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4 1ir
High-7 7
Cloudy and cooler,
intermittent thundershowers
Vol. LXXX, No. 6-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, May 13, 1970 Ten Cents
oel Cities: A plan to curb Urban poi
By HARVARD VALLANCE ris and five of the six democratic indicated that the program will reached for future action pro- men living on the fringes of the A proposed "High School Out- the h
By virtue of an unusual politi- councilmen, was passed only by be funded and under way no later grams, but HUD and Model Cities neighborhood." post" will work with 30 male stu- be con
cal alliance at a tense City Coun- picking up the vote of second than September 1. Parts of the spokesmen have expressed fear Outlined in the Council's report dents between the ages of 16 and and d
cil meeting last month, Ann Arbor ward Republican Robert Weaver. action program, he added, such that some funds may be taken are details for the first year. 20 in the first year of the action The c
became the 67th American city to The defecting Democrat H. C. as the clearing of a junkyard on from Model Cities programs in Planned is a three-pronged plan and will offer the equivalent childr
endorse a controversial Model Curry, who represents part of the Summit St. to make room for a future years to provide funding attack on educational problems in of a high school diploma. Parents and w
Cities program. The plan, which is Model Cities neighborhood and new park, could begin this sum- for President Nixon's desegrega- the neighborhood centering on and students will have an oppor- tional
expected to bring $1.5 million to is the only black on Council, said mer. tion program. Potts indicated providing funds for changes in tunity to help formulate a curric- well a
the city next year, is a pilot pro- he did not oppose the program but Chairman of the Model Cities however, that the possible cut Mack elementary school, a teach- ulum and other student activities tional
gram, testing the effects of large asked for a 60 day delay in the Policy Board, Ezra Rowry, pre- would probably be insignificant ers' aid program and a special "relevant and responsive to their will o
scale federal spending in helping council's final approval to correct dicts that HUD will contribute and would not seriously damage program for high school students needs." The Model Cities plan as wel
combat urban poverty, alleged irregularities in the hiring "nearly all" of the $1,069,000 re- the Model Cities program, who have "dropped out of high also hopes to create mechanisms to acc
Approved by the council was the, procedure of the Model Cities quested of it. The cost of the The neighborhood encompassed school, or been pushed out due for better communication between workin
first year action plan of a 5 year Policy board. Harris and other first year action program to the by the Model Cities program is to unresponsive school policies teachers, school administrators In r
program that is to provide the proponents of the plan countered city will amount to $50,000, with centered near the downtown area and practices." and parents in the Model Cities presen
north central section of Ann Ar- that Curry's objections were not $300,000 coming from federal from Main St. west to Seventh The teachers' aid program pro- neighborhood. St. wil
bor with improvements in educa- sufficient to warrant a delay and grants outside of HUD for park- St. and is bounded, roughly, by vides for ten "paraprofessional" Also planned is a child care ters. N
tion, employment opportunities, that such a delay would serve to lands. Another $150,000 is ex- Huron on the South and Pearl St. assistants to be recruited from program that will involve staff the co
health care service, low-income kill the Model Cities program. pected from the Metropolitan De- on the North. According to Row- the Model Cities neighborhood hired from the Model Cities Neigh- and p
housing, youth and child-care fa- The plan was submitted to the troit Community Development ry, the area is about 65 per cent and prepared for classroom work borhood, designed for the benefit pleme
cilities, and larger and improved Department of Health, Education Authority, (MDCDA), a private with elementary school pupils and of preschool children of working doctor
park areas. and Welfare (HUD) on April 30 foundation involved in housing black and has an average family eventually for teacher education mothers and for children from The
The plan, which all along had by the Model Cities planning unit. problems. income of around $4,000, "If you programs at the University or "multi-problem families" where to inc
the support of Mayor Robert Har- Program Director Robert L. Potts No cost estimate has been exclude the wealthier business Washtenaw Community College. "it may be impossible to provide
Six Pages
me environment known to
ducive to the health, growth
levelopment of the child."
enter will service preschool
n as young as six months
ill provide them with educa-
and cultural activities as
s medical, dental and nutri-
care. The child care center
Aerate both days and nights
1 as on weekends, in order
ommodate the schedules of
ig mothers.
egard to health facilities the
t medical center on Summit
1 be moved into larger quar-
MIodel Cities funds will pay
st of office space, equipment
ersonnel to be hired to sup-
nt the present staff of two
s and two nurses.
clinic will expand its services
lude dental aid, a social
See MODEL, Page 2
eli armed
-Associated Press
Under arrest
Armed with a shotgun, a Georgia policeman takes a looting
suspect from a wrecked building in Augusta. Four persons were
reported killed and at least 20 others injured in racial violence
there since rioting began Monday afternoon.
CSJ blasts interim
iscipli nary rules
At the first meeting of their summer session, Central'
Student Judiciary (CSJ) issued a statement last night con-
demning the Regents' interim disciplinary procedures, calling
them a flagrant violation of the Anglo-American legal system.
