12, 1970
Page Six
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In Memoriam
sense of loss and extends its deepest regrets to the
family and friends of Bob Gillon, who met an untimely
death in a car accident on Saturday.
Bob, who was a former president of the lacrosse club
and immediate past president of the Sports Club Asso-
ciation, played a vital role in promoting increased Uni-
versity service to the recreational needs of students
through work with the Office of Student Organizations
Policy Board and also on the Advisory Committee for
Recreation, Intramurals and Club Sports.
Perhaps the foremost of Bob's contributions was his
leadership in the 1968 "lie-ins," which impeded the pro-
gress of bulldozers on Wines Field, and prevented the
paving of Wines Field. This action not only saved Wines
Field, but guaranteed the rugby and lacrosse clubs play-
ing space and preserved a field needed desperately by
intramural teams.
Other contributions which Bob made to student rec-
reational needs came from his work with the OSO Policy
Board. In addition to working on a funding program
which helped to guarantee equipment for club sport.
teams, lob played an important role in involving the
Women's Athletic Association on the OSO Board and
brought them from near extinction to representative
membership in the Sports Club Association.
Bob's humanitarianism and involvement with so-
cial as well as recreational issues served as an inspira-
tion to many people, and the university community owes
him a great debt.
By The Associated Press
DETROIT - Syd O'Brien andk
Ed Herrmann each drove in three
runs against Detroit's faltering
pitching staff and the Chicago
White Sox crushed the Tiger 9-5
last night.
Chicago chased Tiger starter;
Joe Niekro with a four-run out-
burst in the third inning, includ-
ing a two-run homer by Herr-
rmann, who also singled in a runj
in the fifth.
Detroit pitchers have given upl
49 runs in the last seven games.
The Tigers scored three runs in
the third, Dalton Jones, Al Kaline
and Willie Horton driving them
home. In the sixth, they got suc-
Netters fall
to ruggekd
bel t
cessive homers from Jim North-
rup and Bill Freehan.
Luis Aparicio also homered for
Seaver stopped
NEW YORK - Southpaw Dan
McGinn, making only his second NIGHT EDITOR:
major league start, stopped NewNG EIR:
York on three hits and ended TomLEE KIRK
Seaver's string of 16 consecutive
regular season victories, as Mon-
treal beat the Mets 3-0 last night. leavisng him only fiveothy of 300
The left-hander, 2-1, allowed for his career.
two first-inning hits to Bud Har- Aaron and Rico Carty, who ex
relson and Ron Swoboda but didn't tended his hitting streak through
yield another until the eighth 29 games, each singled in runs in
when Tommie Agee singled. Mc- the seventh inning for a 6-4 lead
Ginn struck out five and walkedt before Johnny Callision tied it
four. with his fifth homer, a two-run
Seaver losing for the first time shot, in the bottom of the inning,
this season after winning six in a * * *
row, had captured his last 10 de- Pirates plunder
cisions in 1969.PItTs G LeT
PITTSBURGH - Deft-hander
Cubs clubbed
__________ _______ _A. L EE K IR K __ _ _ _ _ _
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All-Star balloting..
.. .a commercial cop-out
While Detroit fans and sportswriters are up in arms about
Al Kaline's failure to make the All-Star ballot, consider poor
Rico Carty. The Atlanta outfielder is off to a spectacular start.
Since being blanked on opening day, the slugging Brave has
hit safely in 29 straight games and is batting over .400, yet he
is not on the All-Star ballot either.
The reason that Kaline and Carty were not on the ballot
is simple enough. The ballots were made up before the season
Among the more noteworthy players on the ballot are Ken
Harrelson, out for the year with a broken leg, Don Mincher of
Oakland, currently tearing up the league with a .220 average,
and Cleon Jones of the Mets, who is currently thundering the
horsehide to a .182 tune.
Meanwhile, such names as Spencer, Hopkins, Gra-
brokewitz will not appear on the ballot and their possessors
will probably not get invited to Cincinnati. Even the Red's
rookie phenom Wayne Simpson and his 1.35 ERA will not
make it unless the Cincy fans start stuffing those boxes.
