discusses Ohio State
By PAT ATKINS then there's no problem for us," ion, is that Ohio State won't com-
Big Ten athletic directors, in Canham explained. "They'll just pete. There have been problems in
he opening of their annual spring play the remaining games. It's my the past with cancellations due to
m e e t i n g yesterday, had a pre- personal opinion that the games exam changes and so forth, but
edent-setting situation on the against Michigan and Michigan then they're usually called as for-
genda: What to do with Ohio State will be considered the same feit games. In this case, it's not
tate University athletics if the as rainout games." the same."
chool does not reopen. Big Ten officials, in an effort The Buckeyes h a v e aheady
And like most motions, it was to postpone a messy decision withdrawn their tennis squad from
abled, pending further notice which may not be necessary any- any further competition regard-
rom the Ohio State trustees. way, avoided passing judgment on less of the trustees' decision. All
From.Bloomington, where the what happens if the school stayq the team's dual meet points will
meeting is being held, Michiganj closed, be erased from opponents' records,
athletic director Don Canham ex- I, and not used in compiling the Big
plained that Ohio State trustees If they don t go back to school,
will be deciding this weekend my guess, and it's only my opin- Ten championship results.
" Golf and track can still come
whether or not to reopen the :;.; .. .4.:
Si ifh th trrfac diwr thprpive
CUBS WIN, 4-3:
Banks smashes 500th home
By The Associated Press Sept. 20, 1953, two days after Chi- (Atlanta leftfielder) turn to look Don Cardwel
CHICAGO-Ron Santo's scratch cago bought him from the Kansas at is go over. I felt very relieved." pitched the fi
single with the bases loaded in the City Monarchs, joined eight oth- 1 * * with Cardwell
11th inning gave the Chicago Cubs ers in the 500-homer club, headed Tgers muzzledto John Batem
a 4-3 victory over the Atlanta by Babe Ruth with 714. Sadecki wasc
Braves yesterday in a game in "My next goal?" smiled Ernie, DETROIT-Ken Berry's tainted three Montreal
which Ernie Banks hit his 500th after the Cubs had come from be-' pinch hit triple triggered a four- stole home af
career home run and Rico Carty hind to defeat the Atlanta Braves run uprising in the eighth inning first. AdolfeF
stretched his consecutive game 4-3 in 11 innings. "That's easy. and the Chicago White Sox went homer in the
hitting streak to 30 games. on to whip the sagging Detroit Wine stroked
Despite Bank's home run in the Tlin the sixth.
second inning, the Cubs trailed They're washouts The White Sox trailed 1-0
3-2 in the last of the ninth when when center fielder Jim Northrup
Billy Williams hit his 12th home Both yesterday's baseball fell down chasing Berry's leadoff
run of the year. game with Western Michi- drive in the eighth and it went for Reed
The 39-year-old Banks lined his gan and tennis meet with a three-base hit. Walt Williamsl
third homer of the season and Bowling Green were can- then doubled home the tying run
No. 500 off a Pat Jarvis 1-1 pitch celled by the rain. Neither and Luis Aparicio beat out an in-
in the second inning with nobody were rescheduled for a later field hit, knocking out Detroit
on. The ball barely made the left- date: starter Les Cain.
field bleacher section and bounced.Reliever John Hiller was tagged * NEW YC
back onto the field where Carty for consecutive run scoring singles their first Nat
retrieved it and threw it to the It's to play in the World Series by Tom McCraw and Carlos May yesterday asth
Cub dugout here in Wrigley Field." before left fielder Willie Horton
Banks doffed his cap to 5,264 Banks also lofted a sacrifice fly muffed Syd O'Brien's pop fly for Reed, who
screaming fans, and held up the to drive in another run and boost an error. allowing McCraw to presented a Da
ball, which will be enshrined in his career RBI total to 1,601. score. 1 honor.
the Hall of Fame at Cooperstown, "The homer came off a fast ball The Tigers, who now have lost
N inside," said Banks. "I wasn't sure nine of their last 12 starts, picked ! PHILAD
Banks, who hit his first homer it was going out, but as I started up a run in the bottom of the adelphia Eagle
of Gerry Staley in St. Louis on around the bases I saw Rico Carty eighth on two singles, an infield yesterday by t]
.............''''....'...',liM#i~k ## # #l:i . out and a passed ball, but Chicago The 33-ye
struck back with three in the because he fel
Major League Standings ninth, youth moveme
Singles by Aparicio, McCraw,
1 and Tug McGraw the votes was necessary for selec-s
inal three innings, tion. Tass apparently was trapped
giving up a homer into its erroneous report by word
,ia intheeigth. of the first vote, which gave Mos-
an in the eighth. cow merely a plurality,
clipped for the fii'st
runs as Bob Bailey The Los Angeles bid was based
fter double in the on the fact the year would coin-
Phillips cracked a cide with the United States' 200tht
third and Bobby anniversary. They were held in LosI
Angeles in 1932 and in St. Louis
a runscoring single in 1904.{
On the second ballot, Montreal
honored as NBA star;
L pro Peters released
By The Associated Press
ORK - Willis Reed, who led the New York Knicks to
tional Basketball Association title ever, was honored
he Most Valuable Player in the 1970 NBA playoffs.
