1 9 4' 9 4 9 D p " v 0 0 9 Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, August 11, 1970 Tuesday, August 11, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Burger asks national cour ST. LOUIS (A)-Chief Justice Warren Burger called yesterday for a vast over- haul of the nation's judicial system to bring it from the "cracker barrel corner grocery store age" into modern times. In the first "state of the judiciary" meNsage in history, the silver-haired jurist suggested the reform begin with creation by Congress of a special judiciary council representing all three branches of the federal government and coordinating their efforts to ease burdens on the courts. He predicted that the rate of crime would be reduced sharply if the courts had the manpower and tools. including more prosecutors and defense lawyers. to try criminal cases within 60 days after in- dictment. Burger spoke to the American Bar As- sociation and, via radio and television, to the nation. He asked for more money for the courts and warned against over- burdening them with byproducts of the "social and economic upheavals" of the times. "We must make a choice of priorities," he said. "When we want to dance we must provide the musicians, and the public may well be called upon to pay some- thing more for the federal judicial system to increase its productivity." Along these lines, the chief justice said "we should look more to state courts familiar with local conditions and local problems." Burger's historic address vied in in- terest with a pledge by Atty. Gen. John Mitchell not to back down in demanding that reporters be required, under court order, to testify and to submit their notes and other information in some criminal prosecutions. "The government views subpoenas to the press as an authorized and proper exercise of the federal grand jury power to obtain facts tending to prove or dis- approve allegations of criminal conduct." he said in a prepared address to the ABA's House of Delegates. The attorney general said the press, as well as the government, has "the obliga-. tion to see that justice is accomplished through our established legal processes." At the same time, he said the govern- ment, as a matter of policy, would try to negotiate with the, press before seeking f reform to subpoena newsmen. And, he said, if negotiations failed, the Justice Depart- ment would move ahead only with his "express authorization." In the absence of legislation, Mitchell announced a series of guidelines for the government to follow in "the interim." They began with the assertion "the De- partment of Justice recognizes that com- pulsory process in some circumstances may have a limiting effect on the exercise of First Amendment rights," The guidelines concluded with a cau- tionary note that: "It must always be remebered that emergencies and other unusual situations may develop where a subpoena request to the attorney general may be submitted which does not exactly conform to these guidelines." House finally passes women' s rights bill, WASHINGTON (P) - The House ended 47 return the resolution to Cellar's committee for years of legislative foot-dragging yesterday by further study lost by roll call vote of 344 to 26. approving a proposed constitutional amendment Cellar, an 82-year-old widower who graduated to give women legal rights equal to those of men. from Brooklyn's Boys High School, wowed his It sent the proposition to the Senate by roll colleagues' and the packed gallery when he call vote of 346 to 15 after limited debate empha- asserted: sizing' that although there is a basic difference "There is as much difference between a male between the sexes, their legal rights should be and a female as there is between a horse chest- the same. nut and a chestnut horse, and, as the French Should the Senate pass the legislation by two- say, 'vive la difference.'" thirds vote as it twice has done in past years. Rep. Florence Dwyer (R-NJ) conceded Cellar's ratification by 38 state legislatures would put point but said the differences should not be used it into the Constitution. There is no time limit on as "a subterfuge" for denying equal rights. state action. The House vote was 105 more than the two- "I defy anyone to tell me what equality means," thirds needed. It came after some members voiced Cellar said. He called the legislation a "historic fears that rights now accorded women by law step backwards," after Speaker John McCorm- might be jeopardized by a constitutional man- ack (D-Mass.) described it as "simply another date that there be no legal preferential treat- historic step." ment simply because of sex. Rep. William McCulloch of Ohio, top Republi- This could be true, it was argued, in the can on the Judiciary Committee, said he has noth- field of existing laws protecting women against ing against women but was fearful that basic onerous working conditions and dealing , with "human, property and other rights" might be alimony and child custody when marriages are jeopardized by the proposal, dissolved. The resolution's principal sponsor, Rep. Martha Also, it was claimed, the proposed amendment Griffiths (D-Mich.) told the House existing laws says that "equality of rights under the law ostensibly designed to protect women have in shall not be denied or abridged by the United some cases become restraints. States or by any state on account of sex." "This is not a battle between the sexes," Mrs. Champions of women's rights have been fight- Griffiths told the House. "This is a battle with ing for the change since it first was proposed 47 the Supreme Court." years ago. The Senate approved it in 1950 and in The battle would not be necessary, she added, if 1953 but the House did not act. the Supreme Court would interpret the 14th The opposition in the past, and yesterday, was Amendment properly. That amendment, ratified led by Chairman Emanuel Cellar (D-NY) of in 1868. says no state shall deny to anyone within the House Judiciary Committee. A motion to its jurisdiction the equal protection of the law. SHOP MONDAY TILL 9 P.M., TUESDAY-SATURDAY 9:30 A.M.