page three ZdI P £iei~titan tii NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 I 11 , "'"" I I 1 IiiYYllyiY _.. /F f l 1 ilY Y II I 11 1 II MY ' Tuesday, May 12, 1970 Ann Arbor, Michigan Poge Three Whype p1 w o take the oo Course The people who take the velyn in Lesson is an hour long Wood Course read faster e eek at what Evelyn Wood course they violate all of the rule they re taught in school. We'll how it's possible You got whacked across the to accelerate your speed without knuckles if you ran your lingers under skipping a single word. You'll have a the words. We give prizes to people chance to try your hand at it, and be- who have fast fingers. fore it's over, you'll actually increase You were told to read syllable by your reading speed. (You'll only syllable. That's like watching a movie increase it a little, but it's a start.) frame by frame. We teach you to read We'll show you how we can ex- groups of words at a glance. tend your memory. And we'll show You were told to look up an unfa- you how we make chapter outlining miliar word in the dictionary. Immedi- obsolete. ately. We tell you to finish the state- Take a Mini-Lesson this week. It's ment first, then look it up. (Authors a wild hour. And it's free. prefer it that way. Besides, you gen- erally don't have to look up words when you read on.) MINI-LESSON SCHEDULE You were taught to read as fast as you talk. About 250 words per minute. u of M UNION-530 S. STATE (Very boring.) TUESDAY, May 12-4,6,&£ $P.M. We teach you to read as last as TEDY a 24 ,&8PM you think. About 2500 wods'per m-n WEDNESDAY, May 13-4, 6, & 8 P.M. ute. (Very exciting.) Finally, think of the best teacher EVELYN WOOD you've ever had. Two-to-one, he's READING DYNAMICS moonlighting with us. 7 sMI Take t free Mini-Lesson. 17320 West Eight Mile Road Do you want to see how the course Southfield, Michg-n 48075 works? Then take a free Mini-Lesson.y coil collect (313) 353-5111 the news today by The Associated Press and Collee Press Ser ice A PHOTOGRAPH copyrighted by Life Magazine shows a National Guardsman aiming a pistol towards students at Kent State University. The photograph was taken at about the time Ohio National Guardsmen fired rifles at Kent State students May 4. The guardsman with the pistol appears to be an officer. An Ohio National Guard official in Columbus said yesterday that there is no indication that any weapons but the M1 rifles carried by enlisted men were fired in the incident which killed four students and wounded nine others. JUDGE HARRY A. BLACKMUN'S nomination to the Su- preme Court appears certain of confirmation. When his nomination was brought up in the Senate yesterday, there were only relaxed words of praise for the 61-year-old member of the 8th U.S. Court of Appeals who was nominated to the Supreme Court on April 15. This atmosphere was in marked contrast to the tense and quarrelsome Senate which turned down President Nixon's earlier nominations of Clement Haynsworth of South Carolina and G. Harrold Carswell of Florida. Because of the number of absent members, the Senate agreed to postpone voting until 2:30 p.m. today. Both Democratic Majority Leader Mike Mansfield of Montana and Republican Minority Leader Hugh Scott of Pennsylvania said they knew of no opposition to Black- mun. VOTERS IN NEWARK, New Jersey will choose a mayor to- day from among six candidates. The candidates include incumbent Hugh J. Addonizio. who has been indicted and is awaiting trial on federal extortion and income tax evasion charges: two blacks and a militant white law and order advocate. None of the candidates has polled more than 34 per cent in opinion surveys. The winner must have one more vote than 50 per cent of those cast, so a runoff election is expected. THE DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR plans to double the number of inspectors of offshore oil operations in the Gulf of Mexico by the end of this month. Secretary of the Interior Walter Hickel had pledged the increase in inspectors last March 25, after an investigation of a fire on a Chevron Oil Co. platform had uncovered hundreds of violations of federal regulations. The department is seeking supplemental appropriations to pay the new inspectors' salaries for the two months remaining in the current fiscal year, and has already started hiring the additional 17 inspectors. THE SUPREME COURT was asked yesterday to halt con- struction grants to church-related colleges and universities. Attorneys for the Connecticut Civil Liberties Union and the American Jewish Congress said in an appeal that the 1963 Higher Education Facilities Act did not permit grants to church-run colleges. and even if the law authorized such grants, they are an unconstitu- tional