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August 06, 1970 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1970-08-06

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Page Eight

. '


Thursday, August 6, 1970





al rP



amath, then retires

Vol. LXXX, No. 61-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, August 6, 1970 Ten Cent

Without mentioning Joe Na-
math by name, New York Jets'
middle linebacker Al Atkinson
blamed the flashy Jets star and
"more 'and more guys like that
quarterback", for his decision
yesterday to retire.
The 27-year-old Atkinson also
said a major factor was the re-
cent National Football League
players' strike, contending the
players' statements a b o u t
ideals only disguised greed.
Atkinson's views about Na-
math were reported by Dick
Young in the New York Daily
"What really disgusts me," At-
kinson said, "is this quarter-
back not thinking for a minute
about the married men on the
club, the guys with responsibil-
"That extra money in Jan-
uary means something to them.
Not to him. He has his," Atkin-
son said. "That quarterback
hasn't even told his team what
he intends to do now," he said
of Namath's absence from the
Jets' training camp at Hofstra
Atkinson was the second New
York player to express displeas-
ure about Namath. Defense end
Gerry Philbin said the J e t s
have a double standard when
it comes to the controversial
quarterback and that he h a s
always been "a guy not able to
abide by the rules."
Atkinson emphasized: "I want
to make one thing clear. Most of
our guys are a great bunch. It's
just a half dozen or so.
"Camp opens up on a certain

day and they don't show up be-
cause they have other commit-
ments around the country."
Atkinson insisted' it was not
money -- he- received $25,000 a
year from the Jets -- that made
him retire. "It's more and more
guys like that quarterback and
the way they think. The care-.
free life. They don't give a
damn about anybody else."
Atkinson-also said the recent
contract dispute --including-
the goals of the striking play-
ers - had been a factor in
his decision.
"The strike upset him an
awful lot," explained General
Manager Coach Weeb Ewbank.
"You have to understand Al
-he's serious, conscientious, a
deep thinker. He's concerned
about the greed in the. whole
world, and the strike upset him.
"We tried to talk him out of
it, but he knows what he wants."
Atkinson asked . Ewbank to
have the club read the following
statement which he issued from.
his office in Philadelphia:

"I don't want anything ..big.
I don't deserve it. I'm just an
average ball player making his
retirement announcement after
five years. You can't play for-
ever. At first, I thought I
would be hurting the team, but
I know now that the Jets have
some fine ball players and they
can do the job.
"I was somewhat disturbed
about the recent negotiations
for a new player contract-and
that did contribute to this de-
cision. A lot of people these
days just want to. do their own
thing. They don't know where
they are going, but they want to
go their own way, anyway.
"I'm all for helping the little
guy in football and for helping
today's players get what they
can. The pension and all those
things are great. But there are
a lot of older fellows who help-
ed to start this game back in
the 1930s and 1940s and I wish
some of them could get a piece
of it."










Adderly, Kostelnik join
Alworth on the sidelines

-Associated ress

Death Valley Daze
Only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the mid-day sun, and
Londoner Kenneth Crutchlow is definitely too much in it these
days. Crutchlow has set out to establish a new record for crossing
Death Valley, and in an age when challenges are hard to come
by, he has to find a hot one. Unlike most other trans-valley trav-
ellers, Crutchlow is doing all his jogging during the day.


Form er


great says

Three other big name foot-
ball players officially announc-
ed their retirements yesterday.
San Diego receiver Lance Al-
worth, Green Bay defensive
back Herb Adderly and Balti-
more tackle Ron Kostelnik re-
tired for a variety of reasons,
but all said that their retire-
ments were not designed to lure
a fatter contract.
If indeed he does retire, Al-
worth will leave a huge void on
the gridiron. Last year, he broke
Don Hutson's record by catch-
ing passes in 97 straight games,
and he kept right on going. Al-
worth, who mixed speed and fine
hands with brilliant moves, was
generally conceded to have been
the finest receiver in football
Alworth's lawyer said in San
Diego yesterday that his re-
tirement was motivated by fin-
ancial considerations. The law-
yer, Don Augustine, said that
"there's a real possibility that
Lance will declare personal
bankruptcy soon." He added

that Alworth had made some
poor investments and was over-
Alworth retires with a ple-
thora of football records, but his
most remarkable statistic is his
average gain per catch - 19.6
Adderly, who became dis-
gruntled with the Packer coach-
ing staff after his failure to
make last year's Pro Bowl squad.
ended months of speculation
by announcing that he was quit-
ting football to devote full time
to his business interests.
- Adderly ran back seven inter-
ceptions for touchdowns in his
career, more than any other pro
in history, and he set a single
season record in 1965 by return-
ing three thefts for TD's.
Kostelnik, who manned left
defensive tackle slot for Green
Bay during their glory years
under Vince Lombardi, before
being traded to the Colts, hung
up his spikes for "personal rea-