-5:30 P.M. JACOBSON'S AGAIN OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY i r opp- E- C a A HUGE BANNER, reading "Women of the from the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty y by about ,100 members of Women's Liberat ferried out to the island. A spokeswoma demonstrate at the colossal statue because woman represents liberty." Gov. blasts mercury use, Goose i State considers banning of mercury / / r} + y..x,.,: + M~ Vr '/7 frontier fringe is on the move in way-out suede things. . .it's a whole new scene from out of the west in rugged-looking suedes tti turn out soft in warm woodsey tones. See our herd of wild bracelets, bags, vests and headbands trimmed up with glossy wood beads, shiny grommets and long fly-away fringe, The belts, $7.-$10. Bracelets, $5. Vests, $20.-$23. Headbands. $3. The long necklace, shown at uppe at' T f OSAGE BEACH, Mo. A--Gov. William Milliken said yesterday the state is con- sidering "an outright ban on the use of mercury." Milliken said he has asked the state's water resources commission "To give the highest priority to development of re- strictions to prohibit the use of mercury in industrial, commercial and agricultural operations, except for necessary medical and laboratory purposes." The remarks were included in a speech prepared for delivery to a national gov- ernors conference session on natural re- sources and environmental management. Milliken recounted the state's problems with mercury contamination of Detroit area waters, that led to restriction of recreational fishing in the St. Clair River, Lake St. Clair and the Detroit River. Canada, which borders those waters. banned both commercial and recreational fishing for a time. "Clearly the mercury problem demon- strates that the nation's environmental protection programs were, and still are, inadequate: 'Milliken said. We need a national clearinghouse to assess the environmental impact of the hundreds of thousands of chemical com- pounds now in use in industry and the home," Milliken added. "We would hope that problems similar to the mercury crisis could be identified and remedial action taken before serious damage occurs." Milliken said he favored "an inventory of all the substances that are poisoning our water and fouling our air. "I believe that what's bad for the air, the water, the land, is bad for people whether it's good for business or not"' j Miliken 'outraged' JACKSON (AP) - Saying he was "out- raged," Gov. William Milliken yesterday 3u moved to prevent a recurrence of the vi Uoose Lake Rock Festival - a three-day ne wvent marked by open selling of drugs va and nude bathing. In Missouri, where he was attending to a governors conference, Milliken said he V has asked his legal advisor, J o s e p h "] rhibodeau, to help local officials in their drive to prevent a second festival, sched- s uled over Labor Day. a However, Richard Songer. 35, Farm- no ington ington construction executive who ca owns the park, said he was "as outraged H as Milliken regarding the open sale of :) drugs, but I handled the problem as I ti was instructed to do by the Jackson na County sheriff's office." Songer says he is convinced he doesn't w need a permit to hold any such events. th "It was one of the most gleeful weekends ever held in the country." . B However, Jackson County Sheriff a Charles Southworth said he had not in- i structed Songer on "how to do anything" th at the festival. va On Sunday Sheriff Southworth said he would ask the circuit court to ban the iut next scheduled rock concert at Goose w Lake over the Labor Day weekend on Ju at sale He continued t upport his charge incing the State ew laws to preve als. Meanwhile, youn oday after being an Winkle, mast leave their dope be Sheriff's deputi kirts of the camp t will inside. So ot want to invad ause it could h owever, authoriti itside the 300 acr ills and water. I arcotics charges. State police a atched closely as he park, seven mi Meanwhile Jack: ruce Barton said ction against Go hink we have enc here will never b ul," he said. Barton previousl: unction against t as a public nuisa unction was der 'stival started for hat there was no chil- police gr t re- massive and that has aped 100 suspe maro leas bund Hours lned was fount city. abandone e s s. wife mad rder, to Urugm g all prisoners 20 husband's pro- In a vo Pen- said a g the rested he td a an public 65, Governme from that thr ro a- oners. ab- "For tlh tion loved U aros there, do mid- n of I am doi husband,' gives man plea 11 +av. iUiken the grounds of public nuisance. ii 1 Uruguiayan congress suspends civil rights after diplomat's death MONTEVIDEO. Uruguay MA- A Uruguayan radio station an- nounced early this morning that a body - possibly that of a kidnaped Brazilian diplomat - had been found near a beach- side avenue, but police and army troops said they found nothing at the site. Heavily armed police and 'army troops searched the area, but police sources said no body was found. Security agencies also refused to confirm the authenticity of a letter sent to a television sta- ion shortly before midnight which said Brazilian Consul Aloysio Mares Dias Gomide would be executed at midnight- 1:00 p.m. EST-unless the gov- ernment freed an estimated 150 political prisoners. There was no word from the kidnapers as the deadline passed. The guerrillas shot to death Dan Mitrione, a U.S. police ad- alleged immorality and fe th viser and father of ninet dren, after the government fused to make a deal. He Dias Gomide were kidni July 31. Mitrione's body was f early yesterday in an abandc car in a poor section of thei The Uruguayan C o n g re stunned by Mitrione's mu passed a measure suspendin individual civil rights for days. Several legislatorsl posed reinstating the deatht alty, banned at the end of last century. The guerrillas still hoR third hostage, Claude Fly, an agricultural specialist f Fort Collins, Colo., who was ducted Friday. A note to a television sta yesterday said the Tupam would kill Dias Gomide at n night. It made no mention Fly. The congressional move g right, $5. Pouch bag. .10. LIBERTY AT MAYNARD