-... b. p-At It, A W- IV For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone 764-9557 12 Noon Deadline Monday through Friday, 10:00 to 3:00 12 Noon Deadline i iii , . J e j ,. s' ! -. USED CARS 1967,'MGB3-G T. 1-868-6094. 24N71 FOR SALE 1962 VW Kharman Ghia. Inquire at 524 S. Forest, AA. 20N71 1967 VALIANT --Slant 6 engine, trans.. body, all in excellent condition. Call (5-9616. 21N71 VW, 1965 Black sedan. Well cared for; one owner. 769-0510. 22N71 VW BUS, 1967-Excellent condition, en- gine with warranty, best bid over $1300. See at 1469 Univ. Terrace, No. 1320. 23N71 1969 BMW 2002 Singal red, quartz lights, Halda, slight engine mods, one owner, perfect con- dition, price negotiable. Craig, 769- 0227, early evenings, ND71 FOR SALE- 1964 Triumph Spitfire. $500 or best offer. Call 769-5031 after 4. 1969 FIAT 850 Spider-Excellent condi- tion. Call 663-9214 persistently. 19N71 1967 MG-B-GT, excellent car for college student with sporting urge. Good condition, low mileage, many extras. Call Bill after 4 at 761-2802. 18N71 1968 SHELBY Cobra GT-500, red. 13,000 miles, exc. cond., best offer 434-1942. 9N71 LOST AND FOUND LOST - One grey kitty in vicinity of Village Bell. Leave message for Rob Bier at 764-0552. AD71 FOUND Beie girl .s. wliet on I ill Sun. night. 662-5447, AD71 FOUND - D1ark grey on white male kitten, 3 m. o , Union vicinity, Tues. 7691-2W8, AD71 r HELP WANTED STUDENT to assist physically disabledj female student in exchange for room and board during fall term at U. of M. For information call Yvonne Durry at the Parkview Med. Center, 764-2117 or with Joe Fisher, 763-2375. 46H7 PAINTERS immediately. 665-7181. 43H71 PART TIME HELP - Telephone and office with some sales. For appoint- ment-662-4550. 44H71 BABY SITTER for 2 yr. old boy, Mon.- Fri., 12:30-5:30 p.m., live in or out. 761-9608. 451171 PART TIME BABYSITTER. One child. Begin Sept. MWF a.m. 662-8337. 42H71 ROOM AND BOARD in exchange for 15 hrs. housework weekly (cook sup- per, ironing, etc.) Mon.-Fri. Weekends off. Transportation needed. 663-2379 or 764-0497. 411171 32H711 ATTENTION STUDENT HUSBANDS Put your wives to work (full or part time), applications now being taken for PHT (putting hubby through). Inquire today, 971-8700. 391171 TRANSPORTATION ALASKA, WASHINGTON or WESTERN CANADA-I want a ride to any of these places as soon as possible. Will share expenses. Please call 769-3215. GD71 WANTED TO BUY WANT TO BUY used dehumidifier. Must work. Phone 665-8047 after 6 p.m. 35K71 WANTED TO RENT MALE UNDERGRAD. needs apt. from Sept. 1 thru December only. Call 769-2729 after 6 p.m. 44L71 FEMALE GRAD student wants to share an apartment with one or more other grad student(s). 761-3910. 45L71 FEMALE GRAD needs apt. to share for fall. Prefer own room, Lee, 663-7718, evenings. 411L71 WISH TO BE 4th man in apartment. 1 Call Al, 352-6730. - 42L71 ROOM WANTED, liberal management, max. $16/wk., senior, engaged. 1-626- 5827. 40L71 FOR SALE T.-TO- .. .10 ......._. . - TEKTRONIX type 310 O-scope and PERSONAL MAKE LOVE, NOT WAR (It's good for our business) AUSTIN DIAMOND 1209 S. University 663-7151 i F PERSONAL To the Business Staff from THE BLURB-Try not to cry'at Rich and Cheryl's wedding; look at it this way-we're not losing a salesman. we're gaining a Mrs. Display Dept. Manager! FD71 NOTICE TO MICHIGAN DAILY BOX HOLDERS. MAIL IS IN THE FOL- LOWING BOXES: 55, 15. PD) PAINTING - Student desires painting jobs, inside and outside. Four years experience. Call 662-4736. FD MANY PEOPLE will not find apart- ments this Fall. Want to lend them your tent? (first wk. of Sept.). If you have a TENT you can spare call us from 10-5 at 763-3102. FD71 WEEKLY encounter groups. Interper- sonal confrontation and emotional re-education. Call 663-7616. 42F71 PLAYBOY type models needed. Highest earnings if you qualify. State age, etc. Photo if possible. Reply: Box 15,1 Whitmore Lake. 22F71j BIO. FREAK seeks adoptable female companion to share scenery, cooking, and tent for trip to green mts. and Maine wilderness. Ph. 663-0760. 28F71 FAR OUT PORCH SALE! Wed. and Thurs., 1-8 p.m. 1328 Minerva (off S. Forest). 