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May 12, 1970 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1970-05-12

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See Editorial Page




Sunny and warm, chance of
brief showers in afternoon

Vol. LXXX, No. 5-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, May 12, 1970 Ten Cents

Six Pages





Four slain







AUGUSTA, Ga. un-Police said four persons were shot to
death and an estimated 20 persons were wounded here last
night in widespread racial violence marked by burning, loot-
ing and sniper fire.
Th6 four dead, all males, were shot as bands of blacks
looted stores and burned businesses in predominantely black
neighborhoods on the fringe of the downtown business sec-
tion, officers said.
According to authorities, at least 15 fires-half of them
described as major-had been reported. At midnight, three
three still burned out of control.
Sniper fire and blockades by the bands kept fire fighters
away from some of the blazes and the fires were left to burn
_ themselves out.

Docking of,
faculty payj


The Regents are expected to
consider at their meeting this
week a proposed University regu-
lation which would bar faculty
and staff members who partici-
pate in class strikes from receiv-
ing pay for the work they miss.
The proposal was drafted by a
committee of deans and faculty
members appointed last month
by President Robben Fleming. In
a resolution adopted near the end
of the class strike supporting the
demands of the Black Action
Movement ( BAM), the Regents
asked that a policy for dealing
with faculty and staff partici-
pation. in future strikes be sub-
mitted at this month's meeting.
The Regents are thought to be
upset that many faculty members
and 'teaching fellows canceled
classes in support of BAM.
The committee's draft, which
was made public yesterday, pro-
poses that "a staff member who
engages in withholding of services
(not be) entitled to receive
compensation for the services
"Withholding of services" would
include a faculty or staff mem-
ber's "voluntary refusal to cross
a picket line whether or notsthe
picketing is conducted by em-
ployes of the University."
According to law school Dean
Francis Allen, chairman of the
committee which drafted the pro-
posal, the draft may be revised
before it is presented to the Re-
In its current form, the pro-
posed regulation has draw criti-

The city's main ambulance serv-
ice company was refusing to an-I
swer calls because of sniper fire.
News vehicles and police cars also
were being fired upon.
Shortly before midnight the
first contingent of state troopers,
ordered into the city by Gov. Les-
ter Maddox, began arriving Mayor
Millard Beckum ordered a city-
wide curfew in effect from mid-
night until 8 a.m.
Maddox has ordered 200 Na-
tional Guardsmen and 140 state
troopers into Augusta to help po-
lice contain the violence away
from the main business section.
A spokesman at Talmadge Me-
morial Hospital said 20 persons
had been treated in the hospital's
emergency room, and 11 of those
were admitted.
Two of the dead were at the
hospital. Two of the four dead
were identified as William Wright
and Sammy McCullough.
Meanwhile, at the University of
South Carolina last night, Nation-
al Guardsmen and state highway
patrolmen clashed with students,
firing tear gas and scattering
demonstrators onto downtown
Gov. Robert McNair declared
a state of emergency on the cam-
pus and ordered an 11 p.m. cur-
few. Students were warned not to
gather in groups of more than six.
Tear gas was used yesterday by
Carbondale, Ill., police enforcing
an unlawful assembly ordinance
to break up crowds of students
on the Southern Illinois University
However, a small group walked
to a downtown drug store, wheref
tear gas was again used by police
to disperse them.
At the University of South Caro-
lina, at least 100 state highway
patrolmen brandishing nightsticks
clashed last night with students
after a takeover of part of the ad-
ministration building.
University officials said Na-
tional Guardsmen were called,
but the Guardsmen were not sent

-Daily-Sara Kruiwich
APPROXIMATELY 500 junior and senior high school students listen to speaker at noon Diag rally.
The group walked out of different city schools yesterday morning protesting United States inter-
vention in Cambodia. They then marched through the downtown area.

500 city

students rally,

walk o


t Inv
began organizing tl
strike. A coalition cor
formed to gather spy
the march route ani
leaflets in the schools.