CSJ also scheduled a hearing on the Regents' proposed
assessment of Northwood Apartments tenants for payment to
the Ann Arbor School Board.
The statement gave three reasons for CSJ's opposition to
the Interim Rules, saying:
-The University community had expressed s u p p o r t,!
through SGC and the Faculty Senate, for a draft of by-laws
which would have made the --
Interim Rules unnecessary;
-The principle of trial by peers
is violated:
-And it is doubtful that the
rules meet the standards of "due
federal law ar~d judicial decisions. Rok
process" established by state and c
The Interi'n Rules, passed by
the Regents on April 17. prohibit By DEBRA THAL
various disruptive activities, and B'DBATA
set procedures by which persons After a month of negotia
accused of violating the rules are officials and a group calling
given a hearing by a hearing offi- Coalition of Ann Arbor Citizens,
cer from outside the University. to an agreement over the lo
The by-laws to which the CSJ most of the details connected
statement refers were prepared by ies of free weekly rock concert
a student-faculty committee and begin either May 24 or 31. Th
subsequently approved by SGC and which includes the TransLove E
the Faculty Assembly last March.
In all areas where a student is' ganization, the SRC rock band
charged with a non-academic of- members of the city's older
fensc. CSJ has consistently main- have settled on some unused
By The Associated Press
An Israeli armored column
supported by jets made a 14-
hourpattack into Lebanon yes-
terday in an effort to snuff
out Arab guerrilla bases there. .
Taking immediate action, the fif r,/
U.N. Security Council in a unani-
mous vote demanded "the immed-
iate withdrawal of all Israeli arm- t .
ed forces from Lebanese territory."..
At the end of the dawn-to-dusk {
incursion, the Israeli military
command said the operation had '
"proceeded according to plan."
The armored force which spear-
headed the drive across the border
on the wooded western slopes of
Mt. Hermon was preparing to
leave, the spokesman said last
night. The attack was the largest
strike into Lebanese territory so
Israels began last night to pull
back its tanks and troops under
cover of a heavy artillery barrage
and air support, a Palestinianm
guerrilla communique in Beirut
said. -Associated Press
Al r Fatah, the guerrilla group. ACTRESS JANE FONDA is confronted by a military police lieutenant yesterday as she arrived at
claimed the withdrawal was being Fort Hood, Tex., Miss Fonda was taken into custody after violating an order to discontinue anti-war
harried at every point by hun-woee de wsttn astefothbet ndrelasea s
dreds of guerrillas pouring into the een Shes hn sco the ae and releg.
area from camps throughout
The Lebanese army announceddks e :t eae ee t f as A
ethat six soldiers were killed and 15 Stude. ts, p.,iceucl sp
wounded in the fighting. Two of
itstnks eeHdes red atfor By:3,ms fhe oseswondby idstfre frmvgdonherwdrmbth
disabled, a communique said "
Contradicting assertions by SyriaUnsatuttiadwas"c tregop o d thenf e d
ad. Indraanqcpthatry ttheiru ,bee aarmedoMnda forcesUofth
Prs ertr oadLZe-be'rthe side of the Lebneehrmt." c u rfe w n$0 pic o nd hi ftinE cus ay e
earlier had joined in the battle on
tes ftheLeanesed asyans Tedptdeota alw asdta1gee p ie Teplc epne yts-
guerrillas, the Israeli spokesman Over 400 people, many of them Over 70 people have been ar- ' Bail for the people who were
said there was no heavy fighting students at Eastern Michigan rested in the clashes at EMU charged with felonies ranged as
whatsoever. Israeli casualties were University, clashed with police which began Monday night, high as $4,000.
seven soldiers wounded, he added early this morning after they dis- The students who were arrested Suet tre iln h pi
Meanwhile, all 15 members of obeyed a 10 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. in the skirmishes are facing li stdets startdoilithYpls-
the U.N. Security Council raised curfew which was imposed at charges ranging fr'om creating a! nitreSoeatot9pm.tst
their hands in favor of a Spanish EMU for the second straight night, disturbance to feloniuous assault smashed windows and threw rocks
resolution calling -for immediate The police used teargas and riot and carrying a concealed weapon.d
Israeli withdrawal from Lebanese, sticks to disperse the protesters, Two students have' been hos-j the campus area.
territory, who were demonstrating againstpiaie wihmnrlcatos Srly fer idgtste
Israeli Ambassador Yosef Te- the recent suspension of six EMU on the face and on the leg. One crowdhor egyafted oinigthe corner
kohcmetdta h eou.students. girl was reported to have been bit-
tion was the "one-sided" kind that; of Washtenaw Ave. and Summit
"does not contribute to a construc- Aso 1:5am atlstfv'enbapliedg St., four separate squads of 60-65
tive consideration of the Middle people had been arrested in this In addition, there were reports Ypsilanti police and Washtenaw
East conflict." morning's clashes, police reported. that a few of the protesters were County sheriff's deputies con-
The White House urged later By 1:30, most of the protestersI wounded by birdshot fired from verged on the crowd from both
"utmost restraint on both sides" had dispersed, and police said thel police rifles, sides.