-Associated Press
Melvin (left) and Walton Newton (right) greet their brother Huey as he walks out of Alameda
County jail yesterday.


pact unfair to old-rtimers

Hearing postponed


BLAIR, Neb. (AP) - The Na-
tional Football League Players
Association displayed "brash-
ness and arrogance beyond be-
lief" by not including pre-1958
players in the pension benefits
negotiated with team owners, old
pro Benny Friedman said Wed-
The former Michigan All-
American who was a profes-

sional quarterback for seven
years receives no pension pay-
ment. He is 65.
Friedman, in Blair to conduct
a camp for young quarterbacks
and receivers, said he will start
a legal battle to have older,
players included in the pension
plan when he returns to New
York Aug. 24.
Friendman was a pro quar-

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. .

Major League Standings



New York
Kansas City

68 39
58 48
58 49
53 52
52 56
49 59
66 37
61 47
60 47
40 70
39 69
40 71




W L Pct. GB
Pittsburgh 60 49 .551 -
New York 58 49 .543 1
Chicago 56 53 .513
Philadelphia 49 57 .462 9
St. Louis 49 59 .453 1
Montreal 48 62 .436 1
xCincinnati 75 35 .682 -
xLos Angeles 60 46 .566 1
xAtlanta 52 56 .481 2
xSan Francisco 51 55 .481 22
aflouston 47 61 .435 27
xSan Diego 43 66 .394 3
Yesterday's Results
Montreal 6, Chicago 2, 1st
Chicago 11, Montreal 2, 2nd
New York 5, St. Louis 3
Pittsburgh 4, Philadelphia 0
Atlanta at Los Angeles, inc.
Cincinnati at San Francisco, inc.
Houston at San Diego, inc.
Today's Games
Chicago at Montreal
Philadelphia at Pittsburgh, 2
New York at St. Louis
Atlanta at Los Angeles
Houston at San Diego
Cincinnati at San Francisco, day

2 l

terback in New York, Brooklyn,
Detroit and Cleveland in the
late 1920s and early 1930s.
"What gives them (current
players) the license to draw the
line at 1958?" Friedman asked.
Friedman said he and other
former players organized a pro-
fessional football alumni as-
sociation two years ago and
worked out a plan under which
the club owners agreed to con-
tribute $5,000 each to take care
of about 14 destitute players
from the early days.
"It was a very nice gesture on
the part of the owners," he
said, "but the arrogant guys in
the players association have lit-
erally said 'nuts to these guys.'
"There's no reason why we
pioneers shouldn't benefit, too.
We kept the franchises alive
and gave these guys what they
have now.".
The players of his era made
$100-$125 per game, Friedman
-said, "and we were 60-minute
players, too. But we wanted to
play football. These guys today
want to be businessmen.,

Parsons assault case


Yesterday's Results
Detroit 3, Washington 1
Baltimore 3, Boston 0
New York 7, Cleveland 3
California 7, Minnesota 5
Oakland 4, Kansas City 1
Chicago 9, Milwaukee 3
Today's Games
Oakland at Kansas City
California at Minnesota
Milwaukee at Chicago, day
Baltimore at Cleveland, 2
Boston at Washington
Detroit at New York

A "fact-finding" hearing was
postponed indefinitely yesterday
in the case of Robert Parsons,
'70, who is charged with strik-
ing engineering Prof. J o h n
Young during a demonstration
against a General Electric Co.
recruiter Feb. 1$.
University - appointed hearing
officer Aubrey McCutcheon Jr.
postponed the hearing in re-
sponse to an objection from de-
fense counsel that the literary
college administrative b o a r d,
which requested the hearing,
had yet to respond to Parsons'
objections to the proceedings.
About 50 people packed into
the small room in North Cam-
pus Commons where the brief
hearing was held.
Parsons became a focus of at-
tention on campus in March
when he was summarily sus-
pended by then-Dean William
Hays of the literary college. The
suspension was revoked several
days later during a sit-in in
the LSA Bldg. protesting the
The administrative board ask-
ed President Robben Fleming to
appoint a hearing officer after
Parsons' suspension. was lifted.
Parsons has argued that the
board has no jurisdiction over
him. He graduated from the
college in April.
There is some question of
under which rules Parsons is
being prosecuted and' if it is
possible to prosecute him under
any of them.
University Attorney Peter
Forsythe, who represented the
University at yesterday's hear-
ing, said the action against Par-

