Page Six
Fridoy, August 7, 1970
Friday, August 7, 1970
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13),1/The Associated Pre..
A NEW COMMUNIQUE from leftist urban guerrillas in Mon-
tevideo, Uruguay increased fear yesterday for the safety of two
kidnapped foreign officials.
The communique set a midnight tonight deadline for the release
of all Uruguay's political prisoners.
The government of Jorge Pacheco Areco had no immediate com-
ment on the message, but up to now it has indicated it was not ready
to negotiate with "the criminals" for the release of the two captives.
SECRETARY OF DEFENSE Melvin Laird said yesterday the
military situation in Cambodia is "better than I had expected it
would be."
Laird struck to his position that the primary mission of U.S. war
planes in Cambodia is to destroy North Vietnamese and Viet Cong
supplies and troops.
But without specifically commenting on eyewitness reports that
U.S. aircraft are providing close support of Cambodian troops, the de-
fense chief said once again "there will be ancillary benefits that will,
affect the Cambodian army."
THE FOREIGN MINISTERS of West Germany and the Soviet
Union agreed last night on the text of a treaty aimed at smoothing
relations between the two countries.
A West German delegation spokesman said the treaty will be
initialled this morning.
West German Foreign Minister Walter Scheel was scheduled to
fly back today to Bonn where Chancellor Willy Brandt's Cabinet
will study the text tomorrow. The treaty must be approved by the
Cabinet before it can be signed formally.
* * *$
AMBASSADOR DAVID K. E. BRUCE was greeted by a bar-
rage of Communist criticism yesterday as he made his bow at the
Paris peace talks with a low-keyed call for moderation in nego-
tia tions.
"Solutions can be found if there is genuine will on both sides to
face realities with sincerity and quiet resolve," he said.
The North Vietnamese and Viet Cong speakers ignored his plea
at the 78th weekly session and again violently denounced "American
neocolonialist aggression."
ANOTHER BLOODY CLASH erupted yesterday between guer-
rilla groups in Jordan as disputes raged in the Arab world over
Egypt's acceptance of the U.S. Middle East peace plan.
The clash, third in three days, resulted in the death of one com-
mando and the wounding of seven and prompted an emergency meet-
ing of the over-all command of the Palestinian guerrillas in an effort
to stop the fighting before it gets out of control.
Forier 'U'FRE
dies 71 Heavy Duty Steering
and Suspension Parts
Walter B. Rea. the University's * BAtL JOINTS
-only dean of men, died yesterday 0 IDLER ARMS
at St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital. He 0 TIE ROD ENDS
was 71.
Ao leUnivesitynalumn us, he afirst ANN R 9OR
A nvriyauns efrtA BRANjoined the University staff in
1927 and become one of the best MUFFLER
known officials on the campus. He
began his retirement furlough INSTALLERS
about a year ago.
Memorial contributions may be
made to the Walter B. Rea Me-
morial Fund, in care of Thomas
Dickinson of the Ann Arbor
Barbara W. Newell, U-M acting A NATIONAL 6LNERAL COMPANY
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said, "For decades 'Bud' Rea has
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erations of students." MON.-FRI815 ONLY
Pr-ay foi- peace
An Israeli soldier reads daily
prayers yesterday amid sand-
bags in an Israeli bunker posi-
tion along the Suez Canal. Is-
raeli and Arab leaders are cur-
rently discussing peace negotia-
'. .-Associated Press
Postal mea
p asse's Conp
WASHINGTON t)-Creation of an independ- and is likely to boo
entsnew-U.S. Postal Service designed to end polit- 8 cents by next sprir
ical and mechanical troubles of the mails passed The administrati
Congress yesterday and went to President Nixon. deficits up to $2 bil:
The bill turning the $7-billion Post Office sys- on a self-paying ba
tem over to the new corporate-like federal agency 10 per cent subsidi
-and boosting mailmen's pay 8 per cent-passed million a year throu
the House 339 to 29. The subsidies, lar
Backers called it monumental reform and same service as cit
House Republican Leader Gerald R. Ford said it pay their own way,
may go down as "one of the finest achievements" to 5 per cent by 1984
of the 91st Congress. on whether to discon
But Rep. Wayne Hays (D-Ohio), said backers The new postal
will eat their words one day. Rep. H, R. Gross man board of gover:
(R-Iowa), predicted "the wrath of American tax- ment under a pern
payers will rise and make future Congresses put Mail rates-whic
the pieces back together." to cover all operati
Rep. Harley O. Staggers (D-WVa), charged a independent five-mE
provision permitting negotiation of special con- The commission
tracts for large air shipments of mail will lead to rate increases can be
"the same kind of crime, corruption, bribery and they can be override
under the table contracts" that he said Congress governors only by m
stopped in 1938 with regulation of air contracts. The postal gover:
The most sweeping reform in the postal sys- up to one third on a
tem's 81-year history, the bill is to take the mails if the rate commiss
out from under the control of 535 congressmen increase request witI
and a political appointed postmaster general and Mailmen's pay a:
turn them over to independent, professional man- negotiated with posi
agement. real bargaining ager
It also provides for modernization, authorizing with all the powers
the new service to sell up to $10 billion in bonds, except the right to s
to end tieups like the massive postal breakdown Besides the 8 per
in Chicago five years ago. postal employes retr
The new system has a year to go into operation to cost $654.8 millio
but can go to work on a rate increase immediately to top scale in eight
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---Associated Press
Richardson attlacks segregation
Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Elliot Richardson
(right) indicts de facto segregation in northern school districts
during his appearance yesterday before the Senate Committee on
Equal Education Opportunity. With him is J. Stanley Pottinger,
director of HEW's civil rights office.