37F71 JIMMY CARAS-UNION BALLROOM BILLIARD EXHIBITION Advance Tickets $1, At Door $1.25 SEPTEMBER 16, 7 & 9 P.M. 33F71 AUTO TUNE-UP AND REPAIR, ludi- crously reasonable. Student, 662-6746. 40F5M HI FI REPAIR Quality Equipment Experienced-Qua lifiedTechrncis s GuLaranitee HI Fl BUYS 618 S. Main, AA 769-4700 0 CI ild-car By ERIKA HOFF The University child care center yesterday received a one week extension on its present location in Mary Markley residence, but no permanent site has been designated yet. Without the extension the center would have had to vacate Markley tomorrow. Two weeks ago a child care center committee headed by education school Dean Wilbur Cohen, planned a closed meeting with representatives from the Uni- versity housing office reportedly to discuss a per- manent location for the center. The committee was appointed by President Robben Fleming to study the feasibility of a permanent University day care center. However, child care center organizers found out about the planned meeting and were eventually al- lowed to be present. As a result of that meeting a University-owned house on the corner of E. University St. and S. Uni- versity St. was promised as a permanent location for the center. According to plans formulated then ,the child care center was to move into two rooms on the bottom floor of the house once they vacated Markley and would eventually occupy all of the first and second floors when renovations were completed. Last week, however, Cohen informed center or- ganizers that they could not have the house because it does not meet state fire standards. He later admitted that the University is exempt from such state regulations but maintained the child care center could not occupy the building reportedly because of the "moral indignation" of having young children in a building that is a "firetrap." Center organizers countered this argument point- ing out that the building presently houses several University offices. In addition, organizers said, the Northwood apartment complexes on North Campus do not meet state fire standards, and the Univer- sity does not seem concerned about the safety of children living there. The only location the University is presently offer- ing as a permanent site for the child care center is in a civil defense building on North Campus. Center organizers maintain they need a central campus location in order to adequately service the mothers who use the center. Organizers of the child care center also express center A fts s fear that once they accept -even on a temporary bas make any further effort to centrally located. "We're f to North Campus and forgo At a meeting between qnd center organizers Tues on E. University St. coult manent location, but the L to get a variance on the s that is accomplished, he to accept a temporary sit Attorney Don Koster, w center organizers, says it : the University to seek a doesn't apply to them. Other suggestions made that the center occupy a v Campus until another sit center accept the civil defe Campus, as a permanent campus location became ai center later. WANTED - Live-in help for retired Getzen "Doc Severensin" trumpet. University couple, housekeeping and Call Chris at 761-6867 or 761-7504. some nursing care, individual or 25B71 couple, pleasant living quarters. 668- 7144 mornings or evenings. 36H71 UPRIGHT PIANO, $100 or best offer, Y/761-4454 or 764-6488 after 6:30 p.m. BABYSITTER 3-5 hrs./day, 3-5 days a 26871 week. 971-7364. 37H71 WATE -Maeunerra tLOVING oueol milscellaneous WANTEDa- Male undergrad to ,ssist furnishings,geat student buys. 1115 professor in wheelchair in return for Clark Drive, Ypsi. 6-9 p.m. Aug. room and board. 761-9034 after 5. 19-21, 24B71 381H71 MUST SELL 1969 HONDA 90, excellent Registered Nurse condition. Call 483-3594. 16B71 WEDDINGS and PORTRAITS Professional photography by Richard Lee, Inc. at rates YOU can afford. Call 761-9452 to see portfolio. FD71 SUNDAY SPECIAL 1-6 P.M. UNION BILLIARDS $1/HR., TABLE TENNIS 50c 30F71 MATURE SINGLE MAN wishes to meet attractive intelligent cultured woman for Companionship. Box 14, Mich. Daily. 