a 4 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Two-S Friday, August 7, 1970 t f Friday, August 7, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY fled that I arrived with, I think they said three passengers in a Volkswagen That was the'first lie, I was alone in the car. I started to leave Afro House, Rick (Dowdell) asked me for a ride to some girl's house. They (the police) start, they were sitting about a block down with their lights out and they started after us. I mean I guess they were after us be- cause they didn't have any lights-at first they didn't have any lights, then they didn't have the red light on. They didn't try to stop us, you know, when thev say they did. At the time they did try. to stop us I didn't pay them any attention, because I had-you know-I hadn't done anything wrong. I hadn't broken any laws. Daily: Did they turn their red light on? Miss Cole: "Finally, I had gone, I guess, oh about a block and a half and then about three fourths of the way through an alley before they even turned their light on. When they did I didn't pay them any attention. Daily: You just kept on driving? Miss Cole: "Uhuh" (affirmative). Daily: And then what happened? Miss Cole: "I turned right out of that alley and went about half a block and there was a four-way stop. And there I ran the stop sign, I didn't even see the stop sign but I ran it anyway. Went about another half a block and started to turn right into that alley and I hit the curb, stopped, and when I stopped Rick got out of the car and-in no hurry-he just got out of the car and closed the door, started to walk into the alley, and, uh, in the meantime there were about two (police) cars already parked, and then the one behind me pulled up behind the service station-you know-on one side of the alley and by this time, you know, they (the police officers) had all started to get out. "And the one came around and order- ed me out of the car and I went and stood at the back of the car. And Rick had started to walk into the alley, and I looked into the alley and he had started to trot, he looked over his shoulder, he looked back, he still wasn't running, he was trotting, he had long legs, I guess you could say he was trotting and he looked back, and that was when, you know, the one that started into the alley behind him fired a shot." Daily: He fired a shot or the policeman fired a shot? Miss Cole: "The cop did. And, uh, after that you could pretty much say it was confusion. I never did see Rick fire his gun at them. He didn't have his gun drawn. If he had a gun it was concealed, I never did see a gun." CHARLES SCOTT is one of the attor- neys who fought the case for Linda Brown against the School Board (To- peka, Kansas), in 1954. That historic case ended with a victory in the Supreme Court which set the precedent ruling school segregation unconstitutional. Scott has been retained by Rick Dow- dell's father to conduct an investigation into the killing, and, if necessary, prose- cute any claim that there may be against the police. Scott says he is trying to enlist the aid of the Federal Bureau of Investiga- tion in the investigation into the Dow- dell shooting. The FBI has jurisdiction in any case where a federal right has been violated, and Scott feels a federal right was violated when Dowdell was killed. "You've got a young citizen who was a member of a black minority and we feel he had a perfect right to be on the streets," Scott says. "If he were, without provocation, shot down by a police of- ficer, then of course he is being deprived of his right-a natural right, a legal right to live, and certainly he was denied this right by having his life taken away from him." Scott views the Dowdell shooting as the expression of racial tensions which have grown progressively worse since the slight gains made during the civil rights movement. "THERACIAL SITUATION in North- eastern Kansas has become pro- gressively worse," Scott says. "I don't think the school case has had any effect one way or the other. It was an attempt to abolish segregation on the basis of race in elementary schools. W'e had hoped that there would be broad applica- tion to other areas of our society, but it has not proven to be as effective as we had contemnlated. "The Lawrence situation is a very clas- sical example where an apparent polari- zation of at least certain segments of the black and white communities has oc- cured. It has been demonstrated two times now by the killings-I can't say that--but at least the one killing involv- ing Rick Dowdell and also the so-called violence where the confrontations be- tween blacks and whites have involved the use of weapons. Certainly this indi- cates there is a hostile relationship be- tween the two races." Rick Dowdell's brother, Morris, views the death of his brother