Fans had made the All-Star selections up until 1957 or so,
when a horde of Cincinnati partisans engaged in one of the
great ballot-box stuffing campaigns in history. Loyal Red root-
ers managed to get seven of their home-town favorites starting
berths, and it was quickly decided that the voting would be
done by the players.
The idea behind the return to public voting for the All-.
Stars is to return player selection to the fans, but instead, Base-
ball Commissioner Bowie Kuhn and his cohorts have given it
to Gillette. And the "once in the morning does it" people de-
cided that costs would be prohibitive if the printing of the bal-
lots was rushed through before the game, and so they had them
printed up well in advance.
It was nice of Gillette to sponsor the All-Star voting,
and it is too bad that they expected a favor from baseball
for services rendered. It would have been just as easy to
give the fans interested in voting a ballot with a listing of
all the players, although it may have been more cumber-
some. But after all, if a job's worth doing, it's worth doing
To say that this little money-saving 'ruse was bastardizing
the voting would be an understatement. The premature ballot
is unfair to both players and fans, and it is hard to find any
justification for baseball placing the interests of Gillette above
the best interests of baseball.
I for one am not so sure that giving the vote back to the
fans was such a hot idea. I can't believe that it will drum up
any more interest (or disinterest) in baseball. No one is more
capable of judging a baseball player's ability than another base-
ball player, but this is not my main reason for opposing a na-
tional ballot. My mind sees this horrid vision of nine Mets tak-
ing the diamond in Cincinnati in July.
-Associated Press
Jump for joy
Boston's fantastic Bobby Orr soars in ecstacy after scoring the winning goal in Sunday's Bruin
sudden death triumph. Orr was yesterday named recipient of the Conn Smythe award as the Most
Valuable Player in the playoffs, giving him an unprecedented sweep of hockey awards. He had ear-
lier been named season MVP, scoring champion, and outstanding defenseman.
111'teams excel over weekend
'5 4 CHICAGO-Hank Aaron opened
the 10th inning with his fifth
jhme run inmsixggames. propelling
Because of unrest on the South- the Atlanta Braves past the Chi-
ern Illinois University campus, the cago Cubs 7-6 yesterday for their
Salukis tennis team played its 12th victory in 13 games.
match with Michigan at ten Aaron, the first man to face
o'clock this morning and then rookie reliever Archie Reynolds,
started early on the long trip back belted his 14th blast of the sea-
to Carbondale Illinois. Perhaps son into the vacant center field
catching the Wolverines a little
groggy, the Salukis managed to Y~i t'. :. ::t1":4 1 t ,.."
leave with a 5-4 victory under
their belts. M ajor LeagL
Even with the singles points ~
split 3-3, Michigan still had an East
excellent chance of winning as w 1 Pet. G"B
doubles competition got under Baltimore 21 8 .724 -
way. The match was not decidedDetroit 15 13 .536 51
xBoston 14 13 .519 6
in fact, until the number three xNew York 16 15 .516 6
doubles match was completed. Un- Washington 13 16 .448 8
fortunately, Michigan's usually Cleveland 10 1 .385 9.
strong combination of Dan Me- West
Mineso 18i 9 .667 -
Laughlin and Bruce De Boer seem- xCalifornia 18 10 .643
ed to lose their poise and went Oakland 14 16 .467 51
down by a score of 6-3, 8-6, to Chicago 12 17 .414 7
Southern Illinois' Briscoe and anakeey 10 184.33 3 89
Snook. x--late game not included
The other scores were as fol- Yesterday's Results
lows: Jon Hainline (M) defeated Chicago 9, Detroit 5
Bill Lloyd 6-2, 2-0, default; Maiky to na altiwaukee, Inc.
Dominguez (SI) defeated Joel Ross
2-6, 6-2, 6-4; Bruce De Boer (M)Today's Games
defeated Chris Greendale 7-5, 6-4; Chicago at Detroit, night
Graham Snook (SI) defeated Ra- Washington at Oakland, night
mon Almonte 4-6, 6-3, 6-4; Dan Baltimore at Minnesota, night
McLaughlin (M) defeated Ray New York at Milwaukee, night
Briscoe 6-0, 6-3; Jorge Ramirez Boston at California, nightI
(SI) defeated Tim Ott 1-6, 6-1, or
6-3; Lloyd-Ramirez (SI) defeat-
ed Ott-Ross 6-3, 6-3; Hainline- D al' ( I
Almonte (M) defeated Greedale-
Dominguez 6-3, 8-6.
