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August 05, 1970 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1970-08-05

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Page Eight


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,61* F 46

Wednesday, August 5, 1970

Hair: A growing problem

for baseball



43, A

PHILADELPHIA (MP-The Philadelphia
Phillies are involved in a hairy problem.
Hank McGraw, a catcher-first base-
man for the Eugene Emeralds in the
Pacific Coast League has been suspended
because manager Lou Kahn, felt Mc-
Graw's hair length violated a conduct and
grooming code handed down by Eugene's
parent club-the Phillies.
The hair, oops, case is growing because
the major league baseball players associ-
ation is backing McGraw, a .305 hitter,
who had 14 home runs and 49 RBI when
he was suspended three weeks ago.
"This is a question of concern to the
major league players," said Richard Moss,
counsel to the association.
"The reason the association undertook
this case was because the Eugene man-
ager apparently was following policies of
the Phillies. As I understand it, what
happened is outrageous. There is nothing
offensive about his hair length and it
doesn't violate his contract."
A formal appeal has been sent to Phil
Piton, president of the National Associ-
ation, the governing body of the minor
"Under his contract," Moss said, "Mc-

Graw's first route of appeal is to the Na-
tional Association. If they rule against it,
the next route is to the commissioner.
The final step, of course, is to test it in
the courts. This is a basic civil liberties
issue. And a baseball player has civil liber-
ties like everyone else. There are a lot of
precedents in a case like this."
Moss said there-is no question the club
is clearly in violation. He views the whole
thing. as incredible. He can't believe that
a baseball organization would take such
a position.
"You think they would be pushing in
the other direction, so they could attract
some young people," Moss said.
Piton's ruling has not been received
yet, according to Moss. Phillies' General
Manager John Quinn had no comment
other than to confirm that McGraw was
still under suspension.
McGraw's brother, Tug, who pitches
the New York Mets, said he and Han s
prefer as little publicity over the matter
as possible. The brothers, however, ai e
quite upset over the suspension.
"If you asked an artist to paint a pic-
ture of the All-American boy today, how
would he do it?" Tug asked. "There are

a lot of good kids with long hair, you
know. I don't think an artist would know
what to do right now."
Tug said that after Hank was suspend-
ed he sort of disappeared, just took off,
"He was in shock," Tug said. "In my
opinion, the length of his hair was not
as bad as some people made it sound.
I saw him last week and I thought he
had gotten a haircut.
"There are a lot of guys on this club
(the Mets) who wouldn't be able to play
for Eugene if the rules on long hair were
applied to them. I've played for teams
where the players had hair a lot longer
than Hank's."
Tug said his brother has had long hair
since he was in high school, so it's not
a fad with him.
"He doesn't like to be a stereotyped
person," Tug said. "And he doesn't like
to be governed by rules which don't make
sense to him. This rule didn't. He
wouldn't allow his hair to grow so long
that it interfered with his play or his
Moss say he wouldn't mind going to
court with this case. "In some matters,"
Moss adds, "baseball is 30 years behind."

Vol. LXXX, No. 60-S Ann Arbor; Michigan-Wednesday, August 5, 1970 Ten Cents












Hank McGraw
victum of repression?



HEMPSTEAD, N.Y. U, - Wanted: Quarterback, Hair length no
problem. But must answer to name Joe Namath. Contact Weeb
Ewbank, coach. New York Jets.
It's possible that want ad will by appearing in your local paper
soon--for right now Namath, at least to the Jets, is less a first-
string quarterback than a misisng person.
The players strike has ended, and most of the Jet veterans have
started workouts at the Jets' Hofstra University training base. But in
the dressing room-Namath's absence is marked by the unused No. 12
green mesh jersey and bright white shoes. Meanwhile, high atop
Tower C in the dormitory that houses the Jets, the phone calls go
out in endless procession. New York, Boston, Miami, wherever he
might be. But there is no Joe Namath. Where is he? Is Ewbank
angry? What's Namath up to? Has he cut his hair? All those questions
are kicked around in a scene reminiscent of last year, as coaches,
players, media people await his arrival.
Last year it was delayed by a dispute with Commissioner Pete
Rozelle. This year it has been compounded by the players' strike.
That, however, now is over and most of the jets are either in camp
or en route. But Namath cannot be reached. Neither has he reached
anyone with the Jets. It is a mystery' without a clue.
Ewbank, publicly at least, maintains an even disposition when
pestered about Namath's whereabouts. He acknowledges having tried
to reach him and admits "I would like to have him play about one
quarter Saturday night" when the Jets open their exhibition season
against Buffalo at Birmingham, Ala.
The movie star was last seen in Rome with Prince Valient-
length locks making a Western. Whether he will make the first stop
on the Jets' itinerary remains a question. Still, the people in Birm-
ingham who are sponsoring the game have put up billboards herald-
"Joe vs. 0.J."
O.J. is for O.J. Simpson, the Bills' sophomore running back. He will
be there. No one knows about Joe. Except Joe. And he isn't telling.
Rumors circulated around the Jets' training camp yesterday that
Namath was seen last week playing softball in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.,
but there was no official confirmation or denial from Jet spokesmen
on the report.-