32F71 UNION open during Exams and Break. Barber, Billiards, Bowling, Stand. 31F71 PRETTY FACE, with body, needed for photo modelling. Remuneration ne- gotiable. Phone 769-9493. FD71 WIN A FREE GAME 3 P.M. MON.-SAT. * SUN. 3 $1 UNION LANES, AIR-COND. 35F71 LONELY never-had-a-family but wants to start now, liberal U-M female grad. 24, needs, desires, wants long-term living w/y oung (early 30's) liberal (meaning you do lots to help PEO- PLE), but organized, coherent family w a couple of small youngsters (w lots of dirty dishes and diapers) in ex- change for room and board. Loving. giving young woman who is going through her identity crisis a lot later. Will be workiiig 8-5 p.mi. but ca n he available during that tune if cxi c n- cies arise. Phone Mrs. Iirette (CAS 662-4534 or 662-1535 for informa;tionz aboutiie. Carol.F Try Daily Classifieds 1'JNL)4 ° ( about 6 mO. old D y s ithiin modern, pleasant, extended 6 ylow cvin. vie 1Nil I Ave-. ndt Wash- care facility. 761 -3800. 351171 19 CHMPO Mobile Hoe,1 rft. x iiitoii , < 6 l t3ve-ad : :- ,refciit.A6134 3111 60 ft.. 2 bdrmn., carpeted living room, BARMAIDS 17 miles from AA, may remain on hNi Gre and wx ite kitten, male ll or part time. Apply 208 W. Huron. present site, ex . cond., terms avail- 1) o.odSDvisioni and IPackardl{ 311171 ablelocnated in modern park. 662- ar. 65 7 AD7 803. 48868 I'OU'N l) %-s mo. old kitten, black and BIKES AND SCOOTERS PERSONAL . ite; also fou fnu fyblack kitten.O '61-3884. AD71 A n 67 G (r NIKON Tnf2 50mm, 135mm auto vivitar. dition. ,.<,ustom pant. Call Chris at m-ibaectocfls SBY IGN 1 T7 DlT'VIS- 761-6867 or '701-7504. 4271 ,j dget bag, electronic flash ard ac- cessories. 1 year old, mint condition. lITR Ma 0'.cold wrist wvatch with A 1 ,769-5907 after 6 pin. 33D71 nwtat banl in Union washroom D >UCA11 160, 1969, excel ent condition __ __2 hr }ilnrc r n 76i1-47.56 77] -M e Please ret orn to Union desk. AD7 I iso ne r eb., cover. a n.-rye. x* SUNSHINE IS LOST iIWRI) for bt hiown labrador pup py. 5i-a xvks. old, vicinity E. Univ. and 1ill, Cat Zeke Gabbard. 971-1766. FOUND - Chamnpaiign colored female kitten, adorable, owner or interested party call 665-5364 or 764-4080. AD66 FOUND - Keys on Packard. 761-6784. AD66 MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS CHARMING OLD PIANO-TUNED Great shape, will negotiate. 761-2743. 18X71 HERB DAVID GUITAR STUDIO Unavailable instruments, repairs and in tructions-209 S. State, 665-8001. X For your next party; PARTY 6 foot 4 foot SUBS 3oot 2 foot Mr. Mini s Corner State & William Call 761-1800 FOR VILLar6E 375 No-MAPLE RD.-769-1300 MON.-FRI. 8:15 ONLY SAT.-SUN. 1:45-5:00-8:30 GEO)RG3 KARL C. SC OTT/ MALDEN ziPTTON" G U.. FOR SALE -2 English racers, 1 with infait scat. 6 mo old, $40 apiece, $75 the pair. 761-4756. 3Z71 FOR SALE -1968 Harley Sportster-Best offer. Call 761-4983. 1Z71 BSA 441cc SHOOTING STAR, 1968, new in 1969. Best offer over $700, includes tools, helmets, insurance. 769-1123. 50Z71 '69 350 HONDA SCRAMBLER-Excellent condition, owned by Honda mechanic. 6-12 p.m., 662-9738. ZD71 1970?. HONDA 450. 761-3905. 46271 MOTORCYCLE tune-up and service. By appointment only. Call 665-3114. 26Z71 GAY LIB MEETING 8:30 TONIGHT MICH. UNION 3X 39F71 Featutring: WASH BOARD WILLIE AND THE SUPERBSUDS OF RHYTHM. Thurs. and Sundays beginning SUNDAY, AUG. 23. CLINT'S CLUB, 111 E. Ann. 40F71 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY Association needs volunteers for the Jerry Lewis Labor Day Telethon. Call 971-1549. 43F71 IF YOU WILL be living in a place w/ parking privileges this fall but have no car I am interested in renting your parking place. Call 668-7138. 41F71 +/ 1214 S. UNIVERSITY DIAL 8-6416_ ONE SHOW ONLY Thursday and Friday At 7:25 SAT.