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August 14, 1970 - Image 3

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Friday, August 14. 197(

Friday, August 14, 1970











Pan ther


MONTEVIDEO. Uruguay (M - Student demonstrations a n d
bombings added to the tension yesterday as thousands of police and
troops, ignoring the protests of home owners, continued a house-by-
house search for two kidnaped foreigners.
But the kidnapers, niembers of the leftist Tupamaros national
liberation moveient, remained silent about their plans for 65-year-
old Claude Fly. a U.S. agriculture expert from Fort Collins. Colo.,!
and Brazilian Consul Aloysio Dias Gomide.
A third captive. Dan Mitrione. a U.S. adviser to the Uruguayan
police. was killed by the kidnapers Monday after the government re-
fused a demand to release all political prisoners in return for the
An estimated 500 leftist students defied the government and po-
lice in staging a demonstration in downtown Montevideo in memory
of a young Communist leader killed two years ago in a street clash
with police.
Firebombs. believed to have been tossed by Tupamaros, caused
heavy damage but no injuries at two bank branches in the suburb
of Pocitos.
The demonstration and bombings occurred as more than 12.-
000 heavily armed police and army troops carried out a house-by-
house search for the kidnap victims.
The search, which gave this capital of a million inhabitants the
appearance of an occupied city, was authorized under a 20-day sus-
pension of individual civil rights, approved by the Uruguayan Con-
Troops appeared suddenly yesterday morning in a commercial
area of downtown Montevideo. stopped traffic and checked identity
documents of disgruntled drivers and pedestrians. searching auto-
mobiles. briefcases and shopping bags.

Nerve gas on it's way
Longshoremen load steel encased coffins containing poisonous nerve
the Lebaron Russell Briggs, Wednesday in Sunny Point, N.C. The nerv
being placed aboard the ship to be towed 283 miles out into the Atlantic
feet of seawater. Meanwhile in-Washington, a federal judge was urge
Counsel for the Environmental Defense Fund argued that there are beti



AFSCME dispi
claim of neutre

about Jackson


Commune members share cooking and baby care.

JACKSON, Miss.. (W A Mississippi
Highway Patrol official said yesterday
that law officers were justified in firing
into a women's dormitory at Jackson
State College May 14. but he conceded
there was no need to fire into a crowd in
front of the dormitory.
Inspector Lloyd Jones. the ranking
state trooper on the scene the night two
young blacks were killed and 13 injured.
said he saw a sniper fire two shots from
the third floor of the dormitory.
Jones told the President's Commission
on Campus Unrest he was preparing to
attempt to disperse the crowd of 250-300
black students with tear gas when his
men opened fire.
Jones said he saw no need for disciplin-
ary action against his men although he
did not give the order to fire.
Jones insisted that officers opened fire
only after being fired on from the dor-
mitory and from their rear. One of the
black youths killed was near the dormi-
tory, the other across the street behind
the troopers position.
Chicago 7
CHICAGO ( - A federal
appeals court denied yesterday
a motion seeking summary re-
versal of the convictions in the
Chicago 7 trial of five persons
found guilty of crossing state r
lines to incite rioting during the
week of the 1968 Democratic
National Convention.-
Their appeal on other grounds
remains pending.
Defense attorneys contended.
that the convictions were ob-
tained through the use of il-
legal electronics surveillance of
telephone conversations by
Bobby Seale with his attorney,
Seale. Black Panther P a r t y
chairman, was severed from the
The three judges of the 7th
U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals
ruled that surveillance 1o g s
submitted to them contained no
evidence of eavesdropping on
Seale,the other defendants,
their attorneys or their staff.

A statement that the crowd began
moving toward officers just before the
shooting had been disputed earlier during
the three days of hearing, by Jackson
Police Lt. W. Magee who said the crowd
was moving away.
Jones said no one on his all-white force
held ill feeling toward blacks.
"If we had wanted to hurt anybody or
shoot anybody or kill anybody we could
have left 200 or 300 of them lying there."
he said.
Two members of the commission.
which finished its hearings here shortly
after noon, were sharply critical of a
highway patrol policy brought out in tes-
timony allowing the use of privately own-
ed weapons and ammunition.
Charles Snodgrass, administrative as-
sistant of the highway patrol refused to
answer questions about the all-white
make-up of the patrol on advice of his
lawyer. He said this was because of a
pending lawsuit attacking the all-white
nature of the force.

The University in a position paper
released yesterday said it will remain
neutral in -the contest between the
Teamsters' Union and the American
Federation of State, County and Muni-
cipal Employes (AFSCME) over who
shall be the bargaining agent for most
of the University's service and main-
tenance employes.
However, AFSCME President Charles
McCracken said the University was not
being neutral and accused the admin-
istration of restricting the efforts of
AFSCME representatives to talk to
their members while Teamsters organ-
Izers are given no such resistance.
In another development, McCracken,
whose union presently represents about
2,400 University employes, said that an
AFSCME petition drive to counteract
the Teamsters' effort had met with
"very good" response.
Since Aug. 5, Teamster organizers
from Local 614 in Pontiac have been

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Political posters are on every wall from the central kitchen to the house's 14 bedrooms.

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