-Associated Press.
Clean-up in Texas
Several families search through the debris of their mobile homes in Robertstown, Tex. yesterday, in
search of any salvageable belongings. Hurricane Celia struck the town a savage blow Monday after-
noon, leaving many of the homes in the area a complete shambles. President Nixon declared sev-
eral counties in South Texas as disaster area yesterday, authorizing federal funds to help with re-
lief measures for the storm-ravaged area.

-AssociateC Press
So where's the pool, already???
University of Montreal javelin hurler Andre Lajoie appears to be diving into water that ain't there
or else imitating Mighty Mouse as he flies through the air with the greatest of ease. Lajoie, who ap-
parently confuses follow-through with follow after, has just finished throwing the spear far enough
downfield for a second place finish in a recent Toronto track meet.

The University administrati
to be novel disciplinary proceed
'70, who became the focus of a m
last March when he was sum
literary college.
Parsons, whose suspension by th
lifted during a sit-in in the LSA Bl
engineering Prof. John Young during
eral Electric Co. recruiter Feb. 18.
. A hearing on the charges will
apparently equivalent to those set
proved by the Regents in April-two
Under the rules, which have dra'
leaders, an "impartial" hearing office
Fleming hears evidence in the case, d
assigns sanctions.
But it was not clear yesterday
being tried under the Interim Rules.
"I don't think he was charged ur
said Vice President for Academic Af
officer was always available."
The hearing officer procedure
cussed by the administration untilt
Regents in April.
University Attorney Peter Forsy
ministration at today's hearing, said b
Parsons are "a part of the disciplina:
jafter the BAM strike."
The GE demonstration was ur
The move drew strong criticism
Vice President Jerry De Grieck. "The
their own repressive legislation," he s
ministration says, hearing officers ar
from the BAM strike or the interim
De Grieck said he spoke with V
and was told that use of a hearing o
school or college. De Grieck said h
Dean Alfred Sussman who told him
ceedings against Parsons.
De Grieck said, "I am going tc
Parsons at North Campus Common
those who are concerned about what
Parsons, a member of Ann Ar
Society, has graduated from the liter
surrounding his suspension. He is n
Disciplinary procedures in the L!
rules in effect on Feb. 18-apparentl:
in the college and make no provision
At today's hearing, Parsons pla
of the hearing officer appointed by
unclear under which rules he is bei
Interim Rules should not apply to 1
after the alleged offense took place.
Parsons stressed that he believes
to attempt to discipline a person who
are no University rules covering the
Parsons, was recently convicted
Arbor District court.

Mrs., Romney,


New York

Major League Standings

W L Pet.
67 39 .634
57 48 .543
57 49 .538
53 51 .510
52 55 .486
49 58 .448'


Minnesota 66 37 .642
xCalifornia 60 46 .566
xOakland 59 47 .557
Milwaukee 40 69 .366
Kansas City 39 70 .364
Chicago 39 71 .354
x,-late game not included
Yesterday's Results
Baltimore 5, Boston 2
Cleveland 6, New York 1
Washington 4, Detroit 1
California at Oakland. inc.
Chicago 2, Kansas City 1
Minnesota 5, Milwaukee 2
Today's Games
Oakland at Kansas City
California at Minnesota
Milwaukee at Chicago
Washington at Detroit
New York at Cleveland
Boston at Baltimore

New Yo
St. Lou
xLos Ar
xSan Ft
aSan D

W L Pet.
gh 59 49 .547
rk 57 49 .538
55 52 .514
lphia 49 56 .466
is 49 58 .457
l 47 61 .434
nati 74 35 .679
ngeles 60 45 .571
52 56 .482
rancisco 50 55 .476
n 47 61 ,434
Mego 43 65 .398

21 1/

A ppendix
not ailing
Cubs' Hands-
NEW YORK (P) - Bill
Hands, Chicago Cub's pitcher,,
was found suffering from a
stomach ailment yesterday not
acute appendicitis, as earlier
diagnosed - and should be able
to rejoin the team in Phiradel-
phia this weekend.
Manager Leo Durocher said
he expected that Hands would
miss only one start in his nor-
mal patching rotation.
Hands, a 13-game winner,
was stricken Monday night dur-
ing the game with the Mets at
Shea Stadium here.
He was rushed to a New York
hospital where the first report
was that the right hander might
have to undergo an operation.
"It's not appendicitis," Duro-
cher said. "It was just some
sort of a stomach upset. He will
be out of the hospital today and
rejoin us later in Philadelphia.
I don't know when he will next
Meanwhile, Randy Hundley,
the Cubs' catcher, who was left
at home with a stomach disor-
der, rejoined the club here.