differently. "To my personal point of view their (the- police's) whole thing was to kill a Dow- dell anyway," he says. "It really didn't make a difference which one it was. "The night before Rick was killed, Garrett had stopped him," Dowdell adds, "for tail-lights or something like that, and he threatened to kill Rick." Morris Dowdell finds the police version of the story impossible to believe for other reasons. The fact that the police say the gun was by Rick's left hand when Rick was right handed indicates to him that the police murdered Rick, and in their haste planted the gun by the wrong hand. O THER MEMBERS of the black com- munity feel that the gun was plant- ed by the left hand because the police may have thought the man they shot to be Dowdell's elder brother, Frank, the only left-handed member of the family. The Dowdells are physically distinctive --all of them are very tall and have sim- AS AN ALTERNATIVE to a coroner's inquest, Young had the option of re- questing either a grand jury investiga- tion or a general inquest to determine whether a felonious act was committed when Dowdell was shot. Scott feels a grand jury investigation would have eliminated much of the doubt concerning the validity of the inquiry in- to the Dowdell shooting. A judge pre- sides over a grand jury investigation; a doctor sits on the bench in a coroner's inquest placing the county attorney in the position of being both prosecutor and the highest legal authority in the court- room. In a coroner's inquest there is no op- portunity for cross-examination of wit- nesses or challenging of jurors. Culp says the inquest was as fair as it could be "considering Young's prejudices. Dan Young has lunch with these men," referring to the police and local officials involved -in the inquest. Young refused comment on the case. When asked whether he feels the cor- oner's inquest was fair, Scott says, "No, of course not." In addition to his legal opinion that Young was wrong in not al- lowing Miss Cole to testify without waiv- ing her fifth amendment rights, Scott says the jury, which was all white, was illegally constituted. THE ANGER and frustration of t h e black community remains unabated despite the conclusions of the coroner's inquest. The position paper issued by La- Verta Murray, chairman of the Black Students Union (BSU) at IU commun- sheriff of Douglas county says, "An at- tack on the black community will be con- sidered as an attack on us, and we will respond accordingly." THIS SOLIDARITY can be explained by the same circumstances that pre- vent divisive rifts among the blacks themselves. Radical action from all see- tors of Lawrence's society is inspired by immediate necessity, not political phil- osophy. The black and white radicals see them- selves as fighting a common enemy. The blacks say they are fighting for their lives - the whites for their life style, but each group sees its struggle as equally urgent. Their political differences do not prevent united action. And this united action is typically mil- itant in Lawrence. David Awbrey, stu- dent body president last year at KU, ex- plains, "We don't hassle over the poli- tics of militancy here." Arming oneself, it seems, is the obvious solution to the people in Lawrence who feel they need to defend- themselves. "I grew up on a farm, and I've been exposed to guns since I was a little kid," one student says. "I got a rifle for my ninth birthday." Everyone in Lawrence talks of weap- ons quite casually. The day after Dow- dell was killed, the white radical com- munity rallied to the aid of the black community by shipping all their arms to Lawrence's East side. The disaffection between t h e police and the black community in Lawrence dates back to the civil war. But young whites in Lawrence now feel an equal need to defend themselves. HARRY "NICK" RICE, a 19-year-old, white student at KU, w a s shot to death July 20 in a confrontation between police and young people. Although guilt has not been officially assigned, blacks and young whites all feel he was delib- erately shot by the police. KBI Director Harold Nye explains that a coroner's inquest into the shooting has not yet been held pending completion of the KBI investigation, although the in- quest into the Dowdell shooting was held before the start of any investigation. During the confrontation which cen- tered on Oread Avenue - an area term- ed "hippie haven" by townspeople in Lawrence - eyewitnesses state they heard the police shouting, "Shoot them, shoot the motherfuckers." Four seconds of shotgun blasts followed, according to the reports, and then Rice fell fatally wounded. - Merton Olds, a black graduate student at KU, was also shot in the leg during the same incident. The most recent disturbances on Oread Ave. started when a group of peo- ple decided to