ar protest

3 9 arres ted
in skirmish
A 10 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. curfew
was imposed in the Eastern
Michigan University area last
night after 'an evening of
clashes between police and
students protesting U.S. for-
eign policy and the recent sus-
pension of six EMU students.
The EMU campus was sealed off
late last night after students be-
gun blocking traffic around the
Ypsilanti police said they arrest-
ed 39 persons at about 6:30 p.m. as
they attempted to disperse a crowd
of 175 who had taken their pro-
test into the street.
News of arrests brought over
1.500 people into the streets by 9
p.m. Barricades were set up in the
streets and at least two small fires
were set.
Ypsilanti police, who had with-
drawn from the area after making
ithe initial arrests, returned around
midnight with Washtenaw County
sheriff's deputies to break up the
No statistics were available on
injuries and further arrests late
last night as police used tear gas
and riot sticks to dsperse the
The crowd had been broken up
into small groups by about 1 a.m.
Most of the 39 persons arrested
earlier were charged with creat-
ing a disturbance. a misdemeanor.
Bail was set at $100.
Demonstrations at EMU yester-
day began around noon as about
100 students gathered at an on-
campus street where they began
blocking traffic.
Police were called to the area to
redirect traffic. At 630, when the
protesters had failed to disperse,
policeamoved in and made the in-
itial arrests.
Protesters said Jan Kaulins,
former Chief Justice of the EMU
Student Judiciary and one of the
leaders of the strike, was clubbed
and dragged by his hair by the
Ypsilanti police.
During the afternoon, Kaulins
was among students who circu-
lated a petition to readmit the six
suspended students.
The six students suspended last
week were disciplined as a result
of their participation in a march
through a university building. The
march was part of an attempt to
get EMU to close in the nation-
wide student strike that followed
the slaying of four Kent State
students by Ohio National Guard.
During the week, the EMU re-
gents obtained restraining orders
against student demonstrations,
Fires had been set in two campus
buildings during demonstrations.
The EMU campus was closed
Thursday and Friday. Administra-
tors said the closure was set be-
cause of "the seriousness of the
current national and international
Classes resumed yesterday.
In Ann Arbor last night, stu-
dents set up a bail center in the
SAB for the arrested EMU stu-
I dents.


Some 500 Ann Arbor junior and
senior high school students walked
out of classes yesterday and con-
gregated on the Diag for a mass
I march through the downtown
area to protest U.S. intervention
in Cambodia and the Kent State
The students later marched
through the community passing
out leaflets announcing a 7 p.m.
rally tonight at City Hall.
Yesterday's march marked one
of the first times that Ann Arbor
high school students have organ-
ized a political protest.
"This way we hope to get the

he walkout
mmittee was
eakers, plan
id distribute

Superintendent of Schools Scott
Westerman had urged the students
to express their concerns within
the "context of the school pro-
gramn, rather than on the Diag-
onal of the University campus."
Several of the schools had plan-
ned memorial services which the,
striking students-who walked out
around 9 a.m.-missed.
"We wanted to show support for
the nationwide strike for Nixon
to get out of Cambodia and Viet-
nam." Pioneer high student Eric
Trippe said. "About 100 to 150
students walked out of Pioneer."
Lisa Wehrer a member of the
steering committee, said that stu-
dents left Tappan Junior High

on campus inmediately. community as well as students to
The administration b u i l d n g work and talk together," high

cism from the Senate Advisory' takeover last nignt was in protest school strike coalition member
Committee on University Affairs of thedarrest of 41 persons last
(SACUA), the top faculty body. Thursday after a takeover of the:,ad ric ad
InaU) reuton adotybdy latstudent union building. Last Tuesday about 60 junior
In a resolution adopted last . __and senior high school students1
week, SACUA stated that "the

yesterday after running through
the halls shouting "strike." She
added that the school principal
had indicated that students who
left classes without parental per-
mission might face suspension.
After the march through the
town, the crowd of students as-
sembled on the Diag again to hear
the speakers.
Calling for more than outside,
structural integration, Huron High
student Ferri Cambell asked the
protesters to "integrate in our
minds, we have to come together
in our minds."
Dan Ezekiel, a student from
Tappen condemned the Kent State
killings as "capitol punishment
without a trial." He called for the
crowd to resist the draft and "the
schools' attempts to deny us our
constitutional rights", to boycott
big industrialist firms which
"prey upon the people-like coca
cola", and to "bring democracy
back out in to the streets.
"Thomas Jefferson said that if
a government became despotic,
and if it was not by, for and of
the people, the people have the
right-they have the duty-to tear
that government down," Ezekial
added. "That's why we're out here
in the streets."
After the rally, groups of stu-
dents split up into discussion
groups while some went back to
classes. Then students leafletted
the community.
The peace rally scheduled for
tonight was planned to "allow peo-
ple a chance to express their op-
position to the war, its escalation,
and its consequences for Amer-
icans at home-repression," an
organizer of the rally said. "We
also plan to give the people at-
tending some concrete ideas on
See CITY, Page 2I