earlier in the year was selected the league's MVP, was
odge Charger by Sports Magazine at a luncheon in his
DELPHIA - Floyd Peters, who recently asked the Phil-
es to trade him, was given his unconditional release
he National Football League club.
ar-old defensive tackle asked in February to be traded
t the Eagles planned a utility role for him in a club
EGO - The San Diego Chargers' team physician, Dr.
and, is challenging a $1.25-million lawsuit filed by a
ims he was treated with harmful drugs that turned a
a permanent disability.
chool. Big Ten officials are tak-
ing a wait and see attitude until
The B u c k e y e baseball team
tands to lose the most by a con-
inued shutdown of the strike-
tor campus. With an 8-0 record
and the Big Ten lead to their
credit at the start of the shut-
down, the squad had to cancel
doubleheaders last weekend
against Michigan and Michigan
"If Ohio State does go back,
Tonight marks t h e first of
the Co-rec nights at the IM
Building. The Co-ree nights
will continue every Wednesday
until August. Couples will have
first priority on use of facili-
ties and equipment from 7-10
{n1, 11 Le rusuees own tere giv
the OK on Thursday," Canham
continued. "One of the chief prob-
lems is that all the athletes are
off the campus. Every one was
sent home and no one has been
1 14
allowed back on the campus."
The Big Ten golf championship,
set for Columbus this weekend,
was switched to the Illinois cam-
The Big Ten meeting will con-
tinue until Friday, and possibly
Saturday morning,
Don't pack if you're coming back!1
Pay for your dry cleaning when you come back
SHIRTS 33c with Dary Cleaning
HOURS (Dry Cleaninq) 740 PACKARD PHONE
Mon. thru Fri. 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. 662-4241
Saturday 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. 662-4251
Coin operated laundry 7:30-10 p.m6 4
East Division
New York
W 1.L
22 8x
17 15
15 14
14 14
n 13 16
10 16
West division
Pet. GB
.724 -
.531 6
.516 6I
.500 7
.445 5Y
.355 10
East Iivision
WV L Pct.
Chicago 16 12 .571
New York' 15 16 .484
Pittsburgh 14 17 .467
St. Louis 13 14 .462
Philarelphia 13 18 .433
Montreal 9 '?0 .310
West Division
Cincinnati 24 9 .727
Atlanta 18 13 .580
Los Angeles 17 12 .566
San Francisco 16 16 .500
Houston 14 17 .452
,San Diego 14 19 .424
Yesterday's Results
4 y',
! 1/1
O'Brien and Buddy Bradford key- * SAN DI:
ed the wrapup burst. E. Paul Woodl
player who cla
el ni igC hip injury into
California 19 10 .655 -
Minnesota 18 10 .643 i
Oakland 14 16 .467 51
Chicago 13 17 .433 6
Kansas City 10 18 .357 8
Milwaukee, 10 21 .321 1
Yesterday's Results
Chicago 7, Detroit 2
Baltimore 5, Minnesota 4
Kansas City at Cleveland, pp. rain
New York 9, Milwaukee 5
Boston at California, inc.
Washington at Oakland, inc.
Today's Games
Washington at Oakland. night
Boston at California, night
Baltimore at Minnesota, night
Chicago at Detroit, night
Kansas City at Cleveland, night
New York at Milwaukee, night
Chicago 4, Atlanta 3, 11 inn.
Cincinnati 5, Pittsburgh 3
St. Louis 9, Philadelphia 5
New York 8, Montreal 4
San Francisco at San Diego, inc.
Houston at Los Angeles, inc.
Today's Games
Montreal at New York
Atlanta at Chicago
Cincinnati at Pittsburgh, night
Philadelphia at St. Louis, night
San Francisco at San Diego, night
Houston at Los Angeles, night
NEW YORK - Art Shamsky hit
a two-run homer and Dave Mar-
shall ripped three doubles as the
New York Mets routed the Mon-
treal Expos 8-4 yesterday.-
Shamsky's third homer of the
season in the fifth inning gave
the Mets a 4-2 edge and Marshall
capped a three-run New York
sixth with his third double, driv-
ing in two runs.
Ray Sadecki, who went the first
six innings for the Mets, picked
up his first victory in a New York
uniform. The lefthander obtained
from San Francisco during the
winter, allowed six hits, struck out
three and walked three.
Houston Ridge, 25, accused team officials and both the American{
and National football leagues of malpractice and conspiracy.
The suit claimed amphetamines, barbiturates and other drugs
were given Ridge "not for the purpose of treatment and care but for
the purpose of stimulating his mind and body so that he would per-
form more violently as a professional football player."
As Taught By
iie anv ambitious individual you've rededicated yourself to better MINI-LESSON SCHEDULE F