try to burn d o w n the "White ,House" and opened the fire hy- drant to prevent the f i r e department from putting it out. The "White House" had recently been the target of repeated arson attempts and firebombings as a protest against the eviction of its occupants May 10. The nearly 20 eyewitnesses to the shooting say the police arrived in the ar- ea about ten minutes after the hydrant was opened. When they ordered every- one out of the Rock Chalk Tavern - situated at the end of Oread, the people moved towards the Gaslight Tavern at the other end of the block. THEN SOMEONE drove a red Volkswa- . gen into the middle of the street and asked the crowd to burn it so he could collect the insurance money. After the car was overturned, additional police ap- peared from behind the Gaslight. Wit- nesses say they threw tear gas canis- ters and fired into the crowd, killing Rice and wounding Olds. In addition to what Lawrence's young people feel to be two police murders - one of a black and one of a white, the blacks and white radicals there face oth- er similar conditions. Both groups claim' they are under at- tack from vigilante bands who they say would just as soon take a pot shot at a white freak as string up a black man. One KU student says the people living in Afro. House - a black militant com- mune - gave up the effort of keeping glass in their window frames. Vigilantes were shooting it out as fast as t h e Y could replace it. White street people complain of repeat- ed shootings and firebombings on their homes from the vigilante groups. The whites, however, are more closely involved with the university th a n the blacks. While the bulk of the black com- munity lives in East Lawrence, far from the campus area, the white street people are centered on Mt. Oread, adjacent to the northeastern edge of the campus and a prime target for university expansion. LANCE HILL, a member of Lawrence Liberation Front (LLF), says the uni- versity's recent purchase of the "White House" is part of "a concerted effort by the university to drive out the freaks." KU Chancellor Lawrence Chalmers, however, denies any.such plot. "That ar- ea separates two of our large residence, halls from the main part of campus. For about 20 years, the endowment associa- tion fund has purchased properties in that area as they have become available on the market," he explains. Before its purchase a n d subsequent razing by the university, the "W h i t e House" served as a center for radical ac- tion. "A lot of freaks lived in the house," Hill says, "and there was a hell of a lot of (dope sold out of the house - that is what it was known for at first, more than anything else. "From time to time people would get a band together and play on the second floor roof. In the winter there were great snowball fights, and people would try to "free" transportation by snowballing the buses. "When the (May 8) strike happened, a lot of the leaflets that advocated a more militant posture were printed from the house. The Yippie thing was sore of cen- tered there." The occupants of the White House were evicted two days after the strike started. They claim t h e university's Office of Buildings and Grounds knew they were to be evicted two days before they were served notice by their landlord, Mr. Ling, a professor at KU. HILL OPENLY CHARGES collusion be- tween the university and Ling in the move to kick out the freaks from the Mt. politics in Lawrence still comes d o w n from non-students," Hill says. This seems to be changing, however, David Awbrey says, "The Regents and the state are fast turning this into a radical campus." KU has always been regarded as radi- cal compared to other colleges in the state, one student says, "but now par- ents are scared to send their kids here." Despite local attitudes towards KU, it is an inescapable fact that the university represents the dominant "industry" of Lawrence. But w h i l e the university's presence is felt in almost every sector of the community, it is not necessarily an active participant in everything that takes place in the city. KU Chancellor Lawrence Chalmers says the university has been hurt by the shootings and feels the news media is to blame. "I 'can simply cite a newspaper headline on the east coast. It read, 'KU Killings,' and, of course, unlike Kent State or Jackson State, these were not confrontations on the campus. In fact, the campus throughout this entire period has been calm and serene and students have attended their academic business and the like." But while KU may not have been in- volved in the actual shootings, its domi- nant position in the community almost presupposes a large role in the events surrounding those incidents. AFRO HOUSE WAS run largely by the KU Black Students' Union, using money allocated to the BSU by the uni- versity