New York
St. Louis
Los Angeles
xSan Francisco
xSan Diego
15 12
14 16
14 16
12 14
13 17
9 19
23 9
t18 12
17 12
15 16
14 17
14 1$
Bob Veale pitched a three-hitter
and Bill Mazeroski delivered a tie-
breaking double as the Pittsburgh
Pirates defeated the Cincinnati
Reds 4-1 last night.
Veale, 2-3, retired 19 batters In
succession after Pete Rose led off
the third inning with a single. Bob
Tolan drew a walk with one out
in the ninth, but Veale fanned
Tony Perez and Johnny Bench to
end it.
ue Standings
The Michigan baseball teamY gan 67 points out of a possible
took out a few frustrations on, 81 in their nine Big Ten meets
Toledo Saturday afternoon, sweep- and put them well ahead of the
ing a doubleheader from the Rock- pack prior to the conference
ets, 5-2 and 3-0. championships this weekend at
Highlighting the play of the Minneapolis.
Wolverines were fine perform- * * *
ances by two young pitchers. The Michigan golf team racked'
Freshman Mickey Elwood scat- up a fourth place finish in the
tered six hits in the opener while Spartan invitational this pastj
fellow frosh Ed Bryson gave up weekend in East Lansing with a
but three hits in the nightcap to 775 total, two strokes behind third
rack up his first varsity victory. place Miami (O).
Freshman a 1 s o contributed Michigan State waltzed to the
heavily to the Wolverine offense as title on their home course for the
Lee Roberts contributed three hits, third time in five years with a 754,
including a triple, and Tom Ket- and the Sparten 'B' team took ad-
tinger and Bob Makoski had two vantage of the familiar surround-
hits each. ings to finish second.
The Wolverines will play West- The Wolverines were paced by
en Michigan this afternoon in a
single contest beginning at 3:30 at
Fisher Stadium.-
Keith Mohan and Randy Erskine,
who totalled 152 over the two
rounds. John Roska finished with
156 while Gary Balliet had a 161
total and Pete Clarke came in at
The linksmen move onto Cnam-
paign this weekend for the Big
Ten Championships.
*I * *
The Michigan AFC (soccer club)
trounced the Bavarian club of
Toledo 3-1 to maintain their lead
in the Toledo' League with a per-
fect 4-0 record. The Bavarian goal
was only the second scored against
Michigan this season. The Michi-
gan team will be action almost
every Sunday this summer in To-
ledo League competition.
x-late game not included
Yesterday's Results
St. Louis 3, Philadelphia 0
Atlanta 7, Chicago 6
Montreal 3, New York 0
Pittsburgh 3, Cincinnati 1
San Francisco at San Diego, Inc.
Today's Games
Atlanta at Chicago
Pittsburgh at Cincinnati, night
Philadelphia at St. Louis, night
Montreal at New York
San Francisco at San Diego, night
Houston at Los Angeles, night
1ds Get Results
Ira Russell achieved his am-
bition and cracked the 25-foot
barrier ir the long jump to high-
light an easy 108-45 victory for
the Michigan :thinclads over an
outclassed Purdue squad.
Russell soared 25-6%,_, breaking
the old Ferry Field dual meet rec-
ord by well over two feet.
High-jumper John Mann also
set a new field dual meet record
by clearing 6-10. The old record
was 6-6 set by Wolverine Al Am-I
merman back in 1963. Mann would
like nothing better than to jump
higher than 6-10 this season, but
although he has cleared that
height several times, he has never
topped it.
This weekend, thetthinclads will
be competing in the Big Ten,
Championship in Bloomington.
The Michigan tennis squad Ii-
anlly got a chance to relax and
enjoy their game as they trounced
Purdue 9-0 Saturday afternoon
after three tough dual meets ear-
lier in the week.
Coach Brian Eisner was pleased
after the match, noting "we just
relaxedagainst Purdue. We played
some of our best tennis of the
The Purdue victory gave Michi-
- I
/ .~ ~
Jacobson S
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