Board announces plan
to end railroad strike
.:, . , .. 1. , -Y : . 7 'qu
- wh
} I '- -to**
Well, here it is! "Kelly's Heroes" has
finally reached your big, big screen
and ''folks it's a bomb. Seriously,
though, there are some really super
stars in this move, for anstanc. Clit
Eastwood from "Hang 'Em Low"
fane and Donald Sutherland from
-M.A-S.-."( opee)
Filmed in beautiful
Yugoslavia by midg-
ets. This -one should
7Mm) have been auctioned
off by MGM 20
years ago. So do
N nena favor, fans...
White House made public yes-
terday a presidential emergency
board recommendation that the
nation's longest-standing labor
dispute be solved by eliminating
the jobs of most railroad firemen
through attrition.
The board said that the Na-
tional Railway Labor Confer-
ence - representing more than
10 rail lines and 95 per cent of
the trackage in the country-
are on the verge of a settle-
A White House statement said
that its formula for resolving
the marathon dispute was, in
basic concept, evolved by the
parties themselves and "there-
fore it should provide the basis
for a long-term solution to this
old issue."
In essence, the recommended
settlement would combine the
duties of firemen and brakemen
under a new classification that
rail operators and the union
would agree to.
Under the board's suggestion,
no newly hired rail workers
would be classified as firemen.
However, no currently em-
ployed railroad firemen would be
fired. Rather, the old classifi-
cation would be elim in a t e d
through gradual deaths and re-
In announcing the board's
findings, press secretary Ronald'
L. Ziegler said the White House
accepts the recommendations.
The White House said the
emergency board wants to have
the secretary of labor name a
mediator to assist the disputant;
if necessary, and that if ;io
agreement is reached within 15
days, outstanding issues should
be submitted to expedited, bind-
ing arbitration.
Another key board recom-
mendation: Savings realized by
rail lines through the proposed
elimination of firemen's jobs
should be shared with rail work-
ers through wage increases.
Speaking of the two partie,
the board said, "They need take
only one small step to conclude
a final and complete agreement,
an agreement that is substan-
tially their own."
Men already holding senority
as railroad firemen would, under
the board's proposal, exercise
that seniority on a date to be
agreed upon-it labelled it "Sa-
die Hawkins Day"-to bid for
jobs as firemen or firemen-
brakemen they considered more
The White House said this
exercise of seniority privileges
"would be subject to the obliga-
tion recognized by the union to
fill 'must fill' jobs such as pas-
senger jobs in states with full
crew laws requiring firemen on
D iag rai
U.S. role
Observing the 25th anniversax
of Hiroshima, several noon rally spe
blasted the position of the United
The rally was one of several
newly formed Student Mobilization C
Claiming the bombing of that
sary, Mike Smith, an attorney for t
to the sparse crowd, "The bomb w
more tractable and to intimidate he
to rise up."
Smith also accused the U.S. of
in the interests of its people, botl
Rudolf Rodriguez, a member of
Rican Independence, condemned
island country. He claimed the U.S.
of all Puerto Ricans being on welfai
unemployment rate of 12 to 14 per
people are forced to migrate to the
in America," he continued.
"U.S. business," he added, "conl
Rico's business."
The final speaker was, John Sanf4
Black Student Union at Eastern M
the mentality of America, he acci
concerned with broken windows tl
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Judge cont inues
Kennedy charges
BARNSTABLE, Mass. W) - Marijuana possession
charges against two 16-year-old Kennedy cousins were
continued until September 1971 yesterday by a judge
who said he then would dismiss the case if the youths
keep out of trouble.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and R. Sargent Shriver III were
accompanied by family members and lawyers as they
heard the decision by Judge Henry L. Murphy in a
private session of juvenile court. Both boys were charged
with being delinquent by possession of marijuana in
an incident last July 10.
The judge's action meant there was no ruling of
guilt or innocence in the cases. He said the charges
against the cousins would be dismissed September 16,
1971, "unless they have difficulty of some kind."
Murphy, speaking with reporters in the courtroom
after the hearing, declined further comment, citing state
law requiring secrecy in juvenile court cases.
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Go re cc
Vietnam War liberal, has
nomination for a fourth
Gore, whose anti-war
nominations of G. Harrolk
worth to the U.S. Supren
primary battle, beat dowT
vision newsman Hudley Ci
And in the Republic
Brock, easily beat back o
movie star Tex Ritter for t
Gore defeated Crocket
a long-time supporter of F
67.097 to 18,240.
John J. Hooker Jr. he]
cratic nomiination in the g
Jarman held the lead in
nomination for the govern
MGM Presents
A Katzka-Loeb Produotio"
Me *r*color
-Associated Press
Cadet denied C.O.
West Point cadet Gary E. Donham, 20, of New Baden,
Ill., was denied a request for conscientious objector
status yesterday by the United States Army.