as a student organization. Be- cause of the notoriety earned by Afro House in connection with the Dowdell shooting, the Kansas Regents have placed a freeze on all student organiza- tion money until a new allocation policy can be worked out. Obviously, Afro House cannot expect to gain from the outcome. Indirectly, the university also supports another black community organization, the Ballard Center. While the center's money comes from private contributions, local druggist a n d ex-mayor Richard Raney, who is on the center's board of directors, says, "Most of it comes from "We're talking about the betterment of and that's what we deal "But there's this one big colored man making trouble- Harrison. I don't know what he preaches them over there at that Ballard Center, but it's black militancy that comes out." confrontation. I feel very strongly that isolating myself in the front office is not the way to know intimately and feel in- timately the pulse of the students or the faculty or the staff of the university," Chalmers says. The students at KU recognize this and, for the time being at least, are willing to stand by him. But like any president of a state-supported university, Chalm- ers is the focal point for political pres- sures from around the state and, most notably, from the Kansas Regents. DESPITE ANY national image it has, KU has been the liberal university in Republican Kansas for many years. Be- cause of the events of the past year, it is now downright "radical" in the eyes of many Kansans. Following the two shootings, Chalmers narrowly won a vote of confidence from the Regents and was directed to dismiss aide Gary Jackson, a black, for allegedly helping purchase 27 boxes of ammunition for Afro House following t h e Dowdell shooting. That fragile balance now maintained within the university could possibly be upset this fall, w i t h students talking about withholding their activity fees. An addition was made to the football sta- dium a few years ago and the students are paying for it. Students claim the bonds which were sold to finance the venture are being paid off at a faster rate than necessary, and with the numerous and substantial financial involvements of a few Regents, voters of sas. But i inte thr an attcm electorate His i vember g Gen. Ker zel took a the prima tention t puses, an ular. Fri2 on Black faction o: The ar does not, solved by answers r itself. Dennis city mana record o were one have an A human ed in 196 a full-tin LAWRE agency both fun Opportur been ma groups" 1 of the bh But Ka ing that Lawrence -Daily Kansan-Greg Sorbor The most recent disturbances on Oread Ave. started when a group of people decided to try to burn down the "White House" ... ilar facial characteristics. This, many think, could have led to the confusion of the police. Although Miss Cole is the only private citizen known to have witnessed the Dowdell shooting, she was not allowed to testify at the coroner's inquest. Douglas County Attorney Dan Young, who conducted the inquest, claimed Miss Cole would waive all fifth amendment rights protecting her from self-incrimi- nation by taking the stand. On the ad- vice of her attorney, David Culp, Miss Cole refused to testify under those con- ditions. Culp says Miss Cole would have left herself open to questions about activi- ties which were totally irrelevant to the Dowdell shooting because th e statutes concerning the right of a witness' attor- ney to object to questions during a cor- oner's inquest were vague. Scott, who was present at the inquest, says Young was "dead wrong" concern- ing Miss Cole's right to plead the fifth amendment during testimony. B u t he says he would have objected to any irrel- evant questions directed to Miss C ole despite the questionable legality of his doing so. icates this frustration in a highly co- herent manner: "Within the past few weeks the black people of Lawrence have been forced to face the terrible reality. What has hap- pened here in Lawrence with the killing of Rick Dowdell is a strike against and an assault upon the black community. Where is justice? Black people now real- ize that they must stand armed and pro- tect their rights and in fact themselves, against what can be termed nothing less- than pure racism." The black people of Lawrence are arm- ed, and, apparently r e a d y to defend themselves against what they see as po- lice brutality and harrasment and vigi- lante attacks. The night after Dowdell was killed, Police Lt. Eugene Williams was shot in the chest while patrolling East Lawrence. He is still in the hospital. The KBI is in- vestigating but there is no sign of a sus- -pect. There is a unity of purpose, if not of ideology, in the black community, and between the black community and the radical white community. There Is unusual solidarity in Lawrence