advancement of religion. The 1963 law authorized federal funds for construction of facili- ties "urgently needed" for the expansion of institutions of higher' learning. The act specifically excluded "any facility which is to be used for sectarian instruction or as a place of religious worship," Americans to reveal foreign bank accounts -Associated Press London protest Raising a clenched fist, a demonstrator is hauled away by a London policeman in Grosvenor Square during an antiwar demon- stration outside the United States Embassy yesterday. IN SENATE: Funds barred for- action in Cambodia WASHINGTON li -- The -Senate Foreign Relations Com- mittee yesterday overwhelmingly approved legislation bar- ring funds for all future U.S. military action in Cambodia - on the ground, the sea and in the air. The panel also acted to limit the Defense Department's freedom of action under a military sales bill and voted to plug what one senator called "a loophole big enough to drive the whole Pentagon through." - The actions came as Senate Democratic leaders scheduled a month of debate on a series of foreign-policy measures, most of them centered on the President's constitutional pow- er to deploy U.S. combat forces overseas. The Cambodian amendment w a s sponsored by Sens. Frank Church (D-Idaho) and- Flotilla arrives in Cambodia, S. Viet ships to unload supplies, rescue refugees SAIGON ( - Completing a 60-mile run up t h e Mekong River, about 30 South Vietna- mese navy vessels docked at the capital of Cambodia yes- terday on an announced mis- sion to unload supplies and bring thousands of Vietna- mese back to their homeland. Other units of the flotilla which left South Vietnam on Saturday remained down - river, w h e r e South Vietnamese and U.S.-train, ed Cambodian forces secured the, strategic ferry landing at Neak Luong on Highway 1. In the group of vessels t h a t reached the capital, Phnom Penh, were five landing ship tanks - these were expected to bring back some of the 200,000 Vietnamese living in the capital. South Vietnamese sources re- ported that six U.S. Navy advis- ers went along to Phnom Penm with the vessels. A spokesman for the U.S. Command in Saigon said he had no such information. In Washington, a White House spokesman said there is no change in President Nixon's policy that American personnel would not go .beyond 21.7 miles into Cambodia "and there have been no U.S4 personnel beyond t h a t," the spokesman made that statement in response to a question about the report that advisers were in Phnom Penh. At the Pentagon, a spokesman interpreted the flotilla's mission as a relief operation rather than a military exercise after the vessels passed the limit set for combat activity. He said that if the South Viet- namese expedition runs into ene- my attack on the way back fro Phnom Penh, he assumes the South Vietnamese forces would act to save the situation. The vessels that reached Phnom Penh were the lead element of a flotilla of some 140 ships and boats dispatched from Can T1%, the military headquarters in South Vietnam for allied forces in the Mekong Delta. The boats at Phnom Penh can carry 5,000-10,000 refugees, sour- ces said. Other boats in the flotilla presumably will reach Phnom Penh later. The dispatch of the flotilla to Phnon Penh to pick up refugees apparently stems in part from a campaign quietly launched by the new Cambodian government to rid the country of its Vietnamese i- tizens, who may number as many as 500,000. Police and army troops in Cam- bodia have been rounding up Viet namese. Last month, Cambodian soldiers killed hundreds of Viet- namese in the provinces, claiming they were caught in cross-fires In battles with Viet Cong and North Vietnamese. Cambodians a n d Vietnamese have feuded for centuries. s At Phnom Penh thousands of Vietnamese refugees clambered on e walls and rooftops to view the ar- rival of the ships. The vessels t turned off the Mekong at Phnom s Penh and docked in the Tonle Sap e River. 3 Thirty WS. gunboats particip,- ting in the river operation appar- s ently did not go as far as the r Highway 1 ferry crossing at Neak Luong, 37 miles southeast of Phnom Penh and about 25 miles d upriver from the South Vietnam- ese border. + Use Daily Ciassifieds + John Ky). Sherman Cooper (R-' . .,,,_.,_..,.. _____.__. _r_. .___.., . ..