" "
SAN DIEGO (P) - Wide re-
ceiver -Lance Alworth, an Amer-
ican Football League all-star
for the San Diego Chargers
every year since 1963, retired
yesterday, it has been reported.
Sportcaster Al Coupee of sta-
tion KOGO in San Diego made
the announcement last evening.
He said Alworth was "packing
his bags when I got to his apart-
Alworth, who signed a long-
term contract with the Chargers
in the mid-1960s, had been an
unofficial hold-out by demand-
ing more money.
"He is one of the most re-
markable ends in history," said
Charger coach Charley Waller
yesterday morning before hear-
ing of Alworth's retirement.
Last year, Alworth broke Don
Hutson's pro record by catching
at least one pass in 96 consecu-
tive games. But he shrugged it
"I thought that's what ends
were supposed to do - catch
passes," he said after the feat.

scores TKO
on Chuvalo
NEW YORK (M) - George
Foreman, unbeaten former
Olympic heavyweight champion,
won his 22nd straight pro fight
last night by stopping George
Chuvalo of Toronto on a tech-
nical knockout in the third
-round at Madison Square Gar-
Referee A r t h u r Mercante
stopped the bout at 1:41 of the
third with Foreman battering
the 34-year-old Canadian cham-
pion in his own corner.
Chuvalo, never knocked off
his feet in a 77-bout career in
which he has met Cassius Clay,
Joe Frazier, and all the best,
didn't go down this time either.
Foreman had opened up a
lead with his long range jab
and clubbing right in the first
two rounds but the end came
The 21 - year - old Hayward,
Calif., contender shook up Chu-
valo with a left hook and when
the v e t e r a n dropped back
against the ropes near Fore-
man's corner, the youngster
swarmed all over him.

By The Associated Press
Primary election returns early
this morning gave Mrs. George
Romney the Republican nomi-
nation for Senator, as state sen-
ator Sander Levin won the Dem-
ocratic gubernatorial nomina-
Mrs. Romney defeated state
senator Robert Huber to face
incumbent Phillip Hart who was
unopposed. Levin defeated three
other candidates and will run in
November against Gov. William
Milliken who easily defeated
Howell m a g a z i n e publisher
James Turner.
With 1,718 of the 5,878 pre-
cincts reporting, Romney held a
103,502 to 90,045 lead over
In the GOP senatorial race,
Mrs. Romney led by 10 percent-
age points early in the night.
As the counting of ballots pro-
gressed, however, her margin
In the Democratic guberna-
torial race, Levin had 45,423
votes to 32,364 for Zolton Fer-
ency, his closest rival.
The counting of votes in De-
troit, where punch-card voting
was used for the first time, was
stalled by computer breakdowns.
City Clerk George Edwards re-

ported that five of six regional
tabulating computers were mal-
functioning. As of midnight,
four hours after the polls closed,
no Detroit returns had been
Because of the computer mal-
functions, no vote totals had
been received on the school
board recall motion in Detroit.
Detroit's voting population is
one-fifth of the entire state's
In the second district, which
includes Ann Arbor, the early
vote showed 5,338 for Michael
Stillwagon and Bruce Neal trail-
ing with 4,982 in the race for
the Democratic nomination for
Congress. The winner will face
Republican Congressman Mar-
vin Esch, who ran unopposed.
In other congressional action,
Republican Congressman Don-
ald Riegle and Democratic Con-
gressman John Conyers held-
commanding leads over their
primary opponents.
In other primaries, Senator
Stuart Symington won renomi-
nation in Missouri's Democratic
primary for a fourth term. In
the November election he will
face State Attorney General

win state


John Dansforth, who captured
the Republican nomination for
In Idaho, Gov. Don Samuel-
son appears headed for victory
over his Republican primary
opponents. The three-way battle
in the Democratic race is still
nip and tuck between Vernon
Ravenscorft and Cecil Andrus.

x--late game not included
Yesterday's Results
New York 4, Chicago 0
Pittsburgh 4, Montreal 2
St. Louis 3, Philadelphia 2
Atlanta 6, Houston 1
Cincinnati at San Diego, inc.
San Francisco at Los Angeles, inc.
Today's Games
Chicago at Montreal, 2
Philadelphia at Pittsburgh
New York at St. Louis
Atlanta at Los Angeles
Houston at San Diego
Cincinnati at San Francisco

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