among black and white radicals. George, Kimball, who is running with a black for Oread area. He says the university paid Ling $38,000 for the white house although it was worth only $3,000 on the o p e n market because Ling does all his financ- ing through Capitol Federal Savings. Bubb, a Regent, is president of Capitol Federal Savings. "After the freaks were evicted," Hill says, "the White House became more or less a symbol of landlord oppression and of the university's drive against a whole culture." There were continuous trash- ing raids and close to 15 firebombings on the empty house before it was finally razed to make way for"a university park- ing lot. A distinct sub-culture of white street people became evident in Lawrence only two or three years ago. Hill says t h e Oread community first consisted of former KU students - some of them ex- pelled f r o m the university because of radical action. Now the street p e o p l e 'identify themselves very strongly as a separate group, both from...the city and the student body.. "I wear my badge on my head," says Brian Bauerle, staff member of Head- quarters, a drug crisis house. "If my hair were short, I'd have no chance of being trusted by a lot of people." In Kansas, the drinking age is 18 and much of the Oread community's social life centers around the Rock Chalk Tav- ern. Any night 80 or more street people .can be found inside the Rock Chalk or milling in front of it. They talk, throw frisbees, drink beer and make plans to go to impromptu parties nearby. When a cloudburst b r o k e a 40-day drought, a racous water and mud fight broke out, ending only when everyone was thorou- ghly soaked. POLITICS IS PART of the Rock Chalk, a too, since it is the one place more than any other where the Oread com- munity gets together. "The real heavy university people, while the percentage from the business community is v e r y low." For many townspeople, therefore, the Ballard Center is a University project - an impression strengthened by the fact that 90 per cent of the Center's tutors are white KU students. - In talking to residents about the trou- ble in Lawrence, the names of the Bal- lard Center and Harrison crop up con- stantly, in a variety of contexts. Mrs. Richard Kennedy, wife of t h e owner of an automobile glass company, maintains that Lawrence is not a divid- ed town, "It's just the nicest place there is," she says. "But there's this one big colored man making trouble - Harrison. I don't know what he preaches them ov- er there at that Ballard Center, but it's black militancy that comes out." OTHERS ARE NOT even willing to give Harrison the benefit of a doubt. Ralph Fried runs a gun shop and says, "There's about 15 more in this town that need killing and that'll take care of it." He seems to have a list to go with his analy- sis, including Chalmers, Harrison a n d Gary Jackson. Raney describes Harrison as "the abra- sive, militant black in the community. When a Rick Dowdell is shot, Leonard Harrison becomes an abrasive, black soul brother. And that's when the white com- munity. becomes aware of him, but to think of the Ballard Center as a cesspool of black racism is wrong." Chalmers' 1 a c k of popularity among certain segments of the community can be traced not. only to' what the univer- sity does, but to his own actions as well., "I suppose one of the reasons some folks are critical of me or my adminis- trative style is that I deliberately spend occasional moments, when I have them free, in off-campus beer taverns or on the street when there seems to be friction or "One thing concerning Lawrenc special thing is that there is no issue ii ly a cultural difference that's not b, cultures." .......... ..::: : ... ......... .......... ...r.,.... .,....... . ......... .......... ........ at least some students suspect they are trying to gain in some way at the stu- dents' expense. If the f e e s are withheld, Chalmers might find himself out of a job a little more than a year after taking it. Much of the answer to that question lies with Democratic Governor Robert Docking. The p o w e r structure governing the University of Kansas is typical. The Re- gents - appointed by the governor - serve as the Regents for all state sup- ported institutions of higher education. THERE ARE; at present three vacan- cies on the board and the Governor has so far failed to nominate people to fill those vacancies. In an election year it is -possible that he might neglect to ap- point successors until he is safely re- elected, because he no doubt wishes to break the Republican stranglehold on the board while avoiding antagonizing t h e that the more vol occurs, a from dis grams. I salaries actual pi As for "I imagi (to the general p approach- know ho working apart an "In ot gone for way a lot BAUER] cultui cerning I cial thir