-SUN. At 1:00-4:20-7:40 WOMEN'S LIBERATIONI Planning Meeting' for August 26 National Women's Strike SAT., AUG. 22-10:00 A.M. N EWMAN CENTER (Basement) - -. . - -' -SUNDAY- August 23 dir. ORSON WELLES TouichofEvil with Orson Welles Chariton Reston Marlene Dietrich .there is a manic intensity to 'Touch of Evil' that makes it at once repellent and fascinating." - -Saturday Review Canterbury House700-9:00-11:00 330 Maynard Contribution: $1.00 TWO GALLIC SEXPORTS A Story of Life and Libertines ''THE BED"' The PURSUIT of HAPPINESS "Cecil Aubrey, the dream of Paris"-ESQUIRE I"MANON"I 2nd SMASH WEEK! THIS COTTON DOESN'T SHRINK! Rights blasts WOODLAWN, Md. uP) - The chair- man of the U.S. Civil Rights Commis- sion charged yesterday that federal and local governments and the majority of citizens are not serious about equal op- portunities for minority groups. "This commission has had it up to here with counties and communities that Con11gress rep ort blasts SST funding WASHINGTON (AP) - A congressional committee report said yesterday that no further federal financial support is justi- fied for the supersonic transport devel- opment program. The House-Senate subcommittee on economy in government report said the faster-the-sound plane could cost $3 billion, earn little or no return, and be of little public benefit. Sen. William Proxmire (D-Wis.) at a news conference outlining the report, called the SST "a frill" which would benefit only about 1 per cent of air trav- elers. "It would be a nice thing for some of the jetsetters," he said. But Rep. Clarence Brown, (R-Ohio) who dissented from the majority recom- mendation, said there is going to be a supersonic transport and he wants this country to build it. chief gYov't have to be dragged kicking and scream- ing into the U.S. Constitution," the Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh declared. "All we get in these hearings is that people aren't serious about equality of opportunity and the government isn't serious about equality of opportunity," Father Hesburgh, president of Notre Dame University, commented on the fi- n- day of a three-day commission hear- ing on miority job and housing oppor- tunities in Baltimore County. The county, which has a 3 per cent black population among 615,000 citizens and the adjacent city of Baltimore, with a population of 893,000 of whom 46 per cent are black, have been selected by the commission as the East Coast model in a national study of heavily black cities surrounded by white, affluent suburbs, Government officials have testified during the hearings that they do not ac- tively attempt to determine whether funds spent in localities such as Balti- more County are being utilized without discrimination. Allen T. Clapp, director of the Balti- more FHA office, said his staff collects no figures on the number of blacks get- ting federally backed home loans a n d does not follow up to check the racial composition of housing developments ap- proved by the FHA, On Tuesday, the commission was told that the Federal Home Loan Bank Board does not actively attempt to assert whether discrimination is p r a c t I c e d through the savings and loan association the board oversees.- Masked len tes Ii Two masked and unidentified witnesses appear yesterd subcommittee hearing during a probe of drug use SUBCOMMITTEE HEA Admiral warnzs Sovietstin arl WASHINGTON (P - Soviet presence in the Caribbean has been cited to Con- gress as reason for maintaining all U.S. naval bases in Florida and for close relations with military regimes in South America. Adm. E. P. Holmes, commander of the Atlantic Fleet, expressed "a deep concern about our posture in these areas" in test- Walkin' dlowelthe line ( Dave (right) and John Kunst are temporarily stalled in Pitts- burgh because their mule were out its shoes. The brothers are attempting to walk around the world. -Associated Press imony release Foreign Affa American affa Holmes sai record of Jul not be surpr became pern Cuba. And h Florida naval if necessary Rep. Dante committee ch R. Mather, ern Comman< ment should regimes in S plied: "I think we consider very do anything t tionships with countries. "I think it tional securit pared to, some excesses of wil cused." In July 19 the Caribbea first time. In May of naval force, i and a missile Cuba for two Caribbean. a GODFREY RAYMOND CALVIN 11 CAMBRIDGE-ST JACQUES -LOCKHARTbyetuxe Corner State & Liberty Sts. DIAL 662-6264 OPEN 12:45 SHOWS AT 1, 3, 5, 7, & 9 P.M. I Feature 20 Minutes Later NEXT "TH E LANDLORD"