in the new crisis in the Middle situation was "well under controlI Although the people who had
East. and we anticipate very little trou-j been arrested on Monday were re-- As they fled toward the center
Press secretary Ronald L. Zieg- ble othretftenit. leased on $100 police bond, their poetr therU rcamps any the o
ler said President Nixon was ask- The police added that theyI bail was raised to $1,000 yesterday'proeThersolithresroksea thepo
igrestraint "to avoid loss of life would keep patrols on the EMUI when they were arraigned in Yp-lieThpocersnddbts-
and any extension of hostilities."! campus at least until dawn. 4 silanti District Court. ing teargass canisters into the
__________________________________ ___________ ____________________ -___ crowd, and used nightsticks and
-"Intentionally constitute
of physical harm or injurygto otl
-"Intentionally constitute
of damage to or the destruc-
tion of the property of he in-
stitution;" or
-Participate in the "unreason-
able prevention or disruption of
the customary and lawful function
of the institution by occupying
space necessary (for carrying out
the institution's functions) by use
of force or by the threat of force."
In addition, the bill would im-
pose a sentence of up to $500 and
30 days in jail on persons who!
refuse to leave a campus building
when ordered to by the president
of the institution, "or his desig-
The following is a partial text of
the bill in its final form):
"A person is guilty of a misde-
meanor or punishable by a fine of
not more than $500 or by incar-
ceration in the county jail for not
more than 30 days or both:
"-When the chief administra-
tive officer of a publically owned
n operated institution of higher
education or his designee notifies
the person . . . (that he) is in
violation of the properly promul-
gated rules of the institution; and
"-When thereafter such officer
or designee directs the person to
vacate the premises, building, or
other structure of the institution
and the person thereafter willfully
remains. .. and
"-When in so remaining the
person constitutes a clear and
substantial risk of physical harm
or injury to other persons, or of
damage to or destruction of the
property of the institution, or in
unreasonable prevention or disrup-
tion of the customary, and lawful
function of the institution by oc-
cupying space necessary therefore
or by use force or by the threat of
a clear and substantial risk'
her persons;"
a clear and substantial risk
Uof SC
swept by"
By The Associated Press
State and city police, backed by
N a t i o n a 1 Guardsmen, swept
through the University of South
Carolina campus in Columbia last
night in, the second straight night
of student disorders there.
Bands of students began throw-
ing rocks, bottles and firecrackers
at law enforcement officials short-
ly after a 9 p.m. curfew began. The
officers made at least 45 arrests;
Several persons were injured:
though none seriously.
The curfew was imposed by
Gov. Robert McNair after Monday
night's clashes between officers
and about 1,000 students on the
15,000-student campus who were
protesting the arrest last week of
antiwar demonstrators.
In Columbus, Ohio, the Na-
tional Guard issued a statement
saying thtat construction workers
at the Kent State campus "heard
a shot apparently from a nearby
dormitory" at the campus and that
two handguns and two rifles were
taken from persons arrested there
that day.
In Albany, N.Y. Tuesday, more
than 1,000 student antiwar dem-
onstrators blocked the entrances
to the federal building, virtually
See DISORDER, Page 2
The state Legislature has approved a bill which would
fine or imprison persons who participate in disruptions at
state colleges and universities.
The Senate approved the final version of the bill on Mon-
day night. The House of Representatives had overwhelmingly'
approved the bill last Wednesday.
If signed by Gov. William Milliken, the bill would allow
a judge to impose a jail sentence of up to 90 days and a fine of
between $200 and $1000 on persons who:
oncert plans underway
ations, city
itself the
, have come
cation and
with a ser-
ts slated to
e Coalition,
Energies or-
, and some
Last summer the concerts created a con-
troversy when residents in the West Park
area of the city complained of loud noise
emanating from the electrical instruments,
of alleged obscenities and of distribution of
what they considered to be obscene mate-
City and Coalition representatives have
generally been in agreement that the con-
certs could be held. "There is no hard
line as far as the city is concerned in
having the. concerts" Beyer said, "but a
day concerts. City officials, however, pre-
fered a less residential area.
Several sites had been discussed, but
the Coalition has stipulated that the city
must provide free bus transportation if
West Park is not used.
TransLove has agreed to curb obscenity
from the stage and to read the drug laws
at the concerts in response to city concern.
It will also provide advise on venereal
disease, first aid, and legal problems
TentativA agreement has been reached
dlogs to push the crowd towaras
the campus.
During the melee, most of the
windows in EMU's ROTC building,
which is situated near Washtenaw
Ave. and Summit St.. were broken.
Meanwhile, it was reported that
the suspensions of the six EMU
students expired yesterday.
Several of the arrested were
denied personal bond yesterday
when they were arraigned in Dis-
trict Court. Personal bond allows
a person to pay only 10 per cent
of the bail to the court instead of
obtaining the bail money from a
Those who were denied personal
bond said they would file a suit