-Associated Press
HENRY KISSINGER, President Nixon's advisor on national
security, confers with Nixon yesterday before the President met
with most of the nation's governors to discuss the current wave
of campus disorders.
Governors meet with
Nixon to discuss wr
WASHINGTON M - President Nixon briefed the nation's
governors yesterday on the Cambodian military situation, and
discussed the problem of communication between the admin-
istration and dissident students.
Nixon received a standing ovation for his efforts to bring
the governors up to date on both the military and domestic
problems even if his listeners did not unanimously approve of
his policies.
For about three hours, the President, Agnew and key ad-
ministration officials from the Cabinet and White House met
with executives of 43 states and three territories in the State
Dining Room of the White House.
Nixon said at the outset he would discuss the economy as
well as Vietnam a n d Cam-

provisions of the regulations, as
they apply to the faculty, are ill- -E
advised. . assesre
The =resolution urged the Re-
gents to defer action on the pro- y
posal until the draft is discussed j1n sChc
by Senate Assembly, the Univer-
sity-wide faculty representative
body. By The Associated Press
Law Prof. Robert Knauss. chair- More than 100 colleges and
man of SACUA, said last night universities in the nation re-
that Assembly will consider thedy
issue at its meeting next Monday, opened f or classes yesterday
"regardless of what action the after a week of antiwar pro-
Regents take this week." tests. But special programs,
The proposed regulation would official closings and student
apply to faculty members, teach- strikes kept other schools aca-
ing fellows, administrators, and demically curtailed or closed
See REGENTS, Page 2d1t y
- - * down entirely.

ume at 100 colleges;
cols stll shut down

bodia, but Gov. Kenneth M.
Curtis (D-Maine), said he
never got around to the econ-
The concentration was on Cam-
bodia and student opposition and
disorders which, in part at least,
spring from the presidential pol-
icies and actions on Indochina.
Secretary of State William Rog-
ers talked to the governors about
the diplomatic situation and Gen.
John Vogt, executive secretary of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff, spoke
on the military operations in
A lengthy question and answer
session followed.
Gov. John A. Love, (R-Colo.),
chairman of the National Cdn-
ference of Governors, told report-
ers afterward it was a very use-
ful meeting, for the President as
well as for the governors.
Gov. John M. Dempsey (D-
Conn.), chairman of the Organi-
zation of Democratic Governors,
mentioned to newsmen that a tel-
ethon was discussed as a means
of establishing better communica-
tions with students.

picked by
NY Liberals
NEW YORK (P) - The Liberal
party state committee picked Dem-
ocrat Arthur J. Goldberg as its
candidate for governor and Sen.
Charles E. Goodell, a Republican
for senator last night.
Goldberg was the choice by a
margin of about 5 to 2 over Robert
E. Morgenthau in the vote of the
party's 300 state committeemen,
with Howard Samuels finishing a
distant third.
Goldberg, the former Supreme
Court justice and U.N. ambassador
would be in a position to mount
a Democratic - Liberal campaign
against the incumbent Republican
Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller, if he
wins the Democratic nomination
in next month's primary.
See NY, Page 2

Most of the country's campuses it.
were reported calm, although wl
skirmishes with police were re-
ported at some. in
Many schools which reopened le
did not return to campus routines el
but scheduled spdecial classes and fo
programs about the Indochina - fic
war and the killing of fours stu- c
dents at Ohio's Kent State Uni- si
versity. Some administrators left 15

up to students a n d faculty
hether to attend classes.
A survey of 38 states and Wash-
gton, D.C.. showed that 119 col-
ges and universities reopened
asses yesterday. No firm figure
r the number of schools still of-
fially closed was available.
A student strikeinformation
enter set up at Brandeis Univer-
ty in Waltham, Mass., claimed
57 of the 1.500 U.S. colleges and
niversities had student strikes.
Police in Worchester; Mass., said
hey arrested about 300 persons
esterday during a demonstration
utside the Selective Service of-
ces there. Police said the dem-
nstrators were warned that they
ere trespassing and were sub-
et to arrest. No violence was re-
orted as police began clearing
he corr'idor.
Students from Clark University.
oly Cross. Assumption College,
Vorchester Polytechnical a n d
Vorchester State College w e r e
mong those participating in the
There were some moves- by stu-
ents against demonstrations and
tudent strikes.
A group at Hofstra University
n Hempstead, N.Y.. called "Strike
Sack." w a s formed to mobilize
tudent a n d faculty opinion
gainst a strike that had closed
own the 7.000-student school

l pe


Takeover ends in confusion

Daily News Analysis
Last Friday over 200 protesters "liber-
ed" the ROTC center at North Hall in
pposition to what they termed "U.S. im-
erialism and racism." Thirty-three hours
ter, the 50 protesters remaining in the
uilding voted to get out.
While reasons for the abrupt exit varied
mong the protesters, several things seemed
The takeover lacked a general sense of

Randall Clarke, a student speaker and
member of the strike committee, told the
audience that "no one should be allowed
to mourn the death of the Kent State stu-
dents unless they actively support what
those students were fighting for." Because
"President Robben Fleming supports
ROTC, he is showing hypocricy by being in
this service."
She then asked the audience to walk out
on the remaining two speakers.

:, <".

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