sons is part of the disciplinary
system set up by the Regents
after the Black Action Move-
ment strike in March.
However, those r u1e s apply
only to cases relating to the
Vice President for Academic
Affairs Allan Smith said that
Parsons was-not being charged
under the Interim Rules passed
by the Regents in April.
Parsons apparently is being
tried under internal literary col-
lege rules, although he is no
longer a student.
Parsons contends that the
University has no jurisdiction
over him at-all.
Student and faculty leaders
have also criticized the actions
of the administration.
Prof. Robert Knauss, chair-
man of the S e n a t e Advisory
Committee on University Affairs
yesterday said, "When there
has been disposition of a case
in the criminal courts, it is only
u n d e r unusual circumstances
(such as when there is some
particular University interest)
that another hearing should be
held. And -given the current
facts of the situation, I would
not think that this' interest is
Parsons has been convicted of
the assault charge in District
Jerry De Grieck, executive
vice president of Student Gov-
ernment Council said, "I would
hope now that the Administra-
tive Board would realize that
they are incapable of handling
such a case and that the Uni-
versity would realize it should
drop .the Parsons' case alto-

OAKLAND, Calif. 0-Huey
Black Panther Minister of Defe
yesterday to await retrial on a 1
ing of a white policeman.
Giving a clenched-fist salute ar
everybody," the black militant wal]
the courthouse prison about four hoi
It had taken his white attorney
bers that long to produce several c
Their source was not disclosed.
A crowd of about 350 blacks i
now" on a lawn outside.
Newton, escorted by David Hillif
who is charged with threatening th
on the roof of an automobile.
"You can see I am free. Now I
for the Soledad Brothers," Newton I
The so-called Soledad Brothers
trial on murder charges in the de
Prison Jan. 16.
After the brief talk, Newton an
where traffic was stalled.
During the morning bail hearir
snatched a policeman's cap and p
afire and tossed at the officer. Po:
Superior Court Judge Harold H
ton be released without bail and or
setting a trial date.
As he entered court, Newton si
clenched-fist salute, and said, "Rig
room responded with the salute and
Otherwise, Newton stood silent
views in which he advocated revol
Charged with murder in the sh
on .Oct. 28, 1967, the Black Pantl
voluntary manslaughter in Septembi
years in prison.
The California District Court c
new trial on grounds that the trial
jury on the possibility that Newtor
the policeman.
Hove said that the new trial v
retrial on a murder charge would c
slaughter, he said, is a bailable chai
Charles Garry, white attorney
Newton's release on his own recogni:
Newton, Garry said, has lived i
28 years, "is grounded and rooted
showed up for court appearances
on his own recognizance or on bail.
The judged asked recommend
Garry suggested $3,500 and prosecutc
- 9

gether. The University has mis-
handled the case all along and
I expect it to be dismissed."
Knauss also said, "It is un-
fortunate that at a time when
students and faculty are acting
in good faith through the Judi-
ciary Committee to develop new
procedures that the administra-
tion w o u l d do anything that
would appear to be instituting
new procedures themselves."


Daily Official Bulletin
(Continued from Page 7)
Section B - Grad. School. - Ph. D's,
Rm. 3082. - Inter-College Degrees -
Rear part of Aud. (W. Section.)
-Lib. Set. - Rear part of Aud. (Cen-
ter Section.)
-Social Wk. - Rear part of Aud (E.
- Flint College - Rear part of Aud.
(E. Section, behind Soc. Wk.)
- Dearborn Campus - Rear part of
Aud. (E Section, behind Flint.)
Section C -Ehngin.- Rm. 2045.
-Pub. Health -Rmi. 2042.

-Architect. - Rm. 2042 (behind
Public Health.)
--Bus. Admin. - Rm. 2033 (N. end.)
Music - Rm. 2033 (behind Busi-
-Nursing - Rm. 2033 (behind mu-
-Dentistry - Rm. 2033 (behind
-Medicine - Rm. 2033 (behind Den-
-Pharmacy - Rm. 2033 (W. end.)
Nat. Resources - im. 2023 (Center,
behind Pharmacy.)
-Law - Rm. 2023 (E. end, behind
March into Hill Auditorium 1:45 p.m.
Academic Dress.

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