______ _ It would forbid specifically the use of funds to retain U.S. forces in Cambodia. the supporting in any way of U.S. advisers in Cam- bodia, and the conducting of any air combat activity in support of Cambodian forces. Agnew blasts violence on television Businessmen- support Students against war i B' The Establishment includes thousands of responsible business executives who share the grief and anxiety over our country's actions. The Indo-China War has distorted our economy, stalled domestic programs, and promoted division and confrontation. We support students in their non-violent protests against an Administration which totally ignores the needs of our people-. We support all non-violent efforts to pressure this government to curtail the power of the military, to stop further aggression and to end the war NOW. v ~ - ! ! v _ - vv V It also would forbid the spend- MIAMI, Fla. A') - The director ing of funds to provide military WASHINGTON (A)-Vice Presi- of the Internal Revenue Service instruction to Cambodian troops dent Spiro T. Agnew says today's said yesterday that Americans will "or to provide persons to engage young people are fascinated by be required to disclose their for- in any combat activity in support demonstrations and "enjoy con- eign bank accounts when report- of Cambodian forces." frontation because they were ing their 1970 income. The amendment would not bar brought up on television instead of Randolph W. Thrower, said for- the use of Vietnamese troops in books." eign bank accounts are often a Cambodia, unless they were di- Writing in TV Guide's May 16 "device used by organized crime" rectly supported by U.S. funds. issue, the vice president said to hide income. He said manda- Sen. George S. McGovern (D- "They see action, violence, con- tory disclosure of such bank ac- S.D.) meanwhile told the Senate frontation on television and they I counts on 1970 returns "will be there now are 21 co-sponsors for are naturally more conditioned to useful as a tool, but would not be an amendment to set a cutoff on action than logic." an all-powerful solution." financial support of U.S. opera- Because they feel action holds Thrower made his statements tions in Vietnam, Laos and Cam- a viewing audience, Agnew said at the University of Miami Tax bodia, except for what is needed "there is competition among the Conference. to withdraw U.S. forces. network newsmen to pace 'action He said IRS agents are nego- It is to be offered to a military into their broadcasts. If one point tiating with several foreign gov- procurement authorization bill, of view is presented; a consciou ernments regarding agreements expected to be taken up by the effort is made to find its opposite about accounts opened by Ameri- Senate in about a month. and present a new controversy to cans. McGovern said 10 additional the public." "The Swiss government has senators had told him they would He said "the television industry's agreed to reveal accounts of those vote for the amendment, making obligation extends to the far believed to be in violation of Swiss a total of 31. Thus, he said, al- greater boundaries of responsibili. law," he said. "We are negotiating most one-third of the 100 sena- ty, even if it proves dull-a weigh- with several other nations, too." tors now appear ready to vote for ing of the facts and a balanced Thrower called the hiding of it. presentation of the news." cash in foreign banks by organiz- ed crime a way to "support in- ternational operations and hideII taxable income." Join The Daily Tributes to Reuther to include a tparee-mnute pause at auto plans Sports Stal DETROIT UR) -- Auto plants throughout the nation will stop operations Friday when United Auto Workers and others stand in three minutes of silence in memory of WalterP. Reuther, a labor leader who dedicated his life to battling for what he visioned as economic and social justice. General Motors, Ford, Chrys- ler and American Motors an- nounced that all their plants will shut down for three min- utes at 10 a.m. local time in ! tribute to Reuther. 'U- Gov. William Milliken pro- claimed Friday "Walter Reuther Day" in Michigan, and described him as a leader who "fought courageously and successfully not only for better wages and benefits for his members, but also for a better contract with life for all citizens." Reuther, 62; his wife, May, 59, and four other persons died in a Saturday night airplane crash near Pellston, Mich. Funeral services for the Reu- thers will be held at 10 a.m. Friday in Detroit's 21,026-capae city Ford Auditorium before an "invitatinns only" audience. ily, are showpieces in Detroit's Civic Center. The bodies will be cremated. There were unconfirmed reports the ashes likely will be strewn over the 1,200-acre, $l0-million UAW Education Center, to which the Reuthers - were en route for a weekend when they were killed. The center is near Onaway, Mich. The families of the Reuthers requested that no flowers be sent and suggested those who desire to do so may send con- tributions to the Walter and May Reuther Memorial Fund in care of Solidarity House, the Ai ___I. £ 33_ r ,.. .i .